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Pemanfaatan urin kelinci dan urin sapi sebagai alternatif pupuk organik cairpada pembibitan kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Santi Rosniawaty; Rija Sudirja; H. Afrianto
Kultivasi Vol 14, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.598 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v14i1.12094


Pembibitan merupakan awal dari pertum-buhan tanaman. Bibit yang baik akan menghasil-kan tanaman yang berproduksi baik pula. Pemupukan merupakan salah satu hal penting dalam menghasilkan bibit yang baik. Peman-faatan urin kelinci dan urin sapi diharapkan dapat menjadi pupuk alternatif untuk pembi-bitan kakao. Percobaan telah di laksanakan pada bulan April-Agustus 2013 di Kebun Percobaan Ciparanje fakultas Pertanian Unpad, dengan ordo Inceptisol dan tipe curah hujan menurut klasifikasi Schmidt Ferguson. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah beberapa konsentrasi urin kelinci, konsentrasi urin sapi dan kombinasi urin dengan pupuk anorganik. Urin kelinci dan urin sapi difermentasikan terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan. Rancangan percobaan yang diguna-kan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok, terdapat 15 perlakuan yang di ulang 3 kali. Hasil perco-baan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan urin kelinci dan urin sapi yang telah difermentasi terhadap luas daun, volume akar dan bobot kering bibit kakao pada umur 16 mst. Penggunaan urin sapi dengan konsentrasi 25 % dapat menyamai penggunaan pupuk anorganik pada pembibitan kakao. Kata kunci : Urin kelinci ∙ Pembibitan kakao ∙  Urin sapi ∙ Pupuk organik cair 
Partisi bahan kering bibit kopi arabika (Coffea arabica L.) yang diberi asam humat dan pupuk NPK tablet Santi Rosniawaty; Rija Sudirja; Mira Ariyanti; Syariful Mubarok; Rachmad Akbar
Kultivasi Vol 18, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.838 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v18i1.20119


Sari. Kopi merupakan salah satu produk perkebunan penghasil devisa negara.  Saat ini tanaman kopi menjadi andalan beberapa daerah di Indonesia dengan kekhasannya.  Namun demikian produksi kopi masih perlu ditingkatkan karena masih tidak sesuai dengan potensi produksi. Peningkatan produksi kopi dapat diawali dari pembibitan.  Pengelolaan bibit yang baik dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pupuk NPK tablet dan asam humat, yang nantinya akan mempengaruhi fotosintesis dan fotosintat yang dihasilkan.  Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat partisi bahan kering bibit kopi melalui bobot kering bagian-bagian tanaman pada bibit kopi yang diberi NPK tablet dan asam humat.  Percobaan dilakukan  di bulan Februari 2017 sampai bulan April 2017 di Kebun Percobaan Ciparanje, Fakultas Pertanian Unpad. Percobaan ini menggunakan metode eksperimen Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), terdiri dari sembilan perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Perlakuan  sebagai berikut : Tanpa pupuk NPK tablet dan asam humat ; Pupuk NPK Tablet 6 g;  Asam humat 10 mL; Pupuk NPK Tablet 3 g + Asam Humat 5 mL; Pupuk NPK Tablet 3 g + Asam humat 10 mL;  Pupuk NPK tablet 3 g  + Asam Humat 15 mL;  Pupuk NPK tablet 6 g  + Asam Humat 5 mL; Pupuk NPK tablet 6 g   + Asam humat 10 mL;  Pupuk NPK tablet 6 g  + Asam Humat 15 mL. Terdapat pengaruh NPK tablet dan asam humat terhadap partisi bahan kering di akar bibit kopi. NPK tablet 1 butir (3g) dan asam humat 10 mL mempengaruhi partisi bahan kering di akar tertinggi. Kata kunci: bahan kering, bibit, kopi, asam humat, pupuk tabletAbstract. Coffee is one of the plants that gave income to Indonesia. Currently, coffee plants are the pledge of several regions in Indonesia with their distinctiveness. However, coffee production is still needed to be improved due to  its low production capacity. Increasing coffee production can be started from nurseries. Good seedling management can be done with application of NPK tablets and humic acid ferlilizer, which is influencing photosynthesis and photosynthates produced. The aim of the study was to determine dry matter partition through the dry weight of plant parts in coffee seedlings given NPK tablets and humic acid. The experiment was conducted on February to April 2017 at the Ciparanje Experimental Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University. Randomized block design (RBD) was used in this experiment, consisted of nine treatments and repeated three times. The treatment was : without NPK tablets and humic acid; NPK Tablet 6 g; 10 mL humic acid; NPK Tablet 3 g + 5 mL Humic Acid; NPK Tablet 3 g + 10 mL humic acid; NPK tablet 3 g + 15 mL humic acid; NPK tablet 6 g + humic acid 5 mL; NPK tablet 6 g + 10 mL humic acid; NPK tablet 6 g + 15 mL Humic Acid. There was an effect of NPK tablets and humic acid on dry matter partition in the roots of coffee seedlings. NPK tablet 3 g and 10 mL humic acid gave the highest dry matter partition at the root. Key words: dry matter, Seedling, coffee, humic acid, tablet fertilizer
Evaluasi tiga sistem budidaya di lahan sempit pada budidaya dua kultivar bayam di Kota Bekasi Syariful Mubarok; Salsabila Dwi Ananda; Farida Farida; Ainun Fadilah; Rija Sudirja
Kultivasi Vol 20, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kultivasi
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/kultivasi.v20i2.32022


