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Journal : Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi

Klasifikasi Penerima Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai Menggunakan Metode Decision Tree Nopi Purnomo; Sarjon Defit; Y Yuhandri
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.148


Non-Cash Food Assistance is one of the government programs that has changed its name from the RASKIN or RASTRA program which is given to poor families every month by providing an electronic account to buy food at a seller that has been determined by the village government in collaboration with Bank Mandiri. The food assistance given to the beneficiary families is a form of government concern in accordance with the criteria determined by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic Indonesia. The problem that often occurs in the Cipang Kiri Hulu Village Government was the difficulty in determining families who deserve to be given the non-cash food assistance in every year, so that it can cause messy and also protests from the people due to the large number of beneficiary families who are not on target. This study was conducted to classify families who receive the non-cash food assistance so that the results of this study can be used as a reference in making decisions whether appropriate or not to receive the non-cash food assistance in Cipang Kiri Hulu Village. The method that used was classification with the Decision Tree C4.5 Algorithm by using 14 attributes. The data used in this study was data from observations at the research location and interviews directly at the homes of families who received the non-cash food assistance in 2021 where there were 62 population data that have been presented in the csv file. The analysis of this study used the Rapid Miner Software version 9.5.001. The result of this research was to get 3 Rules. The rule was obtained from the final result of the decision tree's form.
Sistem Pakar Dalam Mengidentifikasi Kenaikan Pangkat Pegawai Negeri Sipil Menggunakan Metode Backward Chaining Yolla Rahmadi Helmi; Y Yuhandri; Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.149


Promotion can be interpreted as an element in enforcing the career of Civil Servants (PNS). The promotion to the rank of Civil Servants (PNS) is in the form of an award for work achievements that have been achieved and service to the country after fulfilling certain conditions. At this time there are still many Civil Servants (PNS) who do not understand employee governance such as this promotion and there are still many who do not know what are the completeness of promotions and do not know whether a Civil Servant (PNS) can be promoted. or not. This study aims to make Civil Servants (PNS) know whether it is proven or not to be able to be promoted based on certain conditions that must be met for promotion. The data processed in this study were directly directed by experts. The data is sourced from the staffing of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Sumatra Province. The promotion data is processed and developed using an expert system built using PHP programming and MySQL database. In the Expert System in identifying the promotion of Civil Servants using the Backward Chaining method, the appropriate and suitable results are obtained between the expert data and the tracking results. 5 matches were obtained from the tracking results with 5 expert data whose percentage reached 100%, so whether or not a Civil Servant could be promoted to rank could be identified. It is hoped that the application that has been built in this research can be useful for Civil Servants (PNS) in identifying promotions, and to provide information about promotions.
Sistem Pakar Dalam Mengidentifikasi Penanda Minat Karakteristik Ekstrakurikuler Berbasis Case Based Reasoning Sisi Hendriani; Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo; Y Yuhandri
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.154


Extracurricular is an additional activity at school whose purpose is to help develop students' talents, talent is defined as an innate ability which is a potential that needs to be developed and trained. Extracurricular selection is chosen by the students themselves without the intervention of teachers or parents so that students often only follow the majority of their friends' wishes. Knowing the extracurricular characteristics of students through the type of learning will make students' self-development more focused. This study uses the Case Based Reasoning method with similarity calculations which has 4 stages, namely retrieve (rediscover old similar cases), reuse (make old cases as solutions to new cases), revise (evaluate proposed solutions) and retain (store new cases). on a case basis) to determine the type of learning of students which will then be known to be suitable extracurricular activities due to the condition of the psychological development of children during the junior high school (SMP) level who tend to make the wrong choice or just participate in choosing something, especially in terms of selection. extracurricular at school. The learning styles are classified into six learning styles, namely Linguistic, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Musical, Naturalist and Logical Mathematics which are then adapted to the extracurricular fields at school. This study identifies the characteristics of student interest using student data at SMP Negeri 17 Padang, the results of similarity 66% for interpersonal learning style, 0% for kinesthetic learning style, 6% for musical learning style, 14% for natural learning style, 0% for logical mathematics learning style and 13% for linguistic learning style. The resulting expert system can help students quickly provide an appropriate extracurricular overview.
Sistem Keputusan dengan Metode Multi Attribute Utility Theory dalam Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Fuad El Khair; Sarjon Defit; Y Yuhandri
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.155


