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All Journal Islamadina : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Jurnal KOMUNIKA Jurnal Indo-Islamika Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Ekonomikawan : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Laa Maisyir Jurnal Ekonomi Islam IJIBE (International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics) Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Abjadia, International Journal of Education Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat Studia Quranika Jurnal Pendidikan Nonformal LENTERA: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi INFO ARTHA IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management) Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Sawala : Jurnal Administrasi Negara JRMSI - Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah Jurnal PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran) Jurnal BPPK : Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan Jurnal Tata Kelola dan Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara Al-Mashrafiyah : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan, dan Perbankan Syariah Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran AT-TURAS: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Indonesian Treasury Review: Jurnal Perbendaharaan, Keuangan Negara dan Kebijakan Publik Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Inovasi : Jurnal Politik dan Kebijakan International Journal of Islamic Business and Economics (IJIBEC) IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) Transparansi Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Jurnal Pendidikan Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan NUKHBATUL 'ULUM : Jurnal Bidang Kajian Islam International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Tasharruf: Journal Economics and Business of Islam Media Syari'ah: Wahana Kajian Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial Al-Bukhari: Jurnal Ilmu Hadis BUSTANUL FUQAHA: Jurnal Bidang Hukum Islam International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences WAHATUL MUJTAMA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Komunika: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Kawanua International Journal of Multicultural Studies AL-KHIYAR: Jurnal Bidang Muamalah dan Ekonomi Islam JURNAL BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING ISLAM AL-QIBLAH: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Bahasa Arab
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Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Vol 6 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Bank Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21098/jimf.v6i2.1159


This study aims to investigate the dynamic relationship between Islamic financial development, economic growth, and CO2 emissions with Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) approach in Indonesia over the 2000-2018 period. This study employs the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing approach and the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) to examine the existence of long-run and short-run relationship between variables. From the results of the model, we do not find any support for the existence of the EKC for Indonesia. Moreover, the results present that there is no dynamic relationship in the short run among growth, Islamic finance development and CO2 emission. Long-run findings suggest that CO2 emission from transport; other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services; and residential buildings and commercial and public services sector are significantly associated to the Islamic finance development in Indonesia. The findings of this study shows that Islamic finance development can help the country to adjust its CO2 emissions and play its role in protecting the environment by encouraging environmental-friendly and energy-efficient projects. A strong and efficient financial sector would be helpful in facilitating the investment process by advancing loans for business in condition with curbing CO2 emissions.
Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (810.294 KB) | DOI: 10.33830/jp.v20i2.224.2019


The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the understanding of five fundamental subjects of basic training on attitude of partisipants in conducting their task and function as public servant. The subjects are accountability, nationalism, public ethics, commitment to quality, and anti-corruption (ANEKA). This research also want to know which subject that have biggest effect on participant’s attitude. This research use random sampling technique and multiple regression analysis. Data was collected by questionnaire. This research find that the five subjects of training have positive and significant effect on participant’s attitude simultanously. In partially, each of five subjects have different effect (coefficient). Nationalism, public ethics, commitment to quality, and anti-corruption have positive and significant effect. While subject of accountability has negative effect, but not significant. The subject of commitment to quality gives the strongest effect on building and developing participant’s attitude as public servants. The recommendation, the five subjects are need tougth in basic training. Specially, for subject of accountability have to developed again so give positive and significant effect. The developing are about curriculum, substance of subject, and model or method lecturing used. Moreover, the subject of nationalism, public ethics, commitment to quality, and anti-corruption have to tought regularly. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemahaman materi pembelajaran lima nilai dasar (akuntabilitas, nasionalisme, etika publik, komitmen mutu, dan anti korupsi) terhadap sikap peserta pelatihan dalam mengemban fungsi dan tugas. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga hendak mengetahui pemahaman materi dasar mana yang memberikan pengaruh terbesar terhadap sikap peserta Pelatihan Dasar (Latsar) CPNS. Dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling dan Regresi Linier Berganda melalui instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pemahaman materi nilai dasar (akuntabilitas, nasionalisme, etika publik, komitmen mutu, dan anti korupsi) secara simultan memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap pembentukan sikap peserta Latsar. Sementara itu, secara parsial, kelimanya memiliki besaran pengaruh (koefisien) yang berbeda-beda. Di antara kelimanya, hanya pemahaman akan materi akuntabilitas yang memiliki pengaruh negatif, tetapi tidak signifikan, sedangkan empat variabel bebas lainnya memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan. Materi Komitmen Mutu memberikan pengaruh paling besar terhadap pembentukan dan penguatan sikap peserta dalam melaksanakan tugas/fungsi sebagai PNS. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa mata pelajaran Akuntabilitas perlu dilakukan perbaikan sehingga memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan dalam mendukung pembentukan dan penguatan sikap peserta Latsar. Perbaikan tersebut perlu dilakukan baik terhadap kurikulum, substansi materi, maupun model atau metode pembelajaran yang digunakannya. Selain itu, mata pelajaran nasionalisme, etika publik, komitmen mutu, dan antikorupsi perlu dipertahankan dan terus dikembangkan model pembelajarannya sehingga dapat memberikan pengaruh yang lebih besar dalam membangun sikap peserta Latsar.
Menuju Indonesia Berkemajuan dalam Studi Peradaban Islam Mukran H. Usman; Aswar Aswar; Azwar Iskandar
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.263 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajsk.v21i1.7862


