R Siti Rukayah
Architecture And Urban Planning PhD Program, Architecture Department, Faculty Of Enginering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia

Published : 67 Documents Claim Missing Document
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TEKNIK Vol 36, No 1 (2015): (Juli 2015)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (599.403 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v36i1.7264


Koridor Gang Warung merupakan koridor yang berada di kawasan perdagangan dan jasa ini terletak di kawasan pecinan yang merupakan kawasan bersejarah yang juga dikenal dengan sebutan “seribu kelenteng”. Keadaan lingkungan ini memiliki perbedaan pada saat malam hari. Keberadaan activity support pada malam hari berupa Waroeng Semawis merupakan salah satu kegiatan pendukung yang memiliki tujuan yakni mengembalikan fungsi kawasan pada malam hari yang mempengaruhi pada karakter visual yang muncul dari bangunan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh activity support berupa bazaar malam terhadap karakter visual kawasan pecinan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif rasionalistik dengan menggunakan analisa deskriptif dan pengujian regresi karena tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggali informasi mengenai pengaruh kegiatan activity support. Metode ini digunakan karena adanya perbedaan penilaian dan persepsi individu terhadap karakter visual yang disebabkan oleh activiy support pada malam hari. Adanya activity support berupa Waroeng Semawis dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengenalan karakter pecinan di koridor gang warung ini dengan keramaian dan beberapa kegiatan di dalamnya, yang tentunya diperkuat dengan adanya pencahayaan yang berasal dari kios, sehingga memunculkan kegiatan yang memberi kesan penciptaan karakter visual kawasan.[Influence of Activity Support Towards Visual Characteristic of Chinatown at Night] Gang Warung corridor is a corridor in the area of trade and services, that located in the Chinatown area which is a historical district which is also known as the "thousand temples". It has a different environmental conditions during the night. The existence of support activity at night in the form of Waroeng Semawis is one of the supporting activities that have the purpose of restoring the function of the area at night which affect the visual character of the surrounding buildings appear. This study has the purpose to determine the effect of a support activity to the night bazaar area of the visual character of Chinatown. Quantitative is the method used with rationalistic method using descriptive analysis and regression testing for the purpose of this study is to explore the influence of information on the activities of the activity support. This method is used because of differences in assessment and individual's perception of the visual character caused by activity support during the night. The existence of a activity support, Waroeng Semawis can contribute in Chinatown characteristic recognition in this shop alley corridor with the crowd and some of the activities in it, which is certainly reinforced by the lighting coming from the stall. Giving rise to activities that provide for the creation of visual character of the area.
MODUL Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Modul Volume 15 Nomer 1 Tahun 2015
Publisher : architecture department, Engineering faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.239 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mdl.15.1.2015.39-46


Koridor Jalan Gunung Sahari merupakan salah satu pusat pertumbuhan kota di Jakarta Pusat. Banyak aktivitas yang terjadi pada koridor tersebut. Seiring perkembangannya Jalan Gunung Sahari mengalami peningkatan aktivitas kendaraan bermotor yang cukup padat. Hal ini berpengaruh pada penggunakaan jalur pedestrian. namun, jalur pedestrian pada Jalan Gunung Sahari mengalami ketimpangan pengguna, yaitu di sisi sebelah timur lebih ramai pengguna, sedangkan di sisi sebelah barat hampir tidak terdapat pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi persepsi pengguna pedestrian ways dalam menentukan jalur yang diambil ketika berjalan pada pedestrian ways di koridor Jalan Gunung Saharari Jakarta Pusat. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan jalur pedestrian di koridor jalan gunung sahari adalah faktor aktivitas pendukung yang terdiri dari ruang, aktivitas, dan jalur pedestrian itu sendiri. Hipotesis yang mengatakan bahwa“Presepsi pengguna pedestrian ways dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan aktifitas di  koridor tersebut terutama pedestrian yang dianggap nyaman, aman, menyenangkan dan memiliki daya tarik akan lebih ramai” ternyata setelah diteliti lebih dalam faktor yang paling  berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan jalur pedestrian adalah aktifitas pendukung
Konsep Arsitektur Jawa Dan Sunda Pada Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa Cirebon Muffid, Mudhofar; Suprijadi, Bambang; Rukayah, Siti
MODUL Vol 14, No 2 (2014): MODUL Volume 14 No.2 Tahun 2014
Publisher : architecture department, Engineering faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3701.35 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mdl.14.2.2014.65-70


