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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jptm.v8i2.15201


Inovasi pembelajaran yang adaptif dengan situasi normal dan tidak normal sangat diperlukan untuk membelajarkan mahasiswa mencapai kompetensinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginovasi sumber belajar dengan proyek pada pengajaran Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) yang adaptif dipergunakan pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melibatkan 53 orang mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif pada Semester Genap 2020-2021. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengemas sumber belajar inovatif yang dilengkapi dengan penugasan dan proyek untuk dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran daring. Pembelajaran dilakukan melalui pemberian tugas proyek mencari kasus terkait risiko kerja, menganalisis dan mencari upaya pengendalian risiko untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber belajar inovatif efektif dalam membelajarkan K3 kepada mahasiswa secara daring. Ketersediaan paket sumber belajar inovatif dengan proyek menjadikan proses belajar lebih menarik dan interaktif karena mahasiswa dapat mengimplementasikan teori yang dipelajari ke dalam pengerjaan tugas proyek. Hasil belajar yang diperoleh dari portofolio berdasarkan penilaian tugas dan evaluasi belajar (M=84,82±8,01), semuanya tergolong baik. Kompetensi dalam bidang K3 tercapai. Inovasi pembelajaran yang dikembangkan ini memotivasi mahasiswa belajar sehingga potensi belajar dapat dioptimumkan di masa pandemi Covid-19.
Analisis Pengaruh Harmonik Terhadap Peningkatan Temperatur Pada Trafo Distribusi 3 Fasa 400 kVA Di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau. Tumpak Dolok Stepan Simarmata; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Distribution transformer has an important role in the distribution of electric power in a distribution system. So that the transformer can operate with both the condition of the transformer must be in a stable condition. One of the things that can damage the transformer is non-linear load, such as computers, printers, air conditioning (AC) equipment lab in every department and equipment other electronics that may cause harmonic on the network power systems, content of harmonic high can cause a condition of distribution transformer overheats and if not treated immediately will cause transformer life time becomes shorter. This study aimsto determine the harmonic correlation to the increase of temperature on the distribution transformer in the Faculty of engineering University of Riau.Keywords : Non Linear, Harmonic, correlation
Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Arus Searah Variasi Tahanan Jangkar Dan Variasi Tahanan Medan Menggunakan Smart Relay Sandi Firman Nanda; Firdaus Firdaus; Feranita Feranita
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Speed setting plays an important role in the direct current motor, because the motor has a direct current coupling characteristic speed profitable compared to other motors. From both of these characteristics can be used as a basis to set the dc shunt motor speed. If a decline in motor speed due to the increase in load current (Ia), the field current (If) is set (reduced) so that the motor speed be maintained at the desired rotation. In the design of the most important stages of this research. In the design phase to understand the properties, characteristics, specifications of components used and the steps that must be considered by using the block diagram of DC motor supply circuit blocks, smart relay circuit blocks, block string of resistors, and a DC motor circuit blocks, each this circuit has the function block and work differently but interrelated. Based on data and analysis can then be seen that the larger the anchor resistance will decrease the speed of the motor to hold the armature and the greater the speed the greater the resistance to hold field.Keyword : Dc motor speed settings using smart relay
Analisis Keandalan Transformator Daya 70/20 KV Di PT.PLN (Persero) P3BS GI Sukamerindu Berdasarkan Hasil Pengujian Isolasi Minyak DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) Menggunakan Metode Markov Hergo Afrizon; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Wisuda April Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Power transformer plays a very important role in the electric transmission system to convert the voltage level of the system. An abnormal operation of power transformer can decrease its reliability. The most common cause of abnormal operation in power transformer is oil damage. Markov method is applied using Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) test from transformer oil to determine transformer’s insulation resistance and breakdown voltage. Continuous Markov method is applied to determine steady-state and inntantaneous conditions that occur in the transformer’s oil. Furthermore, Markov process the power transformer must satisfy certain requirements such as lack of memory and stationery or homogeny. After all requirements are met, then the value of each transfer rates and transition times are determined for transformer reliability and availability calculations transition matrix by using rate of failure (λ), rate of improvement (μ), the stead-state value of transition matrix. The sum of all incident condition value, failure rate and rate of improvement are considered as transformer reliability. The result of Markov continuous analysis obtained the transformer reliability for total Dissolved Combustible Gases (TDCG) parameter for initial operation is 0.99 and it decreased to 0.60 after 365 days of operation. The transformer reliability decreased to 39% for 365 days of operation. Furthermore, the transformer availability for duriation of 302 days are considered as good condition for all TDCG gas parameter and not good for 61 days.Keywords : Oil Testing Transformer DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis), Isolation Resistance and Breakdown Voltage, Markov Continuous Method.
