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Journal : Foristek

PERPINDAHAN PANAS HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC DAN THERMOELEKTRIC GENERATOR DENGAN HOT MIRROR Ardiansyah Ardiansyah; Mustofa Mustofa; Iskandar Iskandar; Andi Idhan; Yuli Asmi Rahman
Foristek Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): Foristek
Publisher : Foristek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54757/fs.v11i2.111


Heat transfer is the transfer of energy from one area to another due to the temperature difference between these areas. Wasted heat energy can be converted into electricity using (TEG) between the hot and cold sides. If the temperature difference is more significant, the efficiency may increase along with the operating temperature of the TEG-type material. So in this study, the author will calculate the heat transfer that occurs in Photovoltaic (PV), Thermoelectric Generator (TEG), and Hot Mirrors by utilizing thermal energy light produced from Muxindo LED bulbs with 10 Watt, 15 Watt, and 20 Watt power. The results of this study indicate that by using 10, 15, and 20 Watt LED bulbs for free convection heat transfer, the power generated from each point increases because it passes through several obstacles from objects that experience a decrease in temperature to PV and TEG, with the characteristics of the displacement. The movement of molecules from the medium importance follows convection heat at every point of transfer in the intermediate substance. The most significant power generated from radiant heat transfer is about 0.1873 Watt. It occurs on the surface of the fresnel lens using a 20 Watt LED bulb with the characteristic that the radiation propagates in a straight line and does not require an intermediate medium to transfer heat from one substance to another. The most significant conduction heat transfer power, 0.2453 Watt, occurs in Fresnel Lens using a 20 Watt LED bulb with heat transfer characteristics in solid objects.
Foristek Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013): Foristek
Publisher : Foristek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Teknik desain assembly (DFA) sudah lama dan sering digunakan pada industry untuk meningkatkan kualitas, mengurangi biaya, dan memperpendek waktu siklus proses manufaktur dari komponen dan produk. Paper ini bertujuan untukmeningkatkan efisiensi dari piston pneumatic dengan mendesain ulang masing-masing komponen produk dalamhubungannya dengan waktu handling, inserting dan assembling. Dengan kata lain, beberapa modifikasi termasuksejumlah komponen, pergantian material, dan waktu assembly. Efisiensi dari komponen produk yang dibuat meningkat secara signifikan dari 25,9% ke 67,45%. Efisiensi komponen tersebut meningkat dengan kenaikan hampir 50 % yang menghasilkan sisi ekonomi produk di pasaran.
RANCANG BANGUN PANEL AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS) BERBASIS PHOTOVOLTAIC Yasir Mahaseng; Maryanto Masarrang; Yusnaini Arifin; Mustofa Mustofa; Sari Dewi
Foristek Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): Foristek
Publisher : Foristek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54757/fs.v12i1.140


Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a device that can move the main power source to a backup power source automatically and quickly when the main power source is interrupted or the supply cuts to the load. In this study, ATS was designed based on the Arduino Nano microcontroller as an automatic control that works based on voltage readings. Using the Arduino Nano microcontroller can facilitate the process of making tools and minimize the use of components. This ATS uses the PZEM-004T voltage sensor module. The voltage sensor module functions to detect and measure the value of the PLN voltage. From the test results, it was found that the time lag between the PLN supply being cut off until the battery was supplying and ready to be loaded was an average of 2.79 seconds. Meanwhile, the time lag when the PLN supply turns on again until the battery supply is cut off and the load supply is again served by PLN is 3.07 seconds on average. Other tests found that in measuring battery resistance with a load of 20 watts, the current obtained is 1.66 amperes with a usage resistance of 27 hours, while when the load is 200 watts the current is 16.66 amperes while the resistance to use is 2.7 hours. The length of battery life is affected by the magnitude of the load.
Co-Authors A.M. Wara Kusharwanti agus prasetyo aji Ahmad Firdaus Firman Maulana Ahmad Khoirul Fata Andi Idhan Andi Namirah Muh. Syuaib AS Andre Yasip Hastadi Ane Tika Wahyuni Ani Nurfaizah anis wihdayanti Ardiansyah Ardiansyah Arina Selawati Arya Indra Madani Asri Widowati atiq fauziyah Aula Ahmad Hafidh Saiful Fikri Bambang Winarno Dhaniel Hutagalung Djoko Wahyono Dzicky Rifqi Fuadi Eko Surjadi Eman Singgih Endang Darmawan Eva Agistiawati Evi Mulyani Fatrilia Rasyi Radita Fetri Wahyuningsih Fitranto Arjadi FX Pudjo Wibowo Ghizela Fineartha Fauzi Gusli Chidir Heni Komalasari Ibrahim Arifin IGP Suryadarma Ilham Nur Leksono Intan Qori Lutfiyani Iqmal Tahir Iskandar Iskandar Isnatin Miladiyah Jumina Jumina Khusnul Muflikhah Kristian Selleng Mainatul Ilmi Maryanto Masarrang Masduki Asbari Muhammad Izzatul Faqih Muhammad Roestam Afandi Musriatun Napiah Nasrudin Nasrudin Nita Kusumawardani Noor Hafizah Nur Signa Aini Gumilas Nurasiah Nurasiah nurul latifah Purwanto Purwanto Raafi Aditya Nugraha Rachma Darma Astuti Rachmad Syafa'at Rachmawati Darma Astuti Rahmat Yanuar Rahmawati Dharma Astuti Ratna Asmah riyanta aribawa Rizak Tiara Yusan Rokhani Rokhani Roni Mohamad Sari Dewi Shehona Abdul Gufron Siti Maesaroh Sofia Mubarika H Sri Haryanti Sucipto Basuki Sulastri Sulastri Sumani Sumani Sundari Juni Astuti Supriyadi Supriyadi Susiana Candrawati Titi Rohimah Tri Murti Andayani TRI WIDIASTUTI Wahyu Djatmiko Widad Nurul Nadiyah Wijoyo Wijoyo Wiwiek Fatchurohmah Yasir Mahaseng Yayah Yulia Yayuk Dwi Rahayu Yudhi Wibowo Yuli Asmi Rahman Yusnaini Arifin