AbstrakBudidaya sayuran pada lahan sempit di daerah perkotaan merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem budidaya tanaman bayam yang paling baik untuk diterapkan pada lahan sempit pekarangan di Kota Bekasi. Percobaan ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus hingga September 2020 di areal pemukiman yang berlokasi di Jalan Caringin Raya, Kota Bekasi. Percobaan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Dua kultivar bayam, ‘Maestro’ dan ‘Mira’, dibudidayakan pada tiga sistem budidaya berbeda, yaitu konvensional, vertikultur, dan hidroponik rakit apung yang diulang sebanyak empat ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanaman bayam pada sistem hidroponik rakit apung menghasilkan pertumbuhan, hasil, kualitas hasil, serta pendapatan yang paling baik dibandingkan dengan sistem budidaya konvensional dan vertikultur.Kata kunci: Hidroponik, hortikultura, sayuran, vertikultur Abstract Vegetable cultivation on limited areas in urban is one of the government's efforts to obtain food security. The purpose of this study was to determine the best amaranth cultivation system to be applied in urban farming system likewise on limited areas in Bekasi City. This experiment was carried out from August to September 2020 in a densely inhabited living area located on Caringin Raya Street, Bekasi. The experiment used a Randomized Block Design. Two cultivars amaranth, ‘Maestro’ and ‘Mira’ were cultivated under treatment of three different cultivation. There were conventional system, verticulture system, and hydroponic floating raft, that repeated four times. The results showed that amaranth cultivation on the floating raft hydroponic produced the best growth, yield, yield quality, and revenue, compared to conventional and verticulture cultivation systems. Keywords: Hydroponic, horticulture, vegetables, verticulture.
Uji Pupuk UZAAKH terhadap pH, N-total, dan Timbal Terlarut pada Lahan Sawah Tercemar Limbah Tekstil Rija Sudirja; Anni Yuniarti; Emma Trinurani; Santi Rosniawaty
Soilrens Vol 16, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.282 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v16i2.20860


ABSTRACT Textile industry waste decreased environment quality, including agricultural soils. This condition caused the degradationof rice field irrigated with contaminated waste water. Rice fields in Rancaekek contaminated with heavy metals such as Pb. The presence of heavy metals in soil can be transported to plant tissues, especially when heavy metals are present in soluble form. The aim of the research was to study the effect of various UZAAKH fertilizer dosage on pH, total-N, and availability of Pb in paddy field contaminated with textile waste. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran from December 2017 to March 2018. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisted of six treatments with five replicates: 150 ; 200 ; 250 ; 300 ; 350 kg ha-1 UZAAKH and 250 kg ha-1 Urea. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s test at 95% confidence level. The result showed significant effect towards pH and availability of Pb in soil, but negligible differences in Ntotal.Keywords : contaminant soils, heavy metal, textile waste, UZAAKH fertilizer
Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Berbahan Dasar Cairan Flushing Kandang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rumput Raja (Pennisetum purpoides L.) Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin; Rija Sudirja; Eso Solihin; Suryo Firnato
Soilrens Vol 17, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v17i2.26355


