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Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil Vol 12 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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ABSTRAKPembangunan gedung hotel Aston Inn Mojokerto ini  dibangun karna adanya peningkatan pada sektor pariwisata di Mojokerto. Bangunan ini memiliki luas tanah 1925 m2 dengan Panjang bangunan 56 m lebar 15 m, dengan jumlah lantai 8 dengan struktur saat ini yaitu beton bertulang. Pada tugas akhir kali ini penulis akan merencanakan ulang dengan menggunakan alternatif struktur komposit. Struktur komposit merupakan struktur gabungan antara beton dan baja, struktur ini dapat dikatakan komposit apabila dihubungkan dengan penghubung geser. Standar perencanaan berpedoman dari SNI 1726:2012, SNI 1727:2013, SNI 2847:2013, PPIURG 1987, dan LRFD (SNI 03-1729-2002). Untuk perencanaan desain portal struktur menggunakan aplikasi ETABS 2016. Hasil perhitungan dari perencanaan komposit diperoleh tebal pelat lantai dan atap 12 cm, dengan tulangan pokok Ø10-125 dan tulangan bagi Ø10-200; dimensi untuk balok anak WF 300.150.6,5.9 dan untuk balok induk WF 600.300.23.14; dimensi untuk kolom komposit menggunakan WF 700.300.24.13 dengan besar kolom 80 cm x 40 cm; untuk pondasi digunakan pondasi tiang pancang kedalaman 25 m dengan dimensi tiang Ø50 dan menggunakan tulangan tiang pokok 16-D22 dan tulangan spiral D16-150. Kata kunci : ETABS 2016 , Hotel Aston Inn , LRFD , Struktur Komposit,ABSTRACTThe construction of the Aston Inn Mojokerto hotel building was built due to an increase in the tourism sector in Mojokerto. This building has a land area of 1925 m2 with a building length of 56 m, a width of 15 m, with a total of 8 floors with the current structure of reinforced concrete. In this final project the author will re-plan by using an alternative composite structure. Composite structure is a composite structure between concrete and steel, this structure can be said to be composite if it is connected by shear connectors. Planning standards are guided by SNI 1726:2012, SNI 1727:2013, SNI 2847:2013, PPIURG 1987, and LRFD (SNI 03-1729-2002). For planning the design of the structural portal using the 2016 ETABS application. The results of the calculation of the composite planning obtained are 12 cm thick floor and roof slabs, with 10-125 principal reinforcement and 10-200 reinforcement; dimensions for WF child beams 300. and for WF main beam 600.300.23.14; dimensions for composite columns using WF 700.300.24.13 with a column size of 80 cm x 40 cm; For the foundation, pile foundations are used with a depth of 25 m with pile dimensions 50 and use 16-D22 main pile reinforcement and D16-150 spiral reinforcement. Keywords : Composite Structure, LRFD, ETABS 2016, Aston Inn Hotel
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil Vol 12 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

