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Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto Vol 1, No 01 (2010): Jurnal Bidan Prada Edisi Desember 2010
Publisher : Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto

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Teenagers are one of high infectious sexual disease (ISD) risk cluster. It needs an effort to prevent Infectious sexual disease case in teenagers by promoting good health media such a pocket-book. The aim of the research is to prove the influence of ISD pocket-book and the students’ knowledge of infectious sexual disease scoring development in SMA Negeri Banyumas.This research belongs to pre-experimental research that uses the one group pretest and post test design. The population of the research is the 10th year students of SMA Negeri Banyumas which takes 72 students as the sample. The frequency distribution and Anova One Way are used in analyzing the data.The research result showed that average score of respondents’ ISD knowledge before pocket-book publication (pretest) is 67,54. It increases 20,2% from the pretest to 81,18 in seventh day after the publication (post test 1). After 14 days of book publication, respondents’ score increases 31,2% from pretest to 88,63%, or it increase 9,2% from post test 1. 3) There is signification showed by statistic result wherein p < α = 0,000<0,05. Advanced test shows significantly different scores among pre test score, post test 1 and post test 2. As the conclusion, pocket-book effectively increases students’ knowledge of infectious sexual disease scoring. As the recommendation, pocket-book can be used  to improve teenagers’ knowledge of  infectious sexual disease. Key Words : Students’ knowledge score pocket-book publication
Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto Vol 1, No 01 (2010): Jurnal Bidan Prada Edisi Desember 2010
Publisher : Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto

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Family Planning in one of the based and prominent healthy preventive service for women. Mostly Injection contraception device is used by mothers. Beside has benefits contraception device also has many side effects especially for DMPA injection Family planning device, it can raise body weight. Progesterone hormone is one of the causes that increase body weight.To find out the influence of DMPA injection contraception frequency toward the raising of body weight to DMPA injection contraception acceptor in BPS Dian Yuni Purwani Desa Klahang Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas. This research belongs to analytical research with cross sectional design and technique of collecting data based on inklusi criteria. The number of the sample is 76 respondents. The data is collected by using observation technique. The analysis used univariat analysis and bivariat analysis. The statistical test with linear regression result the value of thitung = 3,773, R= 0,042 including weak influence category, the influence of DMPA injection contraception frequency toward the rising of body weight in DMPA injection contraception acceptor is 16,1 %. It means that the more DMPA injection is given then the body weight will raise. There is influenceof DMPA injection contraception frequency toward the raising of body weight to DMPA injection contraception acceptor in BPS Dian Yuni Purwani Desa Klahang Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas. Midwife should gives information to DMPA injection contraception acceptor for trying to use the other contraception device which does no contains hormone such as IUD or tubektomi at acceptor who is > 35 years old with high parity.   Key words : injection frequency, raise of body weight, injection contraception DMPA
Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto Vol 4, No 02 (2013): Jurnal Bidan Prada Edisi Desember 2013
Publisher : Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto

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Abstract: Menarche is the event when a young woman experiencing menstruation or monthly bleeding the first time, this causes anxiety in some young women. Mother is the closest figure for young women between the families so that communication on sensitive matters will be more open to relativism, the position of a mother's role is to support young women face menarche is needed in order to reduce anxiety.Knowing the relationship between maternal support in dealing with teen angst at menarcheLomanis Elementary School District 01 Middle Cilacap Cilacap regency in 2013. This study is a survey research with cross sectional analytic. The samples in this study were young women class IV, V and VI in Lomanis Elementary School District 01 Middle Cilacap Cilacap as many as 37 people. Methods of data analysis using the Spearman rank test and frequency distribution. The majority of support for teenage mothers in the face of menarche in the support category (62,2%). The majority of teenage angst in the face of menarche in the medium category (56,8%). There is a relationship between maternal support in dealing with teen angst at menarche Lomanis Elementary School District 01 Middle Cilacap, Cilacap regency in 2013 in the medium category (p = 0,005 ;  = -0,456). There is a relationship between maternal support with teenage angst in the face of menarche. Young women should look for information, could the older adults, the mass media, the internet and asking teachers in the school regarding reproductive health, especially related to menarche. Therefore, when faced later menarcheyoung women are not prone to anxiety and fear to the changes or the arrival of the experienced menarche.Keywords :Adolescents, menarche, maternal support, anxiety
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health