Salah satu alasan Cirebon  dikenal sebagai kota Wali, adalah  dengan melihat sejarah Cirebon sebagai pusat pengembangan Islam ditanah Jawa Barat termasuk Banten, dan Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa sebagai pusat kegiatan keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan mempunyai peran stategis dan penting. lokasi Cirebon yang berada di perbatasan Jawa dan Sunda, memungkinkan  terjadinya  akulturasi budaya dan pengaruh lokal mempengaruhi wujud arsitektur Masjid Agung tersebut, pengaruh Sunda dikarenakan Sunan Gunung Jati adalah cucu dari Prabu Siliwangi Raja kerajaan Pajajaran yang menguasai tanah Sunda, memberikan pengaruh yang cukup besar, disisi lain Sunan Gunung Jati  merupakan anggota Dewan Wali Sanga yang berpusat di Jawa, juga mempunyai salah satu istrinya dari pembesar Majapahit. Dua arsiektur tradisonal ini memberikan pengaruh yang cukup besar pada perwujudan konsep arsitektur pada Masjid Agung sang Cipta Rasa. Penelitian ini dengan metode penelitian Kualitatif bertujuan mengkaji dugaan pengaruh dua arsitektur tradisional yaitu arsitektur Sunda dan arsitektur Jawa terjadi pada konsep arsitektur yang digunakan. Sasarannya mengkaji tata letak Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa terhadap kawasan Keraton, Bentuk dan Ruang Arsitektur serta ragam hias. Dari hasil penelitian dapat dilihat perpaduan dua konsep Arsitektur Jawa dan Sunda ada pada Konsep Arsitektur Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa. Kata Kunci : Masjid, Arsitektur Jawa, Arsitektur Sunda
JALUR EVAKUASI BENCANA DI KAWASAN PERKOTAAN (Study Kasus : Gunung Sahari Jakarta Pusat) Auf, Abdurrohman Ibnu; Murtini, Titien Woro; Rukayah, Siti
MODUL Vol 16, No 1 (2016): Modul Volume 16 Nomer 1 Tahun 2016 (8 articles)
Publisher : architecture department, Engineering faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (720.503 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mdl.16.1.2016.49-54


Jalur pedestrian adalah jalur untuk pejalan kaki yang menghubungkan satu tempt ke tempat lainnya. Jalur pedestrian sangat dibutuhkan dalam sebuah kawasan kota. Jalur pedestrian dapat dikatakan juga sebagai ruang terbuka publik, karena pada jalur pedestrian ini dapat digunakan juga sebagai fasilitas untuk bersosialisasi antar individu. Selain itu juga pada jalur pedestrian yang aman dan nyaman bagi penggunanya, elemen-elemen pendukung juga harus disediakan. Berbagai fasilitas yang ada di jalur pedestrian dapat melengkapi fungsi jalur pedestrian sebagai ruang publik (maulani,dkk, 2013). Kawasan Gunung sahari jakarta pusat merupakan jalan utama dikota Jakarta yang memiliki jalur pedestrian, Jalur pedestrian pada Koridor Gunung Sahari mengalami peningkatan kegiatan yang cukup pesat menyusul meningkatnya perkembangan aktivitas dikoridor jalan tersebut (Rohman, 2015) . Namun, peningkatan hanya disalah satu sisi saja, beberapa faktor menjadi penyebabnya. Melihat fenomena tersebut muncul pertanyaan mengapa tidak difungsikan kembali jalur tersebut?. Bencana merupakan salah satu hal yang dapat terjadi dimana, kapan, dan kepada siapa saja. Bencana dapat berupa bencana alam dan human eror. Penanggulangan bencana belum terlalu diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Salah satunya jalur evakuasi bencana di kawasan kota. Tidak berfungsinya pedestrian di koridor gunung sahari layak untuk diteliti dan ditinjau apakah layak untuk difungsikan sebagai jalur evakuasi?
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): THE MODERATION OF RELIGION (SINTA 4)
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1155.688 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/kur.v13i1.1386