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                                                     ABSTRAK Gedung Rumah Sakit Hermina Tangkuban Prahu Malang  dibangun  rawat inap dengan  panjang bangunan 30 m, lebar bangunan 16 m, tinggi bangunan 29 m yang memiliki total 7 lantai menggunakan struktur beton bertulang. Penulis merencanakan struktur baja yang merupakan struktur  yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih material. Hasil dari studi perencanaan ini adalah tebal plat 12,5 mm untuk plat lantai 1 s/d 6 dengan tulangan tumpuan dan lapangan Ø 10 – 150, sedangakn pelat atap digunakan ketebalan 100 mm dengan tulangan tumpuan dan tulangan Ø 10 – 150. Balok anak menggunakan dimensi  WF 350.175.7.11, 300.200.8.12,  300.150.6,5.9,  300.200.8.12,  balok anak plat atap menggunakan dimensi  WF 350.175.7.11, 300.200.8.12, 300.150.6,5.9; balok induk dimensi WF 500.300.11.15  Kolom komposit menggunakan dimensi WF 600.300.12.23 dengan besar kolom 70 cm × 70 cm. Menggunakan tulangan longitudinal 4 Ø 16 dan Ø10 – 200  tulangan sengkang; Pondasi tiang pancang  ukuran poer pondasi 2,4 m × 2,4 m, berdiameter Ø40 cm berjumlah 4 tiang dalam 1 pondasi. Jarak antar tiang 120 cm dan kedalam tiang 20 m. Tulangan pokok 13 D 22 mm dan tulangan spiral D13-22 mm.Kata Kunci : Struktur komposit, LRFD, ETABS 2020,Rumah sakit Hermina Tangkuban Prahu Malang ABSTRACT Hermina Tangkuban Prahu Hospital Malang was built as an inpatient facility  building length of 30 m, building width  16 m, and  building height  29 m which has a total of 7 floors using a reinforced concrete structure. The author plans a composite structure which is a structure consisting of two or more materials. The results of this planning study are 12.5 mm thick slab for floor slabs 1 to 6 with pedestal and field reinforcement 10 - 150, while the roof slab is used with a thickness of 100 mm with pedestal reinforcement and reinforcement 10 - 150. Child beams use dimensions WF 350.175.7.11, 300.2000.8.12, 300., 300.2000.8.12, roof plate beams using dimensions WF 350.175.7.11, 300.2000.8.12, 300.; main beam dimensions WF 500.300.11.15 Composite columns using dimensions WF 600.300.12.23 with a column size of 70 cm × 70 cm. Using 4 16 and 10 – 200 longitudinal reinforcement; The pile foundation has a poer size  2.4 m × 2.4 m,  diameter 40 cm, totaling 4 piles in 1 foundation. The distance between the poles is 120 cm and the inside of the pole is 20 m. 13 D 22 mm staple reinforcement and D13-22 mm spiral reinforcement.Keywords: Composite structure,LRFD,ETABS 2020, Hermina Tangkuban Prahu Hospital Malang
Pupuk Organik Cair (Poc) dari Limbah Cair Tahu dengan Dekomposer Bongkol Pisang Dalam Pertumbuhan Tanaman Pokcay Dwi Probowati Sulistyani; Adipati Napoleon; Agus Hermawan; Bakri Bakri; Warsito Warsito; M Farrel Rayhan Riza
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Riset Pengembangan Lahan Suboptimal (PUR-PLSO) Universitas Sriwijaya

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Sulistyani DP, Napoleon A, Hermawan A, Bakri B, Warsito W, Riza MFR.  2022. Liquid organic fertilizer (Poc) from tofu liquid waste with banana hump decomposer in pokcay plant growth. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 129-135.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Tofu liquid waste can be used as a new alternative that can be used as liquid organic fertilizer because in the tofu liquid waste it has various nutrients needed for the plant growth process. Based on the research, it shows that the nutrient content in tofu liquid waste before and after liquid fertilizer is made does not meet the standard of liquid fertilizer. To improve the quality of tofu liquid waste as liquid fertilizer, one of them is the addition of local microorganisms (MOL) from banana hump. The specific purpose of the study was to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer from tofu liquid waste with the addition of a banana hump decomposer on pokcay plants. Liquid organic fertilizer is one of the efforts to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, one of which is Ultisol, so it is expected to increase the growth of pokcay plants to be applied. Ultisols include soils that have very low nutrients and high soil acidity. Poor macronutrient content. Therefore, researchers made efforts so that ultisols could increase the availability of soil nutrients. Liquid organic fertilizer has many advantages, namely the ease of application to soil and plants, which only needs to be watered. The results showed that there was an effect of the dose of liquid organic fertilizer sprinkled on the soil planted with pokcay on the growth, namely plant height, number of leaves, leaf green level, wet weight and dry weight.
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dengan Pupuk Organik Cair berbagai Sisa Buahan Teguh Achadi; Umair Haikal; Lili Angraini; Muhammad Al Ghifari; Yakup Yakup; Marlina Marlina; Warsito Warsito
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Riset Pengembangan Lahan Suboptimal (PUR-PLSO) Universitas Sriwijaya