Dairy farming waste in high volume especially in the form of flushing slurry can be unmanageable. Flushing slurry is lower in organic matter content compared to solid waste due to water saturation. In order to enhance the utilization, flushing slurry can be converted in liquid organic fertilizer with higher nutrient content. King grass (Pennisetum purphoides L.) plant is commonly used as livestock feed especially dairy cow in South Bandung area. The experiment was conducted between March to June 2018 in Pangalengan, South Bandung. The result shows no significant different between control specimen and liquid organic fertilizer teratments in plant hight, number of leaves, root weight, and root length. Although notable amount of plant leaves was demonstrated in D treatment compared to than that of control.
Pengaruh Formula Pupuk Urea-Zeolit-Arangaktif terhadap pH, N-total, KTK tanah dan Residu Pb pada Tanah Tercemar Limbah Industri Rija Sudirja; Santi Rosniawaty; Ade Setiawan; Rhendika Indra Yunianto
Soilrens Vol 14, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.509 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v14i1.9270


One of the factors inhibiting the production of rice is not efficient in the use of fertilizers and ecosystem damage due to toxic hazardous materials such as heavy metals. the use of Urea, Zeolite, Activated charcoal based fertilizer is expected to increase the production of paddy rice crops in rice fields heavy metal contaminated. The experiment was conducted in the village of the District Linggar Rancaekek Regency  Bandung from  March  to  May  2015.  The experiment  used  randomized  block design with four single  treatment,  that  is  A =  urea  : zeolite  (95:5),  B  =  urea  : zeolite  : activated charcoal (50:45:5), C = urea : zeolite : activated charcoal (50:25:25), D = urea : zeolite (60:40), each with  five replicates.  Rice  varieties  used are Inpari  30.  The  results  showed  that  administration RS fertilizer formula  is  proven to  reduce  the  solubility  of  approximately  30%  Pb  and increases  the cation exchange capacity  (CEC) of  the soil.  RS fertilizer no  real  effect  on pH and N-Total  soils. Formulation urea : zeolite : activated charcoal (50:25:25) can decrease the solubility of Pb, while the CEC best demonstrated by the increase in formulation urea : zeolite : activated charcoal (50: 45: 5). Key words: heavy metals, RS fertilizer, wetland rice 
Analisa Usaha Tani terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Majemuk Cair pada Tanaman Jagung Manis Oviyanti Mulyani; Emma Trinurani Sofyan; Rija Sudirja; Yulianti Machfud; Benny Joy
Soilrens Vol 17, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.364 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v17i1.23246


Analysis of the farming system is an applied science which concerns on how to use resources efficiently and effectively in agricultural business in order to get maximum results. In this analysis, one of the important aspects on agricultural production is fertilizer. Liquid compound fertilizer is a fertilizer with several advantages such as simple application, complete and balanced required nutrients, labour and time efficient, and easy to procure and store. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of farming system on the application of liquid compound fertilizer on sweet corn. This experiment used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisted of 10 treatments (8 treatments of liquid fertilizer doses, one treatment of fertilizer dosage recommendations for NPK and one control (without fertilizer)). Each treatment was repeated three times, with the total of 30 experimental plots. The results of this experiment were the application of compound liquid fertilizer provides a high relative value of agronomic efficiency and profits on corn. The treatment of 1 ¼ NPK liquid fertilizer dose gave higher RAE, R/C and B/C values compared to the control. NPK liquid fertilizer has a significant effect on the variables of soil (pH, N, P and K content) and yield components (N, P and K uptake). In general, the use of NPK liquid fertilizer can significantly increase the yield, with the highest yield on 1 ¾ dose and the yield of corn plants (18,329 kg/ha).
Pengaruh Penggunaan Lahan dan Penterasan pada Berbagai Kemiringan Lereng Terhadap Ketebalan Lapisan A, Porositas dan Permeabilitas di DTA Cikumutuk SubDAS Cimanuk Hulu Kabupaten Garut Rizky Febria; Rija Sudirja; Maya Damayani
Soilrens Vol 12, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v12i1.29430


