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BIOLOVA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v3i2.1817


Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menggunakan pupuk organik dalam mengelola tanah atau peremajaan tanah. Sehingga masyarakat ketergantungan dengan adanya pupuk kimia, tapi tanpa mereka sadari perbuatannya telah merusak unsur hara tanah sehingga tanahnya kurang subur. Oleh karena itu dengan adanya pupuk kompos maka akan mempermudah masyarakat agar senantiasa menggunakan pupuk organik. Karena jika ditinjau dari segi kesehatan hasil produk pupuk organik lebih baik bagi tubuh dibandingkan hasil pupuk kimia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi penambahan limbah organik pada pengomposan kulit dan batang nanas menggunakan PUMAKKAL terhadap kualitas pupuk kompos. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengudakan metode kajian artikel dari penelitian yang sudah pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh positif dari kualitas kompos dengan fermentor pumakkal. Keyword : Kompos organik, batang nanas, pumakkal Abstrack: Lack of public awareness to use organic fertilizers in managing the soil or rejuvenating the soil. So that people depend on chemical fertilizers, but without them realizing their actions have damaged soil nutrients so that the soil is less fertile. Therefore, the presence of compost will make it easier for people to always use organic fertilizers. Because in terms of health, the results of organic fertilizer products are better for the body than the results of chemical fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the addition of organic waste in composting pineapple peels and stems using PUMAKKAL on the quality of compost fertilizer. This research is a qualitative descriptive study by using the method of reviewing articles from previous research. The results showed that there was a positive effect of compost quality with a pumakkal fermenter. Keyword : Organic compost, pineapple stem, pumakkal
BIOLOVA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v3i2.2669


Abstrak: Indonesia memiliki potensi lahan perkebunan karet yang paling luas di dunia, yaitu 3,6 juta hektare area (ha). Banyaknya permintaan karet secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan jumlah produksi limbah yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan apabila tidak ditangani dengan benar. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan limbah cair industri karet menjadi pupuk kompos cair. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui kualitas dosis pumakkal terbaik terhadap kadar N, P, K pada limbah cair karet. Metode yang digunakan peneliti metode eksperimen dengan melakukan pengamatan terhadap kualitas dosis limbah cair nanas yang dikombinasikan dengan limbah cair karet yang digunakan sebagai pupuk cair. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi jumlah limbah karet yang dijadikan sebagai pupuk organik cair dengan standar pupuk mutu kadar tiap kandungan N, P, K. Kata kunci: Limbah Karet, Pumakkal, Pupuk Cair Organik Abstrack: Indonesia has the largest potential for rubber plantations in the world, which is 3.6 million hectares of area (ha). The large demand for rubber will indirectly increase the amount of waste production that has the potential to pollute the environment if it is not handled properly. One of the efforts to overcome this is by utilizing liquid waste from the rubber industry into liquid compost. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the best pumakcal dose on the levels of N, P, K in rubber liquid waste. The method used by researchers is an experimental method by observing the quality of the dosage of pineapple liquid waste combined with rubber liquid waste which is used as liquid fertilizer. The results of this study are expected to reduce the amount of rubber waste that is used as liquid organic fertilizer with quality fertilizer standards for each content of N, P, K. Key word: Organic Liquid Fertilizer, Pumakkal, Rubber Waste
PENGOLAHAN DAGING KEONG MAS UNTUK MENURUNKAN KADAR LOGAM BERAT TIMBAL (Pb) Gunawan, Ade; Widowati, Hening; Sutanto, Agus; Cholvistaria, Mia
BIOLOVA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v3i2.2677


