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Investigasi Pengambilan Keputusan Gen Y (Second Generation Existing Priority Members) untuk Menjadi Nasabah Prioritas BCA di Pekalongan (Sebuah Studi Fenomenologi) Christianto, Andreas Andy; Soesanto, Harry
Jurnal Sains Pemasaran Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Marketing Science) Vol 18, No 3 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Master of Management Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.986 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jspi.v18i3.202-211


Gen Y, which is often referred to as Generation Millennials, will soon dominate the composition of the world of work and business in Indonesia. This millennial generation has a significant difference with previous generations, especially about what influences are the basis of their purchasing decisions. The researcher specifically examined how this millennial generation decided to join as a BCA Priority customer, what factors influenced their decision. The researcher used the Qualitative research method with a phenomenological narrative approach. The reason for choosing this method is so that researchers can interact directly with the speakers, dig deeper so that they get a more comprehensive picture of them. There were 8 speakers in this study which were divided into 4 groups, namely 1. Parents and Children of Priority customers, 2. Parents of Priority customers, Children not Priority customers, 3. Parents not BCA customers, Priority customer Children,4. Parents and Children are not Priority customers, but are included in the Priority criteria.            The results of this study indicate that millennial generation purchasing decisions are influenced by many factors that can be grouped into 2 things: factors that have been experienced, felt and fulfilled their needs, namely ease of transactions, privileges, special prices, business networks, and pride and other factors that are expectations what they want when they become priority customers, namely financial solutions and increasing their knowledge.            The new finding in this study was that parents' factors turned out to play a very important role for Gen Y especially the second generation of priority customers to decide to become BCA Prioritas customers.
Diponegoro Journal of Management Volume 8, Nomor 4, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University

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Nowadays, the development of shoe industry has been very rapid and many shoes brands that have been offered both domestically and abroad, one of which is brand Fladeo. With the many choices offered, consumers are also increasingly critical in making purchasing decisions. In this case there are several factors that can influence consumer purchasing decisions such as product quality and word of mouth. The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of product quality and word of mouth againts the purchasing decision of Fladeo and brand image as an intervening variable.The population in this research is female consumers in the city of Jakarta and there are 130 respondents as the sample research. Sampling in this research using non-probability sampling methods and purposive sampling techniques. This research using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis technique which is estimated with AMOS 22.0.The results of this research shows that product quality and word of mouth has a positive and significant effect againts brand image and purchasing decisions, then the brand image has a positive effect againts purchasing decisions.
Studi Mengenai Keputusan Pembelian dengan Pendekatan Service Encounter, Service Convenience dan Product Knowledge yang dimediasi oleh Purchase Intention pada Bengkel PT. Astra International-Daihatsu Sales Operation Semarang Sumarno, Sumarno; Soesanto, Harry; Sufian, Syuhada
Jurnal Ilmiah Aset Vol 19 No 1 (2017): Jurnal ASET Volume 19 No 1
Publisher : STIE Widya Manggala

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This research was conducted in workshop PT. Astra International-Daihatsu Sales Operation, Semarang branch. Started from a finding which showed an indication that the consumer’s decision to utilize the service of workshop PT. Astra International-Daihatsu Sales Operation Semarang branch is still low. The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of service encounter, service convenient and product knowledge on purchase intention and purchase decision. The approach in this research involved five variables, namely service encounter, service convenience, product knowledge and purchase intention that can allegedly explain the low purchase decision of services of workshop PT. Astra International-Daihatsu Sales Operation Semarang branch. The analysis of this research used Structural Equation Modeling method. The results showed that service encounter, service convenience and product knowledge proved positive and significant effect on purchase intention and purchase decision. While purchase intention had negative but not significant effect on purchase decision.
Diponegoro Journal of Management Volume 9, Nomer 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University

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This research aims to analyze the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Trust and Brand Image and the impact on Purchasing Decision on e-commerce platform. At this time, E-commerce has become common thing in community. Technological developments and convenience obtained make this platform has growing demand in all market segments. From ease of use to the speed of e-commerce services into the spotlight of consumers.This research was conducted for people in Semarang City who had carried out buying and selling transactions through the platform. The number of samples is 100 respondent. With the method of collecting data through questionnaires and sampling methods in this study is a non probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Analysis method with AMOS program. The results show that Electronic Word of Mouth has a positive and significant effect on Trust and Brand Image. Then, Trust and Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision.
The Study of Payment Compliance of Independent Workers of National Health Insurance in Bpjs Kesehatan Branch Office Ungaran Sitorus, Beatrik Yosephine; Soesanto, Harry; Kusumawardhani, Amie
Diponegoro Journal of Economics Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro Journal of Economics

