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The Professional and Pedagogic Competences of English Teachers With Different UKG (Teaching Competence Test) Achievement Levels Aisyah, Iis Siti; Yuliasri, Issy; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 1 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i1.27643


Professional and pedagogic competences are the basic aspects for effective teaching and learning to take place in classrooms. They are dealing with the quality of teaching-learning process. However, the average score of UKG (Teacher Competence Test) in Indonesia did not achieve standard expected target. This mixed-methods study is aimed to reveal professional and pedagogic competences of English teachers with different UKG achievement levels. Quantitative method was employed in the first phase through student questionnaire to investigate students’ perception on their English teachers’ professional and pedagogic competences performed in classrooms. 14 classes students of six junior high schools in Bandung, West Java, were chosen as participants.The total number of students was 474 with 14 English teachers as subjects of the study. In the second phase, this study employed a descriptive qualitative method through classrooms observation and documentation to reveal how English teachers with different UKG chievement levels performed their competence in classrooms. Five teachers out of the 14 teachers under study were chosen as participants.The finding reveals that based on students’ perception, professional and pedagogic competences demonstrated by English teachers in classrooms do not fully reflect their UKG achievement levels. In some aspects, the teachers with lower UKG achievement are not perceived worse than those with higher UKG achievement. This finding is in line with the finding based on classrooms teaching performance of the five English teachers’ under study. In some parts of lessons, the lower achievers could even perform better than the highers.
Journal of Innovation in Business and Economics Vol 1, No 02 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.394 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jibe.v1i02.4800


This study aims to find out and at the same time test empirically whether financial performance can be used as an estimator of the stock returns of listed manufacturing sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis tool used is ordinary least square regression (OLS). Based on data analysis using SPSS program version 15 obtained the conclusion that fundamental analysis, with explanatory variables of financial performance, can not be used as an estimator of the stock returns of manufacturing sector. This means that this research hypothesis was rejected. Thus, investors should not need to consider the financial performance at a particular time in making their investment decisions.
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3281.67 KB)


Perubahan   adalah  merupakan   syarat  untuk  mencapai  kemajuan.   Walaupun  kemajuan sendiri   tidak   menjamin   untuk   mencapai   kemajuan.   Begitu   pula   Koperasi,   perubahan .lJIII!!!Rgelolaan    mullak  diperlukan.  Jati diri koperasi  adalah karakter  dan identitas  Koperasi  yang lleisilmn  pengertian     tentang   jilosoji,    nilai   dasar   dan   Prinsip-   prinsip    Koperasi    yang Bemberilmn   pedoman,   garis  -  garis  besar  tata  kelola  dan pengelolaan   Koperasi,   sehingga dJpal memhetlaknn    antara   pelaku    ekonomi   Koperasi    dan  pelaku    ekonomi   yang   bukan Iloperas;_ Pertumbuhan,   Perkembangan   dan Kemajuan  Koperasi  tidak saja hanya  dinilai  dari ~~PrJ.()T.t1emegahan    semu   tetapi  di  nilai  dari  seberapa   besar   manfaat   koperasi   terhadap ~/lJ             dan' .Ilngkungannya  dalam mencapai  tujuannya.  (kesejahteraan)
The Effectiveness of Write-Pair-Square and Group Investigation to Teach Writing Descriptive Text for Students With High and Low Participation Faticha, Dewi; Anggani Linggar Bharati, Dwi; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i3.30896


Recently, teaching and learning English as foreign language has raised its position as a trending field in language transformation in Indonesia.This study aimed to measuring the effectiveness of Write-Pair-Square and Group investigation to teach writing descriptive text as two cooperative learning strategies. There were 50 students of the seventh grade students of MTs N Tegal. This study used an experimental method with pre-test and post-test of a 2x2 factorial design. Two classes were chosen as experimental group 1 and 2, while the third class was chosen for tryout. The data of students’ participation level was gained from observation before the treatments and the data of students’ writing achievement was gained from writing test. The data from the test was analyzed with T-Test and ANOVA Test. The results revealed that there was significant difference of the students’ participation on the post-test result after being taught by using Write-Pair-Square and Group Investigation strategies. Then, the result of the significance value (p value) of teaching strategies and participation was 0.032 < 0.05. Thus, it can be stated that there is effective interaction among strategies and participation to enhance students’ writing achievement.
THE The Use of Music Background in Teaching Reading Comprehension for Negative and Positive Students’ Perception Saefudin, Dery Purnama; Saleh, Mursid; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i4.30920


