Henry Bambang Setyawan
Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya

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Dashboard Untuk Visualisasi Penjualan Voucher Pulsa Elektrik Di Rajawali Reload Mojokerto Khatulistiwa, Angga; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Sukmaaji, Anjik
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 8 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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                 Rajawali Reload is one of the suppliers of telephone vouchers are electrically in the Mojokerto and Lamongan. Rajawali Reload parties have difficulty in monitoring the sales target has been set. At this time monitoring of sales achievement has no warning when a sale happens very low, which is now the information is disseminated orally by accounting. Accounting also has a duty to report the achievement of customer sales to the owner, which the report was still in the form of data tables, and should be done first recap thus requiring additional time.               Based on the above, it was built dashboards that can display a visualization of the sales voucher electrical pulses. Views are presented in the form of a voucher provider by categori sales, sales voucher which contribute in demand, sales by customer, sales based cluster, target of achieving sales and the target deposit.               Results of the system making this dashboard can display information related to the voucher sales target in the form of electrical pulses to the visualization of information and can help owners Rajawali Reload in monitoring the performance of the sales voucher electrical pulses based on the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) set by Rajawali Reload            Keywords: Visualization of Information, Dashboard, Sales Monitoring
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Dragonwong.com is one of many website online store that sells the card game 'Yugi-Oh'. System users have difficulties in monitoring and controlling the performance of sales on the website in order to achieve the sales target. The existing system has not been able to provide visualization information of product sales performance that are going on along with the changes that occur in real time to provide awareness of the things that need to be responded quickly.Based on description above, then built product sales performance dashboard for dragonwong.com. Product sales performance dashboard is categorized into three according to the business activities are supported (strategic, tactical, and operational).Once the system is completed designed, built, and tested, product sales performance dashboards can display a visualization information about the condition of product sales performance. Visualization of the information can be used as  materials to monitor and control the sales performance of products on the site dragonwong.com.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Dan Pengawasan Proses Produksi Pada CV. Setia Kawan Rachman, Rizky; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Arnandy, Didiet Anindita
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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CV Setia Kawan is a company that manufactures hydraulic. The production process is based on customer orders received by the Marketing Section, and then forwarded to the Department of Planning. After the Planning Division began to plot the progress of production, raw material requirements plan, and plan workforce needs are still done manually, by way of making it on a piece of paper. The weakness of manual recording is sometimes an error in the listing, which can result in a long time.Production Planning and Control is the determination and the determination of production activities to be undertaken to achieve the objectives of the mill company, and oversee the implementation of the activities and results of the production process, so that what has been planned can be implemented and the expected objectives can be achieved.To improve the planning and supervision of the production process at CV Setia Kawan by making information systems planning and supervision of the production process.By using the Production Planning and Control, the planning and control of production processes at CV Setia Kawan can support the performance of the planning section has an important role in the production process.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 6 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Cooperatives are considered the most suitable to be developed in Indonesia because of their role in building the national economic order. Currently Sidoarjo District Cooperative Office for Institutional especially tasked to monitor and oversee the development of the cooperative experience problems. The problem of cooperative is, late submission of monthly reports that resulted in the manufacture of quarterly progress reports as a co-operative evaluation is also inhibited. The delay makes data to be processed to work on a progress report becomes inaccurate. Last problems in the progress report results only in the form of tables with figures that chart the development of cooperatives in the previous month are not visible. After analysis and design of monitoring and evaluation systems of cooperative development document can be produced in the form of Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and the Software Architecture Document (SAD). The document can be used as the basis for monitoring and evaluation of software development at the Department of Cooperative cooperative Sidoarjo RegencyKeywords: Analysis and Design, Monitoring and Evaluation System, SRS and SAD documents.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Produksi Pada PKIS Sekar Tanjung Santiasa, Ketut De; Wurijanto, Tutut; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: PKIS Sekar Tanjung are services of processing fresh milk into ultra high temperature (UHT) milk. In production, PKIS Sekar Tanjung most perform the services of processing milk UHT to other companies of them as:  Lintang Visikusuma, Green Field, Garuda Food, Indolakto, Danone, dan Kalbe Farma.  A product produced a total of 32 kind of product.  That problem happened to PKIS Sekar Tanjung  is often occurs change in schedule production due to a delay in delivery of the materials and full poduct at a warehouse. So as to run businesses, in the field of processing UHT milk, the department of Planning Production Invetory Control (PPIC) need production scheduling. Production schedule arranged based on the request of the customer and adapted to customers who are other to avoid the same schedule. In addition to preparing the production scheduling the schedule delivery of materials is also required so as not to delay in delivery occurs the material. And it takes also schedule retrieval products to avoid product build up occurs at the warehouse.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Optimasi Penjadwalan Produksi Menggunakan Aturan Prioritas pada PT Remaja Perdana Engineering Permana, Alvin Indra; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Sutomo, Erwin