The development of da'wah in the digital era is inseparable from the probelmatika of society as a target for da'wah and so many media are used as a means of da'wah. One of the means used by many preachers to deliver their da'wah material is through written media and literacy such as novels. The novel is one of the alternative dawah for delivering dawah material to the target of preaching or mad'u, many stories in the novel are promoted as messages of propaganda in the form of film media. This article has a very positive purpose in understanding the contents of da'wah what are the meanings in a story that have elements of nationalism and da'wah by using descriptive qualitative methods, then linking them to interpretations of the Qur'an. The results of this research are first the theme of da?wah moderation  raised in this novel about Garuda in my chest, in the da?wah moderation scheme the presence of dissatisfaction, sadness, sadness of life in his country but they eat in other countries, semantic messages of moderation means tolerance and  help each other, and belief in God Almighty.
Analisis Pesan Dakwah Moderasi Dalam Novel Kidung Rindu Di Tapal Batas Karya Aguk Irawan Mn. Rukayah, Siti; Qadaruddin, Muhammad; Haramain, Muhammad
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial Keagamaan Vol 13 No 1 (2020): THE MODERATION OF RELIGION (SINTA 4)
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1155.688 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/kur.v13i1.1386


The development of da'wah in the digital era is inseparable from the problem of society as a target for da'wah and so many media are used as a means of da'wah. One of the means used by many preachers to deliver their da'wah material is through written media and literacy such as novels. The novel is one of the alternative dawah for delivering dawah material to the target of preaching or mad'u, many stories in the novel are promoted as messages of propaganda in the form of film media. This article has a very positive purpose in understanding the contents of da'wah what are the meanings in a story that have elements of nationalism and da'wah by using descriptive qualitative methods, then linking them to interpretations of the Qur'an.
Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 18, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35760/dk.2019.v18i2.2581


Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa yang terletak di sisi barat alun-alun di depan Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon merupakan salah satu masjid tertua yang ada di Pulau Jawa sebagai peninggalan dari bukti penyebaran agama Islam oleh para Walisongo di Pulau Jawa. Bukti fisik bangunan dari segi arsitektur mempunyai nilai simbolis dan historis dari pengaruh Islam di Cirebon. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan teori akulturasi dan makna pada elemen arsitektural berupa ornamentasi pada interior peninggalan bangunan masjid bersejarah. Dan secara arsitektural membahas masjid dengan pendekatan dari pengaruh akulturasi dari Hindu, Budha dan Islam terhadap ornament pada masjid, dengan demikian teori dan metodologi yang digunakan dapat menangkap fenomena akulturasi dalam arsitektur masjid ini melalui penelusuran masjid sebagai Peninggalan arsitektur islam dan dalam proses pengaruh budaya nusantara pada ornamentasi pada bangunan masjid. Analisis data mencakupi: (1) indentifikasi unsur artistik dari objek (seni hias Teratai pada Mihrab bangunan Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa), konfigurasi elemen rupa dan bentuk, dan kaitannya dengan pengaruh dari Hindu-Budha-Mesir ; (2) tahap interpretasi makna ornamen, yaitu pengaruh akulturasi dengan pertimbangan berbagai gejala visual. Dapat dibuat kesimpulan bahwa memang dari tahun pembuatannya, Masjid Sang Cipta Rasa dibangun pada 1489 M, pada masa itua dalah masa peralihan masa pra-Islam ketika Jawa masih dikuasai Mataram Hindu ke masa Kerajaan Raja-raja Islam dengan persebaran agam Islam melalui para Walisongo di Pulau Jawa. Dimasa peralihan inilah masjid dibangun dengan toleransi kepada kebudayaan sekitar yaitu terlihat dengan masih adanya pengaruh Hindu Budha Mesir pada tampilan ornament bunga Teratai pada masjid ini.
The Impact of Market Relocation to Roadway and Sidewalk Functions at Patiunus Street Pekalongan Rany, Azhar Hasna; Rukayah, R Siti; Sari, Suzzana Ratih
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i1.28096


