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TEKNOLOGI PENANGANAN DAN PENGAWETAN DI ATAS KAPAL PADA NELAYAN KABUPATEN ACEH BARAT Ikhsanul Khairi; Nabila Ukhty; Nurul Najmi; Mira Mauliza Rahmi; Heriansyah Heriansyah; Samsul Bahri; Yasrizal Yasrizal
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v5i2.4487


Fish handling and preservation  techniques are important things that must be applied in the fisheries industry. The purpose of this handling and preservation is to maintain the quality of the fish until it reaches the consumer. Handling activities must be carried out from upstream and downstream, namely from fishing activities to processing into products. Proper and good handling and preservation could produce prime commodities, high selling value, and expand market   access.  This  indirectly   has  the  potential   to  increase  fishermen’s   income.  The socialization  activity  was carried  out in the hall of the Department  of Marine  Affairs  and Fisheries (DKP) of West Aceh Regency. The purpose of this activity is to provide fishermen with an understanding of how to properly handle fish on board and preservation techniques that can be applied on board. The socialization  was held in two sessions. The first session presented  onboard handling technology  and the second session preservation  technology  on board. The socialization activity was closed with a discussion session with the fishermen, in this session a lot of information was received from fishermen regarding conditions in the field, so that it could be input in finding the best solution for fishermen in West Aceh. One solution given is to redesign the hatch space by adding aluminum foil to the insulator of the hatch so that it can be used optimally and pay more attention to the ratio of the amount of ice and fish during storage on the boat so that it can maintain the quality of the fish until the fish is landed.
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/.v3i2.2289


Catfish is a freshwater fish that is widely cultivated by fish farmers in Pasie Pinang Village. Utilization of fish is not yet optimal. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to optimize the use of catfish through training in processed catfish products into healthy food. The training activities consist of three stages, namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. At the implementation stage, the material provided to participants consisted of ways of handling fish, types of processed catfish products, packaging and labeling, and determining the selling price. Pasie Pinang Village women's group was very enthusiastic in participating in the training activities. The achievements obtained from this activity include participants being able to develop catfish into products with high selling value, being able to process catfish products based on a household scale, being able to produce processed catfish independently, and being able to conduct marketing activities of processed catfish products.
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v4i1.2451


Salt is a chemical compound that is generally derived from sea water, with the chemical name Sodium Chloride (NaCl). Salt can be obtained in three ways, namely through evaporation of seawater by sunlight, rock mining (rock salt mining) and from brine wells (brine). Lampanah Village is one of the Villages located on the coast of Kabuoaten Aceh Besar, with the majority of its residents living as salt farmers. The implementation of the training program for making beauty products made from sea salt was carried out in Lampanah Village, Aceh Besar District. The training method used in the utilization of sea salt consists of 2 stages, namely extracting information about salt and training and direct practice of processing sea-based products into spa salt, salt masks and salt face scrubs. improve the skills of salt farmers in Lampanah Village, Aceh Besar in processing salt into high-value-selling products. These products include salt masks, salt scrubs and spa salts. In addition, it is hoped that these products will become local products typical of Lampanah Village, Aceh Besar.
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK DAUN KARI (Murraya koenigii) UNTUK MENGOBATI BENIH IKAN PATIN SIAM (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) YANG TERINFEKSI BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus Farah Diana; Nabila Ukhty; Ajrullah Ajrullah
JURNAL AKUAKULTURA Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Akuakultura Universitas Teuku Umar
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (764.424 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/ja.v2i2.1596


Ikan patin (Pangasius hypophtalmus) merupakan ikan asli Indonesia yang paling banyak dibudidayakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi keluarga. Dalam sistem budidaya, ikan patin umumnya mengalami kematian karena disebabkan serangan bakteri salah satunya bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Adapun tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak Murraya koenigii dalam pengendalian infeksi bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi yang tepat dalam pengendalian infeksi bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Penelitian di lakukan melalui 2 tahap uji, yaitu : uji in vitro; dan uji in vivo. Pada uji in vitro menggunakan 6 konsentrasi yaitu : K = 0%; P1 = 3,125%; P2 = 6,25%; P3 = 25%; P4 = 50%; dan P5 = 100%. pada uji in vivo menggunakan 3 perlakuan  dan 1 kontrol yaitu : Kontrol = 0 ppm; P1 = 500 ppm; P2 = 700 ppm; dan P3 = 900 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ekstrak Daun Kari (Murraya koenigii) memilki daya hambat ketegori kuat pada konsentrasi bahan 100% dan ektrak daun kari mampu memberikan tingkat kelangsungan hidup sebesar 93,33% pada konsentrasi 700 ppm.
POTENSI PEMANFAATAN NIPAH (Nypa fruticans) SEBAGAI PANGAN FUNGSIONAL DAN FARMASETIKA Ikhsanul Khairi; Samsul Bahri; Nabila Ukhty; Anhar Rozi; Muhammad Arif Nasution
Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jlaot.v2i2.3146


