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Internalisasi Character Education by Means of the Study of Islam in SMAN 5 Banjarmasin Abkamaliyani, Alya; Wahyu, Wahyu; Matnuh, Harpani
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Today the state of the nation Indonesia has significant impacts on the lives of people in different order. Many say that the biggest problem faced by Indonesia is located on the moral aspects, especially on the school. In this case the role of the school is expected to establish the character of a good student. One of the designated schools to instill character is Islam Study Group. The selected research method is a method of qualitative data collection techniques through observation, interview and documentation. Sources of data drawn from interviews with key informants and appropriate documentation of research objects and analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Data obtained were tested validity extension method of observation, increasing persistence, triangulation and use of reference materials. Research has shown that the activities of Islamic study group has been running well. With so many activities organized group activities of Islamic study. One of them study routine that always held every start kegitan. But these activities are less enthused students this is because they still do not understand what the purpose of MSG itself. Positive results can be seen from this activity was to see how students who take the NLT by not following KSI, of students who have followed the MSG they can instill moral values ​​applied in KSI, for example in terms of their daily attitude towards teachers, and friends and that, in particular girls clothing they wear clothes that are appropriate to use for a woman who does not accentuate their curves .. Based on the results of this study suggested that the activity is more dihimbaukan MSG keapada existing students within the school so that they know what the purpose of KSI and what results they can get from this activity. So it can realize the character of the students of character or morality. �NhsH��4�cles.   Data collection techniques used are observation, questionnaires, documentation, and test learning outcomes through several cycles, the cycle I and cycle II The results of this study indicate (1) cooperative learning type picture and picture on the material as ideology Pancasila Open can improve student achievement, from 47.6% in the classical mastery in the first cycle to 95.2% in the classical mastery on the second cycle. (2) Participation of students in the teaching and learning that is 18.5% in the first cycle to 23.5% in the second cycle, the first cycle of learning and teachers are 59% and then on the second cycle teachers learning to 80%. (3) The results of students´ response to learning that the teacher presented showed that students liked and highly motivated with cooperative learning type of picture and picture. Based on the above results, it is recommended as follows: (1) to the students, it is recommended to follow the active learning in the classroom, (2) To the Civics teacher, it is advisable to always conduct reforms in teaching and learning, (3) To SMA PGRI 7 Banjarmasin, it is suggested that in management and school policy measures such as the use of instructional media, (4) To the Department of Education and Culture, it is expected that the results of this study useful as feedback (feed back) in response to the problems of the current study, (5) To Prodi PPKN, may be able to add in a library pembendaharaan PPKN Prodi, (6) To the researchers, may be a provision in educating future.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Character education through extracurricular activities have also stipulated in the Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003, the extracurricular essentially develop talents and interests optimally, as well as foster student independence and happiness are useful for yourself, family and community . The mission of extracurricular activities are: (1) provide a number of activities that can be chosen by the students according to the needs, talents, and interests. (2) organize activities that give students the opportunity to express themselves freely through independent or group activities. It is well known there is a minor offense that made them a habit. Based on this fact can be stated that the faith and piety of extracurricular activities is very important for the foundation of the early students behave. The purpose of this study is to investigate the formation of faith and godly character with the implementation of various Muslim youth bonding activity, and to identify obstacles and supporting factors in the formation of character through extracurricular activities bond Muslim teenager in SMA 6 Banjarmasin. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. Data was collected through observation, interview and documentation. Analysis of the results of the study is a step-by-step analysis of the data reduction, data presentation, draw conclusions. The results showed that the formation of faith and godly character through extracurricular activities students bond Muslim teenager in SMA 6 Banjarmasin has contributed greatly to the character of faith and devotion of students with a variety of activities carried out. Constraints faced in carrying out activities such as self-esteem itself, the influence of age, self awareness and supporting factors such as cooperation among teachers with the other coaches, the support of principals, providing coaches, facilities and infrastructure. Researchers suggest, saw the inter-school competitions with religious themes, its programs plus more and supporting facilities for the smooth running of the activitie.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Personality of the teacher has been set in the Minister of National Education. 