Abstract: The more advance establishment of the country leads to the more developed economic progress. The economic activities require better supporting facilities and infrastructure. Market is one of infrastructure that can support economic activities. In addition, it requires a market location, it also requires a road to distribute the commodities in or out of the city. Roadway and sidewalk are supporting infrastructures that improve the economy in a country. One of market in Pekalongan city, Banjarsari Market’s was in fire. Then Banjarsari market was relocated in Patiunus Street. This research was conducted in Patiunus street, the sidewalk that was used for Banjarsari market relocation. The market relocation in the roadway and sidewalks can affect road functions and road users’ activities. Especially in the balancing interaction factor between the pedestrians and the vehicles, the safety factor of adequate space for pedestrians, the facilities offered a pleasurable experience on the sidewalk, the availability of public facilities unites, becomes supporting elements of the sidewalk. This research used the qualitative method and used three data collection techniques: direct observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The conclusion of this study is the existence of the Banjarsari market relocation on Jalan Patiunus affected the function of roads and sidewalks. By analyzing the result of the field survey and questionnaire to the road user and sidewalk users from Patiunus street, it can be concluded that the four standards for sidewalk (the balancing interaction between the pedestrians and the vehicles, safety factor, the facilities offered a pleasurable experience on the sidewalk and the availability of public facilities unites and becomes supporting elements of the sidewalk). Therefore, Patiunus street can have good functions for road user and sidewalk users.
The Impact of Market Relocation to Roadway and Sidewalk Functions at Patiunus Street Pekalongan Rany, Azhar Hasna; Rukayah, R Siti; Sari, Suzzana Ratih
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i1.28096


Abstract: The more advance establishment of the country leads to the more developed economic progress. The economic activities require better supporting facilities and infrastructure. Market is one of infrastructure that can support economic activities. In addition, it requires a market location, it also requires a road to distribute the commodities in or out of the city. Roadway and sidewalk are supporting infrastructures that improve the economy in a country. One of market in Pekalongan city, Banjarsari Market’s was in fire. Then Banjarsari market was relocated in Patiunus Street. This research was conducted in Patiunus street, the sidewalk that was used for Banjarsari market relocation. The market relocation in the roadway and sidewalks can affect road functions and road users’ activities. Especially in the balancing interaction factor between the pedestrians and the vehicles, the safety factor of adequate space for pedestrians, the facilities offered a pleasurable experience on the sidewalk, the availability of public facilities unites, becomes supporting elements of the sidewalk. This research used the qualitative method and used three data collection techniques: direct observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The conclusion of this study is the existence of the Banjarsari market relocation on Jalan Patiunus affected the function of roads and sidewalks. By analyzing the result of the field survey and questionnaire to the road user and sidewalk users from Patiunus street, it can be concluded that the four standards for sidewalk (the balancing interaction between the pedestrians and the vehicles, safety factor, the facilities offered a pleasurable experience on the sidewalk and the availability of public facilities unites and becomes supporting elements of the sidewalk). Therefore, Patiunus street can have good functions for road user and sidewalk users.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 17, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v17i2.6885


