Henry Bambang Setyawan
Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya

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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengoptimalan Komposisi Pakan Kambing Peranakan Etawa Menggunakan Metode Pearson Square Pada Peternakan Nyoto Sutrisno, Alfian; Wibowo, Januar; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: Goat fattening business in Indonesia generally still used traditional system. In fact, managed properly can bring higher profit. Difficulties in management of fattening goats resulted in difficulty finding replacement feed that delivers optimum results in the maintenance and the purpose of fattening goats, because it requires a long time to find out the results to added weight. Based on the issue above, the optimizer application architecture feed the goats can be formulate that is capable of sufficient nutritional needs of goats such as proteins and nutrients that are appropriate to the needs of each goat.
Rancang Bangun Alpikasi Rekam Medis Berbasis Web pada Klinik Rumah Safa Surabaya Setiawan, Handika; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Nurcahyawati, Vivine
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Klinik Rumah Safa Surabaya merupakan klinik yang beralamat di Jalan Gayungsari Barat XI/GC-01 Surabaya. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 28 Tahun 2011 tentang Klinik bahwa pimpinan klinik adalah seorang dokter atau dokter gigi. Klinik Rumah Safa memiliki 5 jenis poli, diantaranya poli umum, poli mata, poli gigi anak, poli gigi dewasa dan rehabilitasi medik. Saat ini pihak Klinik mengalami beberapa kendala dalam pengelolaan data pasien. Hal itu disebabkan karena dalam pengelolaan data pasien seperti pencarian, pencatatan dan pemberian data pasien masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal tersebut menyebabkan banyak waktu yang terbuang, terjadi antrian yang cukup mengganggu pasien, selain itu kehilangan data pasien juga terjadi dikarenakan data hanya di letakkan dalam sebuah kotak. Untuk pembuatan laporan ini juga sangat lambat karena harus mengumpulkan dulu data-data dari rekam medik.Berdasarkan masalah ini, maka solusi yang dibuat adalah merancang dan membangun aplikasi yang dapat membantu pengelolaan data pasien Klinik Rumah Safa Surabaya. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, diharapkan antrian yang mengganggu bisa tidak terjadi lagi. Serta memudahkan dalam pengelolaan data pasien dan pembuatan laporan.Hasil dari uji coba menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pengolahan data yaitu pada tahap pendaftaran, penyimpanan dan laporan yang dihasilkan.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemberian Usulan Remisi Narapidana Pada Rumah Tahanan Kelas IIB Bangil Jati, Kelik Hendra; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Mastan, Ignatius Adrian
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: Bangil IIB class State Detention Center (Rutan) is a Technical Implementer Unit of the Regional Office of Social Matters under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights East Java Province. In general, detention center as a development house for the citizen who commits an infraction in accordance with article 1 Number 12 of Law 1995 which describes about social matters. Bangil IIB Class Detention Center which is located at Mango st. 2 Bangil has 39 employees and the number of prisoners in December of 2013 for about 355 people, consisting of 185 inmates and 170 detentions. There is a process of giving proposals remission granted to prisoners in the detention center each year for those who have been running the requirements to obtain remission. In the process of making the proposed remission, the officers are required to calculate remission proposals accurately one by one prisoner, it is becoming a problem in getting the proposal which are calculated manually. Frequent occurrence of errors in granting remission proposal has impact on the inaccurate date of the prisoners will be free. From the existing problems, then a proposal about computing applications is made based on remission desktop with the title "Design of Application Proposed Granting Detentions Remission in Bangil Class IIB Detention Center " that is able to provide many contributions in service custody system in detention center. Based on the implementation result and evaluation of the system, it is known that the administration of Design of Application Proposed Granting Detentions Remission in IIB Bangil Detention Center Class-based desktop can become a solution in developing service management inmates and detentions. This application is also able to provide information on the proposed remission calculation more precise and easier to manage. It is also reduce the errors calculation of remission proposal because of inaccurate task by the personnel. Keywords:             Remission application, the calculation of the proposed remission, detention center.