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Model Pemberdayaan Kelompok Rentan KDRT Berbasis Need Asssesment dalam Perspektif Hukum -, Rodiyah
Pandecta Vol 7, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kelompok rentan KDRT Pesisir Kabupaten Tegal dihadapkan pada ketidakmampuan memenuhi kebutuhan praktis dan strategis sebagai kebutuhan dasar.  layak dalam pemberdayaan perempuan dan anak untuk menciptakan keadilan dan kesetaraan gender. Need assssment ini berbasis pada pemenuhan kebutuhan praktis dan strategis anak dan perempuan. Model pemberdayaan yang efektif dengan menggunakan kerjasama secara sinergis antar komponen masyarakat dan pemerintah, organisasi negara untuk memberdayakan mereka. Maka model pemberdayaan  yang efektif dan efisien adalah dengan menggunakan pengembangan pendidikan pemberdayaan perempuan berperspektif hukum dengan life skill yang berbasis pada need assesment pada masyarakat miskin, perempuan  nelayan, perempuan buruh petani, buruh melati, buruh melonco lombok. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam melakukan pemberdayaan kelompok rentan KDRT anak dan perempuan adalah kendala kemiskinan yang disebabkan oleh kemiskinan struktural dan kemiskinan kultural, serta ketidak mandirian perempuan karena tidak berpendidikan serta masyarakat yang belum secara sinergis melakukan pemberdayan terhadap mereka. Vulnerable groups of domestic violence in the area of Tegal Regency coastal faced inability to meet the practical needs and strategic as basic needs. Feasible within the empowerment of women and children to create justice and gender equality. The need assessment is based on practical and strategic needs of children and women. This research aims to analyze the suitable model of vulnerable groups empowering which is based on their needs. The data used are primary and secondary. The analyze is using qualitative technic. The result of this research shows that effective empowerment model is using a synergistic cooperation between the components of society and government, state organizations to empower them. The model of empowerment that effectively and efficiently used is the educational development of the legal perspective of women’s empowerment with life skill needs assessment based on the poor, women fishers, women’s unions of farmers, laborers jasmine, lombok melonco workers. Constraints faced in empowering vulnerable groups of children of domestic violence and women’s poverty is caused by the constraints of structural poverty and cultural poverty, and lack of female mandirian because people are not educated and do not in synergy towards their empowerment.
BINA AL UMMAH Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Bina al-ummah
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Ilmu Komunikasi IAIN Raden Intan

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ABSTRACTParadigm integration-interconnect wanted to show that between various fields of science are in fact has link, because it is a scientific discipline by the rest of the shot it was the reality of the same universe. However, the dimensions and the focus were seen by each scientific discipline differ. From the side of the axiology science and technology should benefit as big as possible to human life. Meaning of science and technology became an important instrument in any development process as an effort to realize the benefit of human life entirely. Thus, science and technology shall provide the maximum benefits to human life and not vice versa. Interconnective-integrative approach is an attempt to make a connection between religious and scientific scholarship. The estuary of the integrative-interconnectivity approach makes make scientific subjected to the objectification process where scientific is meant by non Muslims as something natural (reasonable), not as a religious act. However, from the side that has the deed, it could still take it as religious works, including charities, so that Islam can be a blessing for everyone.
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 17, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penerapan model pendampingan keaksaraan fungsional yang berbasis gender mempunyai peran penting dan strategis dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Masyarakat termarginal khususnya perempuan seringkali menjadi kelompok yang paling tidak mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup dalam memperoleh HAM-nya. Hal ini terjadi karena Mereka mempunyai keterbatasan pokok yaitu ketidak mampuan membaca. Kondisi ini menjadikan Mereka tak berdaya dalam menghadapi hidup yang membutuhkan kemampuan membaca dalam menjalankan kesehariannya. Mereka hidup hanya sebagai buruh, di lokasi pengabdian Mereka adalah buruh petik lombok dan plonco melati tidak mampu membaca. Ada lima puluh persen dari jumlah buruh yang tidak mampu membaca yaitu 30 buruh dari sejumlah 60 buruh. Kondisi ini memperburuk Mereka tidak mengatahui posisi sebagai perempuan yang mempunyai kedudukan setara dengan laki-laki, sehingga Mereka tetap saja pasrah mendapatkan ketidakadilan dari lingkungan. Oleh karena itu kemampuan membaca melalui pendampingan keaksaraan fungsional berbasis gender harus Mereka lakukan. Hasil pendampingan Mereka menyadari ketidak adilan gender dalam pemeliharaan lingkungan hidup dan hak perolehan makan empat sehat lima sempurna bagi laki-laki dan perempuan. Selanjutnya menunjukan hasil yang positif Mereka menjadi motivasi untuk mampu membaca, sehingga dalam kegiatan selanjutnya tetap ada pendampingan berjenjang untuk terus membaca, terutama Mereka bisa membaca dasar untuk mampu melihat dunia yang sangat indah penuh rahmat. Tugas Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi bidang pengabdian harus dilanjutkan oleh Tim yang sinergis antara lain TIM Pengabdian pelatihan mengelola makanan menjadi makanan siap saji untuk diperjual belikan sehingga mampu menambah pendapatan keluarga.
The Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform Pillars in Increasing Taxpayer Compliance at Semarang Tax Service Office Suwandoko, Suwandoko; Rodiyah, Rodiyah
JILS (Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies) Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Implementation of Laws and Regulations: Finding Justice and Legal Certainty
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jils.v3i01.23244


