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Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Klinik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54773/ijcnp.v5i1.94


Latar Belakang : Dislipidemia merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskular yang menjadi salah satu penyebab utama kematian di dunia. Bunga rosela sebagai tanaman herbal yang popular di masyarakat Indonesia mengandung bahan aktif yang dapat memperbaiki profil lipid. Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian seduhan kelopak rosela terhadap profil lipid tikus wistar yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratorium dengan design pre-post test dengan kelompok kontrol, menggunakan 24 ekor tikus wistar jantan usia 3 bulan, dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol diberi pakan standar dan minum ad libitum, kelompok perlakuan P1 diberi pakan standar dan seduhan rosela dosis 1340 mg/KgBB/hari, kelompok perlakuan P2 diberi pakan standar dan seduhan rosela dosis 2700 mg/KgBB/hari, kelompok perlakuan P3 diberi pakan standar dan seduhan rosela dosis 4020 mg/KgBB/ hari selama 30 hari. Pada awal dan akhir perlakuan diambil serum darah untuk mengetahui kadar trigliserida, kolesterol total, HDL, dan LDL. Hasil: Pemberian rosela pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan mengalami penurunan kadar trigliserid, kadar LDL, Peningkatan kadar kolesterol, dan kadar HDL secara bervariasi. Kelompok P3 menunjukan penurunan kadar trigliserid sebesar -61,00±45,41 (p<0,05) lebih baik dibanding kelompok lain. Kelompok P2 menunjukan peningkatan kadar HDL sebesar 10,20±9,89 (p>0,05) lebih baik dibanding kelompok lain. Kelompok P2 menunjukan penurunan LDL sebesar -5,50±7,06 (p>0,05) dibanding kelompok lain. Kesimpulan: Pemberian teh rosela dengan dosis 4020 mg/KgBB/hari selama 30 hari mampu menurunkan kadar trigliserida secara signifikan (p<0,05) pada tikus hiperkolesterolemi. Kata Kunci : Profil lipid, Rosela, Tikus Wistar
Analisis Kandungan Zat Gizi, Pati Resisten, Indeks Glikemik, Beban Glikemik dan Daya Terima Cookies Tepung Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca) Termodifikasi Enzimatis dan Tepung Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiate) Diana Nur Afifah; Lili Nor Indah Sari; Dwi Ratna Sari; Enny Probosari; Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti; Gemala Anjani
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 9, No 3 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17728/jatp.8148


AbstrakUpaya pengendalian diabetes mellitus tipe-2 dapat dikontrol melalui pola makan, salah satunya yaitu dengan modifikasi jenis makanan yang selain memenuhi kebutuhan gizi juga dapat mengendalikan kadar glukosa darah. Pisang kepok dan kacang hijau memiliki kandungan pati resisten, serat pangan, protein yang cukup tinggi, dan indeks glikemik rendah sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif bahan pembuatan cookies untuk penderita diabetes mellitus tipe-2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan gizi, pati resisten, indeks glikemik, beban glikemik dan daya terima cookies tepung pisang kepok termodifikasi enzimatis dan tepung kacang hijau. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap satu faktor dengan perbandingan variasi pisang kepok termodifikasi dan tepung kacang hijau masing-masing dengan persentase sebesar 85:15; 75:25; dan 65:35. Kandungan gizi dianalisis dengan metode uji proksimat. Analisis indeks glikemik dan daya terimanya juga dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Formula terbaik dianalisis dengan metode de Garmo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formulasi terbaik didapat dari cookies dengan formulasi 85% tepung pisang kepok termodifikasi enzimatis dan 15% tepung kacang hijau dengan nilai hasil tertinggi sebesar 0,599 dengan kandungan karbohidrat 45,72%, protein 5,62%, lemak 18,53%, air 11,22%, abu 3,70% , serat pangan 15,18%, pati resisten 13,67%, indeks glikemik 33,20 dan beban glikemik 4,19. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah kandungan zat gizi cookies tepung pisang kepok termodifikasi enzimatis dan tepung kacang hijau dapat ditentukan dengan baik dengan menemukan formula terbaiknya, yaitu 85%:15%.Analysis of Nutrients Content, Resistant Starch, Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load and Acceptability of Modified Kepok Flour (Musa paradisiaca) and Mung Bean Flour (Vigna radiata) CookiesAbstractType 2 diabetes mellitus can be controlled through diet, one of which is by modifying the type of food that helps fulfilling nutrient-needs and control blood’s glucose levels. Kepok banana and mung bean contain high resistant starch, dietary fiber, protein, and low glycemic index so it can be used as an alternative ingredient in making cookies for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to analyze the nutrients content, resistant strach, glycemic index, glycemic load and acceptability of cookies from enzymatically modified kepok banana flour and mung bean flour. The completely randomized one-factor experimental study with ratio of modified kepok banana : mung bean flour i.e. 85:15; 75:25; and 65:35. Nutrient content was analyzed by proximate methods. The glycemic index and glycemic load were also analyzed as well as acceptability test. The best formula was determined by the de Garmo method. As results, the quality of nutrient content, resistant starch, glycemic index, glycemic load and acceptance, were achieved with formula of 85% modified kepok flour and 15% mung bean flour resulting high yield value of 0.599. the best cookies formula contained carbohydrate of 45.72%, protein of 5.62%, fat of 18.53%, water of 11.22%, ash of 3.70%, fiber of 15.18%, resistant starch of 13.67%, glycemic index of 33.20, and glycemic load of 4.19. As conclusion, all treatment was successfully revealed and generated the best formula or 85%:15% for the ratio of modified kapok flour and mung been flour.
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 45, No 1 (2022): Maret 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v45i1.568


Good physical fitness plays an important role in health and supports daily physical activity. Nutritional status, anemia condition, energy intake, and activity level contribute to the value of body fitness. Currently, santriwati are not only prone to suffering undernutrition but also overnutrition and anemia (triple burden of malnutrition) and tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation of nutritional and anemia status, physical activity, and energy intake with the body's fitness of santriwati. The study was conducted in August-September 2020. This study was an analytical observation with a cross-sectional approach. Subjects were 129 people, selected by consecutive sampling method. Nutritional status data was obtained by measuring weight and height, processed by the WHO Anthroplus application. Physical activity data were measured by a modified PAQ-A questionnaire. Energy intake was measured by the SQFFQ questionnaire, processed by Nutrisurvey. Anemia status data was obtained by measuring Hb level with the cyanmethemoglobin method. Body fitness data was obtained through VO2max assessment with Multistage. Nutritional status and physical activity were related to physical fitness (p= 0,001;r=-0.283 and p=0,001;r=0.320), while anemia status and energy intake had no significant relationship with physical fitness (p 0.05). Poor nutritional status and low physical activity contribute to decreased fitness value. ABSTRAKKebugaran tubuh yang baik berperan penting bagi kesehatan dan mendukung aktivitas fisik sehari-hari. Status gizi, kondisi anemia, asupan energi serta tingkat aktivitas berkontribusi terhadap nilai kebugaran tubuh. Santriwati saat ini tidak hanya rawan mengalami gizi kurang, tetapi juga gizi lebih dan anemia (triple burden malnutrition) serta cenderung melakukan sedentary lifestyle. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara status gizi, status anemia, aktivitas fisik dan asupan energi dengan kebugaran tubuh santriwati. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-September 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Subjek berjumlah 129 orang, dipilih dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data status gizi diperoleh melalui pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan, diolah dengan aplikasi WHO Anthroplus. Data aktivitas fisik diukur menggunakan kuesioner PAQ-A modifikasi. Asupan energi diukur menggunakan kuesioner SQFFQ, diolah dengan Nutrisurvey. Data status anemia diperoleh melalui pengukuran kadar Hb dengan metode cyanmethemoglobin. Data kebugaran tubuh diperoleh melalui penilaian VO2max dengan metode Multistage Fitness Test (MST). Analisis Bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status gizi dan aktivitas fisik berhubungan dengan kebugaran tubuh (p= 0,001;r=-0.283 dan p=0,001;r=0.320). Status anemia dan asupan energi tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan kebugaran tubuh (p0,05). Status gizi yang buruk dan rendahnya aktivitas fisik berkontribusi terhadap penurunan nilai kebugaran tubuh. Kata kunci: VO2max, status gizi, anemia, kebugaran, santriwati