Abstrak: Pencemaran lingkungan perairan berdampak pada tingkat akumulasi logam berat pada organ tubuh biota perairan seperti keong mas (Pomacea canaliculata). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menurunkan kadar timbal pada daging keong mas dari DAM Raman, Metro Lampung, sehingga dapat menjadi alternative bahan pangan hewani. Kadar logam timbal (Pb) diukur dengan metode Vogel’s Spectrophometer UV-Vis atau metode destruksi Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA). Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa logam Pb di air sebesar 1,225 µg/l, dan di sedimen sebesar 456,165 µg/kg, sedangkan di dalam organ keong mas (P. canaliculata) sebesar 59,924 µg/kg. Penanganan bahan pangan berupa pencucian 3 kali @5 detik dan perebusan mampu menurunkan kadar timbal yang terdapat pada organ keong mas sebesar 49,96%. Batas maksimum konsumsi daging keong dari DAM Raman adalah 50,17 gr/minggu. Abstrack: Pollution of the aquatic environment can affects of the level accumulation of heavy metals in the body organs of aquatic biota such as golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata). This reseach aims to reduce lead (Pb) levels in the golden snail organs from DAM Raman river, Metro City so that it can be an alternative food ingredients. Lead content was measured by the Vogel's Spectrophometer UV-Vis method, at the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of UM Malang. The results showed that Pb found in water amounted to 1,225 µg/l, and in the sediment amounted to 456,165 µg/kg, while Pb contained in P. canaliculata organs were 59,924 µg/kg. Food processing by washing for 3 times @ 5 seconds and boiling can reduce Pb levels in P. canaliculata meat by 49.96%. The maximum consumption limit weekly of snail meat from DAM Raman is 50.17 grams.
BIOLOVA Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 1 Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v4i1.3332


Chili is one of the important vegetable commodities that have prospective business opportunities. Curly chili pepper is one of the important horticultural plants that are cultivated commercially. Organik fertilizers include the compound fertilizers because they contain macronutrients (N, P, K) and micronutrients (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Bo, Zn, and Co) which can improve the structure of soil fertility. This study aimed to find the effects of the application of coffee husk organik fertilizer (CHOF) for the growth of curly chili pepper (Capsicum annum L). The results showed that the organik fertilizer of coffee husk P3 variation with a total of 9 bacterial isolates (50% composition of coffee husk, 25% leaves, 12.5% husk charcoal, and 12.5% goat manure) gave the best effect on growth (height and some shoots) on curly chili pepper plants (Capsicum annum L). The results of Brochure validation showed that brochures were possible to use as the information media in the world of formal and non-formal education.
ANALISIS KOMBINASI PAKAN TAMBAHAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN UDANG VANAME (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aisyah, Putri; Sujarwanta, Agus; Widowati, Hening; Sutanto, Agus; Sulistiani, Widya Sartika
BIOLOVA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v4i2.3396


Abstrak: Budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) di Indonesia semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan ekspor udang. Peningkatan ini menyebabkan peningkatan budidaya udang vannamei secara intensif untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tambak udang di vaname adalah dengan meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi udang untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas. Tujuan dari penelitian melalui kajian literatur yaitu untuk mengetahui potensi pakan kombinasi bagi pertumbuhan udang vaname. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan kajian literatur dalam kajian artikel penelitian yang membahas tentang penambahan nutrisi, probiotik dan rempah untuk pertumbuhan udang. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan petambak udang di Pasir Sakti Kabupaten Lampung Timur didapatkan kombinasi makanan pendamping yaitu petambak udang di Tambak B (Mina Bahari) menggunakan kombinasi makanan pendamping berupa probiotik dan rempah-rempah. EM4, tetes tebu/molase, ragi, mengkudu, bawang putih dan yakult. Di tambak C (Sido Makmur), petambak udang menggunakan kombinasi pakan yang terdiri dari EM4, tetes tebu, ragi, mengkudu, bawang putih, jahe, kunyit, susu skim dan yakult. Berdasarkan hasil kajian literatur, kombinasi probiotik dan rempah-rempah dapat meningkatkan nafsu makan dan imunitas udang, sehingga udang tahan penyakit dan dipercepat pertumbuhannya. Kata kunci : probiotik, rempah, pertumbuhan, udang vaname. Abstrack: The cultivation of vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Indonesia is increasing along with the increase in shrimp exports. This increase led to an increase in vannamei shrimp cultivation intensively to meet market demand. One of the efforts to increase the productivity of shrimp ponds in vaname is to improve the quality of shrimp nutrition to increase growth and productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of combined feed for the growth of vannamei shrimp. The method used is descriptive qualitative using a literature review in the study of research articles that discuss the addition of nutrients, probiotics and spices for shrimp growth. Based on the results of interviews with shrimp farmers in Pasir Sakti, East Lampung Regency, a combination of complementary foods was obtained, namely shrimp farmers in Tambak B (Mina Bahari) using a combination of complementary foods in the form of probiotics and spices. EM4, molasses/molasses, yeast, noni, garlic and yakult. In pond C (Sido Makmur), shrimp farmers use a combination feed consisting of EM4, molasses, yeast, noni, garlic, ginger, turmeric, skim milk and Yakult. Based on the results of a literature review, the combination of probiotics and spices can increase shrimp appetite and immunity, so that shrimp are disease resistant and their growth is accelerated. Keywords: probiotics, spices, growth, vanamei shrimp.
PENGEMBANGAN MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF BERBASIS PENDEKATAN SAINTIFIK PADA POKOK BAHASAN SISTEM PENCERNAAN MANUSIA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA: pengembangan, multimedia interaktif, pendekatan saintifik, sistem pencernaan manusia, konsep belajar. Rohimatusafiah, Yahya; Sutanto, Agus; Achyani, Achyani
BIOLOVA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v4i2.3449


