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EDUSAINS Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Edusains
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.848 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/es.v8i1.1562


Abstract This study investigated the effect of integrated science learning using Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach to enhance students’ ability in written communication. Participated by 46 students of grade 8 of a junior high school in West Sumatra whose purposively sampled, the study used a quasi-experiment with static group pretest-posttest design. Data were gathered from written communication test developed for pretest and posttes. The result of data analysis showed that there were significant effect of implementing the integrated science learning using SWH approach in enhancing the ability of students’ written communication. The mean gain of experimental group is 0,8, which is higher than the control group (0,6). Abstrak Penelitian ini menyelidiki pengaruh pembelajaran IPA terpadu menggunakan pendekatam Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi tulisan siswa. Penelitian dilakukan pada 46 siswa kelas VIII salah satu SMPN di Sumatera Barat yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain nonequivalent pretest and posttest control group design. Data didapatkan dari tes kemampuan komunikasi tulisan yang dikembangkan untuk pretes dan postes. Hasil analaisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penerapan pembelajaran IPA terpadu menggunakan pendekatan SWH berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi tulisan siswa. Rata-rata n-gain yang dimiliki kelas eksperimen 0,8, yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol (0,6). Permalink/DOI:
EDUSAINS Vol 11, No 1 (2019): EDUSAINS
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.628 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/es.v11i1.11664


IMPROVEMENT OF CREATIVE THINKING BY TEACHING MATERIALS BASED ON LOCAL POTENTIAL OF PONDOK BALI MANGROVE AbstractThe mangrove ecosystem of Pondok Bali in Subang can be used as a learning resource in the form of contextual teaching materials for students around it. This study aims to apply teaching materials based on the local potential of Pondok Bali Subang mangrove ecosystem to improve students' creative thinking skills. This study uses a pre-experimental design method. The research subjects were class XI Fisheries Department with a total of 17 students.The instruments in the study included teaching materials based on the local potential of mangrove ecosystems, questions of creative thinking and student response questionnaires. Teaching materials based on local potential mangrove ecosystems were developed first and tested for their feasibility and readability before being used by students. Teaching materials are equipped with practice questions that explore students' creative thinking abilities. The results showed an increase in students' creative thinking skills before and after the application of teaching materials was applied. N-gain values of the indicators of creative thinking are consecutive: fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration are 0.41, 0.54, 0.44 and 0.55 which are in the medium category. The increase in N-gain is: 23.5% of students in the high category, 58.8% in the medium category, 11.8% in the low category and 5.9% in no increase. Student responses to teaching materials showed a positive response (93.9%). AbstrakEkosistem mangrove Pondok Bali di Subang dapat dijadikan sumber belajar dalam bentuk bahan ajar yang kontektual bagi siswa-siswa di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal ekosistem mangrove Pondok Bali  Subang untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-experimental design. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI Jurusan Perikanan dengan  jumlah siswa sebanyak 17 orang. Instrumen pada penelitian meliputi bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal ekosistem mangrove, soal berpikir kreatif dan angket respon siswa. Bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal ekosistem mangrove disusun terlebih dahulu dan diuji kelayakan serta keterbacaannya sebelum digunakan oleh siswa. Bahan ajar dilengkapi dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan latihan yang menggali kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa sebelum dan sesudah diterapkan bahan ajar.  Berturut-turut nilai N-gain dari indikator berpikir kreatif:  fluency, flexibility, originality dan elaboration  adalah 0,41, 0,54, 0,44 dan 0,55 yang termasuk kategori sedang. Peningkatan N-gainnya adalah: 23,5% siswa berkategori tinggi, 58,8%  berkategori sedang,  11,8% berkategori rendah dan 5,9% tidak mengalami peningkatan. Tanggapan siswa terhadap bahan ajar menunjukkan respon yang positif (93,9%). 
Implementation of Cooperative Models Jigsaw with the Assignment of Mind Map to Improve the Mastery of Concepts and Creative Thinking Abilities of Students Lilis Sulistiawati; Siti Sriyati
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 12, No 1 (2015): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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This study aimed to analyze the differences mastery of concepts and creative thinking skills among students who get through the implementation of cooperative models jigsaw with the assignment mind map and students who get through the implementation of the conventional model with assignment mind map. The method used is a quasi-experimental research design with pre test-post test control group Design. The sampling technique is done by cluster random sampling of 60 students consisting of 30 students control class and 30 students experimental class. Data collected through preliminary tests (pretest) and final test (posttest) mastery of concepts and creative thinking abilities of students. Data analysis used Mann Whitney test. Based on the results of data analysis, found the results of the first study, there were significant differences between the experimental class concept mastery and control classes (sig = 0,000 < α = 0.05), the significance of the differences between the students' ability to think creatively experimental class and control class (0.039 < α = 0.05). The conclusion was that the use of a model cooperative jigsaw with the assignment mind map better than the use of conventional models with the assignment mind map.Keywords: Jigsaw, Mind Map, Mastery of Concepts, Creative Thinking.
Jurnal BIOEDUIN : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Bioeduin Februari
Publisher : Department of Biology Education UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/bioeduin.v9i1.4341