Sejarah telah menjadi saksi akan agungnya bangunan peradaban Islam yang dirintis oleh Rasulullah saw., hingga kemudian berlanjut pada masa Khulafaurasyidin, Khilafah Bani Umayyah dan Bani Abbasiyyah. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat potret peradaban Islam dari  Rasulullah saw., hingga Bani Abbasiyyah, khususnya pada telaah warisan nilai dan konsep yang menandai keagungan peradaban tersebut dan peluang Indonesia sebagai kesatuan bangsa dan negara dalam mencontoh, mengikuti dan mengimplementasikan nilai dan konsep peradaban Islam guna membangun peradabannya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe riset kepustakaan (library research) dan teknik analisis konten (content analysis). Selain itu, pendekatan historis diterapkan guna pendalaman kajian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa warisan peradaban Islam di masa Rasulullah saw., Khulafaurasyidin, Khilafah Bani Umayyah dan Bani Abbasiyyah yang membawa nilai dan konsep agama (tauhid), sosial-budaya, hukum, politik, dan ilmu pengetahuan berpeluang besar untuk membawa Indonesia menuju pada peradaban yang agung. Sejak dahulu, telah terjadi akulturasi budaya antara ajaran dan syariat Islam dengan kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia, tidak terkecuali pada aspek bahasa, adat, tradisi, dan sistem hukum (perundang-undangan) pada berbagai suku bangsa di Nusantara. Oleh karena itu, konstruksi masa depan Indonesia agar dapat menjadi bangsa unggul dan memiliki peradaban yang tinggi dalam memimpin dunia, baik dalam bidang agama, sosial, budaya, hukum, politik dan juga ilmu pengetahuan, patut mengambil pelajaran dari warisan peradaban Islam di masa Rasulullah saw., Khulafaurasyidin, Khilafah Bani Umayyah dan Bani Abbasiyyah.
Implementasi evaluasi pasca pembelajaran model Kirkpatrick level 1, 2 dan 3 pada pelatihan bendahara pengeluaran di Balai Diklat Keuangan Makassar Azwar Iskandar; Tenry Nur Amriani
Wiyata Dharma: Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wd.v7i2.6008


Penelitian ini  dilaksanakan dengan tujuan: (1) mengevaluasi kepuasan peserta diklat terhadap pengajar dan penyelenggaraan diklat; (2) mengevaluasi learning gain atau peningkatan keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap peserta setelah mengikuti pelatihan; (3) menganalisis dan mengevaluasi implementasi hasil diklat setelah kembali ke unit kerja; dan (4) mengidentifikasi kendala yang menghambat penerapan hasil pelatihan. Penelitian ini  menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif dan uji t-paired dengan pendekatan model Evaluasi Kirkpatrick Level 1, 2 dan 3 melalui instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa : (1) keseluruhan aspek evaluasi penyelenggaraan dinilai oleh peserta dengan kategori Sangat Baik meskipun belum dapat memenuhi tingkat harapan dari peserta yang ditunjukkan dengan angka rata-rata di bawah 100%. Di sisi lain, keseluruhan aspek evaluasi pengajar telah dapat memenuhi harapan dari peserta; (2) seluruh peserta telah mendapatkan tambahan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan setelah mengikuti diklat/pelatihan; (3) pelatihan mampu meningkatkan kompetensi alumni dalam mendukung pekerjaan alumni setelah kembali ke unit kerja. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai rata-rata total persepsi responden alumni terkait perubahan kompetensi sebelum dan setelah mengikuti pelatihan adalah sebesar 4,54 dan 6,52 (dari skala 1-10). Hasil uji t-paired menunjukkan hal yang sama bahwa program pelatihan yang dilakukan berhasil dan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam peningkatan kompetensi alumni; dan (4) Kendala terbesar yang dialami alumni dalam penerapan materi diklat di tempat kerja adalah bahwa mereka tidak mendapatkan penugasan yang berhubungan dengan pelatihan atau fungsi bendahara.
Evaluation of The Distance Learning System Success of Apparatus Training: User Satisfaction Mediation Azwar Azwar; Siti Aisyah; Adji Suradji Muhammad
IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management) Vol 5 No 2 (2021): (IJHCM) International Journal of Human Capital Management
Publisher : Program Studi S3 Ilmu Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/IJHCM.05.02.10