16 In 2007, in paragraph 2 of Article 3, while students in democratic attitudes set in the Law. 20 of 2003, Based on this fact can be stated that the personality of the teacher berpengarug democratic attitudes of learners. The purpose of this study was to determine the competence of the teacher´s personality Civics with democratic attitudes of students in SMK Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. The method used in this study is a quantitative method, the data were analyzed using product moment analysis techniques.The results showed that the competence of the teacher´s personality Civics great influence on democratic attitudes of students in SMK Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. Competence personality Civics teacher at SMK Negeri 1 Banjarmasin enough, seen from the responses of students by 73% judged that sufficient competence Civics teacher´s personality, and the remaining 27% considered that the competence of the teacher´s personality Civics still not good. Devi Arianti class XI A Accounting say "Civics teacher competence personality very enjoyable time in class, the teacher has the authority to be polite and very good and by being friendly in the classroom, always provides an opportunity to ask if anyone who does not understand the subject matter." Competence personality Civics teacher at SMK Negeri 1 Banjarmasin enough, seen from the positive response from students of 73% assess that competence Civics teachers have good personalities, and the remaining 27% considered that the competence of the teacher´s personality Civics still not good. Teachers that need to further improve the competence of his personality that fits the criteria of personality competencies of teachers, so as to make the students behave democratically. Citizenship Education Study Program is expected to cultivate the seeds of future teachers and qualified teachers scored a success in the future.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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During this learning process Civics class VII-B SMP Negeri 2 Tanjung tend not achieve results as expected. It is seen from the class average is still below the specified minimum completeness criteria ie 65. This is because the more dominant teachers use the lecture method (narrative technique) in the implementation of learning activities that are less effective in improving student learning outcomes in a follow Civics lesson. The research objective is: (1) To determine the improvement of learning activities Civics Example Non Example model, (2) To determine the increase in student learning outcomes as applied learning Civics Model Example Non-Example. Data collection techniques used were observation and achievement test which is done through several cycles, the cycle I and cycle II. The method used was action research. Action research was conducted in two cycles, the first cycle of two meetings and two meetings the second cycle. The experiment was conducted in a class VII-B SMP Negeri 2 Tanjung. The number of students who studied there were 30 people, consisting of 16 men and 14 women. Analysis of the data used in quantitative view of the presentation. These results indicate: (1) The application of learning using Example non Example models can enhance the activity of teachers of first cycle both categories into a category very well in the second cycle, (2) application of learning using Example non Example models can improve learning outcomes can be seen in Civics attainment of minimal classical completeness there in the first cycle is low with a percentage of 23% pretest and post-test 76%, after allowing for the second cycle to obtain improved results with persantase mastery 86% pre-test and post-test by 90%. Researchers suggested the teachers should be able to apply a variety of learning models, particularly models Example Non Example. Learning model is shown to increase the activity and learning outcomes.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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This study reviews the implementation of the points system in the formation of character based discipline in students of SMAN 3 Banjarbaru. Implementation of the points system is assessed through student discipline picture after the application of a points system, the character of the disclipline studied through the causes of the low student discipline after the application of the points while the violation of students studied in the form of student violations after the implementation of the points system. The selected research method is a method of qualitative data collection techniques through the observation that scientists see direct application of a points system to sudent, an interview so that researchers can find out di rectly from the informant as a data source, and document in order to facilitate researchers in collecting data both written document or picture as a data source. Object of research and data analysis by means of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data can be tested by way of extension of validity of observation, increasing persistence, triangulation, and using reference cematerials. The result showed tat the application of apoints system has been running smoothly but the disclipline of students in SMAN 3 Banjarbaru stillnot fully discipline, frequent visits from students who commit violations, student areoften violated because of factoers bandwagon friends. Violations often can serve as an example to other student that school discripline violations to the student.s interest and convenience of the student themselves. Based on the result ofthe study suggested that schooprovide tough sancition to student who are breaking the rules and doing outreach to students about the application of a points system for students who are doing a good offense at student orientation, flag ceremonies, as well asteaching and learning process. Teachers must be able to be a role model to maintain order and discipline in the school.  
