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Justicia Islamica Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/justicia.v15i2.1461


Purposes of this study were to analyze the behavioral phenomenon, emotional and divorce lawsuit by women in the family of matrilineal society in Padang. This research used a qualitative method with survey design. Technique of collecting data used interview form, observation sheets and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by classifying, getting interpretation, making validity and drawing conclusions. To test the validity of the data used triangulation and discussions with colleagues. The results of research showed that phenomenon of behavioral, emotional and divorce lawsuit by women in the family of matrilineal society in Padang occur due to the impact of gender equality. On the positive side, gender equality could be felt by women in education, leadership and the opportunity to get a job. While the negative side effects of gender equality in the family was declining the emotional maturity, changing in culture and religious values in the social behavior of women. Implementation of this research to be useful for ninik mamak, academician, clergy and the local government of Padang to socialize and provide consultation to evaluate the application of cultural values, customs and religion in a gender perspective and thus creating gender equality should be in accordance with the customary and religious teachings.
The effect of think pair share method and students’ creativity on students’ learning outcome Joni Indra Wandi; Azwar Ananda; Buchari Nurdin
International Conferences on Educational, Social Sciences and Technology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/20181132


The aim of this study was to explore the effect of think pair share method and students’ creativity toward students’ learning outcome. This research was begun by doing the related surveys for current situation of social science in the history subject where teaching the subject did not provide yet the expected learning outcome. For that reason, it needed a think pair share method to strengthen students’ creativity in order to improve student’s learning outcome as well as their self-evaluation in enhancing their creativity and learning competence. This research used quantitative approach with survey method. The collection of the data used questionnaires, interviews, documentary studies, and field notes. Quantitative data were analyzed by using an experimental method. Data analysis used multiple linear regression and correlation test. The experimental results on the three classes showed that think pair share method and students’ creativity can improve students’ learning outcomebetter than conventional class, but there is no interaction between the think pair share method and creativity with the eighth grade students’ learning outcomes. Teacher could use this model to Junior High School students’ level for improving students’ learning outcome in the lesson of social science.
Jurnal Harkat : Media Komunikasi Gender JURNAL HARKAT : MEDIA KOMUNIKASI GENDER, 15(2), 2019
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA), Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2501.924 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/harkat.v15i2.13464


Abstract. In the industrial revolution era of 4.0, A leader is no longer referring to gender differences but rather on competence  and performance. This study aimed to analyze the gender perception and its contribution to women leadership in their career and family in Surabaya. This is a quantitative study with method survey design where the data was collected by using questionnaire and ended closed interview form. Populations of this research are dual-career marriage women in Surabaya. To confirm the quantitative results, need interview sessions with all related respondents. Samples were determined by proportional random sampling amount are 449 respondents where, 103 full career women, 205 of them as part time career and 141 of them as housewives. The results showed that there is significant contribution toward women leadership character in three career model as independent variables those are full career, part time career and family duty as reviewed from gender perception. It showed that there are correlation between women leadership character with gender perception between their career and leadership character in their family.Abstrak. Era revolusi industri 4.0, seorang pemimpin tidak lagi merujuk pada perbedaan gender tetapi lebih pada kompetensi dan kinerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi gender dan kontribusinya terhadap kepemimpinan perempuan dalam karier dan keluarga mereka di Surabaya. Ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode desain survei di mana data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan mengakhiri formulir wawancara tertutup. Populasi penelitian ini adalah wanita nikah karir ganda di Surabaya. Untuk mengkonfirmasi hasil kuantitatif, perlu sesi wawancara dengan semua responden terkait. Sampel ditentukan dengan jumlah proporsional random sampling yaitu 449 responden di mana, 103 perempuan karier penuh, 205 di antaranya sebagai karier paruh waktu dan 141 di antaranya sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap karakter kepemimpinan perempuan dalam tiga model karir sebagai variabel independen yaitu karir penuh, karir paruh waktu dan tugas keluarga yang ditinjau dari persepsi gender. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara karakter kepemimpinan perempuan dengan persepsi gender antara karier dan karakter kepemimpinan mereka dalam keluarga.
COLLASE (Creative of Learning Students Elementary Education) Vol 4, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Indonesian language teaching is a very important subject because in daily life students will always be related to their mother tongue. In order to understand the concept of language especially writing narrative essays well by students, the mastery learning strategies are needed. The purpose of this study was to explain the extent to which students' creativity and learning outcomes can be improved through this strategy when compared to conventional strategies. The research method was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design. The research instrument used observation sheets and test writing narrative essays. The results showed that the mastery learning strategy was more effective compared to the conventional one in increasing students’ creativity and learning outcomes in the classroom.
Kajian “Struktur Fungsional” Emilie Durkheim Ditinjau dari Educational Anthropology on Character and Behavior Society Joni Indra Wandi; Nora Afnita; Hefni Hefni
Ikhtisar: Jurnal Pengetahuan Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Ikhtisar: Jurnal Pengetahuan Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sumatera Barat Pariaman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.607 KB) | DOI: 10.55062//IJPI.2021.v1i1.9


