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Controllability and Observability Analysis of DC Motor System and a Design of FLC-Based Speed Control Algorithm Iswanto Suwarno; Yaya Finayani; Robbi Rahim; Jassim Alhamid; Ahmed Ramadhan Al-Obaidi
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.v3i2.10741


DC motor is an electrical motor widely used for industrial applications, mostly to support production processes. It is known for its flexibility and operational-friendly characteristics. However, the speed of the DC motor needs to be controlled to have desired speed performance or transient response, especially when it is loaded. This paper aims to design a DC motor model and its speed controller. First, the state space representation of a DC motor was modeled. Then, the controllability and observability were analyzed. The transfer function was made based on the model after the model was ensured to be fully controllable and observable. Therefore, a fuzzy logic controller is employed as its speed controller. Fuzzy logic controller provides the best system performance among other algorithms; the overshoot was successfully eliminated, rise time was improved, and the steady-state error was minimized. The proposed control algorithm showed that the speed controller of the DC motor, which was designed based on the fuzzy logic controller, could quickly control the speed of the DC motor. The detail of resulted system performance was 2.427 seconds of rising time, 11 seconds of settling time, and only required 12 seconds to reach the steady state. These results were proved faster and better than the system performance of PI and PID controllers.
Implementasi Multi-Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Untuk Menentukan Kualitas Buah Mangga Terbaik Santri W Pasaribu; Ester Rajagukguk; Maret Sitanggang; Robbi Rahim; Leon Andretti Abdillah
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Februari 2018
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v5i1.571


Mango fruit is the most popular fruits by the people of Indonesia. With several different types of varieties, it becomes an attractive choice for the public to eat. But in fact, it is difficult to determine what kind of mango is superior, certainly judging from the quality of the fruit produced. The number of criteria that affect the quality of good fruit, would be a problem to be solved by using decision support system. Application of good methods in decision support systems greatly affects effective outcomes in determining the quality of mangoes. Many methods are currently developing, including ELECTRE, MOORA, VIKOR, and PROMETHEE. The method has advantages and disadvantages in the processing in accordance with the weight of the criteria specified. In this research the researcher use the method of MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis), Multi-Objective Optimization Method on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) is chosen because it can determine the weight value for each attribute, then proceed with the ranking process which will select the best alternative from a number of alternatives.
A Systematic Approach to Improving the Performance of Spiral Antenna Rahmad Hidayat; Rushendra Rushendra; Ellisa Agustina; Ike Yuni Wulandari; Robbi Rahim
Jurnal Telematika Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa

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Implementation of antennas in various areas of wireless technology, became one of the main drivers of the advancement of wireless digital communications technology today. They are applicable to mobile communications, microwaves, Wireless Fidelity, satellites for various needs such as commercial, military, health, education, telemetry and much more. Then, the frequency independent antenna has become a major driver of intensive research and development of spiral antennas in generating large bandwidth. In this paper, a new approach will be adopted that will identify and analyze the wideband spiral antenna design with its various properties and look for opportunities for the application of various forms of novel advanced spiral antennas with improved performance. The results of identification and analysis increasingly show that the improvement of spiral antenna performance is highly dependent on design optimization; and continuous assessment of how techniques, methods, and experiments are possible for the performance improvement of existing spiral antenna properties. These performance improvements are in bandwidth, gain, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), polarization, improved radiation patterns that can be seen from the desired transmit direction diagram.Penerapan antena di berbagai bidang teknologi wireless, menjadi salah satu penggerak utama kemajuan teknologi komunikasi digital wireless saat ini. Penerapan tersebut terdapat baik pada komunikasi seluler, gelombang mikro, WiFi, satelit untuk berbagai kebutuhan seperti komersial, militer,  kesehatan, pendidikan, telemetri dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Kemudian antena frekuensi bebas telah menjadi pendorong utama penelitian intensif dan pengembangan antena spiral dalam menghasilkan bandwidth yang besar. Dalam tulisan ini, pendekatan baru akan diadopsi yang akan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis desain antena spiral wideband dengan berbagai sifatnya dan mencari peluang untuk penerapan berbagai bentuk antena spiral baru yang canggih dengan kinerja yang lebih baik. Hasil identifikasi dan analisis semakin menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kinerja antena spiral sangat bergantung pada optimalisasi desain; dan penilaian terus menerus tentang bagaimana teknik, metode, dan eksperimen yang memungkinkan untuk peningkatan kinerja antena antena spiral yang ada baik dalam bentuk Archimedean, square, star, hexagonal, sinuous, equiangular, dan lainya. Peningkatan kinerja tersebut ada pada bandwidth, gain, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), polarisasi, pola radiasi yang semakin membaik yang dapat terlihat dari diagram arah pancar yang diinginkan.
Algoritma Quadtree Untuk Pendeteksian Tubrukan Pada Permainan Adventure Of Upik Robbi Rahim
Jurnal TIMES Vol 3 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

