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Uji Kinerja Bentuk Plat Aluminium Pada Alat Pengering Pakaian Menggunakan Energi Panas Matahari Dengan Sistem Sirkulasi Alam Kapasitas Ruangan 150 M3 Syukarni Ali; Mahyunis Mahyunis; Jufrizal Jufrizal; Jos Susilo
Jurnal Mekanova: Mekanikal, Inovasi dan Teknologi Vol 2, No 2 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : universitas teuku umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1019.671 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jmkn.v2i2.833


Increasing population growth affects the consume energy, it is necessary to conduct a study for product renewable energy. The biggest energy source is Sun, that can not be discharged. One of the utilization of solar energy is for heater. clothes dryer test with the use of aluminum plate as an absorbent and heat release is done by varying the shape of the surface of the different aluminum plate. The variance in the surface shape aluminum plate is used aims to determine heat numbers to be generated by the process of absorption and release of heat. The variation of the surface shape of the aluminum plate is a semi-circular shape surface, the flat shape and trapezoidal wave form. The results of the testing plate variations for clothes dryer, heat transfer rate obtained by the average value of the highest temperature of the aluminum plate is the aluminum surface a semicircle forms of 65.8oC with an average intensity of solar radiation 762,9W / m2. The result of the material jean obtained wet water content of 65.4%, the flow rate of water mass drying of 0.97 grams / minute and an average drying rate of 0.98 grams / minute with a surface area of 3391.2 cm2 semicircle. Keywords : Energy solar radiation, the surface of the aluminum plate shape
ANALISA UNJUK KERJA MESIN HONDA ASTREA C 800 DENGAN BAHAN BAKAR ETHANOL Ilmi Ilmi; Munajat Munajat; Jufrizal Nurdin; Mahyunis Mahyunis; Nurhidayatullah Nurhidayatullah
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Perkembangan teknologi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia begitu pesat saat ini. Seiring dengan itu kebutuhan energy tentunya semakin bertambah pada semua sektor. Dari sektor transportasi, misalnya pada kenderaan sepeda motor pertumbuhannya sangat signifikan, tentunyamembutuhkan banyak bahan bakar. Oleh karena itu perlu dicari bahan bakar alternatif sebagai pengganti bahan bakar minyak. Bahan bakar Honda Astrea C800 menggunakan premium atau pertamax, setelah dilakukan penelitian ternyata ethanol dapat dijadikan bahan bakar alternatif. Namun perlu dilakukan beberapa modifikasi pada enjin sehingga memberikan kenaikan efisiensi. Dapat dilihat dari beberapa indikasi perubahan kenaikan torsi, daya, kerja dan mempengaruhi konsumsi bahan bakar. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis bahan bakar yaitu pertamax dan ethanol. Dari hasil modifikasi enjin ternyata kondisi yang optimum tepat pada perbandingan kompresi 11,8 : 1.Kemudian dilakukan penelitian dengan berbagai variasi putaran mesin 3000 rpm, 3500rpm, 4000 rpm, 4500 rpm, 5000 rpm, 5500 rpm dan 6000 rpm. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penggunaan ethanol sangat sesuai bagi enjin sepeda motor Astrea C 800 dapat dilihat dari indikasi yang diperoleh dimana daya maksimal meningkat sebesar 0,45 HP dari penggunaan bahan bakar pertamax pada putaran 6000 rpm demikian pula konsumsi ethanol lebih irit 0,021 l/h dibandingkan denganpertamax.
Perancangan Mesin Penghancur Bonggol Jagung Untuk Pakan Ternak Sapi Dan Kambing Kapasitas 100 Kg/Jam Nehemia Ratur Tarigan; Nurdiana Nurdiana; Iswandi Iswandi; Eswanto Eswanto; Mahyunis Mahyunis; supriadi supriadi; M.Kamil M.Kamil
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 2, No 1: Maret 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.033 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v2i1.3069