Potensi tumbuhan nipah di Indonesia sangat besar. Nipah merupakan tumbuhan mangrove yang telah dimanfaatkan secara tadisional sejak dulu baik untuk kebutuhan pangan maupun non pangan. Bagian daun dan buah nipah banyak ditemukan kandungan metabolit primer dan sekunder yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh manusia. Tujuan artikel review ini adalah mengumpulkan literatur dengan fokus kandungan metabolit primer dan sekunder di daun dan buah nipah, untuk memberikan pengatahuan potensi pengembangan produk berdasarkan kandungan metabolit yang ada pada daun dan buah nipah. Daun nipah kaya akan protein dan buah nipah kaya akan karbohidrat dan protein. Beberapa mineral trace elemen juga sangat tinggi kandungannya dalam buah nipah diantaranya yaitu natrium, magnesium dan kalium. Buah dan daun nipah mengandung beberapa metabolit sekunder seperti golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, triterpenoid, fenol, tanin dan saponin. Ekstrak daun dan buah nipah memiliki aktivitas farmakologis seperti antiinflamasi, antikanker dan antihiperglikemik. Manfaat dari metabolit primer dan sekunder yang terdapat dalam daun dan buah nipah dapat dikembangkan menjadi produk pangan fungsional dan sediaan farmasetika.
Marine Kreatif Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v6i2.6549


The People of Alue Ambang Village mostly work as fishermen with their main catch were shrimp. Apart from the main catch, the catches of fishermen in Alue Ambang Village were fish by-catch (HTS). Utilization of fish by catch by into shrimp paste is an alternative for increase the income of fishermen’s household. The purpose of this training is to improve the skills of the women of Alue Ambang Village through making the shrimp paste from fish by catch. The activity was carried out in Alue Ambang Village, Teunom District, Aceh Jaya Regency. The activities were carried out in three meetings, the first meeting was the socialization of fermented products, the second meeting was training of making shrimp and the third meeting was socialization of packaging and labeling procedures for shrimph paste products. The training activities were attended by enthusiastic participants from start to finish. Achievements obtained from this activity were participants being able to utilize fish by catch into the product with a higher selling value, being able to produce the shrimp paste based on fish by catch as a household business independently, and being able to understand the importance of using packaging and labels to product development.
the effect of Guillard fertilizer treatment on the growth of the diatom skeletonema costatum in bpbap batee tip Nursantika Adelia Putri; Nabila Ukhty; Afdhal Fuadi; Supartik Supartik
Jurnal Fish Protech Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Fish Protech Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfp.v6i1.35398


This study aims to determine the growth phase of Skeletonema costatum with different concentrations of Guillard fertilizer and to determine the effect of Guillard fertilizer concentration on the quality of the growth medium for Skeletonema costatum.  This study used an experimental research method with 4 stages of research, namely preparation of Guillard fertilizer, preparation of aqueous media, preparation of Skeletonema costatum culture and observation of the growth phase.  Data from testing the parameters for measuring water quality were analyzed descriptively.  The design used in this study was RAL with 4 treatments, namely without guillard fertilizer (NP0), BPBAP dose of guillard fertilizer (NP1), increased dose of guillard fertilizer (NP2), and reduced dose of guillard fertilizer (NP3) with 4 repetitions.  test.  The results showed that the doses of NP0, NP2 and NP3 had less optimal growth compared to the NP1 dose where the density was optimal according to SNI 4958:2015.  The average pH quality is 7-9, the average DO quality is 3-7, the average salinity quality is 29-35 ppt, the average temperature quality is 20-30ºC and the average light quality is 500-1200 lux.Keywords: Skeletonema costatum, Guillard, Growth, Water Quality Parameters
Development strategy of Kuala Tadu Fish Landing, Tadu Raya District, Nagan Raya Regency Hafinuddin Hafinuddin; Habib Junaidi; Muhammad Agam Thahir; Nabila Ukhty
Arwana: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Perairan Vol 6 No 1: May 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Akuakultur, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Almuslim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51179/jipsbp.v6i1.1846