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Many games in this life. The gameplay is outstanding and well known today simply highlight the benefits and as a medium for entertainment purposes only. And most children, teenagers and even adults make the game as the release of fatigue, as a busy entertainment center. Aside from being a means of entertainment, the Gamers usually also makes the game for commercial purposes. Usually this applies to the world of online gaming. adventure of upik a  game about little girl who got lost in the woods and away from home and parents, upik had to walk through the forest and had to fight the forces of evil mushrooms, snail and snakes that come attacked. This game uses a system of history is an adventure from start to finish beginning adventure complete the mission that has been designed. From the background of the above problems are obtained formulation of the problem is how to make the game called "adventure of upik" using adobe flash cs6 and implementing collision detection method in the process of hitting and destroy objects.
Jurnal TIMES Vol 4 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

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Protokol Secret Sharing adalah metode yang digunakan untuk membagi atau memecah sebuah pesan rahasia (secret) kepada 2 (dua) atau lebih penerima, sehingga hasil dari pecahan pesan (shares) tersebut tidak dapat diketahui oleh para penerima secret, kecuali setiap penerima melakukan pertukaran shares untuk merekonstruksi secret. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah ketika proses pertukaran shares, ada pihak lain yang mengetahui shares dari para penerima, maka pihak tersebut juga dapat merekonstruksi secret. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, diperlukan pendekatan keamanan tambahan, seperti melakukan enkripsi pesan. Untuk itu digunakan Protokol Three-Pass, protokol ini akan mengamankan proses pertukaran shares antar penerima. Protokol Three-Pass juga memberikan kemudahan pada penerima untuk mengamankan share tanpa harus melakukan distribusi kunci enkripsi, dan share tersandi tersebut tetap terjamin keamanannya. Penelitian ini menganalisa keamanan pada pengiriman secret dengan mengkombinasikan Protokol Secret Sharing dan Protokol Three-Pass. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan Protokol Three-Pass dapat mengamankan pertukaran shares, walaupun pihak penyerang mendapatkan shares tersandi pada saat pertukaran share, pihak tersebut harus melakukan brute-force terhadap shares tersandi tersebut sebanyak pn bilangan acak  (dimana p adalah modulo pada secret sharing, dan n adalah panjang share), dimana hal ini akan mustahil bagi pihak penyerang untuk mengetahui share yang benar, walaupun dia memiliki sumber daya komputer yang memadai.
Jurnal TIMES Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