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BPJS Kesehatan prove the presence of the country in the welfare of the community, especially in the field of health, and also become evidence for the community to improve the welfare of the lives of the people. But on his journey BPJS Kesehatan has difficulties health financing where one of them is the impact of lack of awareness and compliance of participants, especially the independent worker participants in making dues payments sustainably. The object of this research is the independent workers registered in Ungaran branch office. The analysis used in this research is Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The invention of this research is the customer experience positively influence the perception of service quality, customer experience positively influences the ease of making payments, perception of service quality positive effect on compliance with payments, ease of payment is positively influential on compliance with payments, and ability to pay has no effect on compliance with payments.
Analisis Pengaruh E Service, Fasilitas dan Customer Delight Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Membeli Ulang Studi pada PT. Reska Multi Usaha Muslich, Mukhammad; Soesanto, Harry; Indriyani, Farida
Diponegoro Journal of Economics Volume 9, Nomor 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro Journal of Economics

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Kereta api merupakan sarana transportasi andalan bagi masyarakat. Dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan, maka manajemen PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (persero) memberikan layanan berupa kereta makan atau restorasi yang dikelola oleh anak perusahaan PT. Reska Multi Usaha. Restorasi bukan tanpa saingan. Persaingan bisnis khususnya didunia makanan saat ini sangat ketat. Kepuasan pelanggan menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam memenagkan persaingan. Kepuasan pelanggan akan memunculkan minat membeli ulang. Dimana minat membeli ulang merupakan salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi keberlangsungan sebuah perusahaan. Banyak hal yang dapat mempengaruhi minat membeli ulang, diantaranya adalah e-service, fasilitas, customer delight dan kepuasan pelanggan. Maka pada penelitiaan ini peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap beberapa factor yang dapat mempengaruhi minat membeli ulang pada PT. Reska Multi Usaha. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh e-service, fasilitas dan customer delight terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dalam meningkatkan minat membeli ulang pada PT. Reska Multi Usaha. Penelitian ini meggunakan pengambilan sampel kuantitatif dengan metode purposive sampling, dengan responden sebanyak 106 responden. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa variabel kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat beli ulang. Sedangkan e-service, fasilitas, customer delight juga berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Tetapi e-service memberikan nilai yang paling signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dibanding dengan lainnya. sehingga diperlukan peningkatan dan pengembangan terhadap aplikasi berbasis internet yang sudah ada.
Diponegoro Journal of Management Volume 10, Nomor 2, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University

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The Development of technology and information has developed very rapidly, making it easier for people to obtain information to meet their needs. One of them is through online buying and selling (e-commerce). Bukalapak is one of the largest e-commerce sites but has experienced a decline in visitor growth compared to its competitors, it is important to maintain existing user loyalty. This study aims to analyze the effect of e-trust and promotion on e-loyalty with e-satisfaction as an intervening variable. The Population used in this study were Diponegoro University FEB students who are users of the Bukalapak e-commerce site and have made transactions at least once in the past 1 year. The number of samples used in this study were 110 respondents. The data collection method was carried out through questionnaires that were distributed online due to the pandemic that was hitting the world. This study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques with AMOS analysis tools. The Results of this study indicate that promotion has a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction, e-trust has a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction and esatisfaction has a positive and significant effect on e-loyalty. Apart from that, e-trust also have a positive and significant direct effect on e-loyalty.
The Effect of Knowledge Sharing, Absorption Capacity on Employee Performance with Innovation Capability as Intervening Variables (Case Study on Employees of the Central Java Agricultural Technology Research Center) Nurcahyo, Satria Avianda; Andriyani, Andriyani; Rionaldo, Richo; Soesanto, Harry
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.3584


This study aims to analyze how much influence the variable knowledge sharing, absorption capacity has on employee performance through innovation capability as an intervening variable. This study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis method. The findings of this study indicate that the variable knowledge sharing has a positive effect on employee performance, absorption capacity has a positive effect on employee performance, knowledge sharing has a negative effect on innovation capability, and absorption capacity has a positive effect on employee performance and innovation. Capability has a positive effect on employee performance. The managerial implications in this study indicate that absorption capacity has a positive effect on employee performance and innovation capability has a positive effect on employee performance. The managerial implications in this study indicate that absorption capacity has a positive effect on employee performance and innovation capability has a positive effect on employee performance. The managerial implications in this study indicate that there needs to be optimization in applying the priority of the quality of work results to existing employees. The quality of the work describes the results expected by the government to be applied to local farmers in Central Java. With good yield quality in innovation of superior seeds and fertilizers, it will increase the production power of farmers in Central Java.
Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Manfaat, Persepsi Kemudahan Penggunaan dan Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dengan Kepercayaan Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Konsumen Gofood di Kota Semarang) Widhiaswara, Isnaeni Agustin; Soesanto, Harry
Jurnal Sains Pemasaran Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Marketing Science) Vol 19, No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Master of Management Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jspi.v19i2.114-125