Tipe tubuh (somatotype) dengan sindrom metabolik pada wanita dewasa non-obesitas usia 25 – 40 tahun Betsi Kusumaningnastiti; Enny Probosari; Fillah Fithra Dieny; Deny Yudi Fitranti
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 16, No 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.638 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.42345


Body type (somatotype) with metabolic syndrome among non-obese woman aged 25-40 years oldBackground: The prevalence of central obesity was found high in women, not only in obese individuals but also occur in non-obese individuals or metabolically obese normal weight (MONW). Endomorph marked by higher fat mass, which will lead to metabolic disorders.Objective: This study aimed to describe the correlation of somatotype with metabolic syndrome in a non-obese woman.Methods: Cross-sectional observational study, subjects were selected using purposive sampling involving 46 women 25-40 years old with BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 in several offices in the City of Semarang, consist of Balai Besar Teknologi Pencegahan dan Pencemaran Industri, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, and Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Central Java. Somatotype data is measured in three components, namely endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. The resulting value of each component is calculated using the Heath-Carter formula. Triglycerides, HDL, and fasting blood glucose measured by enzymatic colorimetric methods. Blood pressure measured by aneroid sphygmomanometer. Syndrome metabolic was defined as metabolic syndrome risk score (cMetS). Data were analyzed by Rank Spearman and Pearson.Results: The subject's body type is endomorph as much as 91.3% and ectomorph-endomorph (8.7%). Central obesity (50%), low HDL levels (28%), hypertriglyceridemia (2%), normal GDP levels (100%), hypertension (15%), metabolic syndrome (13%), and metabolic pre-syndromes (47, 8%) found in the subject of this study. There were correlation between endomorph (p=0.005; r=0.4) and ectomorph (p=0.000; r=-0.53) with waist circumference. There was a significant correlation between endomorph with metabolic syndrome risk score (p=0.05; r=0.129).Conclusions: Endomorph was associated with a metabolic syndrome risk score. Higher endomorph tends to have higher metabolic syndrome risk scores.
Correlation between wrist circumference with blood pressure and creatinine level among elderly Etisa Adi Murbawani; Etika Ratna Noer; Enny Probosari
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.9.2.123-127


Background: Hypertension is a highly prevalent health problem which incidence is greatest among the elderly. Hypertension may increase creatinine level and leads to other health problems like diabetes mellitus, kidney damage, and cardiovascular disease. Wrist circumference is a simple anthropometric measurement that can be used to identify hypertension and increasing level of serum creatinine.Objectives: To analyze the correlation of wrist circumference with blood pressure and creatinine level among the elderly.Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a purposive sampling method. Subjects of this study were 84 women aged 60 years old or above at Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Pucang Gading Semarang. The independent variable of this study was wrist circumference, and the dependent variables were systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and creatinine level. The result was analyzed using the Spearman-rho test.Results: The participants of this research were 49% women aged 60-65 years old, with an average age was 65.5 years old. The prevalence of hypertension was 61.9%. Most hypertension incidence in this research was caused by high systolic blood pressure (50%), and the rest was caused by high diastolic blood pressure (3.9%) and both (46.1%). The level of creatinine was normal with an average level was 0.75 mg/dL. There was no correlation of wrist circumference with systolic blood pressure systolic (r=0.15; p=0.19), diastolic blood pressure (r=0.1; p=0.38), and creatinine serum (r=0.18; p=0.09) among elderly.Conclusions: There was no correlation of wrist circumference with blood pressure and creatinine level among the elderly.