STEM Learning in Sustainability Issues to Improve Sustainability Consciousness of Junior High School Students Rahmania - Firda; Ida Kaniwati; Siti Sriyati
PAEDAGOGIA Vol 24, No 1 (2021): PAEDAGOGIA Jilid 24 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/paedagogia.v24i1.54212


Sustainability Consciousness is the expected result with the existence of ESD that is a complicated construction that can be influenced by various factors. ESD aims to develop students' understanding of sustainability issues and change students' attitudes and behavior regarding environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to determine the improvement of students’ sustainability consciousness after attending STEM learning in sustainability issues. This study used quasi experimental method with one group pretes-posttest design. It was conducted in 28 seventh grades students of junior high school in Surabaya. The instrument was declared as valid based on expert’s judgment and showed Alpha Cronbach score 0,85. Data was collected by pretest and posttest of sustainability consciousness questionnaire. Based on the data analysis, it showed that sustainability issues were effectively integrated into STEM learning to enhance the sustainability consciousness of junior high school students. N-gain average of sustainability consciousness were 0,18 as low category. The findings suggest that required learning strategies that can provide more opportunities for students to learn about sustainability issues and develop pro-sustainability attitudes and behaviors.
Construct validity of critical thinking disposition test in biology Jayanti Syahfitri; Harry Firman; Sri Redjeki; Siti Sriyati
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v8i1.11031


This Research includes seven indicators of Critical Thinking Disposition (CTD), namely truth seeking, open mind, analicity, systematicity, self confidence, inquisitiveness, and maturity. The purpose of this study is to look at the construct validity tests of CTD in biology at Bengkulu State University. This study involved 206 respondents, those are biology education students from Bengkulu State University with a level of study (years 1, 2, 3 and 4). After being analyzed by a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), the result showed that CTD Test had suitable construct validity. This result is supported by the received value of Convergent Validity which includes factor loading values of more than 0.5, while the Composite Relibility (CR) and Average Extract Variance (AVE) values for the seven indicators of CTD in sequence are Truth Seeking (CR = 0.96, AVE = 0.74), Open Mind (CR = 0.95, AVE = 0.67), Analicity (CR = 0.95, AVE = 0.68), Sistematicity (CR = 0.96, AVE = 0.70), Self Confidence (CR = 0.96, AVE = 0.70), Inquisitiveness (CR = 0.98, AVE = 0.82) and Maturity (CR = 0.95, AVE = 0.66). From the results can be concluded that the construct validity and composite reliability obtained by the test is good.
Local wisdom-based teaching materials to improve student problem-solving Siti Sriyati; Findi Septiani; Kadek Sera Harlistya Udayani; Amprasto Amprasto
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v9i2.17951