This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived of ease of use, perceived risk , trust and purchasing decisions for GoFood in the city of Semarang. Respondents in this study are consumers who make food purchases through GoFood. Data collected through Google Form containing questionnaires filled out by 125 respondents. The analytical method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis carried out with the AMOS program. The results of hypothesis testing with SEM show that: 1. Perceived usefulness has a significant effect on trust, 2. Perceived of ease of use has a significant effect on trust, 3. Perceived risk has a significant effect on trust, 4. Trust has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, 5. Perceived usefulness has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, 6. Perceived of ease of use has a significant effect on purchasing desicion, 7. Perceived risk has a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 6, No 1 (2005) : JEP Juni 2005
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jep.v6i1.4011


The stream of Semarang river starts from the southern part of Semarang, precisely from Kaligarang dam, then down to east until near Kariadi General Hospital and Flower market (defined as upper-stream) and passes behind Lawang Sewu building, Mayor Semarang Office, and Jalan Inspeksi in Thamrin (defined as middle-stream). To the north, goes to China town, Johar Market, Mberok Bridge and stream down to Java Sea (defined as lower-stream).Until 1970 's, Semarang River was remaining used by community for washing, bathing and rearing fish. Even reach to early 1980 's many home industry of 'tempe-tahu' (a kinds of dish made by soyabeans which famous known as Javanese dish) utilized this river to wash the raw materials. However, all of those activities were dramatically gone due to the river is no longer sufficient to accommodate these purposes. Today, Kali Semarang is utilized by community for sewage, disposing garbage and drainage. The river body of Semarang River becoming shallow and narrower, then adversely due to the riverbank are utilized for illegal settlement and other purposes.Institutional analysis and co-management approach that introduced by ICLARM (now is known as Wolfish) and defined in Pomeroy and William (1994) and Kuperan et al (2003) were employed to analyze the situation of Semarang River. The study found that involvement of community only is not enough to manage the river of Semarang. The government is the most suitable one since has authority, resources, and funding if to be compared by the other components of stakeholder.
Co-Authors Adi, Rifqi Nugroho Ahyar Yuniawan Alfi Ramdhani Putrakoranto Amie Kusumawardhani, Amie Andra, Agam Atylla Andriyani Andriyani Apriando, Joni Putra aprianti, prilia nurfina Arief Hidayat Arriskoni, Muhammad Anas Astarina Aria Dewi, Astarina Augusty Tae Ferdinand Aula, Maulida Budiawan Dwi Putranto, Budiawan Dwi Christianto, Andreas Andy Dani Pratiwi, Dani Devi Resti, Devi Devi Riani, Devi Farida Indriani Gemilang,, Izhhar Ghani Annafi Satriadi, Ghani Annafi Giovani Erlitna, Kesia Hanif, Muhammad Haidar Hasanah, Emy Yatul Hibba Al Kanzu, Hibba I Made Sukresna Indriyani, Farida Kurniawan, Hendy Kurniawan, Rizal Mahdi Lestari, Yessi M. Rizky Putra Perdana, M. Rizky Putra Mahfudz Mahfudz Mahfudz Mahfudz Mariska, Angela Meirina Indah Permatasari, Meirina Indah Mindo Yumanda Siboro, Mindo Yumanda Mudiantono Mudiantono Muslich, Mukhammad Mutmainah, Arifia Chamiatun Nababan, Jelita Safitri Najib, Muhammad Alfiyan Nida Fadhila, Nida Novita, Elvira Nugraha Fitra Andani, Nugraha Fitra Nurul Hidayati Perkasa KS, Nicholas Anggada Pratidina, Nissa Gin Ajeng Ramadhan, Gear Ratna, Maria Moniqua Reinisa Ramadhani, Reinisa Rindiet Akbar Wibawanto Rionaldo, Richo Rr. Selli Nisrina Faradila, Rr. Selli Nisrina Sari, Bekti Pradina Satria Avianda Nurcahyo Sitorus, Beatrik Yosephine Subeno, Edi Sugiarto S Sugiono Sugiono Sulistiyawati, Erika Sumarno . Susilo Toto Raharjo Sutopo Sutopo Syuhada Sufian Thauhid, Sandy Baytu Ulumiyah, Lailis Vega Cyndra Ragatantya, Vega Cyndra Venny Faradika Anggi, Venny Faradika Widhiaswara, Isnaeni Agustin Wisnu Pamenang Yashinta Asteria Norhermaya, Yashinta Asteria Yolanda, Rilla Yuda Supriyanto Yulianto, Muhammad Rizal Yulianto, Yana