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. Unichem Candi Indonesia is manufacturing company that produce chemical materials products. So far, the order that received by PT. Unichem Candi Indonesia was processed only based by order priority that come first without looking the processing time, work time limit, time length to complete the entire order, and waiting time between completed process until the next operation begins. This production method will cause a problem when the numbers of the orders increased because can cause longer production time and causing delay in the production as well as depletion of orders.The production process in PT. Unichem Candi Indonesia needs a right method of production and appropriate solutions in order to minimize the occurring problem Therefore, the application is made that can provide an optimal model of production in order to reach a company target.The efforts to overcome that problem is to provide analysis production queue solutions based by 4 queue methods, that are first come first serve, short processing time, long processing time, and early due date.From this 4 queue methods, the system will choose in accordance with parameters of which desired, and PT. Unichem Candi Indonesia could have an optimal production process.Keywords : Priority Rules, Production Schedulling
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Produksi Menggunakan Aturan Prioritas Pada PT. IGLAS (Persero) Ramdhan, Gilang; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Soebijono, Tony
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. IGLAS (Persero) is a manufacturing company of glass packaging (bottles). The company currently often late in a customer demand fulfillment. This problem due to several factors such as conventional way of schedulling and inneficient production process. Based on these problems, it would require a production scheduling information system using the priority rules to solve. This information system can provide production schedule more effectively according to choosen criteria from five methods that have been used. The criterias used are average processing time, utilization, average number of jobs in the system, and average number of delayed jobs. Meanwhile five methods used are, First Come First Serve (FCFS), Earliest Due Date (EDD), Shortest Processing Time (SPT), Longest Processing Time (LPT), dan Critical Ratio (CR). Based on the information system created and series of trials performed, company has a more effective queued schedule in accordance with desired company criterias, so that all of customer demand can be fulfilled and timely completion.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pencatatan Produksi Pada PT.Mega Utama Indah Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal; Wibowo, Januar; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT. Mega Utama Indah is a company engaged in the trading and processing of raw wood into finished wood. The main obstacle faced by PT. Mega Utama Indah now is recording the production process are still done manually such as recording the use of raw materials and auxiliary materials, the use of human labor, the use of the machine, and the use of other costs. All recording is still done by recording into a book.These constraints resulted in companies experiencing difficulties in terms of search data, perform scheduling of engine maintenance, and the difficulty in obtaining information and reports required by the leadership in making decisions for the company, the required application records of production which includes data recording of raw materials, auxiliary materials , human labor, machinery, and other costs.Based on research that has been done, the application can generate reports, such reports raw material usage per order or per month, reports the use of adjuvant per order or per month, reports the use of labor per order or per month, reports the use of machines per order or per month, and report usage fee per order or per month that the company needs to search the data, perform machine maintenance scheduling, and obtain the required information by the leadership in making decisions for the company.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Persediaan Bahan Baku Pada PT. Multimega Dutamandiri Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief; Sunarto, M.J Dewiyani; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Controlling raw material stock is not an easy task. Because of that, a company have to plan raw material requirement to fulfill costumer needs so that the quantity and time of fulfillment is suitable. If a company buys too much raw materials whish is make the stock piled up, and increase the holding cost and the risk of damaged goods. However, if the raw materials stock is very low, there is a possibility insufficient stock (stock out) because the raw materials can not be delivered directly and if the raw materials stock is unavailable the production process is stop, the income will be delayed, and costumer trust.The solution to overcome that problem is to make design raw materials requirement planning informastion system. This system is built to counting estimate raw materials request, to counting raw materials demand, and the right time to buy the raw materials.This application will provide an information such us raw materials request report, raw materials forecasting report, and raw materials stock planning report. Based on trial results that has been done, this system could help forecast raw materials demand in the future, raw materials procurement, and the right time to buy the raw materials.   