Kuala Tadu Fish Landing Base (FLB) is one of the fishing ports located in Kuala Tadu Village, Tadu Raya District, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, which plays an important role in the local fishermen's economy, which is managed under the Maritime Fisheries and Food Service (MFFS) Nagan Raya. For now, the Kuala Tadu fish landing base is still not functioning properly, so there is a need for a development process for the fishing port. This study aims to formulate a strategy for developing an appropriate Kuala Tadu fish landing base. This research uses observation and interview methods, using 15 samples, were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The strategy obtained for the development of PPI Kuala Tadu employs quadrant III (WO strategy), indicating that PPI Kuala Tadu has several opportunities but requires an approach to minimize internal issues. Therefore, the proposed strategy includes efforts to improve internal port infrastructure, such as refining the supply of clean water, upgrading sanitation facilities, enhancing drainage systems, and refurbishing administrative buildings. Additionally, initiatives can be taken to increase fishermen's knowledge of capture fisheries, expand PPI land areas, improve the functions of the Fish Marketing Place (TPI) and provide functional facilities such as ice factories or cold storage.
Gemarikan and Fishery Product Diversification Training as Effort of Reduce Stunting Prevalence Hasti Detriani; Ikhsanul Khairi; Muhammad Rizal; Zuriat Zuriat; Hamidi Hamidi; Syarifah Zuraidah; Fazril Syahputra; Rudi Hermi; Nabila Ukhty; Anhar Rozi; Muhammad Faisi Ikhwali
Eumpang Breuh : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2023): EUMPANG BREUH : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/ebjpm.v2i2.8870


Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in two-year-old babies due to chronic malnutrition. A short height characterizes babies experiencing stunting compared to other babies their age. One of the districts in Aceh Province with high stunting cases is Simuelue, with a prevalence reaching 35.7% in 2017. Various factors influence stunting, including nutrition and food quality. This service activity aims to increase public knowledge about the diversification of processed fish products and increase interest in eating fish, contributing to reducing stunting. The activity was carried out in two stages. The first is a campaign to enjoy eating fish using the socialization method. The campaign begins with socializing material about the benefits of eating fish, and introducing the types of fish. This activity ended with distributing processed fish meat products, namely nuggets. The second stage is the diversification of processing products using the workshop method. The workshop begins with explaining the steps for making a product, and then participants are divided into groups and make the product with their group. At each stage of the activity, a pre-test and post-test are given. The post-test results showed that understanding of product diversification and popularity increased after this activity.
Sosialisasi Kampanye “GEMARIKAN” (Gerakan Memasyarakatkan Makan Ikan) Melalui Produk Olahan Ikan Untuk Peningkatan Gizi Anak-anak di SDN Alue Peunyareng (ALPEN), Kecamatan Meureubo, Kabupaten Aceh Barat Sri Ayu Insani; Ikhsanul Khairi; Uswatun Hasanah; Akbar Diansyah; Anhar Rozi; Nabila Ukhty
Eumpang Breuh : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2024): EUMPANG BREUH : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/ebjpm.v3i1.10197


Protein from fish is needed by the human body because it is relatively easy to digest. Policies to support the availability of marine resources as a source of animal protein play an important role in improving diets so as to prevent disruption of children's growth. Children are the forerunners of the nation's next generation. The formation of children's qualities since school will influence the quality of Human Resources (HR) when they reach productive age. School-aged children are a group that requires attention when consuming food and nutrients. Optimal growth and development of school-aged children depends on providing nutrition with good quality and quantity. The level of fish consumption in fishing families is influenced by several things, namely income, number of family members, perception of the price of fish, tastes, and also the level of education, or perhaps also the level of knowledge regarding the benefits of consuming fish. It is hoped that various types of interesting processed fish products can increase fish consumption patterns in the community, especially among children who are growing up. On this basis, it is necessary to hold a GEMARIKAN campaign (Movement to Promote Fish Eating) in schools, especially elementary schools. This activity aims to provide education about the benefits of consuming fish, and shift snacks to processed fish products, which are healthy and beneficial for children's growth and development.