Improving students' problem-solving skills can be done through teaching materials. Teaching materials used in schools throughout Indonesia have not been integrated with local potential or wisdom. This research aims to develop teaching materials based on local wisdom to improve students' problem-solving abilities. The local wisdom raised in the teaching materials is the local wisdom of agriculture in Binjai Medan and the Balinese environment based on the local wisdom of the Tumpek Wariga ceremony. The development of teaching materials uses the ADDIE design model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate). The implementation phase uses a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design in a high school located where the local wisdom applies. The results showed that the feasibility test of teaching materials and the readability test showed that teaching materials based on local agricultural wisdom in Binjai were 83.643% (very feasible) and 77.13% (high). In contrast, environmental teaching materials in Bali were based on local wisdom Tumpek Wariga. Successively very feasible (88.10%) high (95.39%). Students' problem-solving ability has increased with an N-gain of 0.67 (medium) on teaching materials based on local agricultural wisdom in Binjai and 0.71 (high) in Balinese environmental teaching materials based on Tumpek Wariga. The study results showed that teaching materials based on local wisdom of Agriculture in Binjai and Tumpek Wariga in Bali were valid and could improve students' problem-solving skills on Ecosystem and Environmental Change materials.
Analisis kelayakan kearifan lokal ikan larangan sebagai sumber belajar IPA Aldeva Ilhami; Riandi Riandi; Siti Sriyati
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.465 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v6i1.9564


Pembelajaran IPA tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan konteks lingkungan termasuk di antaranya kearifan lokal. Kawasan ikan larangan merupakan salah satu kearifan lokal yang terletak di Sumatera Barat yang berkaitan dengan pelestarian lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan kawasan ikan larangan sebagai sumber belajar IPA. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa dan guru di SMPN 2 Gunung Omeh, Kabupaten Lima puluh Kota. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 27 orang siswa dan 3 orang guru IPA. Teknik pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling yaitu siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran IPA berbasis kearifan lokal ikan larangan. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Angket terdiri dari lima aspek di antaranya kemudahan akses, keamanan, efisiensi waktu, biaya dan kesesuaian dengan materi ajar. Data dianalisis dengan menghitung jawaban angket responden kemudian dipersentasekan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kawasan ikan larangan memiliki persentase aspek kemudahan akses sebesar 71%, keamanan sebesar 75%, efisiensi waktu sebesar 50%, biaya sebesar 75% dan kesesuaian dengan materi ajar sebesar 89%. Simpulan penelitian bahwa kawasan ikan larangan tergolong kategori layak sebagai sumber belajar IPA. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah agar guru IPA dapat memanfaatkan kearifan lokal tersebut untuk pembelajaran IPA supaya lebih bermakna bagi siswa.Feasibility analysis of local wisdom ikan larangan as a science learning source. Science learning cannot be separated with the environmental context including local wisdom. Ikan larangan is one of the local wisdom located in West Sumatra related to environmental conservation. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of Ikan larangan area as a source of science learning. The population and sample of the study were students and teachers at SMPN 2 Gunung Omeh Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota. The sample selection used purposive sampling technique which is the students followed the science learning based on the local wisdom of the Ikan larangan which numbered 27 students and 3 science teachers. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of five aspects such as ease of access, security, time efficiency, cost and conformity with teaching materials. The data were analyzed by calculating of responden answers and then they were converted to percentage. The results showed that the Ikan larangan area has percentage of accessibility aspect 71%, security 75%, time efficiency50%, cost 75% and suitability with teaching materials 89%. The conclusion of this researchis the ikan larangan area was suitable for science learning. The implication of this research is that the science teacher can utilize the local wisdomfor science learning to create meaningful learning for the students.
The implementation of peer assessment in product performance assessment in project-based learning on ecosystem materials Yanti Hamdiyati; Ilham Nur Iman Maulana; Siti Sriyati
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bioedukatika.v9i3.18944