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Optimasi Penjadwalan Produksi Pada CV. Azaria Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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CV . Azaria is a company engaged in manufacturing , which produce furniture products. Production will be carried out if the customer has sufficient orders to be produced . Production model that is currently done is to work on orders received will first be produced in advance. Production models like this will cause problems when the number of orders a lot . This will cause the production time becomes longer , causing delays in the completion of the order.Selection of appropriate models of production in accordance with the objectives to be important . Therefore we need a media that can provide optimal production models . Because the machines are owned by the work center , then the priority rules can be applied to the production model selection.By using the model of production appropriate to the purpose or parameters to be achieved then the problem of delays can be minimized. The use of priority rules in production scheduling to optimize production activities on the CV. Azaria.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Pada UMKM Sepatu dan Sandal Suroso Apriliana, Cahya; Widodo, Arifin Puji; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 7 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Shoes and slippers Suroso are owned by individuals and companies engaged in manufacturing producing shoes and sandals in accordance with customer orders ( job order ). During this time, companies often have the delay time of fulfillment of customer orders. This is because in determining the time of the fulfillment of the order is still based on an estimate of the operational part, there’s no checking  the detail about the structure of the product and checking raw materials is not done on a regular basis so it can also lead to a deficiency or excess of raw materials.Based on these problems, was made of information system planning raw material requirement by using the method of Lot For Lot. In the system there are have a few process which is process of receive the ordered, preparation of BOM (Bill Of Material), preparation of BOO ( Bill Of Operation), the initial raw material supplies, create MPS (Master Production Schedule), and the process of MRP (Material Requirement Palnning). In the process of MRP there is namely the process Netting, Lotsizing, Offsetting dan Exploding. In the system have few process namely process of receive the order, preparation of BOM (Bill Of Material), preparation of BOO ( Bill Of Operation), record the initial raw material supplies, create MPS (Master Production Schedule), and the process of MRP (Material Requirement Palnning). In the process of MRP namely the process Netting, Lotsizing, Offsetting dan Exploding.The system information made to produce the report of raw material requirement plan, report of the plan production and report of raw material purchase plan. In addition the system also generate report of orders per period, customer report most often conduct transactions and report the most product ordered. Based on the information system is created and a series of trials that have been conducted , the company can find information needed especially concerning raw material such as what are the raw materials must be reserved , how many and when raw materials must be ordered.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Biji kopi pada Mr. Coffee Surabaya Hutagalung, Ika Widyasari; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Mastan, Ignatius Adrian
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 6 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Mr. Coffee is a coffee field sales business that began to develop in 2013. At the current sales process owners can’t perform recording sales precisely because poorly supported by adequate information coffee sales lead to errors in the recording of sales, so the impact on stock control materials raw coffee warehouse that often have out of stock of coffee which ordered the customer, and the customer who still has a receivable purchase coffee on previous transactions. So may result in losses for the parties Mr. Coffee.Based on this problem, then created a web-based sales information system that can help provide information about the registration of the sale of coffee, coffee stock management of raw materials using methods Reorder Point (ROP), and the management of customer receivables.Based on the results of the implementation and evaluation of the system, recording sales on Mr. Coffee-based website is to provide information for the company to make record sales of coffee, coffee raw material stock control in the barn, and the recording of customer receivables on previous transactions.
