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Pengembangan Sumber belajar Biologi Berbasis Potensi lokal Dadiah untuk meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Siti Sriyati*; Almira Ivana; Didik Pryandoko
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2021): APRIL 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.279 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v9i2.18783


Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan negara dengan keanekaragaman etnis dan budaya yang tersebar di berbagai daerah. Potensi dan kearifan lokal yang dimiliki oleh berbagai suku bangsa belum secara optimal diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah sebagai sumber belajar. Dadiah merupakan salah satu makanan tradisional dari Sumatrera Barat yang biasa disajikan  sehari-hari pada berbagai acara adat secara turun menurun. Dadiah merupakan produk fermentasi alami berbahan dasar susu kerbau murni. Proses fermentasi terjadi pada wadah berupa tabung bambu. Hasil penyelusuran ke sekolah pada materi Biologi khususnya Bioteknologi,  dadiah sebagai potensi lokal khas Minangkabau tidak pernah diperkenalkan, padahal dadiah merupakan potensi lokal yang perlu dilestarikan. Membelajarkan pembuatan dadiah melalui praktikum dapat menggali dan  melatih keterampilan proses sains (KPS) siswa. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sumber belajar biologi berbasis potensi lokal untuk meningkatkan kemampuan keterampilan proses sains siswa. Metode pengembangan sumber belajar yang digunakan adalah metode ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Sumber belajar yang akan dikembangkan berupa rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), Lembar kerja siswa (LKS), bahan ajar, evaluasi (soal keterampilan proses sains). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh sumber belajar untuk membelajarkan bioteknologi sederhana pada biologi khususnya materi dadiah yang valid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KPS siswa mengalami peningkatan pada katergori sedang dengan N-gain 0,61. Kata Kunci : sumber belajar, potensi lokal, dadiah, Minangkabau, fermentasi, keterampilan proses sains 
Pemanfaatan Kearifan Lokal Orang Rimba di Jambi Melalui Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Lingkungan Siswa Siti Sriyati*; Pisca Hana Marsenda; Topik Hidayat
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.919 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v10i2.23548


Orang Rimba are one of the tribes in Jambi who live in the Bukit Duabelas National park (TNBD). Orang Rimba take advantage of the wealth of plants and animals that surround them. Orang Rimba have such strong customs that affect their lives and livelihoods. They have local wisdom in managing their environment. This study aims to utilize the local wisdom of the Orang Rimba through the development of teaching materials on Biodiversity to improve students' environmental literacy. The research method used is the development method with the ADDIE model (analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate). The study began with a needs analysis to one of the senior high schools in Soralangun, which is a school adjacent to TNBD and field data collection to Orang Rimba in TNBD. At the implementation stage, a trial of teaching materials was carried out to students in one of the X grade high schools in Soralangun with a non-equivalent control group design. The instruments used in this study were interview guidelines, feasibility validation sheets, readability of teaching materials and environmental literacy instruments. The results showed that the teaching materials had an average feasibility of 81.66% (very feasible) and readability of 70.92% (high). The increase in environmental literacy of students in the experimental class showed an N-gain of 3.8 in the medium category
Problem-Based Learning on Students' Attitude Towards Science: An Action Research Weni Rahmadani; Nanang Winarno; Siti Sriyati; Titin Supriyatin
ASEAN Journal of Science and Engineering Education Vol 4, No 2 (2024): (ONLINE FIRST) AJSEE: September 2024
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ajsee.v4i2.60400


Students' attitudes towards science learning based on the results of the questionnaire are still lacking, students' attitudes towards science are lacking because learning is not related to students' everyday problems, learning activities are less fun and students are afraid to express opinions, and students find science learning difficult. This study aims to improve students' attitudes toward science learning on the respiratory system material and wave material using the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model. The subjects were 32 students (14 males and 18 females). The type of research used in this research is classroom action research (CAR) with 2 cycles. Data collection was carried out by filling out questionnaires and observing attitudes toward science. Attitude toward science indicators consists of 5 indicators, namely: Attitude, Unfavorable outlook, Control beliefs, Behavioral beliefs, and Intention. Based on the results, there was an increase in student attitudes starting from cycles 1 to 2. The student attitudes toward science learning were 69.69 to 71.73%. The average student attitude in one class rose by 2.06%. Attitude toward science in cycles 1 and 2 by applying the PBL model has increased learning outcomes.
Pengembangan E-Modul untuk Melatih Kemampuan Literasi Membaca Peserta Didik SMA Siti Tahany Rifa Faidah; Siti Sriyati; Didik Priyandoko
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 8 (2023): August
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i8.3763