In an agency, it takes an employee who is able to carry out the work in accordance with the objectives in achieving a target becomes an assessment by the leaders. Not only attendance, but also leadership, commitment, cooperation, discipline, service orientation, integrity and ability to perform the task given also need to be used as an indicators . The purposes aim to motivate employees to be passionate in doing every activity and to have a positive influence on their work in facing challenges of globalization. Decision Support System is a need. It is called a Multi Attribute Utility Theory method is a quantitative comparison method that usually combines measurements of different risk costs and benefits. The data processed for employee performance assessment in this study as many as 20 samples sourced from the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pesisir Selatan Regency. This based on several specified criteria and weights. There are 6 data that are used in it. Such as service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, cooperation and employee performance goals. The result is able to support employee decisions using predetermined criteria. So that highest value is in the 6th alternative with a value of 1.8 and the lowest value on the 16th alternative with a value of 0. Later it will be a consideration for Population and Civil Registry Office of South Coast Regency to assess its employees in certain period. Employee performance assessment is proven to be able to help the South Coast Population and Civil Registration Office.
Prediksi Potensi Relawan Pendonor Darah Menjadi Pendonor Darah Tetap dengan Penerapan Metode Klasifikasi Decision Tree Afifah Cahayani Adha; Y Yuhandri; Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.158


Blood donation is an important activity to obtain blood as a raw material into the blood supply chain. If there is not enough blood in the human body, then human survival will be threatened, for some conditions blood transfusions are required, such as accidents, childbirth or certain grades of dengue fever. UTD PMI Pekanbaru City is the organizing body for blood donation activities in the process of helping and serving the blood needs for public. Based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2019, Pekanbaru City lacked in blood stock 32.4 percent, which the ideal supply of blood bags in Pekanbaru City was 130,019 blood stock. This causes some hospitals difficult to find the supply of blood stock. The cause of lacking in blood bags' availability in Pekanbaru City was the number of volunteer donors fluctuates and the public's low interest in becoming volunteer blood donors. So it becomes a problem when the number of requests for blood increases, while the supply at the blood bank is running low. The method used in this research was the Decision Tree method. The algorithm used in this study was the C.45 Algorithm. To solve the problems that occur, data analysis of blood donor volunteers was carried out. Based on the results of the testing data analysis as many as 50 records, 6 rules were produced which can be concluded that age over 19 years with an entrepreneur job has the potential to become a permanent blood donor
Sistem Pakar Dalam Menganalisis Tingkat Akurasi Keparahan Penyakit Erosi Gigi Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor Dwi Narulita; Y Yuhandri
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.160


The body parts that also need to be kept healthy are the teeth and mouth. Because if the part is experiencing problems, it can be ascertained that the body is in a serious problem. Tooth erosion is the most obvious form of impact when this problem is underestimated. Tooth erosion is damage that occurs by involving the hard tissues of the teeth by chemical processes that reduce the function of the teeth themselves. This situation is caused by the lack of a person having their teeth checked by a dentist due to a lack of awareness and attention to dental health, the high cost to go for a consultation, the long queues making it less comfortable and comfortable to wait. Therefore, this study aims to create a system that can represent the expertise of the dentist himself so that whenever and wherever the public can easily consult about dental health. The data used in this study involved a history of patient consultations at the Drg Florentina clinic where 10 patient data with the same diagnosis were taken as samples. The results of this study the system can identify the severity of dental erosion as much as 80%. Therefore, this research can be used as a reference for further research with the same theme.
Prediksi Tingkat Produksi Buah Kelapa Sawit dengan Metode Single Moving Average Feri Irawan; S Sumijan; Y Yuhandri
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2021, Vol. 3, No. 4

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/jidt.v3i4.162


Palm oil is one of the largest agricultural products in Indonesia and has a high economic value and can improve the welfare of oil palm farmers. The amount of oil palm fruit production is not always stable or increasing, but increases up and down which is influenced by many factors. This study aims to estimate the average amount of oil palm fruit production every year and prepare anticipatory steps in the event of a decrease in oil palm fruit production. The image processed in this study was the production of palm fruit in a few years which was generated from the results of oil palm plantations. Furthermore, data is processed using the Single Moving Avarage method. This method is a method of forecasting or predictions using a number of actual data to generate predictive values ​​in the future. The results of testing on the single moving average method can be seen forecasts of oil palm fruit production in 2021 using Moving Averge 3 of 200.749 tons with Mean Absolute Deviation 19.604, Mean Squared Error 456.963.281 and Mean Absolute Percent Error 10,0%. Moving Averge 4 was 206.771 tons with the Mean Absolute Deviation 27.333, Mean Squared Error 752.202.579 and Mean Absolute Percent Error 14,2%. Moving Averge 5 was 210.908 tons with Mean Absolute Deviation 26.890, Mean Squared Error 723.072.100 and Mean Absolute Percent Error 14.1%. The test results using the Single Moving Average method can be concluded that forecasting using Moving Average 3 can be used because the relative error level is smaller than Moving Average 4 and 5, with the value of the Mean Absolute Percent error of 10.0% and Mean Absolute Deviation 19.604.