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Steganografi merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengamankan informasi. Steganografi yaitu menyembunyikan informasi atau pesan kedalam media lain seperti citra digital, teks, suara atau video sehingga tidak menimbulkan kecurigaan orang lain. Metode steganografi yang banyak digunakan saat ini masih mempunyai kekurangan dalam hal kualitas, kapasitas, dan ketahanan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode steganografi lain yang lebih baik lagi, dan untuk menambah keamanan pada informasi, steganografi dapat dikombinasikan dengan kriptografi. Metode steganografi yang digunakan yaitu metode pixel value differencing (PVD). Metode ini dapat menyisipkan pesan lebih banyak pada pixel yang memilik nilai kekontrasan tinggi. Untuk menambah tingkat keamanan dari informasi yang akan disisipkan kedalam citra, digunakan kriptografi. Teknik kriptografi yang digunakan yaitu algoritma caesar cipher. Caesar cipher merupakan algoritma yang digunakan sebagai standar kriptografi. Penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu mengkombinasikan steganografi dengan kriptografi pada citra digital. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap metode steganografi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kapasitas citra, performansi dari metode pixel value differencing (PVD), kualitas citra yang dihasilkan, dan ketahanan pesan terhadap manipulasi citra dan steganalysis. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapat kesimpulan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode pixel value differencing (PVD), kapasitas citra untuk menyisipkan pesan, lebih kecil dari ukuran citranya, waktu proses pada metode ini cukup cepat, kualitas citra setelah disisipi pesan mempunyai kualitas yang baik, namun metode ini juga masih mempunyai kekurangan, karena tidak tahan terhadap manipulasi dan pada beberapa citra masih terdeteksi oleh aplikasi steganalysis.
Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Metode Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) Fransiskus Panca Juniawan; Dwi Yuny Sylfania; Robbi Rahim
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Employee performance assesment is one aspect that must be considered to achieve the goals of an institution. With the application of information technology, a decision support system can be used to provide an assessment. Currently, there are many methods that can be used to assess employee performance. One of them is the SMART (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique) method. This method was chosen because of its advantages that able to solve problems using multicriteria so it is suitable for determining the employee performance assessment of an institution. The criteria used in the assessment are also important in determining the performance assesment. There are many criteria that can be used in determining employee performance assessment. In this study used five criteria, namely Discipline, Work Motivation, Responsibility, Leadership and Honesty. The research method used consists of the needs identification stage, needs analysis, SMART method analysis, and implementation in the form of testing the results of manual calculations applied to a web-based system. The calculation uses data from seven employees using five criteria. From the results of the tests carried out, it is known that the results of manual calculations are the same as the web system.
Optimizing Decision Making in Manufacturing: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of a DSS Using the Weighted Product Method I Gede Iwan Sudipa; Endang Setyawati; Fajriana Fajriana; Jimmy Moedjahedy; Iwan Adicandra; Robbi Rahim
JINAV: Journal of Information and Visualization Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : PT Mattawang Mediatama Solution

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.jinav1477


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a DSS utilizing the WP method in improving the decision-making process and overall performance of a manufacturing company. The study collected data over a six-month period and found that the use of the DSS resulted in a 5% reduction in production costs, a 40% increase in market demand, and a 40% increase in profit. Additionally, user satisfaction level with the DSS improved by 33%. Regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the use of the DSS and the performance of the company, the results showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the use of the DSS and the reduction in production costs, increase in market demand, and increase in profit. Additionally, the analysis showed that the satisfaction level of the users of the system also significantly improved. The results of this study provide evidence that the use of a DSS with the WP method can be an effective tool for improving the decision-making process and overall performance of a manufacturing company. The study suggests that the DSS can be an effective tool for improving the performance of the company. However, it's important to note that the results of this study are specific to the manufacturing company, and may not generalize to other types of companies or industries.
ELECTRE III for Human Resource Management: A Study of Recruitment and Retention Strategies Meithiana Indrasari; Delipiter Lase; Indriyani Indriyani; Jacomina Vonny Litamahuputty; Iwan Adhicandra; Robbi Rahim
JINAV: Journal of Information and Visualization Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : PT Mattawang Mediatama Solution

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.jinav1505


This paper presents the application of the ELECTRE III multi-criteria decision making method for human resource management. The case study conducted involves the evaluation of different recruitment and retention strategies using multiple criteria such as cost, time to fill a position, quality of candidates, retention rate, diversity and inclusion, employee satisfaction, and compliance. The study demonstrates the step-by-step process of how to conduct an ELECTRE III analysis, including the identification of criteria and alternatives, the calculation of concordance and discordance indices, and the determination of final rankings using the global outranking relation. The results of this analysis can be used by organizations to make informed decisions about recruitment and retention strategies that best align with their goals and objectives. The study highlights the importance of data quality and the need for sensitivity analysis to check the robustness of the results. Additionally, it is suggested that future research could be conducted on how to effectively communicate the results of the analysis to stakeholders and decision-makers, and on comparing the results of this analysis with other methods.
Web-based STMIK AKBA Student Attendance Information System by Making QR Codes an Auxiliary Medium Akbar Iskandar; Robbi Rahim; Harfawan Matturungan; Mansyur
Ceddi Journal of Information System and Technology (JST) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Yayasan Cendekiawan Digital Indonesia (CEDDI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.891 KB) | DOI: 10.56134/jst.v1i2.22


