Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Motor Ability dan Motor Educability secara langsung terhadap Keterampilan Bermain Futsal. Serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh tidak langsung Motor Ability dan Motor Educability terhadap keterampilan bermain Futsal jika ditinjau dari Struktur Tubuh.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Analisis Jalur. Populasinya adalah Siswa Putra SMA Negeri 9 Makassar dengan sampel anggota Tim Futsal SMA Negeri 9 Makassar dengan tehnik pengambilan sampel yaitu Purposive Sampling.Hasil penelitian dari pengujian analisis regresi struktur 1 dan stuktur 2 menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh langsung Motor Ability terhadap Struktur Tubuh sebesar 0,047. Pengaruh langsung Motor Educability terhadap Struktur Tubuh sebesar 0,008. Pengaruh langsung Motor Abilty terhadap Keterampilan Futsal sebesar 0,176. Pengaruh langsung Motor Educability terhadap Keterampilan Futsal adalah 0,041. Pengaruh langsung Struktur Tubuh terhadap Keterampilan Futsal adalah 0,000. Dilihat dari nilai ? 0,05 maka pengaruh langsung Motor Ability terhadap keterampilan futsal tidak signifikan karena di atas ? 0,05, sedangkan variabel yang lain diterima karena dibawah ? 0,05.Hasil penelitian dari nilai Standardized Coefficients Beta. Pengaruh tidak langsung Motor Ability terhadap Keterampilan Futsal Melalui Struktur Tubuh sebesar 0,335 lebih besar dari pengaruh langsung Motor Ability terhadap keterampilan Futsal sebesar 0,231. Pengaruh tidak langsung Motor Educability terhadap Keterampilan Futsal melalui Struktur Tubuh sebesar 0,467 lebih besar dari pengaruh langsung Motor Educability terhadap Keterampilan Futsal sebesar -0,399. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung Motor Ability dan Motor Educabilty terhadap Keterampilan Bermain Futsal jika ditinjau melalui Struktur Tubuh. ABSTRACTThe research aimed to discover the influence of Motor Ability and Motor Educability directly toward Futsal Playing Skills. And to examine the Indirect influence of Motor Ability and Motor Educability Toward Futsal Playing Skills based on body structure.The research employed Path Analysis design by processing statictically using SPSS application version 20.00 with a significant level of 0,05 or 95%. Samples were the members of Futsal Team of SMAN 9 Makassar taken by using Purposive Sampling technique.The result of the reseach based on the regression analysist test stucture 1 and structure 2 showed that the direct influence of Motor Ability toward Body Structure was 0,047. Direct influence of Motor Educability toward body structure was 0,008. Direct influence of Motor Ability toward Futsal Skill was 0,176. Direct Influence of Motor Educability toward Futsal Skill was 0,041. Direct influence of Body Structure toward Futsal Skills was 0,000. Based on the score of ? 0,05, the direct influence of Motor Ability toward Futsal Skills was insignificant because it was above 0,05, whereas, the other variable was accepted because it was below ? 0,05.The result of the research based on the score of Standardized Coefficients Beta revealed that indirect influence of Motor Ability toward Futsal Skills through Body Structure was 0,335, which was bigger than the direct influence of Motor Ability toward Futsal Skills which was 0,231. Indirect influence of Motor Educability toward Futsal Skill through Body Structure was 0,467, which was bigger than the direct influence of Motor Educability toward Futsal Skills, which was 0,399. Thus, the conclusion of the research was, there was indirect influence of Motor Ability and Motor Educability toward Futsal Playing Skills based on Body Structure.Keyword: Motor Ability, Motor Educability, Body Structure, Futsal,