This study aims to develop an E-Module to train high school students' reading literacy skills. The e-module was designed using Canva-assisted power point and saved in power point show. The power point show is then sent via WhatsApp for students to use. This research uses the development method with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) according to. The implementation phase uses a pretest – posttest non-equivalent control group design to obtain information about the effect the developed E-Module. This research was conducted at a public high school in Cimahi City, West Java Province in February-March 2023. The sample for this study was taken by convenience sampling , namely 30 students from class XI IPA 1 as the experimental class and 30 students from class XI IPA 2 as the experimental class. control. The instruments and data collection techniques used in this study were the due diligence validation sheets, readability tests and reading literacy skills tests. The results showed that the feasibility test for the developed E-module showed very feasible criteria, the readability test showed a result of 80% with easy-to-understand criteria and the development of this E-module could increase reading literacy skills by 0.7 with high criteria on the indicator of finding information, 0.8 with high criteria on indicators of interpretation and integration and a score of 1 with high criteria on evaluating and reflecting indicators.
Penerapan Dialogic teaching Melalui LKPD Konsep Kartun untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa SMA Najihah Fakhirah Siregar; Siti Sriyati; Amprasto
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 8 (2023): August
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i8.3767


Science learning should focus on cognitive processes that lead to the development of scientific processes, scientific products, and scientific attitudes. However, field facts show that students' science process skills are still low. One possible solution that can train and improve students’ science process skills is dialogic teaching facilitated by concept cartoon worksheets. This study aims to identify the implementation of dialogic teaching through concept cartoon worksheets to improve students' science process skills. This research method is quasi-experimental with 2 sample classes, namely the experimental class and the control class which were taken by purposive sampling. The research instrument is science process skills test, concept cartoon worksheets, learning implementation observation sheet, and student response questionnaires. Data analysis used independent t-test and n-gain. The results showed that students’ science process skills in control class and experimental class were significantly different. The n-gain test results also showed a higher increase in the experimental class than the control class with an average n-gain result of 0.65 (moderate) in the experimental class and 0,31 (moderate) in the control class. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of dialogic teaching through the concept cartoon student worksheet can improve students' science process skills.
Penggunaan Penskor Jawaban Esai Otomatis dalam Pengukuran Pengetahuan Guru Raden Ahmad Hadian Adhy Permana*; Ari Widodo; Wawan Setiawan; Siti Sriyati
JIPI (Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jipi.v5i4.22724


Measuring the ability of teachers is part of the evaluation in the national education system. The development of the instrument in the form of essay questions has become an alternative because the instrument is considered to have better authenticity than the form of multiple choice questions. The implications of using the essay instrument were scored consistency and efficient resources. The purpose of this study was to examine the inter-rater reliability between the automated essay scoring system and human raters in measuring teachers’ knowledge using the essay instrument. The research was conducted randomly with 200 junior high school science teachers. The quantitative method design was applied to investigate the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and Pearson's correlation (r) as indicators of the ability of automated essay scoring (UKARA) that had been used. The main data in this study were test answers from participants in the form of limited essay answers that have been distributed online. The inter-rater reliability coefficient between the UKARA and the human rater in this study was in the high category (more than 0.7) for all items or means that the score given by UKARA has a strong correlation with the score given by human rater. These results mean that UKARA has adequate capability as an automated essay scoring system on the measurement of science teacher knowledge. 
The Development of Science Teaching Materials Based on the PjBL-STEM Model and ESD Approach on Environmental Pollution Materials Yeni Setyowati*; Ida Kaniawati; Siti Sriyati; Elah Nurlaelah; Hernani Hernani
JIPI (Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): MARCH 2022
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jipi.v6i1.23571


Critical thinking skills and sustainability consciousness are competencies that students need to have to face the challenges of the 21st century and can be developed through appropriate learning activities and teaching materials. Unfortunately, teachers do not have the right guidelines and teaching materials to implement learning activities that develop those competencies. This study aims to develop science teaching materials with the PjBL-STEM learning model and education for sustainable development (ESD) approach on environmental pollution material to enhance critical thinking skill and sustainability consciousness of junior high school student in class VII. The teaching materials developed in this study are Lesson Plans, Worksheets, and assessment for critical thinking skill and sustainability consciousness. The research method used in developing the product is research and development (R D). While the RD research model used is the four-D development model. The four-D development model has several stage, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study solely reached the development stage. The feasibility test was carried out by the experts. The data were analized using percentage of the product eligibility in the validation form. Based on the results of the feasibility validation, the critical thinking skill asessment validation received a percentage value of 85% with very feasible criteria and sustainability consciousness asessment validation received a percentage value of  97% with very feasible criteria. The finding of the research indicate that the teaching material developed is valid and eligible to use.
Citizen Science Project, Weather-it, in Science Education: The Scientific Attitudes of Junior High School Students St E Sururiyatul Muaziyah; Topik Hidayat; Siti Sriyati; Lia Lutianasari
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/tjp.v12i1.5844