Reading is a kind of activity to transfer the information and to comprehend the writer’s ideas by the learner through the written or the printed words. Learning achievement is not only determined by the one factor such as teaching method, but also it is affected by some learning factors. Besides, learning is affected by psychological factor such as classroom atmosphere.This study used experimental research. It was aimed to comparing the effectiveness of Beta Wave music, acoustic music, no music, as music background when learning English. This study was experimental research by using factorial design, it was 3x2 factorial design and use technique of multi factor analysis of variance (ANNOVA) which helped to understand the effect of two or more independent variables upon a single dependent variable, the independent variables are beta wave music, acoustic music, and no music, and the dependent variable is the students’ achievement in reading comprehension of tenth graders of SMAN 4 Kota Cirebon. For moderating variables are positive and negative students’ perception toward music background.Mostly, students with positive perception were affected by music background whether acoustic and beta wave music as well as none-music background in learning reading comprehension.While students with negative perception were positively affected even a few students were negatively affected by beta music background when they learn reading comprehension. Because, they thought that the music were annoying, then the students felt uncomfortable. But it was different with students with negative perception in experiment A that used acoustic music background. They were positively affected by acoustic music background.The use of acoustic melodic music was effective in developing students’ reading comprehension both of students with positive and negative perception toward. While the use of beta wave music background was effective in developing students’ reading comprehension for students with positive perception but it was not effective for students with negative perception.
The Realization of Commissive Speech Acts in the First Debate of South Carolina Governor Election 2018 Dashela, Tarina; Mujiyanto, Januarius; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i3.31368


In communication, commissive is a kind of speech acts that commit a speaker to do some future action. People should have the ability to produce and understand sentences which are appropriate in order to communicate effectively. The aims of this study are to analyze the candidates’ utterance and the candidates’ visual expression, and also to explain the roles of power and social distance in the debate. Qualitative method is applied in this study. There are five instruments which are used in this study, such as observation, recording technique, Searle and Vanderveken’s (1985) theory, Navarro and Karlin’s (2008) theory, and Trosborg’s (1994) theory. The collected data are especially in form of words, sentences, or pictures. The findings showed that there are six types of commissive speech acts used by two candidates, namely promise, assure, threaten, guarantee, offer, and refuse. It indicated that the most common commissive speech acts found is a promise. In addition, the second findings presented that there are seven types of visual expressions by two candidates, such as putting the hand in the pocket, tongue-jutting behavior, furrowed forehead, arm-distancing, palms-up, interlaced fingers, and hand-steepling. The most dominant visual expression by two candidates is palms-up. It meant that the candidates wanted to be believed or wanted to be accepted. The last findings explained that power (status) and social distance. They had equal status in power, had different perception, and had a space line in the debate. Hence, this study can be used in pragmatics class for language learners, especially they will apply appropriately commissive speech acts for the purpose of persuading voters or audiences in communication.
The Realization of Grice’s Maxims in English Teacher’s Interaction with Male and Female Students Khayati, Iftitah; Mujiyanto, Januarius; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i3.31562