This research aims to find out the influence of system quality and service quality of distance learning system on user satisfaction and the achievement of learning outcomes of trainees during the covid-19 pandemic era at the Financial Education and Training Agency of Makassar. In addition, the study also aims to examine how the role of user satisfaction in mediating the influence of system quality and service quality of distance learning systems on learning outcomes. This study used data obtained from respondents through questionnaires and quantitative approaches through component or variant-based of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques with Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that in general the distance learning system has fully run well and successfully based on indicators of DeLone and McLean model. The system quality significantly has positive influence on user satisfaction, service quality significantly has positive influence on user satisfaction and user satisfaction also significantly has positive influence the learning outcomes. Meanwhile, user satisfaction can be a mediator in strengthening the influence of system quality service quality on learning outcomes. Financial Education and Training Agency of Makassar is expected to maintain and improve the quality of systems and services in the existing distance learning system in order to maintain and improve the satisfaction of trainees and learning outcomes.
Pandemi Covid-19 dan Kebijakan Anggaran Defisit : Analisis Konjungtur Ekonomi Achmat Subekan; Azwar Iskandar
Ekonomikawan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Vol 20, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ekonomikawan.v20i2.5561


This research aims to: (i) know if the deficit budget policy that has been used is a policy that should always be used to respond to the development of economic conjunctions; and (ii) provide policy alternatives in managing state budgets to maintain economic stability and continuity and people's welfare. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach method with content analysis techniques and library research. The results showed that: (i) the deficit budget policy that has been implemented in the management of the state budget is a policy that is less responsive to economic cycles/conjunctions; and (ii) budget policies need to be responsive and flexible in addressing economic cycles/conjunctions. In it, countercyclical policies are needed, controlling economic development so that the phases in the economic conjunction can run more steadily. Thus, the budget is not always packed with deficits to pursue economic growth, but adjusts the conjunction of a growing economy.
Strategi Terapiutik Korban Homoseks: Studi Terhadap Pemikiran Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyah Aswar Aswar; Mukran H. Usman; Azwar Iskandar
Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.443 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jbk.v4i2.1789


This study aims to find the therapeutic strategies to the gay victims. The phenomenon of the rising of the gay community is increasingly worrying, of course that behavior is abnormal for Indonesians, especially for Muslims. This community actually began to grow in 1982 in Solo, 1985 in Yogyakarta, 1993 in Pekanbaru, 1999 in Surabaya, and still exists in cyberspace (social media). The research method applied is a qualitative approach with the type of composed hermeneutics research analysis, with the object study of therapeutic thought of Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah and the examined subject in the RSC-M Malang (Ruqyah Syar'iyyah Center Malang). The study found four therapeutic strategies that can be applied to the gay victims. First, the main focus of intervention is in mind/belief intervention. Second, the target towards an ideal person is the transfer from a sinful person to a person who obeys God's commandments and avoids His prohibition. Third, analysis and diagnosis is efforts to identify and find the errors in the chain of perception, belief, sex drive, behavior, and habit of the gay victims. Fourth, the application of homosexual victim alleviation techniques consists of prevention and healing pathways, prevention pathways is in the form of 'self-training' subjecting themselves to the same things, while healing pathways is in the form of the application of intervention techniques of the mind, self-conversion and statements of repentance and istigfar, as well as the worship therapy. The recommendations of this study is to be applied by practitioners and counsellors in providing counselling services to the gay victims.
Histori Fikih Islam: Faktor-Faktor Pertumbuhan, Kebekuan dan Reformasi Muhammad Ikhsan; Azwar Iskandar
Islamadina : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam ISLAMADINA, Volume 23, No. 1, Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/islamadina.v23i1.9700