Correlation of dietary intake and physical activity with nutritional status, body composition and hand grip strength in elderly Etisa Adi Murbawani; Hertanto Wahyu Subagio; Niken Puruhita; Enny Probosari; Aryu Candra
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 10, No 1 (2021): December
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.10.1.21-27


ABSTRACT               Background: Increased life expectancy has both positive and negative impacts. Elderly group are prone to nutritional issues and body function disorder such as sarcopenia. Factors including dietary intake and physical activity are contributors of sarcopenia.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation of dietary intake and physical activity with nutritional status, body composition and hand grip strength (HGS) in elderly.Materials and Methods: The study was held on July-October 2020 at the Panti Wredha Dharma Bakti Surakarta. This was a cross-sectional study of 54 elderly subjects. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling method. The data included height was measured using microtoise, while weight and body composition was measured using Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA). Dietary intake was obtained through comstock observation. Physical activity was measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Hand grip strength values was measured by hand grip dynamometer. Data normality analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Bivariate test analyzed by Rank Spearman test.Results: Energy, carbohydrate and fat intake had no correlation with nutritional status, total body fat percentage, subcutaneous fat percentage and skeletal muscle mass percentage (p value > 0.05), but there was a relationship between energy (p value = 0.33), carbohydrate (p value = 0.016) and fat intake (p value = 0.047) with visceral fat percentage. Physical activity had relation with nutritional status (p = 0.048) but had no relationship with total body fat percentage, visceral fat percentage, subcutaneous fat percentage and skeletal muscle mass percentage. Protein intake also had no relationship with HGS value (p value> 0.05).Conclusions: Dietary intake only correlated with visceral fat percentage, but had no correlation with other body composition parameters. Physical activity correlated with nutritional status, but had no correlation with all of body composition parameters. Protein intake also had no correlation with HGS.
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Klinik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54773/ijcnp.v5i1.84


Background: Some anthropometrics assessment on risk of malnutrition are by measuring the mid-arm circumference (MAC) and calculating the body mass index (BMI). Objective: To analyze the relationship between days of energy and protein target achievement to the reduction of MAC and BMI in stroke patients in Indonesia. Method: The study design was an observational study with a cross-sectional approach to determine the relationship between days of energy and protein target achievement to the reduction of MAC and BMI. A total of 55 subjects who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken at the Stroke Unit of RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang during January-March 2021. MAC measurements and BMI calculations were carried out. Analysis of the relationship between dependent and independent variables using the chi square statistical test. Results: Most of the subjects achieved their energy and protein targets within ≤ 3 days. Days of energy and protein target achievement did not correlate with the reduction in MAC and BMI statistically (p> 0.05), but the research data stated that as a percentage, one third of the subjects who reached the energy and protein targets ≤ 3 days did not experience reduction. Conclusion: All subjects were stroke patients aged 19-59 years where 49 (89,1%) could meet their energy and protein targets within ≤ 3 days and 17 (34,7%) subjects did not experience reduction in MAC and BMI. Keywords: Stroke, MAC, BMI, malnutrition, anthropometry
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 46 No 2 (2023): September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v46i2.835