Grice’s maxims refer to the use of the four conversational implicature and cooperative principle proposed by Paul Herbert Grice (1975). In order to make communication successful, participants have to follow such a principle. This study is aimed at investigating the realization of Grice’s maxims in English teacher’s interaction with male and female students at Bilingual Boarding School and the gender difference that influenced the interaction. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative in analyzing the data. The main instrument used was the researcher herself with the help of the data sheet as the secondary instrument. The object of the study was the teacher’s interaction with male and female students in a different classroom. Then, the data were analyzed in four steps of interactive analysis: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusion. To avoid bias or subjectivity, the researcher applied the triangulation of expert judgment. The results show that all the four Grice’s maxims, quality, quantity, relevant, and manner are realized in the teacher’s interaction with male and female students. It was realize by observing and flouting the maxims. In the interaction with male students, there are 4 observances of Grice’s maxims realized they are observed quality maxim, quantity maxim, relevant maxim, and manner maxim. In non-observance of maxims, there are flouted quality, quantity, relevant and manner maxims. On the other hand, the realization of Grice’s maxims in the interaction with male students was observed the quality, quantity, relevant, manner and flouted 2 maxims were quantity and relevant maxim. The results of this study can pedagogically contribute to English language studies. In the classroom interaction in discourse and pragmatic development in general, the realization of maxims (observed and flouted) can be directly included as a good example of the natural authentic of English.
The The Subtitling Strategies and the Semantic Equivalence of Figurative Language in Now You See Me 2 Movie Febrianto, Nazala Wahyu; Yuliasri, Issy; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i3.31761


There are so many popular movies in Indonesia which come from Hollywood (western countries). They uses English as their language. One of the movies we can find is Now You See Me 2 Movie. Sometimes, figurative language is used inside the movie. However, it is not easy for Indonesian people to understand English. It is why subtitling becomes very important for Indonesian. The aims of this study are: (1) to explain the subtitling strategies used in subtitling figurative language in the movie and (2) to explain the degrees of semantic equivalence of the subtitling strategies. This study is a qualitative descriptive research. To collect the data, the writer used transcription and a table of tabulated script. Transcription was used to transcribe all the dialogue into a transcript. Then, it was tabulated into a table which had been set. All the data was analyzed through transcribing, reading, categorizing, analyzing, interpreting, and drawing conclusion. The result showed that there were 94 utterances of figurative language. From 94 utterances, there were 9 subtitling strategies used; they were Expansion, Paraphrase, Transfer, Imitation, Transcription, Condensation, Decimation, Deletion, and Resignation Strategy. The most used subtitling strategy was Paraphrase Strategy that shared 39.4%. It was used in 37 excerpts. Then, the result of semantic equivalence showed that Fully Equivalent shared 42.5%, Increased Meaning shared 29.8%, and Decreased Meaning shared 7.4%. The category of Non-Equivalent showed that Different Meaning shared 16% and No Meaning shared 4.3%. The Equivalent category shared 80.8% of total 100%.
The The Interpersonal Meaning in Trump’s Victory Speech Savitri, Andini Syita; Warsono, Warsono
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i4.31874


This study deals with analyzing language used for communication. It analyzes a victory speech by Donald Trump as the newest president of America from the perspective of SFL especially dealing with the Tenor of the discourse of the speech. In other words, this study is about interpersonal meaning of the speech which can be used to dig up speaker’s attitudes towards what s/he is saying in the speech. In conducting this study, I had two objectives to achieve. First, this study tried to understand the interpersonal meaning of Donald Trump’s victory speech by looking deeply on the Mood system of the clauses of the speech which means analyzing the two constituents of Mood which are Subjects and Finites of the clauses in the speech. Second, it also tried to uncover Donald Trump’s attitudes towards Americans by applying the Appraisal theory proposed by Martin. Appraisal offers an ideal analytical framework to systematically identify interpersonal meanings in language. The result of analysis showed that the most subject found in the speech was I – Donald Trump which meant that Trump himself was responsible to what he was saying in the speech. The Finites in the speech were mostly stated in Simple Present Tense which was meant that in delivering his speech, Trump gave the general truth at the moment of the speaking. Since most of the clauses were declarative clauses, Trump was considered to share information in this case he share his vision and mission for future America to the audience. That shared information was further analyzed with the Appraisal theory which led to the conclusion that Trump gave positive attitudes towards Americans. Based on this study, finally we come to an understanding that it’s important to understand any kinds of speech well. One among ways to do it is by analyzing that speech through its interpersonal meaning and its appraisal system. This study is useful for readers, especially English Department students in order to be able to understand the meaning behind a text well.
The Comparison of Appraisal Resources in Argumentative Essays Written by Students with Different Proficiency Levels Fauziah, Meli; Warsono, Warsono; Widhiyanto, Widhiyanto
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 4 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i4.31980