Meningkatkan Minat Belajar PKn Materi Hak Asasi Manusia Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Talking Stick Pada Siswa Kelas X.A SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin Noryana, Noryana; Wahyu, Wahyu; Ruchliyadi, Dian Agus
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Based on the observations of researchers in the of students of class X. A SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin in learning Citizenship of Education is still low, which have an impact on the achievement of learning outcomes of students who did not. It can be proven from data the value of learning achievement of students of class X. A SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin on the matter of human rights only reached an average of 6.0 under ketuntasan learning 7.5 as the set curriculum.   Direction of researchers are : (1) to enhance the learning interest of students and student learning response by using the model of the Talking Stick, (2) to researchers are class from cycle to cycle.   Data collection techniques observation, and using test student.   Based on the observations of researchers are : (1) Using the learning model of the Talking Stick in students Studying materials human rights Defence interest in learning Citizenship of Education from cycle I and cycle II increase from 45% to 87,5% (2) activity of students in KBM from cycle from cycle I to cycle II took place decrease of 6.7% to 0.7%, and the activity of the teacher from cycle to cycle I II increase from 2.2 to 3.9 (3) results of response/perception of students toward learning presented the teacher pointed out that students liked and highly motivated with the model of the Talking Stick, this can be seen from the students ´ enthusiasm in following a study carried out by the teacher.   With an increase in student learning activities with student learning outcomes, the researcher recommends that the application learning model not only in Civic Education learning, but also on other subjects. Learning and innovation it should continue to be made by teachers in order to improve the increasing interest in studying
Planting Pattern Values Character By Teacher Civics Education in Vocational Development Banua Banjarmasin Sari, Rina Puspita; Wahyu, Wahyu; Matnuh, Harpani
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Character education is a system of cultivation of character values ​​to students that include components of knowledge, awareness or volition, and actions to implement those values, both of Almighty God, ourselves, others, the environment, and nationality to become human perfect man. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source is selected by purposive. Data was collected through literature study, a full participant observation, and interviews (Interview). Data analysis was performed with data reduction (data reduction), presenting data (data display), and conclusion (conclusion draving / verification). The results found that the pattern of planting the values ​​of character education by Civics Teachers in vocational Bina Banua Banjarmasin should start from the teacher as the spearhead in the implementation of character education by providing role models for the students to learn responsibility, discipline and honest. Civics teacher preparation in implementing character education includes 4 (four) stages, namely: (1) cultivation, (2) Growing, (3) development, and (4) Consolidation. Hukungan intertwining of good and harmonious cooperation between the school by parents. From the findings it can be concluded that the Civics teacher spearheading the implementation of character education, civic education teachers not only serves as an educator but also act as a teacher training. The participation of parents is high in cooperative relationship with the school. Advice can be given that the investment pattern values ​​of character education should be increased again. Preparation to implement character education should be more matured longer in order to be implemented to the fullest. Relations of cooperation and harmony between the schools with parents needs to be established and further enhanced. nt:�rb�_�4�idi-theme-font:major-bidi´>Data collection techniques observation, and using test student.    Based on the observations of researchers are : (1) Using the learning model of the Talking Stick in students Studying materials human rights Defence interest in learning Citizenship of Education from cycle I and cycle II increase from 45% to 87,5% (2) activity of students in KBM from cycle from cycle I to cycle II took place decrease of 6.7% to 0.7%, and the activity of the teacher from cycle to cycle I II increase from 2.2 to 3.9 (3) results of response/perception of students toward learning presented the teacher pointed out that students liked and highly motivated with the model of the Talking Stick, this can be seen from the students ´ enthusiasm in following a study carried out by the teacher.   With an increase in student learning activities with student learning outcomes, the researcher recommends that the application learning model not only in Civic Education learning, but also on other subjects. Learning and innovation it should continue to be made by teachers in order to improve the increasing interest in studying
Honesty Character Education Through Learning in vocational Bina Banua Banjarmasin Nahrawati, Rini; Wahyu, Wahyu; Adawiyah, Rabiatul