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Achadi T, Haikal U, Angraini L, Ghifari MA, Yakup Y, Marlina M, Warsito W. 2022. Growth and yield of legume crops with liquid organic from various fruit residues. In : Herlinda S et al. (Eds), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 217-225. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Liquid organic fertilizer is the result from decomposition of organic matter derived from animals or plants. Liquid organic fertilizer is made from damaged or rotten fruit and from the skin of the fruit (banana, papaya, pineapple and a mixture of all three). This study aimed to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) on the growth and yield of legumes (Soybeans, Peanuts and Green Beans). This research was conducted from July to October 2022. This study used a Complete Randomized Design with eight treatments including controls, namely A (recommended NPK fertilizer), B (POC of banana fruit residue), C (POC of pineapple fruit residue), D (POC sis of Papaya fruit), E (POC of banana + pineapple fruit residue), F (POC of banana + papaya fruit residue), G (POC of pineapple fruit residue + papaya) and H (remaining banana fruit + pineapple + papaya). The results showed that liquid organic fertilizer were not significantly different the recommended NPK fertilizer to all variables with out number of branches and productive branch of Soybeans and numbers of branches of Peanuts so hope that liquid organic fertilizer from Various Fruit Residues increase to Yield of Legume Crops (Soybeans, Peanuts and Green Beans).
Pupuk Organik Cair asal Limbah Kulit Nanas untuk Perbaikan Lahan Karet Rakyat di Payaraman Barat, Ogan Ilir Dwi Setyawan; A Maren; D Budianta; Warsito Warsito; S J Priatna
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Riset Pengembangan Lahan Suboptimal (PUR-PLSO) Universitas Sriwijaya

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Setyawan D, Maren A, Budianta D, Warsito W, Priatna SJ. 2022. Liquid organic fertilizer from pineapple peel waste for rural rubber land improvement in West Payaraman, Ogan Ilir. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 878-884.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Rubber plantations are an important source of income in Payaraman District, Ogan Ilir and are generally cultivated on marginal lands. Meanwhile, pineapple peel waste that is not utilized will pile up into garbage even though it can be used as liquid organic fertilizer or compost. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of POC pineapple peel waste in increasing soil N, P, and K nutrients and latex production. The study used a split plot design with the main plot of weed clearing (without and with weeding) while the subplots were POC doses of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4% (equivalent to 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 ml POC). per liter of water). Watering is done with a frequency of once per week. The treatment was repeated three times. The experimental unit consisted of 30 mature rubber trees. Latex is collected weekly. The results showed that the POC of pineapple peel had a pH of 3.95; 0.05 % N; 0.027 % P and 0.19 % K. The initial soil pH value from 4.13 to 4.18 increased to around pH 5.0 after POC application for 4 weeks. Likewise, the total N content is about 0.26%; P-total 100 mg/kg and K-total 14 mg/kg. ANOVA results showed that the best treatment was a dose of 30 ml/liter with a latex production of 770 g/tree. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that the POC of pineapple waste has the potential to improve soil fertility and latex production. Weeding is important to reduce nutrient competition with rubber plants. 
HUMANISME DAN PETAKA MODERN Warsito Warsito; Husnul Muttaqin
The Sociology of Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jsi.2012.2.2.%p


Peradaban modern dimulai dari geliat renaissance yang kemudian disempurnakan dengan aufklarung. Dengan janji-janji kemanusiaannya, peradaban baru yang mengusung misi humanisasi ini membangun peradaban dengan kecepatan tinggi. Karya besar gerakan humanisme ini dapat kita saksikan pada peradaban modern yang kita saksikan saat ini. Namun, dalam perjalanannya yang panjang, humanisme antroposentris ini ternyata tidak benar-benar mampu mewujudkan janji-janji manisnya. Manusia berada dalam ancaman serius berupa bencana alam dan perbudakan manusia oleh manusia lain dan perbudakan manusia oleh teknologi yang ia ciptakan sendiri. Tampaknya, bencana ini terjadi karena setelah manusia secara gilang gemilang berhasil menaklukkan alam, mereka kemudian bergerak lebih jauh dengan “membunuh” Tuhan dan kemanusiaan. Untuk itulah, humanisme teosentris ditawarkan sebagai antitesis agar manusia dapat keluar dari keterpurukannya. Kata Kunci: antroposentris, humanisme teosentris, modernitas