This study aimed to explain the appraisal resources manifested in argumentative essays written by undergraduate students with high and low proficiency level, as well as their similarities and differences of using appraisal resources. This study employed qualitative research in the form of written discourse analysis. The appraisal resources checklist adapted from Martin and White (2005) is used to determine the distribution of appraising items of attitude, engagement and graduation in argumentative essays written by high and low proficiency students. Out of 16 students chosen as the sample, 8 students are categorized as having high proficiency level, and the others eight belong to low proficiency level. The results of this study revealed that both groups of students utilized all subsystem of appraisal resources. However, high proficiency students dominantly used engagement rather than attitude and graduation. Meanwhile, the lows one utilized more attitude than engagement and graduation. In term of attitude, high proficiency students produced more appreciation. It showed that the argumentative essays written by high proficiency students are more appreciative than emotional and judgmental to align their personal voices in conveying their thoughts and opinions. In addition, in term of engagement, both groups dominantly applied entertain item in which it showed that both groups of students are successful to show their authorial voice towards the topic given. Finally, in graduation feature, force is dominantly used by both groups of students which means that they tried to intensify and quantify their arguments to build strong persuasion.
Co-Authors Abdul Ayiz Abdurrachman Faridi Abdurrahman Faridi Afifi, Ruhana Agnes Widyaningrum Ali Haidar AMINUDDIN KASDI Amperawaty, Anis Amperawaty, Anis Antonio, Yeftanus Ardy Prabasiwi, Evita Ardy Prabasiwi, Evita Arina Yuliarti, Arina Aziz, Muhammad Faris Abdil BAMBANG SURATMAN BUDI SETIAWAN Dery Purnama Saefudin Dewi, Nuna Mustikawati Dewi, Nuna Mustikawati Dian Kurniasari Djoko Sutopo Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati Dwi Rukmini F, Rizqi Amalia F, Rizqi Amalia Faticha, Dewi Faticha, Dewi Fauziah, Meli Fauziah, Meli Febrianto, Nazala Wahyu Febrianto, Nazala Wahyu Firtiati, Sri Wuli Firtiati, Sri Wuli Fitriyani, Sefty Hanida Hadi, Dholiful Hariyanto, Shofan Harmanto Harmanto Ifadloh, Nur Iis Siti Aisyah Inti Englishtina Issy Yuliasri Jani Januar Januarius Mujiyanto, Januarius Khalim, Abdul Khalim, Abdul Khayati, Iftitah Khayati, Iftitah Kristiani, Isti Kristiani, Isti Lailatul Badriyah Maharani, Suri Mala Nurilmala Marbangun, Melasari Febrianti Maulana, Mas Dafri Miftakhul Ulum, Miftakhul Muchammad Budiono, Muchammad Murni Wahyanti, C. Murni Wahyanti, C. Mursid Saleh Nasution Nasution Novita, Ely Nugroho Hari Purnomo Nurfitria, Aziza Ramadhani Pahlevi, Sekar Ranis Anggita Pahlevi, Sekar Ranis Anggita Prihantoro, Nur Achmad Puspitasari, Vivanti Rafika, Rahmi Rafika, Rahmi Rendy A.P, Dwi Bagus Retno Apriliyanti Retno Apriliyanti, Retno Rudi Hartono Saefudin, Dery Purnama Savitri, Andini Syita Savitri, Andini Syita Setiawan, Noferdis Soetriono Soetriono Solihah, Yuni Awalaturrohmah Solihah, Yuni Awalaturrohmah Sri Wuli Fitriati Sunarto Sunarto Susan, Susandari Syarifah Syarifah, Syarifah Tarina Dashela Trias Septianingsih, Trias Wahyuni, Dita Eka Walidaini, Lulu Wamiliana Wamiliana Waspodo Tjipto Subroto Widhiyanto, Widhiyanto Widhiyanto, Widhiyanto wisnu wisnu, wisnu Yuli Ardianto, Yuli Yuliani, Widya Yuliani, Widya Yulianto, Iwan Yuni, Dede