Semarang City Tax Office which has the main task to collect the tax revenue in the context of national development, then the Semarang Tax Office Associate implemented bureaucratic reform pillars in improving tax compliance. This paper examined the compliance of taxpayer in the theory of bureaucratic reform. The paper emphasized that the urgency of the implementation of bureaucratic reform pillars at the Semarang Tax Office, which consists of philosophical, sociological and juridical aspects. The implementation of bureaucratic reform pillars in improving taxpayer compliance at Semarang Tax Office was examined by the implementation model of bureaucratic which influences the bureaucratic reform pillars, which indicates that taxpayer compliance level is less than optimal. The obstacles were employees who are less than optimal in the field of taxation and taxpayers who are less obedient in payment and tax reporting. The efforts did through the socialization of the bureaucratic reform pillars implementation to employees and taxpayers to improve taxpayer compliance and tax revenue.
Model Pemberdayaan Kelompok Rentan KDRT Berbasis Need Asssesment dalam Perspektif Hukum -, Rodiyah
Pandecta Research Law Journal Vol 7, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/pandecta.v7i2.2386


Kelompok rentan KDRT Pesisir Kabupaten Tegal dihadapkan pada ketidakmampuan memenuhi kebutuhan praktis dan strategis sebagai kebutuhan dasar.  layak dalam pemberdayaan perempuan dan anak untuk menciptakan keadilan dan kesetaraan gender. Need assssment ini berbasis pada pemenuhan kebutuhan praktis dan strategis anak dan perempuan. Model pemberdayaan yang efektif dengan menggunakan kerjasama secara sinergis antar komponen masyarakat dan pemerintah, organisasi negara untuk memberdayakan mereka. Maka model pemberdayaan  yang efektif dan efisien adalah dengan menggunakan pengembangan pendidikan pemberdayaan perempuan berperspektif hukum dengan life skill yang berbasis pada need assesment pada masyarakat miskin, perempuan  nelayan, perempuan buruh petani, buruh melati, buruh melonco lombok. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam melakukan pemberdayaan kelompok rentan KDRT anak dan perempuan adalah kendala kemiskinan yang disebabkan oleh kemiskinan struktural dan kemiskinan kultural, serta ketidak mandirian perempuan karena tidak berpendidikan serta masyarakat yang belum secara sinergis melakukan pemberdayan terhadap mereka. Vulnerable groups of domestic violence in the area of Tegal Regency coastal faced inability to meet the practical needs and strategic as basic needs. Feasible within the empowerment of women and children to create justice and gender equality. The need assessment is based on practical and strategic needs of children and women. This research aims to analyze the suitable model of vulnerable groups empowering which is based on their needs. The data used are primary and secondary. The analyze is using qualitative technic. The result of this research shows that effective empowerment model is using a synergistic cooperation between the components of society and government, state organizations to empower them. The model of empowerment that effectively and efficiently used is the educational development of the legal perspective of women’s empowerment with life skill needs assessment based on the poor, women fishers, women’s unions of farmers, laborers jasmine, lombok melonco workers. Constraints faced in empowering vulnerable groups of children of domestic violence and women’s poverty is caused by the constraints of structural poverty and cultural poverty, and lack of female mandirian because people are not educated and do not in synergy towards their empowerment.
Optimalisasi Penerapan Metoda Demonstrasi dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Pokok Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Perjalanan Wisata Rodiyah, Rodiyah
Journal of Education Action Research Vol 2, No 4 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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Learning about the planning and management of tourist trips followed by students in class XI for the 2016/2017 semester 1/2017 Tourism Travel Business Skills Program results achieved by students have not reached the value according to the standard determined by the school, namely 80. Based on initial observations by the author achieved by students for the subjects of planning and management of tourist trips is still low at 69.2 with learning completeness reaching 43.33%. The purpose of this study is to improve the learning outcomes of tourism travel business with material for planning and managing tourist trips through the application of demonstration methods. The research method used is descriptive, the type of research is class action. The research subjects were 30th grade students of UPW in the First Semester of the State Vocational School of Jakarta 60 in total. The technique used is direct observation. Data collection tools are teacher and student observation sheets. This research was carried out through two cycles, the research procedure using the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Based on the research that has been done the results obtained in the first cycle the average value of 77.2, while in the second cycle of 81.96. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that by applying the demonstration method in learning Planning and managing travel trips can improve the learning outcomes of the XI class of UPW Vocational High School 60 Jakarta well.
Increasing Legal Capacity for Communities in the Context of Realizing a Village of Law Awareness and Child Friendly Prayogo, Bagus Edi; Amanah, Amanah; Pradana, Tirta Mulya Wira; Rodiyah, Rodiyah
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Strengthening Community and Legal Sector in Indonesia
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v1i1.33776


The purposes of community services program and research are to support, analyze, and create an accountable, transparent, independent, legally-aware and child-friendly village in Kedungkelor village, Warureja sub-district, Tegal regency. The paper analyzed two major parts are taken in the title of the service as well as aware of the law and child worth. Legal awareness and worthy of children are considered important because the child's world is very determining how the child will grow up later so that the village apparatus and the community need to increase of awareness related to the law and in the policies formulated by the village government or the community itself must be child-oriented. The program implemented a to realize a village that is aware of the law and suitable for children in our service is providing free legal assistance, door-to-door programs for families aware of the law and the environment, leadership training, healthy snacks and hand hygiene programs, and anti-bullying programs. The paper concluded that there are some forms of activity that will initiate the formation of a village that is aware of the law and is suitable for children.
How Should Student Behave? A Legal Ethics and Policy towards Nationalism and Anti-Radicalism Characters Rodiyah, Rodiyah; Laskarwati, Batari; Masyhar, Ali; Waspiah, Waspiah
JILS (Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies) Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Contemporary Issues on Law Enforcement in Indonesia and Global Context
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.7 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jils.v4i2.34343


The university has become an important place in the cultivation of character for generations in many countries. Many universities in the world also apply a variety of systems in making policies to shape the character of campus communities, including students. This study aims to analyze legal and ethical policies for students in fostering an attitude of nationalism and anti-radicalism. This study also aims to describe the various forms of implementation of student ethics policies that are applied in the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University, Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method with direct data collection through observation and interviews. This study bases its analysis on the theory of the operation of Lawrence M Friedman's law. The results of this study indicate that legal and ethical policies for students are interpreted by a variety of different interpretations both between managers and students. Various cases of inequality of perception lead to pros and cons. However, this research proves that the implementation of legal ethics and student character policies have been regulated in various rules, both at the national level (ministerial regulation), university level (rector regulation), and faculty level (dean regulation) all of which emphasize on forming attitudes nationalism and anti-radicalism.
Water, Globalization, and Liberalization Shoviani, Ari; Rodiyah, Rodiyah
JILS (Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies) Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Globalization, Law, and Crimes: The Various Aspects of Law in Broader Context
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jils.v5i1.34017