Emile Durkheim saw the social order of society emphasizes the importance of consensus, harmony, and equilibrium. To emerge the consensus harmony and equality of community-oriented should do creating the homogeneity and cultural values aimed for maintaining the social community order. This paper reveals the thought of Durkheim about the theory of consensus harmony and equilibrium based on maintaining a balance between knowledge, moral practice reasoning with ethical values ​​ in the society through character education. The thinking side revealed how the public responds to changes in a dynamic culture of uncertainty with built social and cultural functions based on functional structure theory. This study discovers the education role in creating a moral being in modern society and moral being in building harmonic. It balanced with social functions through the solution to prevent and resolve any social pathology as the impact of the negative perception from social media. This expected explanation from this library research providing a positive contribution to character education and behavior to the society reviewed from the anthropological education study. The implication of this study for educators is the importance of building character and behavior order in the community comprehensively, kept up-to instill moral values, virtues, honest, law-abiding, and tolerance in creating a Madani's social life.
Hubungan Status Sosial Ekonomi dengan Konsep Diri Siswa Nurhasnah Nurhasnah; Joni Indra Wandi; Randi Saputra
Ikhtisar: Jurnal Pengetahuan Islam Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Ikhtisar: Jurnal Pengetahuan Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sumatera Barat Pariaman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55062//IJPI.2022.v2i1.42


The purpose of the study was to describe: (1) socioeconomic status, (2) self-concept, (3) the relationship between socioeconomic status and students' self-concept. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative correlation type, with a population of research 332 students of SMAN 1 Rao Pasaman. A sample of 182 students, selected by Proportional Stratified Random Sampling using a Likert scale model instrument. The results showed that: (1) socio-economic status was seen from the education level of the parents with a percentage of 45.58% with the category of basic education level, namely: did not pass SD, SD, and SLTP, socio-economic status was seen from the type of work of parents with percentage of 62.4% with semi-skilled category, socioeconomic status seen from the total income of parents with a percentage of 45.3% in the category below one million rupiah, (2) students' self-concept is in the positive category with a percentage of 68.88% from ideal, (3) there is a significant relationship that positive relationship between socioeconomic status and students' self-concept, the contribution of socioeconomic status to self-concept is 3.9%. This means that socioeconomic status can be used as a predictor to predict self-concept. Keywords: Correlation, socio-economic status, self concept..
Kompetensi Pedagogik Tenaga Pendidik dalam Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Pada Bidang Studi SKI di MTsN 5 Padang Pariaman Nora Afnita; Joni Indra Wandi; Misra Melati
Ikhtisar: Jurnal Pengetahuan Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Ikhtisar: Jurnal Pengetahuan Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sumatera Barat Pariaman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (709.609 KB) | DOI: 10.55062//IJPI.2021.v1i2.28