The teacher's difficulty in assessing student performance when students work in groups outside class hours causes the need for peer assessment to be carried out. Project-based learning is a suitable space for applying peer assessment because it consists of tasks that students in groups usually do. This study describes the application of peer assessment in product performance assessment in project-based learning on ecosystem materials. This study uses a descriptive method involving 34 high school students in class X. Peer assessment is done by students assessing the products made by their group of friends. The application of peer assessment in this study was carried out three times, namely at the stage of product design, product assessment, and product presentation. An analysis of the performance assessment results through peer assessment is conducted, and the similarity of the results of the peer assessment to the teacher's assessment at each stage. The study results showed that there was a tendency for an increasing student's ability to judge. This result is evidenced by the increasing similarity of teacher assessments and peer assessments at each stage. The similarity between peer assessment and teacher assessment at the product design stage is 58.8%; product assessment stage by 64.7%; and the product presentation stage of 70.6%. The student response questionnaire identified that the application of peer assessment provided many benefits to students. Based on the results of this study, peer assessment can be an alternative in overcoming teachers' difficulties in assessing student performance when project work is carried out outside class hours through project-based learning.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Biologi: Kajian Biologi dan Pembelajarannya Vol 6, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sriwi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fpbio.v6i1.8523


The purposes of this study to determine whether the web-oriented constructivism instruction approach can improve student’s habits of mind on the biodiversity concept. The method used in the study is  pre experiment method with one-grup pretest-posttest design who appied to students X-MIA 6 class and total 38 students. Research data is collected using critical thinking test, creative thinking test, self regulationquistionnare, and contributes  a web-oriented constructivism instruction approach to habits of mind observation sheet. Data were analyzed using hypothesis test and gain calculation. The result of this study that there are significant differences in student’s habits of mind score between before and after being applied the web-oriented constructivism instruction approach, and if based on the results of gain calculation, it was found that the most student an increase in the  medium on gain category. Other than that, if judging from the contributes  a web-oriented constructivism instruction approach to habits of mind category  it was found the results of a very good interpretation. Key Word: Web-oriented constructivism instruction approach, Habits of mind category
Co-Authors Adi Rahmat, Topik Hidayat, Adi Rahmat, Aldeva Ilhami Almira Ivana Amalia Pratiwie Amprasto Anderias Henukh Aprilita Ekasari Ari Widodo Ari Widodo Ari Widodo Ari Widodo Arifin Ahmad Asep Irvan Irvani Asmawi Zainul Denia Dwi Citra Resmi Dian Amirulloh Diana Rochintaniawati Didik Priyandoko Didik Pryandoko Dini Nurani Rahmawati Dini Riyani Elah Nurlaelah Eliyawati Eliyawati Findi Septiani Harry Firman Harry Firman HERNANI - Ida Hamidah Ida Kaniawati Ida Kaniwati Ida Yayu Nurul Hizqiyah Ida Yayu Nurul Hizqiyah Ilham Nur Iman Maulana Kadek Sera Harlistya Udayani Laurina Sinurat Lia Lutianasari Lia Lutianasari Lilis Sulistiawati Mellyzar Mellyzar Mukhyati Mukhyati, Mukhyati Nahadi Najihah Fakhirah Siregar Nanang Winarno Ninda Eka Ratanasabilla Nur Hamidah Nuris Fattahillah Nurullina Fajri Nuryani Rustaman Oky Rizkiana Silaban Parlindungan Sinaga Pisca Hana Marsenda R. Riandi, R. Raden Ahmad Hadian Adhy Permana Raden Ahmad Hadian Adhy Permana* Rahayu Laelandi Rahmania - Firda Rahmi, Nisrina Nur Regina P. Octavianda, Regina P. Ridyah, Surya Warni Rini Solihat Rosamsi, Saiman Safira Permata Dewi Siti Tahany Rifa Faidah Solikhah Isti Fadilah Sri Rahayu Retnowulan Sri Redjeki Sri Redjeki St E Sururiyatul Muaziyah Suci Siti Lathifah Syahfitri, Jayanti Sylva Sagita Tb. Moh. Irma Ari Irawan Titin Supriyatin Topik Hidayat Utari Akhir Gusti Vivit Nurhikmah Havita Wahyu Rimbun Wawan Setiawan Weni Rahmadani Widi Purwianingsih Winda - Yusefni Winny Liliawati Wulandari, Melyastuti Yanti Hamdiyati Yanti Hamdiyati Yeni Setyowati*