Co-Authors A. B. Tjandrarini Abdurrakhman Arif Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Adisti Machmudah Agung, Akhmad Akbar Agus Ariyanto Agus Ariyanto Akbar, Rizky Jihad Akbar, Rizky Jihad Alifi, Yusron Alifianoor, Raisa Alifianti Putri Luhkitasari Amaliyah, Alfinatul Amaliyah, Alfinatul Andri Saputro, Andri Anjik Sukmaaji Antok Supriyanto Apriliana, Cahya Apritasari, Filzah Apritasari, Filzah Arie Rozzy Pribadi Arif Budiman Santoso Arif, Abdurrakhman Arif, Abdurrakhman Arifin Puji Widodo Arliq Mushlih Rachamadho Asari, Riski Imam Asari, Riski Imam Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie bias syawadani pasca bimo, christophorus bimo, christophorus Bobby Hans Pratama Boga, Anto Chafida Muzdalifah christophorus bimo Corhepaticha Hayuranistya Daniel F. Kale Danu Kristantio Diagustin Rahayu Didiet Anindita Arnandy Dionisius Oktavian Andana Putra Edyson Luhulima Erwin Sutomo Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal Fatkurrotin, Shofia Filzah Apritasari FIOLA ILONA PUTRI Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Habel Gilang Ramdhan Habel, Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Habel, Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Handika Setiawan Handoko, Febrian Haryanto Tanuwijaya Hayuranistya, Corhepaticha Hayuranistya, Corhepaticha Hutagalung, Ika Widyasari I Gusti Ngurah Alit Widana Putra Ignatius Adrian Mastan Indra Halid Triyatno Lauhatta Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Irawan, Sari Zetari Jamhari Jamhari Januar Wibowo Jati, Kelik Hendra Jatmika, Kurniawan Jatmika, Kurniawan Julianto Lemantara Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Kale, Daniel F. Kale, Daniel F. Ketut De Santiasa Khatulistiwa, Angga Kusumawati, Tiara Indah Kusumawaty, Weny Indah Kusumawaty, Weny Indah Lauhatta, Indra Halid Triyatno Luhkitasari, Alifianti Putri Luhulima, Edyson M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M.J Dewiyani Sunato Martinus Sony Erstiawan Maulana, Yoppy Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Mindrawan, Tantri Mindrawan, Tantri Mochammad Arifin Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi Muzdalifah, Chafida Muzdalifah, Chafida Ningsih, Norma Nirmala, Ariesta Fuji Pahlevie, Moch. Reza Pahlevie, Moch. Reza Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Paramastri, Raras Dhika Paramastri, Raras Dhika Permana, Alvin Indra Pramadita, Ventya Devi Pramadita, Ventya Devi Pratama, Denny Putra Yudha Pratama, Fahrizal Fauzi Pratama, Fahrizal Fauzi Pratama, Taufik Yudha Pratama, Taufik Yudha Pratiwi, Nila Elzha Prayogi, Welly Abdi Prayogi, Welly Abdi Pribadi, Arie Rozzy Pribadi, Arie Rozzy Puspitasari, Anita Puspitasari, Anita Putra, Rastra Sewa Eka Putra, Yudhistira Eka Wishnu PUTRI, FIOLA ILONA Rachman, Bobby Rachman, Rizky Rachman, Rizky Rahardiyan Arya Yudha Rahayu, Diagustin Rahmawati, Endra Raisa Alifianoor Ramdhan, Gilang Renodicto, Renodicto Rezandy, Aldo Kevindra Risa Rahmadya Triwendra Romeo Romeo Ronny S Susilo Santiasa, Ketut De Sayang, Ega Syahputra Setiawan, Handika Suhariyanto, Dedy Suhariyanto, Dedy Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sutrisno, Alfian Tan Amelia Taufik Yudha Pratama Tegar Heru Susilo Tegar Heru Susilo Tiara Indah Kusumawati Titik Lusiani Tito Akbar Firmanda Tony Soebijono Tony Soebijono Triwendra, Risa Rahmadya Tutut Wurijanto Usman, Rizka Agustia Usman, Rizka Agustia Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wachid Hasyim, Wachid Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wardani, Marina Kusuma Wardhani, Hienny Wardhani, Hienny Welly Abdi Prayogi Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wisudawanto, Munir Agung Wisudawanto, Munir Agung Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yudha, Rahardiyan Arya Yudhistira Eka Wishnu Putra