Improving the quality of education automatically has an impact on improving the quality and competence of education, so that educational goals can be achieved properly. Education must have several competencies, and about the pedagogical competence of education must be the effect of very important lessons which also apply to Islamic cultural history lessons. The formulation of the research problem to realize educational pedagogic competence in Islamic cultural history learning, the purpose of this research is to find out how effective the educators' pedagogics are in choosing the Islamic cultural history learning method. The form and type of this research are field research using descriptive methods, data collection using observation, documentation and interview techniques that are submitted to educators in the field of Islamic cultural history and school principals. The results of this study indicate 1. Educators in the field of Islamic cultural history at MTsN 5 Padang Pariaman have used the learning method but it is still not right, 2. Educators are still not effective in using the method. 3. The impact of using the method by educators causes students to be sleepy, unable to concentrate. The conclusion of this study is that the use of methods in learning the history of Islamic culture is still less effective because the selection of learning methods is still not right. Keywords: pedagogic competence, learning methods, Islamic cultural history.
Preparing the Community Based Education of Socio-Cultural Oriented for Children in the Industrial Revolution Era of 4.0 Joni Indra Wandi; Nurhizrah Gistituati; Rusdinal
International Journal Of Humanities Education and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol 2 No 1 (2022): IJHESS-AUGUST 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55227/ijhess.v2i1.205


This paper aimed to explore the preparation of community-based education of socio-cultural oriented for children in the Industrial Revolution Era of 4.0 as a new model in Pariaman City. This study reveals the importance of a positive correlation between education and the people's behavior to remain the socio-cultural norms. This model can be constructed through cooperative and collaborative education strategy based online learning. Preparation of this educational model built through cooperation with society as a stakeholder of education. This model allows the role of society and technology synergy gave birth to quality education without neglecting the social and local cultural values of the nation. Implementation of this idea can give the two sides to be achieved that is shaping the noble personality of the Indonesian children especially based cultured supreme divinity is one, civilized humanity and smart in technology to the advanced Indonesian community in the field of science and culture by nine steps are, character education, student-oriented learning system, teachers' learning skill improvement, collaborate with community organizations, social process-oriented education system, support from local government policy and community, build social and cultural coherence and set up diverse teaching materials from a variety of perspectives studies.
Indonesia vs Japan in the Education System Riza Desriandi; Joni Indra Wandi; Rhona Sandra; Erda Fitriani; Nurhizrah Gistituati; Rusdinal Rusdinal; Azwar Ananda
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 5 No 1 (2022): International Journal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v5i1.346


This study aims to compare Indonesian and Japanese education by using five indicators, namely the purpose of education, education management, education budget, education personnel, and salaries, as well as the learning evaluation process. The education system according to the National Education System Law No. 20/2003 it is stated that the National Education System is all components of education that are interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve national education goals. This research is based on a literature study by looking for theoretical references that are relevant to the cases or problems found. The results of this study According to Law No. 20 concerning "the National Education System" Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 paragraph 8 explains that the stages of education that have been determined are based on the level of development of students, the goals to be achieved and the abilities developed. The law explains that formal education in Indonesia consists of primary education, secondary education, and higher education. The financing of the education system in Indonesia is influenced by government policies. There are two financing systems, namely centralized and decentralized.
Jurnal Pendidikan (Teori dan Praktik) Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Volume 7, Nomor 2, September 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jp.v7n2.p126-130


The phenomenon that occurs is that students' interest begins to decrease while undergoing learning activities. This was followed by a decrease in motivation in students. This is due to the minimal use of media by teachers. This study aims to determine the effect of audio-visual learning media on students' learning motivation in Islamic Religious Education lessons. This research method is quantitative with a true experiment approach. The population in this study were fifth grade elementary school students, totaling 40 students. The sampling technique by means of total sampling, so that the number of samples in this study amounted to 40 students. The instrument used is a Likert model scale with five alternative answers and a questionnaire about student motivation. The validity test uses the Pearson correlation with a validity value of 0.672. The reliability test uses Cronbach's alpha, with a reliability value of 0.782. The data analysis technique used is the t-test with the help of the SPSS application. The results of the study show that the audio-visual media has a significant and positive effect on students' learning motivation.