Lily Montarcih Limantara
Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya Malang.

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Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak : Pemanfaatan lahan yang kurang bijaksana, perubahan vegetasi dan tutupan lahan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai akan berdampak pada ekosistem, diantaranya adalah terganggunya tata air. Hal tersebut mempengaruhi kapasitas infiltrasi dan volume limpasan.Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai yang kurang memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah pengelolaan sumber daya alam tersebut terjadi pada DAS Brantas Hulu.Nilai bilangan kurva aliran permukaan merupakan parameter hidrologi yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan potensi aliran permukaan dan fungsi dari penggunaan lahan, jenis tanah, dan kelembaban tanah.Hasil studi menunjukkan peningkatan nilai bilangan kurva aliran permukaan setiap tahunnya rata-rata 2,19% dan limpasan permukaan rata-rata sebesar 35,31 mm dan debit sungai rata-rata 4,83 m3/dtk. Peningkatan tersebut berbanding lurus dengan berubahnya tata guna lahan pada DAS Brantas Hulu.Kata Kunci: Runoff Curve Number, Limpasan, Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Abstract : Land utilization indiscretion, vegetation and land cover changes in the watershed will have an impact on the ecosystem, such as disturbance of the water system. It affects the capacity of infiltration and runoff volume. Watershed management less attention to the rules of natural resource management occurs in the Brantas Hulu watershed. Runoff curve number a hydrological parameter that is used to describe the potential for runoff and function of land use, soil type and soil moisture. The study shows an increase in surface runoff curve number value each year, an average of 2.19% and an average runoff of 35.31 mm and an average river discharge of 4.83 m3 / sec. The increase is directly proportional to changes in land use in the Brantas Hulu watershed.Keywords: Runoff Curve Number, Runoff, Land use changes
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Waduk Gondang mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai penyedia air untuk kebutuhan irigasi selain itu juga untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan air baku yang masyarakatnya sangat bergantung pada keberadaan Waduk Gondang ini terutama pada waktu musim kemarau.  Waduk Gondang mempunyai kapasitas tampungan efektif 23,7 x 106 m3. Tesis ini hanya menganalisi fungsi irigasi saja. Melalui tesis diharapkan dapat memperbaiki pola operasi waduk sehingga dapat meningkatkan intensitas irigasi dan keuntungan irigasi yang optimal. Daerah irigasi Gondang mempunyai 3 (tiga) musim tanam dengan 5 (lima) pola tata tanam antara lain Padi - Padi – Padi & Palawija, Padi – Padi & Palawija – Palawija, Padi – Padi & Palawija – Padi & Palawija, Padi – Padi – Pad i& Palawija + Tambak, Padi – Padi – Padi + Tambak. Luas daerah irigasi yang dilayani 10.651 Ha, dengan intensitas irigasinya 175%, keuntungan irigasi Rp. 539.371.000,00. Studi optimasi pengoperasian Waduk Gondang dengan menggunakan program dinamik deterministik ini berguna untuk merencanakan konsep distribusi potensi air yang dapat diandalkan. Variabel yang digunakan adalah tampungan waduk (m3), debit inflow waduk( m3/dt), debit outflow waduk (m3/dt),  dan keuntungan irigasi (Rp). Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa optimasi program dinamik menghasilkan intensitas irigasi 228,57%, keuntungan irigasi Rp. 702.830.000,00.Kata Kunci: Optimasi, Pola Tata Tanam, Inflow, Outflow, Keuntungan irigasi, Dinamik Deterministik Abstract: Gondang reservoir has the main function as a provider of water for irrigation needs and also to meet the needs of the community raw water reservoir relies heavily on the presence of this Gondang especially during the dry season. Gondang reservoir has a storage capacity effective 23 x 106 m3. This thesis only analyzed the irrigation function only. Through the thesis is expected to improve the pattern of reservoir operations so as to increase the intensity of irrigation and irrigation optimal advantage. Irrigation area Gondang has three (3) growing season with five (5) the system of planting, among others Rice - Rice - Rice & Crops, Rice - Rice & Crops - Crops, Rice - Rice & Crops - Rice & Crops, Rice - Rice - i & Crops + Pad Pond, Rice - Rice - Rice + Pond. The total area of 10 651 hectares of irrigation are served, with the irrigation intensity of 175%, the advantage of irrigation Rp. 539,371,000.00. Gondang reservoir operation optimization studies using deterministic dynamic program is useful for planning the concept of the potential distribution of reliable water. The variables used are the storage reservoir (m3), discharge reservoir inflow (m3 / s), reservoir outflow discharge (m3 / s), and the advantage of irrigation (Rupiah) Results of the analysis showed that the dynamic yield optimization program the irrigation intensity of 228.57%, the advantage of irrigation Rp. 702,830,000.00.Keywords: Optimization, Planning and Planting Pattern, Inflow, Outflow, Gain irrigation, Dynamic Deterministic
Pola Penyediaan Air D.I. Tibunangka dengan Sumur Renteng pada Sistem Suplesi Renggung Kunaifi, Azwar Annas; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Priyantoro, Dwi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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D.I. Tibunangka mempunyai luas layanan 2.284 ha yang terletak di Kabupatenlombok tengah Propinsi NTB. Pengaturan eksisting pemberian air yang ada di D.I.Tibunangka adalah pemberian air selama 5 hari pada setiap 20 hari. Akan tetapi karenapengaturan pemberian air yang ada tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik dan infrastrukturjaringan irigasi banyak mengalami kerusakan, intensitas tanam rerata yang terealisasihanya 175% dari rencana 208%.Perencanaan pola pemberian air yang dilakukan dengan pergiliran pemberian airdengan sistem golongan. D.I. Tibunangka dibagi kedalam 3 golongan yaitu hulu, tengah,dan hilir. Lalu dibagi lagi menjadi sub golongan yaitu hulu menjadi 3 golongan, tengah menjadi 2 golongan, dan hilir menjadi 3 golongan. Dari pengaturan pemberian air sistem golongan mampu meningkatkan intensitas tanam menjadi 219% atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 44%. Sedangkan perencanaan sumur renteng dibuat dalam 2 skenarioyaitu skenario pertama, sumur langsung mengambil air dari saluran sekunder. Skenario kedua, selain sumur mengambil langsung dari saluran sekunder tetapi ada juga sumur yang dihubungkan dengan pipa secara seri untuk pengisiannya. Skenario pertama didapatkan waktu pengisian sebesar 4,7 hari dan skenario kedua sebesar 4,5 hari. Selanjutnya dipilih skenario yang kedua untuk penentuan penambahan intensitas tanam. Skenario kedua yang dioperasikan untuk mengairi tembakau pada musim kering, didapatkan luas layanan yang mampu disuplai sumur renteng sebesar 100,81ha atau kenaikan intensitas tanamnya menjadi 223,41%.. Selain berguna untuk pengairan pada musim kemarau, diharapkan adanya sumur renteng mampu memberikan nilai lebih untuk konservasi air dan tanah dilokasi studi.Kata kunci: Sistem Golongan, Sumur Renteng, dan Intensitas Tanam.