This research lifting Vernacular Architectural Bugis with case studies Bola Soba State Watampone as part of the work of Duke ( King ). The issue building design process Bola Soba into focus through all proportions study's components constituent. Base his study , in addition to an understanding of the essence vernacular, the need of understanding also his tectonics, tradition ( build ) Architecture Bugis and rules proportion.the feel aesthetics in architecture is based on the elements and principles of design that can be explained rationally one of which is the principle of proportion. Leaning on his study approach: all characteristics of vernacular ( Bugis ) , visual and numerical portrait (measurement dimension ) objects. Images are visual and numerical reference database for reconstruction  groups object to the graphic data and figures. Analysis of calculation of the ratio  proportion to his assisted Software Microsoft Excel and SPSS ( Statistical Product and Service Solution). The findings of this research form the basic of the ratio of the amount used as a reference for comparison of the parts of the building detail in the building in the city of Bola Soba in Watampone. Proportion 1 : 1.23 with Sulapa Appa element and is believed to be the final findings as the basic for the size calculation of the proportion of the building Bola Soba. Implications of the findings could be early reference ( hypothesis ) , that the work of vernacular architecture Bugis embodiment has a basic size its design. Reference process is certainly still need to be explored with further research, including the work of other vernacular which created by the Duke / King Bugis. In historically, kingdom Bugis had been a formidable kingdom in his day which civilization has its own form of architecture heritage building. There are four great kingdoms that became the Bugis area is the kingdom of Luwu, kingdom of Bone, the kingdom of Soppeng and Wajo.Penelitian ini mengangkat Arsitektur Vernakular Bugis dengan studi kasus Bola Soba Kota Watampone sebagai wujud karya kalangan Bangsawan (Raja).Persoalan proses perancangan bangunan Bola Soba menjadi fokus telaah melalui ke-proporsi-an komponen-komponen pembentuknya.Dasar telaahnya, selain pemahaman tentang esensi ke-vernakular-an, perlu pemahaman pula sisi ke-tektonika-annya, tradisi (membangun) Arsitektur Bugis dan kaidah proporsi.Rasa estetika dalam arsitektur didasarkan pada elemen –elemen dan prinsip-prinsip perancangan yang bisa dijelaskan secara rasional salah satunya adalah prinsip proporsi. Pendekatan studinya bersandar pada : ke-ciri-an vernakular (Bugis), potret visual dan numerik (pengukuran dimensi) obyek. Potret visual dan numerik merupakan database rujukan untuk me-rekonstruksi-kan gugus obyek ke data grafis dan angka. Analisis perhitungan rasio ke-proporsi-annya dibantu perangkat lunak Microsoft Excel dan SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). Temuan penelitian ini berupa besaran rasio dasar yang digunakan sebagai acuan perbandingan bagian-bagian detail bangunan dalam bangunan Bola Soba di Kota Watampone.Proporsi 1:1,23 dengan elemen Sulapa Appa menjadi temuan akhir dan diyakini sebagai dasar ukuran perhitungan proporsi dalam bangunan Bola Soba.Implikasi temuannya bisa menjadi referensi awal (hipotesis), bahwa perwujudan karya arsitektur vernakular Bugis memiliki dasar ukuran dalam proses perancangannya.Referensi ini tentunya masih perlu didalami dengan penelitian lanjutan, termasuk karya vernakular lain yang dikreasi oleh kalangan Bangsawan/Raja Bugis.Secara historis,kerajaan Bugis pernah menjadi kerajaan yang tangguh di zamannya memiliki peradaban tersendiri berupa peninggalan Arsitektur Bangunan.Ada empat kerajaan besar yang menjadi wilayah Bugis yaitu Kerajaan Luwu,Kerajaan Bone,Kerajaan Soppeng dan Wajo. This research lifting Vernacular Architectural Bugis with case studies Bola Soba State Watampone