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Background: Thorax Multi-slice computer tomography (MSCT) scan examination requires contrast medium to image the difference in density with the surrounding tissue. The contrast images is largely determined by the volume of contrast, injection rate and injection methods. Thorax CT scan is performed by slice thickness of 5-10 mm. Meanwhile, it should use the routine slice thickness of 10 mm. Slice thickness of 8-10 mm of coronal and sagittal images require reconstruction by thin slices of 1-1.5 mm and subsequently by applying 3D. Aims: This is to analyse the volume of contrast and slice thickness used in the examination of tumor mediastinum by thorax MSCT examination. Methods: This research used descriptive qualitative design with case study approach, described and explained systematically, related to the procedure of Thorax MSCT examination technique in the case of mediastinum tumor with 3 samples of 3 patient and assessment performed by three radiologist as respondents. Results: This study indicates the success of the use of proper contrast of 80 cc and slice thickness of 2-3 mm to observe lesions of mediastinal tumor. Conclusion: Thorax MSCT examination in the case of mediastinum tumor should use contrast 80 cc and slice thickness of 2-3 mm to observe lesions of mediastinal tumor and coronal and sagittal axial slices, because the sagittal slice can show the lymphadenopathy enlargement so that the mediastinum tumor is clearly visible. The print out or filming results should be included the MPR or 3D to show the presence or absence of bone destruction and metastases. 
THE DESIGN OF RADIOLOGY VIEWING BOX USING POTENTIOMETER SYSTEM Diartama, Anak Agung Aris; Suswaty, Susy; Priantoro, Win; Sudiyono, Sudiyono; Sugiyanto, Sugiyanto; Anwar, Muhammad Choiroel; Latifah, Leny; Santjaka, Aris; Amri, Faisal; Mulyantoro, Donny Kristanto
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health

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Background: In the process of work to gain the maximum results, a radiologist needs a viewing box tool to read radiographs. Aims: to create a viewing box tool by using a potentiometer system. Methods: This study used applied research method by creating and using the design of viewing box tool by using a potentiometer system and testing the viewing box tool created by using a Lux meter and 15 respondents consisting of five radiologists and 10 radiographers who should fulfill the questionnaire form. Results: The mean of viewing box illumination reached 220 lux. The results of the questionnaire showed that 100% radiologist gave an A (excellent) and expressed that the viewing box tool created could be used properly and 90% radiographers provided an A (excellent) and expressed that the viewing box tool created could be used properly, while 10% radiographer gave a value of B (moderate). Conclusion: viewing box tool created could be used properly and obtained optimal results as a tool in reading radiographs. Potentiometer system contained in the viewing box was very helpful in reading radiographs because it allowed to adjust the light intensity according to user needs. 
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health

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Background: GRAPPA or Generalized Auto-calibrating Partially Parallel Acquisitions is a parallel acquisition technique which can reduce the scan time in MRI examination. Aims: This study aims to investigate the effect of the R-factor variation of GRAPPA on image anatomical information quality and to determine the optimization value of GRAPPA e-factor to fasten the scan time with acceptable image information quality. Methods: Eight respondents will perform T2 axial Brain MRI examination with various values of GRAPPA R-factor (1 to 7), evaluation was conducted with questionnaire which was given to 3 radiologists to assess the anatomical structure of the lateral ventricle, thalamus, caudate nucleus, lent form nucleus, internal capsule and background area. Data from respondents were then tested with Spearman test and Friedman test. Results: Statistics test showed that there was significant effect of GRAPPA parallel acquisition technique on the anatomical image information quality of T2 axial Brain MRI (p value of 0,001<0,05) and the correlation direction was negative, in which the higher the value of r-factor GRAPPA used, the lower the quality of anatomical image information. Based on the result of mean rank, image with optimal image anatomical information quality was image with GRAPPA R-factor of 1 (mean rank = 6.01), but image anatomical information quality with GRAPPA R-factor of 3 was acceptable with fast scan time (opinion of 75 % of all radiologists). Conclusion: R-factor at GRAPPA parallel acquisition technique could reduce scan time, but the higher the value of r-factor GRAPPA used, the lower the quality of image anatomical information. 
The design of radiology viewing box using light emitting diode and potentiometer Diartama, Anak Agung Aris; Suswaty, Susy; Priantoro, Win; Sugiyanto, Sugiyanto; Sudiyono, Sudiyono; Anwar, M. Choiroel; Latifah, Leny; Santjaka, Aris; Amri, Faisal; Mulyantoro, Donny Kristanto
Global Health Management Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand (Indonesian Scholars' Alliance)