Studi Potensi Tanah Longsor Dan Upaya Pengendaliannya Di Wilayah Sub DAS Konto Hulu Darmawan, Arif Rahmad; Sholichin, Mohammad; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Andawayanti, Ussy
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Landslides often occur in the Upper Konto sub watershed. To anticipate the future landslide, the landslide susceptibility map was made that show the landslide potential areas. Eight thematic maps as landslide susceptibility formula parameters used to develop a landslide susceptibility map that includes three daily maximum cumulative rainfall, slope, geology rocks, the presence of faults, regolith soil depth, land use, the presence of road infrastructure, and population density. Determination of susceptibility value is the sum of the multiplying of scores for each parameter with the weight of each parameter. Based on the value of vulnerability, landslide susceptibility maps generated from the overlay analysis of the multiplication results of the score and weight of the eighth parameters with the Geographic Information Systems (GIS)program. The results of this study is the potential for landslides in the Upper Konto sub watershed consists of not susceptible at 1.24%, slightly susceptible at 12.12%, moderatelysusceptible 84.17%, and susceptible at 2.38%, so do very vulnerable while there but very small. Landslide control efforts can be divided into short-term treatment with mechanical methods in accordance with the level of susceptibility and long-term treatment with vegetative methods in accordance with the area function and the level of susceptibility.Keyword: potential landslides, landslide susceptibility formula, control efforts
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Global climate change affects to temperature, relative humidity, solarradiation length, wind speed, rainfall and river discharge. Due to climate change the high of rainfall intensity impact on river discharge fluctuations in the wet anddry season. Floods and droughts as anatural event are more often occurred at this time. Waymital Irrigation area has a127 hectares command area consisting of the fourtertiary those are 7 hectares Kairatutertiary, 10 hectares Gembatertiary, 10 hectares Hatusuatertiary and 100 hectares way Mitaltertiary, therefore to deal with that extreme impact, required a systematically irrigation management plansin order to be still profitable, especially for farmers.The methodology used in the analysis of irrigation water availability optimization at Mital Way command area using the Simplex Linear Programming that will be obtained cropping area, discharge and maximum benefit of agricultural production.Based on the analysis results indicates that has occurred the climate change on Way mital command area in 2009 that is marked by a shifted in the rainy and dry seasons and increased the amount of annual rainfall. Increasing the amount of rainfall has an impact on the volume availability of water intake changes, before the climate change, the volume availability of water intheintake (cropping season) are MTI =699000 m3, MTII = 444 000 m3and MTIII =502 000 m3. While from the study result also showed that after the occurrence of climate change, volume of water available in the intake are MTI =715000 m3, MTII = 487000 m3and MTIII =537000 m3. Volume of water availability from the optimization of the existing cropping pattern at Way Mitalboth before and after climate change is still sufficient to water requirement for everycropping season and the difference inprofit is 418.875.000 rupiahs peryear which is obtained from agricultural production.Keywords: Climate Change, WaterAvailability, Linear Programming.
Analisis Rasionalisasi Jaringan Pos Hujan Untuk Kalibrasi Hidrograf Pada Das Babak Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Ranesa, Lalu Sigar Canggih; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Harisuseno, Donny
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Babak watershed is one of the major watersheds in Lombok with ± 259.166 km watershed area. Babak watershed is affected by 6 rainfall stations spread inside and outside the watershed. By using the standard of WMO (World Meteorological Organization) for mountainous area with the range of 100-250 km 2 /station for the tropics, assessment and analysis have been made and shown that two stations which did not fit the WMO standards of rain heading density. For example Keru and Jurang Sate Rainfall station, each of the station has an area of influence ± 60 km 2 . Furthermore, from the assessment and analysis using Kagan-Rodda method, there were two selected stations. While using Kriging method, there were three stations that have been chosen with one new placement inside the Babak watershed. Relative error of design rainfall for Kagan-Rodda method was between 2.36% -18.60% for every return period; whilst for Kriging method was between 7.90% - 13.57%. Hydrograph calibration result of Collins observation unit and Nakayasu synthetic unit rendered in α value of 1.27 for Babak watershed; relative error for Nakayasu design flood of Kagan-Rodda method for every return period was between 0.35% -18.21% while Kriging method was between 8.90% - 13.04%.Key Word : Rainfall stasiun,, Rationalization, WMO, Kagan-Rodda, Kriging, Collins.