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT Remaja Perdana Engineering is a company engaged in the field of industrial tanks made of steel. The company is located in JL. 224 Sukomanunggal, Surabaya. The products produced by this company are transportation tanks, water tanks and underground tanks that are useful as a media holding.The system is currently used by the company to accept orders is by way of accommodating all orders coming from the customers, and will be scheduled in sequence according to the orders that come in advance which will be scheduled for production. If the company does not have a good scheduling process, companies will experience difficulties in determining the production process come from customers.On the explanation of the above in mind that problems encountered by PT Remaja Perdana Engineering is the process by which it is known that production scheduling system used by the company is not effective, because the waiting time problem impacts on each slot machine. Upon the impact, the company harmed due to the processing of the old product, are at risk of losing customer loyalty, customer will re-think to perform orders if the waiting time is too long. If these problems were not immediately given a solution then the company will suffer losses because the company was forced to reject orders which came due to suboptimal scheduling production owned by the company at this time.Based on problems in the background above, then designed a scheduling optimization of production applications up. The method used is to evaluate the methods included in this priority rule is first come first serve (FCFS), earliest due dates (EDD), Shortest procesing time (SPT), longest processing time (LPT). based on an evaluation of four methods will produce the best method for any period, the evaluation was conducted based on parameters, namely the average resolution time, utilization, number of jobs, the delay in the work.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Dan Pengendalian Pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Negara Regional II Pratama, Taufik Yudha; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Arnandy, Didiet Anindita
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 7 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Abstract: The administrative file monitoring application serves to determine the extent to which the course of the management of administrative records. The administrative file services include the completion of Decree (SK) retired, cards employee, cards wife (Karis) and cards husband (KARSU), SK promotion, SK relocate the working area, until the determination of candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS), Review Work Period (PMK), Mutation family, dependents leave outside the State (CLTN), the appointment of civil servants over 2 years (C2). Of the existing system there be some problems including the lack of monitoring facilities in each part file, do not report how many files that are already resolved and unresolved and the absence of sorting and search facility on incoming files by date and name of the local agencies. Of the existing problems will require monitoring and file control information system for the BKN Regional II, so it can help the BKN Regional II monitor administrative file in and out of each agency areas in the district or city throughout East Java.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Persediaan Barang Pada UD. Mekaryo Utomo Lamongan Suhariyanto, Dedy; Tanuwijaya, Haryanto; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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UD. Mekaryo Utomo is trade enterprises which is engaged in the sale of building materials. In business development UD. Mekaryo Utomo use the warehouse as a place to store inventory. Processes that are currently running to include the process of ordering, receiving, the process of expenditures, and reporting processes. The development of technology can be utilized to create a solution to assisting in the application of UD. Mekaryo Utomo in performing inventory control that will assist in the administration of recording entry and exit of goods, supervision of the inventory in the warehouse to ensure service to customers, accelerating in making the reports required by management. Based on the results of the previous discussion, it can be concluded from this study produced an information system for monitoring entry and exit of goods in the warehouse. determine the quantity and at the right time to make orders to suppliers, and may provide the reports required by the management quickly and accurately.
Development Application for Harbour Mobile Crane Feasibility Evaluation at PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Surabaya Arif, Abdurrakhman; Setyawan, Henry Bambang; Susilo, Tegar Heru
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia is a company engaged in the areas of services and stevedoring services in the port area. Where the main production equipment used is Harbour Mobile Crane (HMC). With a very expensive price and feasibility calculation process that is still limited trust. It can be difficult for the mechanic to explain the performance of existing machines to the managerial. So may harm the company because it can be swelling expenditures in case of late taking a decision.Writer try to made an application that can compute the value of the performance of a machine along with its economic value. The function of this application is to assess the feasibility of the two sides are assessed in terms of performance and assessed in terms of the economy. In terms of performance, the engine will be assessed by the MTTR and MTBF. The point is to get the value of the Availability and Reability.From an economic perspective, the machine will be assessed based on the value of assets and the cost of care. The votes of the two terms of the application will provide an assessment of whether the machine is still fit for use or not.
Design Application Monitoring The Project Shipbuilding In PT Orela Shipyard Putra, Rastra Sewa Eka; Sudarmaningtyas, Pantjawati; Setyawan, Henry Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 12 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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PT Orela Shipyard is a company that works in industrial fleet that makes ships according to each project by each different company. When making a ship each company usually enconters schedule delay and to prevent any delays monitoring process is needed to know the progress off the project. Monitoring process of this company is not optimized because it hasn’t fully automated well enough and there isn’t a media that can contain the documents of the ship project. The distance of the main office is far from each ship dock is also a factor that delay the monitoring process of each project. With the problem at monitoring process, so a web based monitoring process application is made to see the progress and documents of the project. The step of making monitoring application uses SDLC method. The result based from the application trials, the application that has been made can solved the problem of the company especially in monitoring process with optimal result and there is no delay in scheduling. This has been tested with the use of black box testing that focused to user input testing on system and the test result show that the application can be used 100%. Kata Kunci : Monitoring, Web, System Development Life Cycle, dan Dashboard.