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Background: In the process of work to gain the maximum results, a radiologist needs a viewing box tool to read radiographs. Therefore, the authors want to develop a viewing box tool, which in general the work if this tool resembles the factory manufactured tool. The viewing tool box made can adjust the intensity of the light produced.Objective: to create a viewing box tool by using a potentiometer system.Methods: This study used applied research method by creating and using the design of viewing box tool by using a potentiometer system and testing the viewing box tool created by using a Lux meter and 15 respondents consisting of five radiologists and 10 radiographers who should fulfill the questionnaire form.Results: The mean of viewing box illumination reached 220 lux. The results of the questionnaire showed that 100% radiologist gave an A (excellent) and expressed that the viewing box tool created could be used properly and 90% radiographers provided an A (excellent) and expressed that the viewing box tool created could be used properly, while 10% radiographer gave a value of B (moderate).Conclusion: viewing box tool created could be used properly and obtained optimal results as a tool in reading radiographs. Potentiometer system contained in the viewing box was very helpful in reading radiographs because it allowed to adjust the light intensity according to user needs.Keywords       :  Viewing box, Potentiometer Bibliography   : 1980-2011
The combination of alkaline water provision and asthma-induced gymnastics towards peak expiratory flow rate of asthma patients at Surakarta Lung Clinic, Indonesia Permadani, Agista Delima; Mardiyono, Mardiyono; Santjaka, Aris
Global Health Management Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand (Indonesian Scholars' Alliance)

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Background: Asthma is an abnormality in the form of chronic airway inflammation which can be reduced by providing asthma-induced gymnastics and healthy lifestyle such as consuming alkaline water.Aims: The objective of this study is to examine a combination of alkaline water provision and asthma-induced gymnastics towards peak expiratory flow rate of asthma patients at Surakarta Lung Clinic, IndonesiaMethods: This research was a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with control group. The number of respondents in this study was 30 respondents, divided equally into intervention group and control group. The control group was given asthma-induced gymnastics twice a week for 14 days with duration of 60 minutes, while the intervention group was provided with a combination of alkaline water pH9+ for 14 days as much as 1,200 ml/day and asthma-induced gymnastics 4 times a week for 14 days with a duration of 60 minutes.Results: There was a significant difference in the value of peak expiratory flow for 14 days in the intervention group and the control group (p < 0.001). There was an improvement in the average of peak expiratory flow rate values for each measurement in both groups, however, this study orchestrates that the intervention group has a higher improvement than the control group. The combination of alkaline water and asthma-induced gymnastics effectively and significantly improves the peak expiratory flow rate values at the Day 8 (p = 0.039) and the Day 14  (p = 0.012).Conclusion: The combination of alkaline water and asthma-induced gymnastics can be applied in nursing care management in patients with intermittent and persistent asthma.  Keywords: Alkaline Water, Asthma Gymnastics, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, Asthma.
SWOT Analysis on JKN Implementation in Ngaliyan Health Center Semarang in 2016 Melani, Florentina; Santjaka, Aris; Latif, Rr Vita Nur
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Unnes Journal of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.148 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v7i1.19197


ABSTRACT &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The position of &nbsp;Health Center (Puskesmas) as a first level health facility becomes the spearhead in good implementation of JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional or National Health Insurance). By using SWOT Analysis in 6M dimension (Men, Money, Method, Material, Machine, Market), it is expected to be an alternative for Ngaliyan Health Center to improve the work performance and become a reliable health facility for Ngaliyan citizens. And it can support the realization of totally covered insurance in 2019. This study aims to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the Ngaliyan Health Center in organizing JKN service in 6M dimension (Men, Money, Method, Material, Market, Machine), to find the critical point and make KSF (Key Success Factor). The research is qualitative descriptive with structured in-depth interview approach. Using 15 informants selected by purposive sampling. The results of this study obtained a critical point that is on the dimension of money. There was a deficit between capitation and expenditure funds of the Health Center in the implementation of JKN. &nbsp; ABSTRAK &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kedudukan puskesmas sebagai fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama menjadi ujung tombak pelaksanaan JKN yang baik. Dengan menggunakan Analisa SWOT dalam dimensi 6M (Men, Money, Method, Material, Machine, Market) diharapkan menjadi alternatif bagi puskesmas ngaliyan untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerja dan menjadi fasilitas kesehatan yang diandalkan bagi warga Ngaliyan. Serta bisa mendukung terwujudnya totally covered di tahun 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi Kekuatan, Kelemahan, Peluang, dan&nbsp; Ancaman bagi puskesmas Ngaliyan dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan JKN dalam dimensi 6M (Men, Money, Method, Material, Market, Machine), untuk menemukan titik kritis, serta membuat FKK (Faktor Kunci Keberhasilan). Penelitian berupa kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan wawancara mendalam terstruktur. Menggunakan 15 orang informan yang dipilih secara purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan titik kritis yaitu pada dimensi money. Terdapat defisit antara dana kapitasi dan biaya yang dikeluarkan puskesmas dalam pelaksanaan JKN. &nbsp;
The Potential Sources of Transmission and Distribution of Lymphatic Filariasis in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia Nurjazuli, Nurjazuli; Santjaka, Aris
Unnes Journal of Public Health Articles in Press
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v0i0.30895


Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) is a neglected tropical disease caused by filarial worms. Semarang City has an increasing number of LF. The aim of this study was to investigate potential sources of transmission and distribution of LF. It was descriptive research using cross-sectional design. The sample were 28 LF cases. The variables studied were level of knowledge, physical and biological environmental factors, and provision of health service. Data were collected using interviews and observation. Data were analyzed descriptively and spatially. The results showed that LF cases were distributed in center of Semarang City, especially in the coastal area.&nbsp; Poor drainage and stagnant water around the houses were potential breeding places for mosquitos, which are suspected as a vector of LF transmission. Poor knowledge of LF, physical and biological environmental factors around the houses of LF patient houses may possibly be sources of distribution and transmission of LF.
Co-Authors , SST., M.Si, Sugeng Abdullah Agista Delima Permadani Agus Subagyo Anak Agung Aris Diartama Andriana - Andriana Andriana Andriana Anisah Maulida Anwar, M. Choerul Aptiningsih Aptiningsih Ardi Soesilo Wibowo Ardi Soesilo Wibowo, Ardi Soesilo Arfiyan Sukmadi Arif Widyanto Arif Widyanto Arif Widyanto Arif Widyanto Artathi Eka Suryandari Aryanti Puspitasari Asep Tata Gunawan, Asep Tata Budi Utomo Chandra Irawan Dewi Dwi Haryani Dewi Nugraheni RM Dewi Nugraheni RM Dian Kusuma Yudiasti Dilla, Tasya Nurlaila Djamaluddin Ramlan, Djamaluddin Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro Elsa Indiyani Elsye Rimimper Faisal Amri Faisal Amri Ferly Tiraningtyas Nusa Dewi Florentina Melani, Florentina Hari Rudijanto IW Hermina Sukmaningtyas Hermina Sukmaningtyas Hikmandari Hikmandari I Nyoman Jirna I Wayan Sudiadnyana Ida Nilawati Ike Mayasari Iqbal Ardiansyah Isna Fadlilah Kartika Ayu Lestari Ketut Sudiantara Komang Ayu Henny Achjar Kurnia Saraswati Lalu Rian Setiawan Setiawan Leny Latifah Leny Latifah Liyana Azizatul Muadibah M. Choerul Anwar M. Choiroel Anwar M.Pd S.T. S.Pd. I Gde Wawan Sudatha . Mardiyono Mardiyono, Mardiyono Mayasari, Ike Mela Firdaust Noor Linda Vitria Sari Nur Aini Nur Utomo Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurul Baiti Permadani, Agista Delima Priantoro, Win Rahmayanti Amini Ratih Kesuma Dewi Rini Indrati Rini Indrati, Rini Rizky Aulia Salsabila Rousilita Suhendah Rr Sri Endang Pujiastuti Rr. Vita Nurlatif Saifudin Saifudin Saifudin Serly Aprili Yani Siti Hidayatul Majidah Sri Sumarni Sudiyono Sudiyono Sudiyono Sudiyono Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Suharto Suharto Suharyo Hadisaputro Suharyo Hadisaputro Suharyo Hadisaputro Sumarni . Sumiyati Sumiyati Suparmi Suparmi Supriyadi Supriyadi Susy Suswaty Susy Suswaty Teguh Widiyanto Tiyara Safitri Tiyara Safitri Wanodya Hapsari Win Priantoro Yohanes Didik Setiawan YUSVITA ARIANI RAHAYU