The aimed of this research was to find out the influence of land use and terrace of slope steepness on thickness of A layer, porosity and soil permeability in Cikumutuk Catchment area of Sub-Watershed Upper Cimanuk, District of Garut. Research carried out in March 2012 until July 2012. Soil samples were taken at three different types of land uses, such as shrubs, mix plantation and dry cultivated area. Each land use consists of terrace with three slope classes, such as 8-15 %, 15-25 % and 25-40 % with reflication as much as 3 times, so the generated 27 soil samples. The method used in this research was survey method with physiographic approach, sampling technique used stratified purposive sampling, and comparative descriptive method to analyze the result. Analysis of varians test showed that dry cultivated area with terrace on all slopes give on average the lowest influence on the thickness of A layer. Dry cultivation area with terrace on slope 25-40 % had the lowest porosity and soil permeability. The value of porosity was 53.50 % and soil permeability was 8,20 cmh-1. Correlation between the parameter showed that there was no correlation between thickness of A layer and porosity (0.30ns), the thickness of a layer of A with the permeability (r = 0.13ns), while the relationship porosity with permeability (r = 0.31ns).
Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Cair Organik dengan NPK pada Inceptisol Jatinangor Eso Solihin; Rija Sudirja; Anni Yuniarti; Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin
Soilrens Vol 16, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.678 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v16i2.20856


ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of liquid organic fertilizer (PCO) accompanied with Nitrogen-Phosphate-Pottasium (NPK) fertilizer towards the growth and yield of chili plants on Jatinangor Inceptisol. The study was conducted from September 2017 until January 2018 in the experimental field and Laboratory of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran. The experimental design used was simple Randomized Block Design consisted of 10 treatments. Each treatments were repeated 3 times with the treatment arrangement as follows; A: Control 0 PS + 0 NPK, B: 0 PCO + 1 NPK, C: 1 PCO + 0 NPK, D: 1 PCO + ¼ NPK, E: 1 PCO + ½ NPK, F: 1 PCO + ¾ NPK, G : 1 PCO + 1 NPK, H: ¼ PCO + ¾ NPK, I: ½ PCO + ¾ NPK and J: ¾ PCO + ¾ NPK. The results showed that the treatment with the highest yield was treatment F, which is 1 dose of PCO or 4 liters per ha of PCO together with a dose of NPK or 112.5 Urea, 150 SP-36 and 112.5 KCl yielded an average 333.76 grams of fruit per plant. Key word: Chili, NPK, PCO, Yield
Investigation of Heavy Metal Cd, Pb and Cr in Andisols as Affected by the Amelioration of Steel Slag and Rice Husk Bokashi Rina Devnita; Mahfud Arifin; Apong Sandrawati; Rija Sudirja
Soilrens Vol 18, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/soilrens.v18i1.29040


The application of steel slag and bokashi of husk in Andisols has been acknowledge to decrease P-retention and increase available P. However, steel slag contains heavy metals that may harm soils. The objective of this research was to find out the effect of amelioration steel slag and bokashi of husk in Andisols on the heavy metals contents (Cd, Pb and Cr) in the soil. The treatments were arranged in randomized block designed in factorial pattern with two factors: steel slag and bokashi of husk, each consisted of four level: 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 % in 10 kg soil weight (w/w), thus the total was 16 combined treatments and repeated three times. The treatments were incubated for four months and then the P-retention, available P, Cd, Pb and Cr contents in the soil were analyzed. The results showed that steel slag and bokashi of husk interacted in decreasing 6.67% of P-retention and increasing 60 ppm of available P. This research also informed that Cd, Pb and Cr contents in the soil after the treatments were still lower than the critical value that were permitted.