Co-Authors A. B. Tjandrarini Abdurrakhman Arif Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Adisti Machmudah Agung, Akhmad Akbar Agus Ariyanto Agus Ariyanto Akbar, Rizky Jihad Akbar, Rizky Jihad Alifi, Yusron Alifianoor, Raisa Alifianti Putri Luhkitasari Amaliyah, Alfinatul Amaliyah, Alfinatul Andri Saputro, Andri Anjik Sukmaaji Antok Supriyanto Apriliana, Cahya Apritasari, Filzah Apritasari, Filzah Arie Rozzy Pribadi Arif Budiman Santoso Arif, Abdurrakhman Arif, Abdurrakhman Arifin Puji Widodo Arliq Mushlih Rachamadho Asari, Riski Imam Asari, Riski Imam Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie bias syawadani pasca bimo, christophorus bimo, christophorus Bobby Hans Pratama Boga, Anto Chafida Muzdalifah christophorus bimo Corhepaticha Hayuranistya Daniel F. Kale Danu Kristantio Diagustin Rahayu Didiet Anindita Arnandy Dionisius Oktavian Andana Putra Edyson Luhulima Erwin Sutomo Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal Fatkurrotin, Shofia Filzah Apritasari FIOLA ILONA PUTRI Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Habel Gilang Ramdhan Habel, Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Habel, Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Handika Setiawan Handoko, Febrian Haryanto Tanuwijaya Hayuranistya, Corhepaticha Hayuranistya, Corhepaticha Hutagalung, Ika Widyasari I Gusti Ngurah Alit Widana Putra Ignatius Adrian Mastan Indra Halid Triyatno Lauhatta Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Irawan, Sari Zetari Jamhari Jamhari Januar Wibowo Jati, Kelik Hendra Jatmika, Kurniawan Jatmika, Kurniawan Julianto Lemantara Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Kale, Daniel F. Kale, Daniel F. Ketut De Santiasa Khatulistiwa, Angga Kusumawati, Tiara Indah Kusumawaty, Weny Indah Kusumawaty, Weny Indah Lauhatta, Indra Halid Triyatno Luhkitasari, Alifianti Putri Luhulima, Edyson M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M.J Dewiyani Sunato Martinus Sony Erstiawan Maulana, Yoppy Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Mindrawan, Tantri Mindrawan, Tantri Mochammad Arifin Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi Muzdalifah, Chafida Muzdalifah, Chafida Ningsih, Norma Nirmala, Ariesta Fuji Pahlevie, Moch. Reza Pahlevie, Moch. Reza Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Paramastri, Raras Dhika Paramastri, Raras Dhika Permana, Alvin Indra Pramadita, Ventya Devi Pramadita, Ventya Devi Pratama, Denny Putra Yudha Pratama, Fahrizal Fauzi Pratama, Fahrizal Fauzi Pratama, Taufik Yudha Pratama, Taufik Yudha Pratiwi, Nila Elzha Prayogi, Welly Abdi Prayogi, Welly Abdi Pribadi, Arie Rozzy Pribadi, Arie Rozzy Puspitasari, Anita Puspitasari, Anita Putra, Rastra Sewa Eka Putra, Yudhistira Eka Wishnu PUTRI, FIOLA ILONA Rachman, Bobby Rachman, Rizky Rachman, Rizky Rahardiyan Arya Yudha Rahayu, Diagustin Rahmawati, Endra Raisa Alifianoor Ramdhan, Gilang Renodicto, Renodicto Rezandy, Aldo Kevindra Risa Rahmadya Triwendra Romeo Romeo Ronny S Susilo Santiasa, Ketut De Sayang, Ega Syahputra Setiawan, Handika Suhariyanto, Dedy Suhariyanto, Dedy Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sutrisno, Alfian Tan Amelia Taufik Yudha Pratama Tegar Heru Susilo Tegar Heru Susilo Tiara Indah Kusumawati Titik Lusiani Tito Akbar Firmanda Tony Soebijono Tony Soebijono Triwendra, Risa Rahmadya Tutut Wurijanto Usman, Rizka Agustia Usman, Rizka Agustia Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wachid Hasyim, Wachid Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wardani, Marina Kusuma Wardhani, Hienny Wardhani, Hienny Welly Abdi Prayogi Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wisudawanto, Munir Agung Wisudawanto, Munir Agung Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yudha, Rahardiyan Arya Yudhistira Eka Wishnu Putra