as part of the work of Duke ( King ). The issue building design process Bola Soba into focus through all proportions study's components constituent. Base his study , in addition to an understanding of the essence vernacular, the need of understanding also his tectonics, tradition ( build ) Architecture Bugis and rules proportion.the feel aesthetics in architecture is based on the elements and principles of design that can be explained rationally one of which is the principle of proportion. Leaning on his study approach: all characteristics of vernacular ( Bugis ) , visual and numerical portrait (measurement dimension ) objects. Images are visual and numerical reference database for reconstruction  groups object to the graphic data and figures. Analysis of calculation of the ratio  proportion to his assisted Software Microsoft Excel and SPSS ( Statistical Product and Service Solution). The findings of this research form the basic of the ratio of the amount used as a reference for comparison of the parts of the building detail in the building in the city of Bola Soba in Watampone. Proportion 1 : 1.23 with Sulapa Appa element and is believed to be the final findings as the basic for the size calculation of the proportion of the building Bola Soba. Implications of the findings could be early reference ( hypothesis ) , that the work of vernacular architecture Bugis embodiment has a basic size its design. Reference process is certainly still need to be explored with further research, including the work of other vernacular which created by the Duke / King Bugis. In historically, kingdom Bugis had been a formidable kingdom in his day which civilization has its own form of architecture heritage building. There are four great kingdoms that became the Bugis area is the kingdom of Luwu, kingdom of Bone, the kingdom of Soppeng and Wajo.
Co-Authors Abdullah Ali Abdurrahman Ibnu Auf, Abdurrahman Ibnu Abdurrohman Ibnu Auf, Abdurrohman Ibnu Agung Budi Sardjono Agung Nugroho Ajeng Sarinastiti, Ajeng Ali Alsharef Khlil Khalifah, Ali Alsharef Khlil Ali, Abdullah Alin Pradita Agustin Andi Asrul Sani, Andi Asrul Annica Etenia Annica Etenia Annica Etenia Arief Satya Wijaya Arief Satya Wijaya Arieska Avianda Rachmayanie Ashri Amalia Hadi, Ashri Amalia Atiek Suprapti Atiek Suprapti Budiarto atik suprapti Bagus Wahono, Bagus Bambang Setioko Bambang Supriadi Bambang Supriadi Bambang Suprijadi Bambang Supriyadi berliana narimala Budi Sudarwanto Deni Wahyu Setiawan deni wibawanto Dewanggo Haryo Paramtopo Dewi Astuti Diana Susilowati disa ceria Djoko Indrasaptono Edward E. Pandelaki, Edward E. Edward Endrianto Pandelaki Fahmi Syarif Hidayat Fahmi Syarif Hidayat fathulia fatmatina Frisca Ajengtirani Ardiniken Fristy Sulistiani Gagoek Hardiman Giovano, Fariz Addo Glandisepa Chahyanita Dargayana Harsritanto, Bangun Indrakusumo Radityo Heru Wibowo Huda Muhammad Basalamah Iin Maryati, Iin Iskandar, Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar, Iskandar Iskandar Joesron Alisyahbana, Joesron Kristiani Budi Lestari Lia Rosmala Schiffer Lia Rosmala Schiffer Loretta Ernadia Lutfiana, Nuraini luthfan alfarizi, luthfan Mira Fitriana Mohammad Sahid Indraswara Mudhofar Muffid Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad Haramain Muhammad Qadaruddin Naufal Kresna Diwangkara Nunuk Juli Sufiati nurul kusumaningrum Pancawati Dewi Permata Widianingrum Puteri Iskandar Rany, Azhar Hasna Reangga Perkasa, Reangga Rohman Eko Santoso Septana Bagus Pribadi Sigit Ashar Setyoaji, Sigit Ashar Stella Prita Anugeraheni Sudarmawan Juwono Sudarmawan Juwono Sugiono Sutomo, Sugiono Suhargo Tri H. Suzana Ratih Sari Suzanna Ratih Sari Suzzana Ratih Sari titien murtini Titien Woro Murtini Titien Woro Murtini Titien Woro Murtini Titien Woro Murtini Titien Woro Murtini, Titien titin murtini, titin Titin Woro Murtini Untung Mujiono Wijayanti . Yudi Nugraha Bahar YUUSHIINA DINI HAPSARI, YUUSHIINA DINI