Analisis Pengaruh Endapan Polutan Dengan Metode Equivalent Salt Deposit Density (ESDD) Terhadap Tegangan Korona Pada Isolator Pin Post Di Jaringan Distribusi 20 KV Pekanbaru M Putra Nurjanah; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 3, No 2 (2016): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Insulator pin post installed in an open space very coated ranges deposition of pollutants from the surrounding environment. Deposition of these pollutants will reduce surface resistance of the insulator, causing corona voltage (Corona Discharge). Corona voltage causing emergence of leakage current in the order of a few milliamps so that the insulator does not work well. The measurement method trough levels of pollutants using the equivalent salt deposit density (ESDD) which measures the conductivity of the weight of sediment pollutants then synchronized with the weight of the salt in aqueous solution so that its conductivity is equal to the conductivity of the pollutant deposition. This study analyzes how much influence the pollutant deposition occurs when the corona so that it can provide information that isolator placement terms of level of pollutant deposition. The results obtained are greater the value ESDD or deposition of pollutants, the lowervoltage corona. ESDD Value 0.09778619 corona occurs below the working voltage of 20 kV. InESDD value between 0 to 0.01477054 largest difference occurs against voltage ac corona at a voltage of 23.24 and at a dc voltage of 32.82.Keywords: Insulator pin post, ESDD, corona voltage
Studi Penerapan Metode Island Operation Sebagai Defence Scheme Pada Gardu Induk Teluk Lembu Muhamad Al Khausar; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Sumatra island has 3 interconnecting transmission lines of 150 kV are in the North Sumatra, Sumatra central and southern Sumatra. Teluk Lembu substation is a substation that is connected to the 150 kV Interconnection System Central Sumatra.Blackout is a disruption of the 150 kV transmission system which caused a total blackout. In order to overcome such interference, when the blackout substation Teluk Lembu can secede from the 150 kV interconnection system (Island Operation). Where Power-generator which is connected to the Teluk Lembu substation only supply power to Teluk Lembu substations.Keywords : Teluk Lembu Power plant, Teluk Lembu substation, Blackout, Island Operation.
Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Energi Listrik Sektor Rumah Tangga Di Pekanbaru Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak LEAP Muhammad Sholeh; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Wisuda April Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Households are one sector of the country with 23% energy consumption of total energy in all sectors. In the household there are many electronic devices that consume electricity. This resulted in energy consumption among households to be very wasteful. For that action is required to minimize the consumption of household electrical energy. There are several ways that can be done to overcome this problem, one of which is to conduct a conservation energy audit. This audit is done using LEAP software. The conservation energy audit process is divided into 3 sections, i.e. energy surveys, initial energy audits, and detailed energy audits. The result of conservation energy audits undertaken include loads of 450, 900, 1300 and 2200 KWh. Finally the conclusion of the overall conservation energy audit is shown as follow, there was a 23% decrease in electricity consumption at 450 kWh load, 25% at 900 KWh load, 17% at 1300 KWh load and 20% at 2200 KWh load. from the test result that has been done, the reduction of annual cost is Rp 63,504 at the load of 450 KWh, Rp 110,538 at the load of 900 KWh, Rp 302.259 at 1300 KWh load and Rp 328,773 at the load of 2200 KWh. This proves that conservation energy audits can help reduce excessive energy consumption levelsKeywords: Energy Audits, Electricity Consumption, Household, LEAP
Pengaruh Sambaran Petir Terhadap Sistem Proteksi Pada Peralatan Telekomunikasi PT. Telkom Pekanbaru Muhammad Ibrahim; Edy Ervianto; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The tower BTS (Base Transceiver Station) is a high tower that is susceptible to lightning strikes. If a BTS tower was struck by lightning directly, then it would occur a more currents that flows on the system derived from the lightning surges, the lightning surge will distributed to a those channels made of metallic material with system connected to a telecommunication equipment through bonding bar. To protect the power lines from damage due to overcurrent the resulting by lightning strikes, then install the cutting tool, namely voltage surge arresters, in this case arresters used are metal oxide arrester varistor (MOV). In this research conducted to determine the arrester surge current capacity of required on the power channel that is connected to the arresters on theequipment telekomunikasis by simulation Alternative Transient Electromagnetic transients Program-Program (ATP-EMTP).Keywords : tower BTS, surge current, arrester MOV, ATP-EMTP
Peningkatan Keandalan Sistem Tenaga Listrik 20 Kv Pekanbaru Dengan Analisa Kontingensi ( N-1 ) Ishak Erawadi Barutu; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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To a give reliable service, the power system must remain intact and able to cope with various problems that may occur. Thus is something that is very important to plan a good the when system under normal circumstances and contingency or release of an element, the system remains able to distribute electrical energy in a good state.In this study discussed contingency analysis (loss of one of the elements) on the 20kv power system. Contingency analysis which is based on the release of the transformer. Results analysis is used to look at the critical loading or experiencing overload. From the simulation results ETAP 12.6 is known that while contingency 1 in the substation garuda sakti when the transformer 1 out the transformers 2, transformers 3 and transformer 4 will be overloaded as big as 48.8 MVA, 48.8 MVA and 58.8 MVA. Contingency 4,that is the out of the transformer 4 the transformer 1, transformer 2 and 3 transformer overload of 55.7 MVA, 46.5 MVA and 46.5 MVA. At the substation teluk lembu contingency 2 transformer 4 off the generator 6 will overload 133.5%. contingency 3 out of the transformer 7, the transformer 11 overload 114.3%. Generator 7 and the generator 6 overload 129.3% and 104.7%. To cope the overload then made two solutions that load shedding and connection coupling.Keywords: analysis contingency, reliability
Analisis Ketidakseimbangan Pembebanan Arus Netral Dan Losses Di Jaringan Distribusi Khoerudin Khoerudin; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 7 (2020): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The electricity system in the office complex of the Rokan Hulu Regent District has a problem of load imbalance. One of the causes is the unequal loading factor at each line of its phase, or becauseof the unequal load switching time. As a result of the imbalance of loading resulted in the electric current in the neutral conductor. The current flowing in the neutral conductor causes losses. Thisresearch discusses the load imbalance in PP 129 distribution transformer that supply 6 buildings, namely the Rokan Hulu UPT Provincial Revenue Service, the Financial and Asset ManagementAgency, the Regional Revenue Agency, the Youth and Sports Education Agency, the Office Health and Food Crops and Horticulture Service. The method used is current and voltage measurement onthe transformer and also on the panels in each building using Digital Clamp Meter and Hexing HXE320. Load imbalance analysis from measuring data will be compared with IEEEstd 466-1980 analysis from measured data shows large load imbalances occured (26.4%) with neutral current 22.1 A and exceeds the 20% threshold from IEEE std.466-1980. This load imbalance caused 481 Watt losses due to current flow in the neutral conductor. Installation of JTR connection points thatare not adjusted with connection scheme is the cause of load imbalance.Keywords: load imbalance, neutral current, power losses.