Studi Optimasi Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Lesti Kabupaten Malang Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Masrevaniah, Aniek; Subiyantoro, Eka Agus
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kerusakan lingkungan yang semakin luas akibat kerusakan lahan yang signifikan telah menyebabkan penurunan daya dukung Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) terhadap terjadinya bahaya erosi dan banjir. Mengingat hal tersebut, akan semakin terasa perlunya pengembangan dan pengelolaan DAS secara optimal. Dan Sub DAS Lesti bagian hilir yang meliputi kecamatan Sumbermanjingwetan, Turen, Wajak, Bululawang, Gondanglegi, Pagelaran, Gedangan, Banturdan Pagak merupakan salah satu DAS yang memiliki permasalahan di atas. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya optimasi penggunaan lahan untuk mendapatkan besar debit dan erosi yang optimal. Pada studi ini dilakukan analisa hidrologi dan erosi menggunakan metode USLE masing-masing guna mendapatkan nilai debit limpasan dan laju erosi pada Sub DAS Lesti sebagai data eksisting. Dari nilai tersebut dibuat perumusan model matematika berupa kendala/batasan dan fungsi sasaran dengan variabel hutan, perkebunan, sawah/tegalan dan pemukiman. Pada optimasi ini digunakan bantuan program solver pada Microsoft Excel 2007. Hasil analisis optimasi dengan bantuan program solver pada Microsoft Excel 2007, diperoleh penggunaan lahan serta debit limpasan dan erosi optimal. Penggunaan lahan optimal dari analisis tersebut dibuat kendala/batasan baru guna mendapatkan kombinasi debit limpasan dan erosi optimal. Dengan 4 macam alternatif, dari keempat alternatif di tersebut kombinasi debit dan erosi optimal yang didasarkan pada kondisi sosial dan budaya masyarakat adalah alternatif 2 dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 351,43 m3/dt dan 7.549.695,54 ton/thn.Kata kunci: daerah aliran sungai, debit limpasan, erosi, optimasi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Debit sungai sangat dipengaruhi oleh hujan, sehingga memiliki pola yang dapat diteliti intensitasnya. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui akurasi metode peramalan debit ARIMA yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman penyusunan pola operasi waduk khususnya waduk Sengguruh.Data yang digunakan adalah data debit selama 10 tahun dan data tahun terakhir (2011) dipergunakan sebagai pembanding. Peramalan dilakukan juga di titik pengukuran debit (Stasiun AWLR) Gadang dan Tawangrejeni guna mengetahui penerapan metode ARIMA tersebut untuk stasiun debit dalam satu skema sungai.Akurasi terbaik dalam peralaman debit sungai didapatkan pada peramalan Inflow Waduk Sengguruh dengan nilai MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) 14,47% dan nilai KR (Kesalahan Relatif) 1,41% dari akumulasi volume tampungan.Hasil analisa pola operasi Waduk Sengguruh diketahui bahwa debit aktual maupun ramalan tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi selama 1 tahun pada tahun 2011, dan hasil peramalan maupun aktual tidak memiliki selisih yang signifikan terhadap produksi energi PLTA. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa metode peramalan dengan menggunakan ARIMA baik untuk digunakan.Kata Kunci: Peramalan debit, Pola Musiman, Pola Operasi, Waduk Sengguruh Abstract: Streamflow is greatly influenced by rain, so it has a pattern that can be observed for its intensity. This study was conducted to determine the accuracy of forecasting discharge by ARIMA methods that can be used as guidelines for the preparation of reservoir operation pattern especially in Sengguruh reservoir.The data used is the flow for 10 years and last year's data (2011) is used as a comparison. Forecasting is also doing at the point of discharge measurements (AWLR Station) Gadang and Tawangrejeni to determine the application of the ARIMA method for discharge station in the river scheme.The best accuracy in forecasting streamflow obtained on Reservoir Inflow Sengguruh with MAPE value (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) 14.47% and the value of KR (Relative Error) 1,41% of the accumulated volume of the storage.Results of analysis of the pattern of Sengguruh reservoir operation reveals that actual and forecast discharge can not meet the energy needs for one year in 2011, and the actual results of forecasting are not have a significant difference to the energy production of hydropower. This proves that the using ARIMA forecasting method is good for application.Keywords: Forecasting Discharge, Seasonal Flow Pattern, Pattern of Reservoir Operation, Sengguruh Reservoir.