Mesin penghancur bonggol jagung yang direncanakan adalah berfungsi untuk menghancurka bonggol jagung kering menjadi partikel-partikel kecil yang berukuran 2 mm atau lebih kecil mengunakan mekanisme poros, pisau, bantalan, puli, dan motor disel sebagai pengerak. Dalam perecanaan mesin penghancur bonggol jagung kapasitas yang direncanakan adalah 100 kg/jam. Dengan maksud memanfaatkan bonggol jagung menjadi pakan tambahan untuk pakan ternak sapi dan kambing dengan proses yang yang cepat.Pada rancangan penghancur bonggol jagung memiliki konstruksi utama yang terdiri dari mekanisme penghancuran bonggol jagung yang bekerja secara rotary dengan mengunakan poros yang terbuat dari bahan S35S-D dengan panjang 510 mm,diameter 50 mm dan pisau penghancur yang terbuat dari bahan S35C dengan ukuran panjang 100 mm, tebal pisau 5 mm, gaya pnghancur bonggol jagung 108 kg dan mekanisme pengerak digunakan motor disel dengan putaran poros pengerak sebesar 2000 rpm. Sedangkan daya motor yang direncanakan untuk mengerakkan prangkat mesin penghancur bonggol jagung sebesar 16 Pk. Dari hasil perhitungan didapat daya total untuk motor pengerak sebesar 10,2kw dan untuk keamanan digunakan motor disel direncanakan adalah 11,936 kw = 16 Pk dengan putaran 2000 rpm.Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam merancang mesin perancang dapat menentukan komponen yang sesuai untuk digunakan dalam mesin penghancur bonggol jagung dan dapat melakukan perhitungan setiap komponen. 
Uji Kinerja Mesin Pengiris Bahan Baku Kerupuk Dengan Mekanisme Gerak Translasi Menggunakan Pisau Rotasi Vertikal Kapasitas 60 Kg/Jam Eko Daskiro; Franky Sutrisno; Nurdiana Nurdiana; Zulkifli Lubis; Mahyunis Mahyunis; Eswanto Eswanto
Rekayasa Material, Manufaktur dan Energi Vol 1, No 1: September 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.633 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rmme.v1i1.2438


On the slicing machine for raw material for crackers performance test to analyze the effect of speed rotation to the results of slicing crackers which aims to get slicing speed to get productivity and the quality of slicing good raw crackers, and maximum incision capacity. In the analysis of shaft rotation on the results of slicing the raw material of crackers the material used (machine for slicing crackers raw material). Then do the operation or slicing activity of the crackers raw material in three variations, namely at 40 rpm rotation), the results of the slicing of crackers as much as 90.9 kg / hr with 630.6 kw, and at 30 rpm rotation, and the material slicing results obtained. raw crackers were 72.2 kg / hr and power 613.3 kw and at 20 rpm rotation the results of slicing crackers as much as 55.8 kg / hr were obtained with a power of 68 kw. After three rounds of rotation at 40 rpm were carried out, the highest slicing capacity and the best quality were obtained, so the higher the speed, the more raw material for sliced crackers.
Desain dan Pembuatan Alat Uji Impak Jatuh Bebas model Drop Weight Test. Mahyunis; Nurdiana; Sari Farah Dina; Ahmad Wito Pirmansyah
IRA Jurnal Teknik Mesin dan Aplikasinya (IRAJTMA) Vol 1 No 1 (2022): April

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The rapid development of technology today is a challenge that must be considered by making technology itself. However, not many pay attention to the qualified aspects that must be in technology.  Which can have a bad influence on the work environment. Therefore, this study aims to obtain a re-design and model of a free fall impact test equipment, obtain the main components of a free fall impact test equipment with the drop weight test method and obtain a manufacturing process. This design method uses Autocad software and Ansys Workbench Simulation 14.5. Based on the simulation results, the free fall impact test equipment with the number of each component, namely: 3-node and 4-node. The difference between theoretical calculations and simulation calculations in each component, namely the main structure pole, obtained voltage 1,455, voltage 1.345 and Poisson ratio 0.7, the launcher pipe obtained voltage 1.451, voltage 1.346, Poisson ratio 0.04 and friction coefficient 265.10, anvil table obtained voltage 1.248, Poisson ratio 0.02 and Safety factor 11. The work on the free fall impact test equipment has a manufacturing time of 54.1 minutes.
Jurnal Agro Fabrica Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia (ITSI)

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Oil palm empty bunches (TKKS) are solid waste from palm oil processing which is quite large and until now its utilization is still not optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate the processing technology of oil palm empty bunches in order to produce products that have more usefulness and high economic value as well. One of the processed products from the solid waste of oil palm empty bunches is composite. By utilizing solid waste of oil palm empty bunches (EFB) to be used as a base material for making (filler) and BTQN 157 EX resin as a matrix, catalysts as hardeners and glass fibers (fiberglass) as reinforcement are expected to produce composite boards that have proven quality by testing. impact standard ASTM E23. This research was conducted at the STIPAP TPHP Laboratory and the Laboratory of Basic Phenomena of Mechanical Engineering, the Medan Institute of Technology (ITM). The research period was 2 months, namely July - August 2019. This research used handmade methods and charphy impact testing with a composition of 29% OPEFB fiber, 157 ex 70% BTQN resin, 1% catalyst and glass fiber. The results showed that the average absorption energy of the 8 samples was 0.833 Joules and the average impact price was 0.0108 joules / mm2.
Pelatihan Proses Cutting dan Drilling Bagi Mahasiswa di Growth Centre LLDIKTI Wilayah - I Amru Siregar; Darianto Darianto; Indah Apriliya; Mahyunis Mahyunis
IRA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (IRAJPKM) Vol 1 No 1 (2023): April