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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Implementing the value of honesty is a conscious effort to develop a learning strategy which includes the values ​​of honesty in fostering the students’ discipline and independence  in vocational Bina Banua Banjarmasin. This effort is to develop a lesson of Civics as the teaching materials that are integrated with the teachers’ honesty values, to improve student learning outcomes and changing attitudes so that students learn self-awareness towards the knowledge  and God´s infinite height. This study aims to determine the value of honesty planting plan through a learning process in vocational Bina Civics Banua Banjarmasin. Strategic investment in vocational value honesty Bina Banua Banjarmasin. Implementation of the investment value of honesty through the learning process of students of SMK Bina Banua Banjarmasin. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and record. The analysis of the research result which is used are step data reduction, data display and verification. The results shows the plans and strategies value teaching honesty have been running on well by teachers, however it is still lacking of students participation that is caused by the environmental factors and the level of students intelligence. Based on the research, the Civics teachers are expected to increase the  honesty value investment to students by using variety methods and strategies for getting effective learning and the meaningful lesson so that the level of students honesty will be growing continuously . In short, it can create students who are not only brainy academically but also morally. text-in�D:64���-height:normal;tab-stops:31.5pt 49.5pt´>Based on the observations of researchers are : (1) Using the learning model of the Talking Stick in students Studying materials human rights Defence interest in learning Citizenship of Education from cycle I and cycle II increase from 45% to 87,5% (2) activity of students in KBM from cycle from cycle I to cycle II took place decrease of 6.7% to 0.7%, and the activity of the teacher from cycle to cycle I II increase from 2.2 to 3.9 (3) results of response/perception of students toward learning presented the teacher pointed out that students liked and highly motivated with the model of the Talking Stick, this can be seen from the students ´ enthusiasm in following a study carried out by the teacher.    With an increase in student learning activities with student learning outcomes, the researcher recommends that the application learning model not only in Civic Education learning, but also on other subjects. Learning and innovation it should continue to be made by teachers in order to improve the increasing interest in studying
Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 3, No 5 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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The role of teachers in instilling character courtesy of students in schools is needed. Since it is the duty of teachers as a profession that includes educating, teaching, and training. Teachers in the field of humanitarian tasks in the school should be able to make himself as second parents. Teachers as mentors, teachers, educators and trainers indispensable role in educating students that behave according to the values​​, character, norms not only in schools but also in the community. This study aims to determine the manners of students in schools and the role of teachers in instilling character manners, but it is also knowing how teachers in instilling character manners, inhibiting factor in instilling character values ​​manners that are eroded by time on SDN Teluk Dalam 12 Banjarmasin. The methods used in this study is a qualitative method. Data collection is done with the techniques of observation, interview and documentation. Analysis of the results of research that is used is the analysis of the data reduction steps, the presentation of the data, draw conclusions. The results showed that the role of teachers in instilling character courtesy of students at SDN Teluk Dalam 12 Banjarmasin has been good, although it could be said to be not optimal. The ways by teachers is to be an example for the students. so the students will be easy to emulate. Constraints faced in carrying out activities such as self-esteem itself, the influence of age, self awareness and supporting factors like environment. The benefits of planting itself courtesy character very much and is very useful for myself in particular. Suggestions for this study it is expected that students realize that the importance of the manners of good character for yourself or for others, and is constantly working to build the character of courtesy that is not only in schools but also in the family and in the community.
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palu

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One of the salient features of the contemporary world is a rapid change in all aspects of life. This reality, whether we like or dislike, has become a choice leading the Islamic world to awareness that a structural adaptation to this is necessary. Although such an adaptation is a weak form of self-defense, it is an alternative urgently needed to integrate science and religion in order that they do not lose their context and empirical meanings.Kata Kunci : Sains, agama,  tantangan kontemporer