This research was conducted with the aim of: (1) knowing and analyzing the process of growing Islamic jurisprudence thought in the Islamic community; (2) knowing and analyzing the factors that caused the freeze of Islamic jurisprudence thought in the early era of its appearance; and (3) offer some reform efforts toward Islamic jurisprudence thought. This research uses library research method where library material is discussed and analyzed with content analysis techniques and descriptive analysis to support existing propositions and ideas from various references with historical approaches. The results showed that; (1) the growth of Islamic jurisprudence thought can grow in the midst of Islamic society due to the great need for the jurispruding laws themselves, where this need is higher with the emergence of various problems caused by differences in social and cultural conditions; (2) the freeze and cheese and the Islamic jurisprudence thought cannot be separated from several reasons, including excessive concern for the efforts of "infiltration" in Islamic jurisprudence and fanaticism of sects that go beyond the limits; and (3) reform efforts must begin by restoring the function and role of ijtihad as the main instrument of the development of Islamic jurisprudence that is carried out proportionately.
Tasharruf: Journal Economics and Business of Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JUNE
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/tjebi.v6i1.1458


This study aims to find out the thought of Abu Ya'la concerning public finance supervision according to Islamic law in the book of al-Aḥkām al-Sulṭāniyyah. This research is qualitative descriptive research with library research method and juridical-philosophical approach. The results showed that construction of Abu Ya'la's thought on public finance supervision was included in the system of hisbah, i.e. the system of the indication and the possibility to involve two parties; (1) an independent institution created by the government to supervise the financial management of the state, whether structural in the state institutions or independent purely and non-structural; (2) other parties involved in this efforts is society, so that the entire community of people are kindly participated in the oversight efforts. In Abu Ya'la's perspective, a Hisbah institution is not a pro justicia institution that does not have the right to impose criminal or civil sanctions, but has the right to listen to public complaints about the deviation of the state's financial management and cooperate with law enforcement agencies making claims.
Tasharruf: Journal Economics and Business of Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/tjebi.v5i2.1184


This research aims to analyze the distribution of the zakat policy of Umar bin Khattab and to relevance it with the condition of the pandemic of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach with content analysis and library research techniques. The result showed that Rasulullah SAW has confirmed to those who he made as zakat takers to distribute zakat assets taken from the rich to the poor, not returned and stored into the state treasury, which is then allowed to distribute zakat out of the area where zakat is collected due to certain factors which the priest or leader deems emergency, such as a disaster and a drought that has caused local residents to have difficulty getting supplies of much-needed staples and drinks. So it can be concluded that: (1) among the forms of Umar bin Khattab’s zakat distribution policy are: (a) distributing zakat outside the area where the zakat is collected, (b) paying great attention to illat in determining mustahik, (c) setting priorities distributing zakat and alms to the poor; (2) various policies of Umar bin Khattab have strong relevance to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Co-Authors Abur Hamdi Usman Abur Hamdi Usman Abur Hamdi Usman Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Achmat Subekan Adji Suradji Muhammad Adji Suradji Muhammad Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta Akrama Hatta Ali Djamhuri Amriani, Tenry Nur Andi Muh. Akhyar Andi Muhammad Akmal Arfan Arifuddin Arifuddin, Arfan Ashar Ashar Askar Patahuddin Asri asri Aswanto Muhammad Takwi Hede Aswar, Aswar Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah Bayu Taufiq Possumah, Bayu Taufiq Darmanto Darmanto Edil Wijaya Nur Edy Sofyan Fadhlan Akbar Fakhri Sungit Fakhrizal Idris Fitriana Fitriana Hendra Wijaya Henri Priamukti Ihwan Wahid Minu Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Iskandar Ita Hartati Ita Hartati Jumadil Saputra Khaerul Aqbar Khaerul Aqbar Khaerul Aqbar Khaerul Aqbar Laode Nursyah Dendi M. Amirullah M. Kasim Mahmuddin, Ronny Mazlan Ibrahim Moh. Fadli Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah Muh. Arfah Herwin Muh. Ihsan A.R. Muh. Syukur S. Muhammad Ammar Naufal Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Yusram Muhammad Yusram Mukran H. Usman Mukran H. Usman Nasrul Nasrul Nasrul Nasrul Rafi, Irsyad Rahmaluddin Saragih Rahmat Rahmat Rahmat Rahmat Ronny Mahmuddin Saharuddin Saharuddin Saragih, Rahmaluddin Saragih, Rahmaluddin Saragih, Ramaluddin Sirajuddin Sirajuddin Sirajuddin Sirajuddin Subekan, Achmat Subekan, Achmat Subekan, Achmat Sulkifli Herman Syandri Syandri Syandri, Syandri Syarul Azman Shaharuddin Tenry Nur Amriani Tenry Nur Amriani Tenry Nur Amriani Wijaya , Hendra Zahari Mahad Musa