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Cutting and drilling training is a program designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for students to cut and form holes in materials. During the training, participants will learn the basic principles and effective cutting techniques using various cutting tools such as hand saws, hacksaw machines, and grinding machines. Participants will also be taught about the proper use of drilling machines and techniques. The trainee will gain an in-depth understanding of selecting suitable cutting tools, machine settings, appropriate cutting speeds and safe handling during the cutting and drilling process. Participants will also be trained in measuring and evaluating the quality of cutting and drilling results. After completing the training, participants are expected to have practical skills in operating cutting machines and drilling machines. Participants can perform cutting and drilling with precision, efficiency and good quality. Participants will also increase their understanding of solving problems related to cutting and drilling. Thus, cutting and drilling training will significantly benefit participants in improving skills, work efficiency, and safety in material cutting and drilling operations.
Analisa Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja Di Stasiun Boiler Pada PT XYZ Dengan Menggunakan Metode HIRARC Mahyunis Mahyunis; Zulham Effendi; Fauzi Asrianto
IRA Jurnal Teknik Mesin dan Aplikasinya (IRAJTMA) Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56862/irajtma.v2i2.57


Occupational Safety is the protection of work security experienced by workers both physically and mentally in the work environment. The production process in the boiler division has a very large potential for danger, so it is very important to improve training in the field of work safety. Several things that have potential hazards include the use of incomplete PPE, safety equipment, operation and maintenance, and operator negligence. This study identified the hazards in each activity at PT XYZ. The research findings cover 9 work activities and 14 potential hazards. Scraping activity in the boiler kitchen has the highest work accident rate, which is 34.89% and the operation of the control panel does not cause accidents, with an accident percentage of 0%. The average level of low risk is 10 and medium is 3. However, the PT XYZ has not fully implemented the complete use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at the Boiler Station.
Penerapan SMK3 untuk Mencegah Penyakit Akibat Kebisingan di Stasiun Sterilizer pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Mahyunis Mahyunis; Muhammad Syukri; Boby Surya Bimantoro
IRA Jurnal Teknik Mesin dan Aplikasinya (IRAJTMA) Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56862/irajtma.v2i2.58


Palm Oil Mill (POM) is a plantation company that specializes in palm oil commodities with outputs in the form of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) and PK (Palm Kernel). 12 processing stations at XYZ POM have high levels of noise, one of which is the sterilizer station which can cause hearing impairment to operators. This study aims to determine the level of noise at the sterilizer station, diagnose hearing impairment due to noise based on audiometry results, and assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the occupational health and safety management system at XYZ POM. The research method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method using primary and secondary data. From the results of this study, it was found that the calculation of the noise level for 24 hours reached 94.9 dB. This value exceeds the threshold value for noise based on the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Transmigration No. PER.13/MEN/X/2011 regarding the Threshold Value of Physical and Chemical Factors in the Workplace. To improve the safety and health of employees, XYZ POM implements an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) using the HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control) method to identify potential hazards, assess risks and control them, one of which is noise by conducting regular audiometry examinations. The results of the audiometry examination on the sterilizer operator showed normal results. The implementation of the OHSMS at XYZ POM is effective, especially in controlling noise by Government Regulation No. 5 of 2012 regarding the Implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Jurnal Agro Fabrica Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia (ITSI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47199/jaf.v5i2.202


This study aims to analyze things that support the performance of thresher in palm oil mills, determine thresher performance with Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and 5S methods in palm oil mills and analyze and provide solutions to improve thresher performance with a Total Productive Maintenance approach using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method and 5S on thresher in palm oil mills.. This research was conducted with descriptive and qualitative methods in improving the production performance of threser machines to determine the problems of threser machines that cause a decrease in machine productivity by analysis and discussion. Based on the results of the analysis and description of OEE measurement results in the PTPN V Sei Garo Threser machine, Measurement of the level of machine effectiveness using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method at PTPN V Sei Garo obtained the largest percentage of OEE on the Thresher machine at 91.66% and the lowest at 878.79%. The factors that have the largest percentage of six big losses on thresher machines are Idling and Minor Stoppage Losses of 1% and Equipment Faillure Losses of 0.37%.