The attendance or attendance system is a recording or provision of information on a person's presence which indicates that the person has provided information about his presence and absence, then it is stated in the form of an attendance report. Along with the development of technology, an attendance recording has also developed, where we used to use paper attendance to fingerprint attendance. In educational institutions such as campuses, attendance has an important role in the process of developing a student. Until now, there are still many campuses that still use conventional attendance to record the presence of students in class, which allows for human error or fraud from both lecturers and students. Therefore, a solution is possible to suppress errors that may occur, namely by creating a website-based attendance or attendance system where the QR Code is used as an auxiliary medium in recording the presence or absence of a student at the STMIK AKBA Makassar Campus.
Co-Authors Abdul Latif Abdul Latif Ada Adoley Allotey Adri Lundeto Agus Riyanto Agus Widodo, Hendro Ahmar, Ansari Saleh Ahmed Ramadhan Al-Obaidi Ahyuna Ahyuna Akbar Iskandar Andrei Widjanarko Anggia Arif Arfianto, Afif Zuhri Belinda Lai Berman Hutahaean Claudia Ann Rutland Desi Eka Nuryanti Dwi Yuny Sylfania ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Ellisa Agustina Elsayed T.Helmy Enos Lolang Ernie C Avila Ernie C. Avila Erwin L. Rimban Ester Rajagukguk Fajriana Fajriana Fransiskus Panca Juniawan Hafsah, Hafni Hardisal Hardisal Harfawan Matturungan Hendro Agus Widodo Herry Rachmat Widjaja I Gede Iwan Sudipa Ike Yuni Wulandari Indriyani Indriyani Ira Modifa Tarigan Irfan Ahmad Iswanto Suwarno Iswanto Suwarno Iwan Adhicandra Iwan Adicandra Jacomina Vonny Litamahuputty Jassim Alhamid Jimmy H Moedjahedy Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana Kunal Kunal Kunal Kunal Kunal, Kunal Laksono Trisnantoro Lase, Delipiter Lela Khartishvili Leon Andretti Abdillah Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani M. Aldi Hidayat Lamdho Mansyur Manvender Kaur Sarjit Singh Manvender Kaur Sarjit Singh Maret Sitanggang Mary Puthern Meithiana Indrasari Mohammad Aljanabi Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap Muhammad Ahmad Baballe Muqarranah Sulaiman Kurdi Musyarrafah Sulaiman Kurdi Mutmainnah, Muthia N Nofirman Nabila Turahma Niah Butarbutar Nia Maharani Raharja Nia Maharani Raharja Nur Mistari Nurhayati Nurhayati Omar Tanane Omar Tanane Prisma Megantoro Raditya Argananta Churyanto Rahmad Hidayat Rahmat Hidayat Ramadhani Prayoga Raudatul Innayah Restu Diyah Pramesti restu Rispa Ngindana Rosmawita Ningrum Rushendra Rushendra S Sahyunu S Suwarni Sanco Simanullang Santri W Pasaribu Satria Prayudi Siewe Pougoue E.B. Susatyo Adhi Pramono, Susatyo Adhi T.Helmy, Elsayed Tasya Noorhaliza Toha Ardi Nugraha Trinugi Wira Harjanti Ursula Hadimeri Usanto S Usanto S Victor Jiménez-Díaz-Benito Virro I. Widjanarko, Andrei Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman Wim Winowatan Yaya Finayani Yoga Ihsan Rianto Yoga Ihsan Rianto Yogasetya Suhanda