The level of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among adults in Indonesia is very high (more than 50%). Instagram exposure can increase its consumption by eliciting food cues. This study aimed to analyze the association between Instagram exposure to sugar-sweetened beverages with affective response, behavioral response, and consumption. This cross-sectional study was conducted involved 109 non-medical college students by consecutive sampling. The subject characteristics, affective responses, and behavioral responses were collected by Google Forms. Instagram exposure and sugar-sweetened beverage intake were obtained by using an Instagram exposure questionnaire and Semi Quantitative-Food Frequency Questionnaire through online interviews. Spearman correlation and logistic regression were used to analyze the data. The frequency of Instagram exposure was associated with an affective response (p=0.003). Duration of Instagram exposure was associated with affective (p<0.001) and behavioral responses (p=0.004). Several accounts were associated with the frequency of sugar-sweetened beverages with manual sugar added by the seller (p=0.006). A logistic regression showed that the duration of Instagram exposure was associated with affective response (p=0.014). Frequency of sugar-sweetened beverages with manual sugar added by consumer (p=0.036) and free sugar intake (p=0.048).ABSTRAKTingkat konsumsi minuman berpemanis pada kelompok dewasa di Indonesia sangat tinggi (lebih dari 50%). Paparan Instagram dapat berpengaruh meningkatkan konsumsi minuman berpemanis dengan memunculkan isyarat makan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan paparan Instagram terkait minuman berpemanis dengan respon afektif, respon perilaku, dan konsumsi minuman berpemanis. Penelitian cross-sectional dilakukan pada 109 mahasiswa non-kesehatan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data karakteristik subjek, respon afektif, dan respon perilaku diperoleh melalui kuesioner dalam bentuk Google Fomulir. Data paparan Instagram dan asupan minuman berpemanis diperoleh melalui kuesioner paparan Instagram dan Semi Quantitative-Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) dengan wawancara menggunakan media Microsoft Teams/Google Meet/WhatsApp. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi Spearman dan regresi logistik. Frekuensi paparan Instagram berhubungan dengan respon afektif terhadap paparan (p=0,003). Durasi paparan Instagram berhubungan dengan respon afektif (p<0,001) dan respon perilaku terhadap paparan (p=0,004). Jumlah akun berhubungan dengan frekuensi konsumsi minuman berpemanis yang ditambahkan gula manual oleh penjual di kedai/warung (p=0,006). Regresi logistik menunjukan durasi paparan berhubungan dengan respon afektif (p=0,014) dan minuman berpemanis yang ditambahkan gula manual oleh subjek di rumah (p=0,036). Kata kunci: minuman berpemanis, paparan, media sosial, instagram
Co-Authors A Fahmy Arif Tsani Adinda Maharani Ahmad Syauqy Aida Fitri Nazillah Aisyah Aisyah Ajeng Pramudita Andarbeni, Larasati Andriani Rizka Yasmina Anjani, Gemala Aqmariya Syarafina Arwinda Nugraheni Aryu Candra Ayu Rahadiyanti Azalia, Fawnia Azhoranezar Ramadhani Betsi Kusumaningnastiti Binar Panunggal Chairunnisa, Otty Claudia Kartika Dewi Deny Yudi Fitranti Devana Doanaresta Devy Sukma Sari, Devy Sukma Dewi, Arini Citra Diana Nur Afifah, Diana Nur Dwi Ratna Sari Eka Hermawati, Eka Eryn Trijayanti Etika Ratna Noer Etisa Adi Murbawani Fauzia Purnamasari Febe Christianto Ferry Sandra Fillah Fithra Dieny Fillah Fithra Dieny Firdaus, Ozi Rahmat Fithri, Annisa Amala Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti Haznawati, Nur Dian Heri Nugroho Hertanto Wahyu Subagio Hertanto WS Isvi Thuba Mustaghfiroh Joriandhita Ramadhan Kusumaningnastiti, Betsi Lady, Chantika Laurensia Mei Vrayanti Hutajulu Lili Nor Indah Sari Luthfiatul Khusna Marlina Rully Wahyuningrum MARTHA ARDIARIA Maulida Khurriya Rahman Mega Herdanti Febrikaharisma Merisa Inggit Widyaswari Muhammad Sulchan Niken Puruhita Ningsih, Ryta Ristantia Nisa, Ana Khoirun Nisa, Fitria Zahrotun Nisrina Hanisa Nissa, Choirun Novi Cynthia Prisma Dewi Novi Diah Pusparini Noviasti Rahma Utami Nungki Dwi Permatasari, Nungki Dwi Nur Rochmah, Nur Nurdini, Della Annisa Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Nurmasari Widyastuti Nuryanto Nuryanto Nyoman Suci Widiastiti Prayoga, Edwin Agung Putri, Nindya Marta Ghassani Putri, Tri Andianne Rachma Purwanti Rahmani, Shera Mutiara Rhory Defie Rizki, Mawarni Uli Roberta Lei Easter, Roberta Lei Rohmatul Ummah Rujiantina, Ahaddini Septian Ruth Elizabeth Violita, Ruth Elizabeth Sandy Eka Pratama Sari, Mega Lucyta Siti Fatimah Muis Siti Fatimah Muis Siti Fatimah Muis Syafira Noor Pratiwi Tri Hanni Desiana Putri Widitha Gustining Asmariani Wiriesta Anggraini Yushila Meyrina