Studi Ketersediaan Airtanah Guna Menentukan Pola Pemberian Air Untuk Kebutuhan Irigasi Di Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto Hariyadi, Achmad; Bisri, Mohammad; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Sayekti, Rini Wahyu
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Groundwater is currently one of the alternative to meet the needs of irrigation water. In the Mojosari District there is no surface water irrigation system and there are 7 production wells with 261.33 hectares of agricultural land. How the performance of wells producing seen from the C, Fd and T with wells test and aquifer test. How the pattern schedule of groundwater with rotation method. The aim of this study to plan the pattern schedule of water delivery system with reference to the of the existing plant pattern in Mojosari District.Based on the availability of existing groundwater on the 7 production wells, the first DI Menanggal SDMJ 113 Q = 14 l / dt, A = 20ha (2 blocks), Q planting I 15.39 l / dt (91%), continuously, Q planting II 46.77 l / dt and III Q = 39.76 l / dt (31% and 35%), rotation. Second DI Belahan Tengah SDMJ 521.410 Q = 28 l / dt, A = 92.67 ha (4 blocks), Q planting I 71.31 l / dt, II Q = 212.09 l / dt and III Q = 184.23 l / dt (39%, 13% and 15%), rotationally. Third DI Mojosulur SDMJ 473, 461 Q = 32 l / sec), A = 57ha (4 blocks), Q planting I 43.86 l / dt (73%), rotationally, cropping Q II 130.45 l / dt and III Q = 113.32 l / dt (25% and 28%), rotationally. Fourth source DI Sumber Tanggul SDMJ 283 Q = 12 l / s, A = 50 ha (4 blocks), Q planting I 38.47 l / dt (69%), rotationally, cropping Q II 114.43 l / dt and III Q = 99.40 l / dt (23% and 27%), rotationally. Fifth DI Randubango SDMJ 551 Q = 30 l / s, A = 39 ha (3 blocks), Q planting I 30.01 l / sec (100%), continuously, Q planting II 89.26 l / dt and III Q = 77.53 l / dt (34% and 39%), rotationally. Based on the 7 wells discharge production, the availability of groundwater discharge is sufficient for the needs of irrigation in the district of Mojosari with rotation method.Keywords: existing discharge, wells test, aquifers test, water delivery systems, rotation.
Studi Analisa Kebutuhan Jumlah Stasiun Hujan Berdasarkan Evaluasi Perbandingan Antara Analisa Hidrograf Banjir Dan Banjir Historis Pada Das Limboto Provinsi Gorontalo Djafar, Haris; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Asmaranto, Runi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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In the hydrologic analysis activities, the Errors in basic hydrological data monitoring in a drainage area of the river will result in data are not correct and lead to the result of planning and management of water resources is not efficient and effective. The errors are usually caused by a number of rainfall stations in the watershed inadequate and dispersal patterns of uneven rainfall stations. The purpose of this study is to obtain the results of the evaluation of the amount of rainfall stations WMO standards based on existing conditions, to determine the comparison between the design flood discharge KaganRodda method and the design flood discharge conditions using the existing station network, and to obtain recommendations amount and location of rainfall stations positions. This study conducted in watershed of Limboto, with an area of watershed is 902.91 km2 .The results of this study are recommending 16 rainfall stations where the 4 stations is the existing stations, with each station rainfall density is 8.038 km.Keywords: Flood, Kagan-rodda, Rain Station, Rain Station density.