Co-Authors A. Taqwa Martadinata Abd. Wahid Wahab Abdul Kodir Jailani Achmad Abubakar Ade Iriani Sapitri Ade Octavia Ade Silvia Handayani Ahmad Rifai Ahmad Zabidi Aldo Virgiansyah Alfian Rusdy Anggi Fitri Annisa Darmawahyuni Annisa Desria Utami Arbi Wahyu Ardiyansyah Ardiyansyah Ari Gustia Warman Ario Putra Arni Novi Sihombing Arrahman Arsista Audesti Nindya Azet Purnama Bambang Tutuko Bayu Wijaya Putra Bustamam Bustamam Citra Rahmawati Lubis Dasrol Dasrol Davit Rahmadan Dedek S Lumban Gaol Dessy Artina Dian Yayan Sukma Dini Azani Edy Ervianto Efri Diah Utami Ekawati Prihatini Ela Aprida Nafliana Emilda Firdaus Erdianto Erdianto Ewa Kukuh juwanda Fahrul Rhozi Fauzi Fauzi Feranita Feranita Fikri Al Mansur Fitratul Mubaraq Gladysha Indahcantika Mazalio Haniva Rahmadani Hasianna Nopina Situmorang Hasnah Hasnah Hayatul Ismi Hendri Agustin Sibarani Hendri Marhadi Hergo Afrizon Husni Husni Husni, Nyayu Latifah Ifwandi Ifwandi Iga S. Syahri Ilham Rijab Irfan Hamdani Irvan Fahreza Ishak Erawadi Barutu Ivan Ryian Ewaldo Juni Kardi Kamaluddin Abu Nawas Katrin Roosita Khoerudin Khoerudin Ledy Diana Leo Valentino Lukman Hakim M Aldion Rinaldi M Iqbal Nasir M Putra Nurjanah M. Dahlan M M. Wahyu Nugraha Maming Maming Maryati Bachtiar Mira Afrina Mohd Yogi Yusuf Muhamad Al Khausar Muhammad Fachrurrozi Muhammad Farqi Muhammad Fathra Fahasta Muhammad Galib Muhammad Ibrahim MUHAMMAD ILHAM Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah Muhammad Sayuthi Muhammad Sholeh Nasriadi Dali Wela Nazri Nazri Niky Sudarmantoro Nota Effiandi Noveri L M Novia Fatriyani Nur Rabiah Mardatila Nurhalim Nurhalim Prima Prima Pusaka, Semerdanta Rahmayani Indrasari Rakiman Rakiman Reski Hidayat Retnaningsih Retnaningsih Reza Al Mattin Reza Novia Restita Ridho Hanif Farza Riko Simalango Rimbawan , Riska Fitriani Rizky Johari Robby Dhavitra Robi Robi Rossi Passarella Sabarudin Sabarudin Sabilal Rasyad Sandi Firman Nanda Sarah Nanda Jelita Siti Hafsah Siti Nurmaini Sri Anna Marliyati Sri Fitri Sri Yani Yolanda Suci Dwi Lestari Sukim Sukim Sutri Lasdienti Syafiqa Tiara Ayunda Syahri Ramadhan Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin Thamrin Thamrin TJUT CHAMZURNI Togi Sugiono Torang Harison Tumpak Dolok Stepan Simarmata Ulfia Hasanah Upasana Narang Wildaniati Wildaniati Winner Inra Jefferson Batubara Wita Ananda Chikita Yudhi Fasrah Ilahi Yuli Yetri Yundri Akhyar Yusuf Ridho Surya Dharma Nainggolan Zalisman Zalisman Zikri Afdal Zuyasna Zuyasna