Formal education increasingly includes citizen science projects. There is clear evidence of the benefits of citizen science projects for science learning, where one of the goals of science education is to foster a logical mindset and add information to students. This study aimed to measure changes in scientific attitude and the addition of knowledge acquired by students. This project is named Weather-it, which consists of activities to investigate the weather and identify clouds. Thirty junior high school students were involved in this study. Research data were obtained from semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The experts have verified the 23 statement items on the questionnaire sheet. The results showed that 77% of students were in the good category for the indicator of curiosity, 67% in the sufficient category for the indicator of respect for data, 93% for the sufficient category for the indicator of critical thinking, and 77% for the sufficient category for the indicator of open-mindedness and cooperation. Furthermore, students explained the knowledge they gained through the citizen science project, Weather-it, including knowledge about clouds, technology, the use of Microsoft Excel in processing data, the use of weather in aviation, and the duties of a meteorologist.
The Potency of Google Sites to Enhance Students Performance in Research Skills Sylva Sagita; Adi Rahmat; Didik Priyandoko; Siti Sriyati
Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55215/pedagonal.v7i2.8843


This study aimed to determine high school students' perceptions of using Google Sites while improving research skills. How do students feel about using Google Sites for research learning regarding utility, ease of use, attitude, and intention to use? This article takes the initiative to explore the potential of the Google site to help students develop and retain research skills in planning, preparing, and writing research methods among senior high school students, especially related to finding information skills. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach, and the research subjects were 125 students of class XI and three Biology teachers who carried out research-based learning activities. In this study, a questionnaire survey was employed using a 5-point Likert scale, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and intention to use. The survey is in a Google form and shared via WhatsApp. According to the results of the study, Google Sites helped improve the abilities of students in research skills, especially in finding information from reliable sources. The collaboration between teachers and students in exploring this user-friendly platform fosters an environment of enthusiasm and confidence, paving the way for an enriched educational journey empowered by technology
An Endeavor to Improve the Ability of High School Teachers in Designing Lesson Plans based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Biology Learning Through Training [Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru-guru SMA dalam Mendesain RPP berbasis Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) pada Pembelajaran Biologi Melalui Pelatihan] Siti Sriyati; Ari Widodo; Riandi Riandi; Widi Purwianingsih; Rini Solihat; Diana Rochintaniawati; Eliyawati Eliyawati
Jurnal Pengabdian Isola Vol 2, No 2 (2023): JPI: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpi.v2i2.64467


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD adalah upaya mendorong masyarakat untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang tangguh dan berkelanjutan. Dalam upaya memperkenalkan permasalahan yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitar dan mendorong agar siswa konstruktif dan kreatif menghadapi tantangan tersebut, pendidikan menjadi salah satu solusinya yaitu dengan mengintegrasikan ESD ke dalam pembelajaran biologi. Untuk itu para guru dituntut mengembangkan pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan ESD sehingga dapat menanamkan perilaku pro lingkungan siswa. Agar guru-guru dapat mengintegrasikan ESD ke dalam pembelajaran maka dilaksanakan pelatihan mendesain RPP berbasis ESD. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dilaksanakan dengan 2 pertemuan secara daring dan 1 pertemuan luring.  Kegiatan luring dilaksanakan di salah satu SMAN di Kabupaten Cirebon dengan  tahapan lesson study yang terdiri dari tahap plan-do-see. Dari beberapa RPP yang disusun secara berkelompok oleh guru Biologi, dipilihlah satu RPP berkaitan dengan tema makanan untuk dimplementasikan di kelas secara luring. Instrumen yang digunakan pada kegiatan PkM ini terdiri dari format observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, dan angket respon guru. Hasil PkM menunjukkan pada tahap do dan see diperoleh hasil bahwa pembelajaran berbasis ESD berjalan dengan baik dan mendapat respon positif dari para guru observer dan siswa, guru-guru memperoleh contoh langsung RPP dan penerapan pembelajaran berbasis ESD yang menarik, menyenangkan, kreatif, merupakan hal baru, menginspirasi dan bermanfaat.Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an effort to encourage the community to create a resilient and sustainable society. In an effort to introduce problems that occur in the surrounding environment and encourage students to be constructive and creative in facing these challenges, education is one of the solutions, namely by integrating ESD into learning.  For this reason, teachers are required to develop learning that integrates ESD so that they can instill pro-environmental behavior in students. In order for teachers to be able to integrate ESD into learning, training is carried out on designing ESD-based lesson plans. Community Service Activities are carried out in 2 separate meetings online and 1 offline meeting. Offline activities were carried out at one of the High Schools in Cirebon Regency with a lesson study stage consisting of a plan-do-see stage. From several teaching materials prepared in groups by the Biology teacher, one teaching material was chosen related to the theme of food for implemented in class offline. The instruments used in this activity consist of an observation format for learning implementation and a teacher response questionnaire. The results of the Community Service Activities show that at the do and see stages the results showed that ESD-based learning went well and received a positive response from observer teachers and students, teachers got direct examples of lesson plans and the application of interesting, fun, creative ESD-based learning. new, inspiring and beneficial.