Privatization, liberalization and globalization of water resources in Indonesia has become a complicated problem. In one hand, it will increase the economic values and investment but in the other hands it is contrary with the 1945 Constitution. Indonesian Water Resources Act has raised polemics and complaints from many parties, so that the proposed judicial review to the Constitutional Court. Finally, the Court cancelled this Act. This research is intended to analyse and describe the implementation of Water Resources Act that has been cancelled by the Court in the context of Friedman Theory, especially in Semarang City. The research emphasized and highlighted that the exploitation of water resources, as well as privatization and liberalization is not allowed by the 1945 Constitution.
Advanced Training of Intellectual Property Documents of Industrial Designs for Goyor Sarong Craftsman in Pemalang District Waspiah, Waspiah; Rodiyah, Rodiyah; Latifiani, Dian; Setiaji, Dede Alvin
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Legal Services and Advocacy in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v1i2.33961


Intellectual property is used to increase economic value while providing legal protection for innovative inventions. Goyor Glove, typical of Pemalang, in fact, does not yet have legal protection on Intellectual Property, especially Industrial Design, so that the protection is low and many industrial designs of Goyor sarong are used by others without permission. The methods used to solve the problems in this service program are: (1) Training (workshop), which aims to provide knowledge and skills in quality improvement and product development (2) Product development and application management of the Goyor motif motif to be a description of IP Industrial Design; (3) Assisting and facilitating IP registration of Industrial Designs to be able to increase the economic value of the product; and (4) Monitoring and Evaluation for follow-up plans. Partners in this program, namely the Goyor Sarong Craftsmen in Pemalang District, were given the opportunity to play an active role, from the time of training to mentoring, facilitation and monitoring and evaluation especially during registration and acceleration of obtaining IP Industrial Design certificates craftsmen are given the opportunity to actively provide ideas, criticism in product development and application of management to obtain IP protection. Thus this activity is centered on partners based on the basic needs of partners to develop by increasing the economic value and welfare of the Goyor Gloves craftsman in particular.
Co-Authors Abu, Roziya Afiatun, Umi Ahsana Nadiyya Ajib Mukadirin Absor Ali Masyhar amanah amanah Amandha, Asyaffa Ridzqi Andayani, Sestu Retno Dwi Andry Setiawan, Andry Aprilia Putri Adiningsih Asmarani Ramli Asmarani Ramli Asyaffa Ridzqi Amandha Atmadja, Hamdan Tri Ayu, Adelia Setya Ayu, Adelya Setya Baiquni, Muhammad Iqbali Bimantara, Bayu Cahyani, Kartika Fajar Cecep Anwar Hadi Firdos Santosa Darsono, Budi Dewi, Rizky Septiana Dian Latifiani Effy Kurniati Fadhilah Rizky Afriani Putri Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Fitria Damayanti, Fitria Fitria Puspita Hardiyanto Wibowo Hidayanur, Hidayanur Kasana, Nikmatul Krisnawati, Elizabeth Yunita Laskarwati, Batari Lina Oktavia, Lina Maman Rumanta Masrukhi Masrukhi Mertika, Mertika Muhammad Iqbal Baiquni Muhammad Iqbal Baiquni Mukti, Hagi Hutomo Muniroh Muniroh Nadiyah Meyliana Putri Napitupulu, Michael Timothy Nte, Ngboawaji Daniel Paundria Dwijo Hapsari Pertiwi, Adinda Ratna Pradana, Tirta Mulya Wira Pradana, Tirta Mulya Wira Pratiwi, Adinda Ratna Prayogo, Bagus Edi Prayogo, Bagus Edi Purniawati, Purniawati Putri, Fadhilah Rizky Afriani Putri, Nadiyah Meyliana R Benny Riyanto Ratih Damayanti Rendy Laputigar Ridwan Arifin Robert Brian Smith Rohmah Dwi Maslakah Sabri, Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sandi, Tirta Seng, Nicholas Khoo Kim Setiaji, Dede Alvin Shoviani, Ari Sinta Priscillia Siti Hafsyah Idris Steven Steven Steven Steven Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Suhadi - Suryadinata, Arda Suwandoko Suyahmo Suyahmo Titi Prihatin Tri Marhaeni Pudji Astuti Tyas, Dhara Ayu Restuning Waryatun, Waryatun Waspiah - Widiastuti, Anita Indah