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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 12, No 2 (2012): Volume 12, Nomor 2, Oktober 2012
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v12i2.3706


      Abstrak            Transformasi Folklor Lisan Nini Anteh ke Novel Dongeng Nini Anteh Karya A.S. Kesuma. Cerita Nini Anteh merupakan folklor lisan masyarakat Sunda. Folklor lisan dan novel cerita Nini Anteh ini dijadian sumber data penelitian dalam penelitian ini. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori tentang transformasi yang dikemukakan oleh Riffaterre. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran struktur kedua karya tersebut ditemukan adanya ekspansi, konversi, modifikasi pada tataran alur dan pengaluran, karakter, dan latar. Dalam kedua karya terdapat irisan berupa penggambaran Nini Anteh yang pekerjaanya berkaitan dengan produksi tekstil, tidak dapat mengandung dan melahirkan anak. Pergi kebulan karena suatu hal, dan ditemani Candramawat (kucing yang memiliki tiga warna bulu: putih, kuning, dan hitam). Irisan terjadi karena ada hal-hal yang ingin dipertahankan oleh penulis novel. Yaitu bahwa masyarakat Sunda yang memiliki religiusitas “ibu” memandang sosok Nini Anteh sebagai sosok yang tidak bisa “memberi” kehidupan. Oleh sebab itu, Nini Anteh ditempatkan di bulan, tepat terpisah dari masyarakat bumi.           Kata kunci: transformasi, folklor lisan, novel, dongeng Nini Anteh  Abstract            The Transformation From Oral Folklore Of Nini Anteh To The Novel Of Nini Anteh Tale By A.S. Kesuma. The paper is entitled “The Transformation from Oral Folklore of Nini Anteh to the Novel of Nini Anteh Tale by A.S Kesuma “. The data in this study are in the form of an oral folklore and a novel. The theory used in this research is the transformation theory proposed by Riffaterre. Based on the results of exploration of the structure of the two works, it was found that there are some expansions, conversions, modifications at the level of plot and plotting, character, and background. In both works, there are intersections between them in the form of the depictions of Nini Anteh whose work related to the production of textiles, who was unable to conceive and bear childern, who went to the moon for a reason, and was accompained by Candramawat (a three-colored fur cat: white, yellow, and black). The intersections occur because there are things to be maintained by the novelist: that the Sundanesse people who have religiosity of “mother” figure view Nini Anteh as someone who cannot “provide” life. Therefore, Nini Anteh is placed on the moon, a place apart from the earth.           Keywords: transformation, oral folklore, novel, tale of Nini Anteh
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Volume 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v15i2.1240


AbstrakCerita Nini Anteh merupakan folklor lisan masyarakat Sunda. Folklor lisan ini mengalami transformasi dalam transgenre dan translingual. Novel Dongeng Nini Anteh karya A. S. Kesuma dan tayangan Opera Van Java (OVJ) episode Nyai Anteh Penjaga Bulan menjadi data dalam penelitian ini. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu teori tentang transformasi yang dikemukakan oleh Riffaterre. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran kedua karya ditemukan adanya ekspansi, konversi, modifikasi, dan irisan. Ekspansi dalam tayangan OVJ tidak tampak melalui alur dan pengaluran, tokoh, dan latar karena kisahnya lebih sederhana daripada kisah dalam novel. Oleh sebab itu, ekspansi tampak melalui adanya perbedaan media yang digunakan untuk membangun suasana yang dimanfaatkan untuk mengundang tawa penonton. Konversi yang terdapat dalam tayangan OVJ tampak melalui penyederhanaan alur dan pengaluran, tokoh, dan latar. Selain itu, konsep kecantikan Nyai Anteh yang terdapat dalam novel justru diputarbalikkan untuk memancing tawa penonton. Latar dalam novel yang bias gender berubah menjadi latar yang netral dalam tayangan OVJ. Meskipun kedua karya mengusung cerita yang berasal dari Sunda, kedua karya ini sama-sama menunjukkan ke-Indonesiaannya dengan cara memodifikasi kisah melalui keberadaan tokoh maupun peralatan modern sesuai dengan zaman ini. Jika dalam novel usaha membangun masa lampau yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan kehidupan masa kini dapat dipandang sebagai upaya ajakan melakukan refleksi, dalam tayangan modifikasi justru dilakukan untuk mengundang tawa penonton. Irisan kedua karya adalah adanya deskripsi mengenai perempuan yang karena cinta kemudian menetap di bulan. Aktivitas perempuan tersebut ketika di bulan adalah menenun. Irisan ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hal-hal yang ingin diwariskan bagi generasi setelahnya terutama mengenai kemandirian perempuan dengan memproduksi tekstil.Kata kunci: Novel Dongeng Nini Anteh, tayangan OVJ episode Nyai Anteh Penjaga Bulan, transformasi AbstractThe story of Nini Anteh is an oral folklore of Sundanese, which has undergone a transformation into transgenre and translingual forms. Kesuma’s novel of “Nini Anteh” and an Opera Van Java (OVJ) episode of “Nyai Anteh Penjaga Bulan” were the data of this study. The theory used in this research is the theory of transformation proposed by Riffaterre. Analysis of the data reveals expansion, conversion, modification, and similarities. Expansion in the OVJ did not appear in the slot, characters, and background for the story was made simpler than that in the novel. Expansion appeared in the variety of media used to invite laughter. Conversion in the OVJ was evident in simplified plot, character, and setting. In addition, the concept of beauty of Nyai Anteh in the novel was entirely changed for entertainment purposes. A gender bias background in the novel was turned into a neutral background in the OVJ. Although both works carried a Sundanese story, they show the notion of Indonesian by modifying the story through the use of characters and equipment in accordance with the modern age. In the novel efforts to build past linked to the life of the present can be seen as an attempt to prompt reflection, while modifications in the OVJ were to invite laughter. Both works share the same description of a woman who then decided to reside on the Moon because of love. What she did on the moon was weaving. These similarities indicate that there are things that would be passed on to subsequent generations, especially regarding the independence of women in producing textiles. Keywords: Novel of Dongeng Nini Anteh, OVJ episode of Nyai Anteh Penjaga Bulan, transformation
Legenda makam keramat gunung batu sebagai sistem mitigasi bencana di Sesar Lembang Harini, Yostiani Noor Asmi; Cambara, Hegar Krisna; Kusumawardhana, Gelar Taufiq
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 21, No 2 (2021): OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v21i2.44628


A legend is a folk story whose events are considered to have really happened. The characters in the story are believed to have lived in the past and the places where the events occurred can be referred to in real life. Events, characters, and places considered important by the community will be immortalized by the community to become legends. Those legends are told by people from generation to generation to deliver the knowledge they have. Related to that, this research was motivated by the existence of sacred tomb on Mount Batu, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The story about Mount Batu sacred tomb is believed by the local community as a legend. This research described the narrative structure of the legend, the context of the story, and the function of the legend for the native through the perspective of folklore. The results of the study show that the legend of Mount Batu sacred tomb is closely related to the knowledge system of the community, especially regarding the disaster mitigation system. The legend was delivered from generation to generation to warn the surrounding community about the threatening disaster in the area which is included in the Lembang Fault area.