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa multimedia interaktif pembelajaran pada pokok bahasan sistem pencernaan pada manusia untuk menguatkan konsep belajar siswa sebagai bahan referensi pembelajaran biologi di SMAN 2 Tegineneng yang memenuhi kualifikasi dari aspek media, aspek materi, dan aspek pembelajaran. Mengetahui kualitas bahan ajar berupa multimedia Interaktif berbasis saintifik, pada pokok bahasan sistem pencernaan manusia. Untuk mengetahui pendekatan saintifik pada pokok bahasan sistem pencernaan manusia dan hasil penilaian peserta didik tgerhadap multimedia interaktif yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan model 4-D yaitu define, design, develop, dan deseminate. Berdasarkan hasil data validasi dengan validator menghasilkan persentase yaitu 85% ahli desain, 86% ahli materi, dan 92% ahli bahasa yang menunjukkan bahwa produk multimedia interaktif layak diujicobakan pada peserta didik dengan kriteria sangat baik. Sedangkan, hasil uji coba peserta didik diperoleh persentase sebesar 92,42% dengan kategori sangat baik. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu produk yang dikembangkan multimedia interaktif materi sistem pencernaan telah layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kata kunci: Konsep belajar, multimedia interaktif, pendekatan saintifik, sistem pencernaan manusia Abstrack: The purpose of this study was to produce teaching materials in the form of interactive multimedia learning on the subject of the digestive system in humans to strengthen students' learning concepts as reference materials for learning biology at SMAN 2 Tegineneng which meet the qualifications from media aspects, material aspects, and learning aspects. Knowing the quality of teaching materials in the form of scientific-based interactive multimedia, on the subject of the human digestive system. To find out the scientific approach to the subject of the human digestive system and the results of students' assessment of the interactive multimedia that was developed. This study uses a 4-D model of development, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. Based on the results of the validation data with the validator, the percentages are 85% design experts, 86% material experts, and 92% linguists indicating that interactive multimedia products are feasible to be tested on students with very good criteria. Meanwhile, the results of the student trials obtained a percentage of 92.42% in the very good category. The conclusion obtained is that the product developed by interactive multimedia on the digestive system material is suitable for use in learning. Keyword: Learning concept, interactive multimedia, saintific approach, digestive system
BIOLOVA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v4i2.3486


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian yaitu menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa video pembelajaran sebagai suplemen praktikum yang dapat dijadikan bahan referensi pembelajaran Biologi di SMA yang memenuhi kualifikasi dari 3 aspek. Tahap pengembangan produk berupa video dilakukan validasi oleh ahli materi, ahli desain, dan ahli bahasa. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Model 4-D, yaitu define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan) dan disseminate (pengembangan). Penelitian ini diuji dengan validasi oleh ahli desain, ahli materi dan ahli bahasa dan selanjutnya diujikan kepada siswa untuk dinilai desain, materi dan bahasanya. Uji validasi desain menunjukkan persentase sebesar 85,33%. Uji validasi materi menunjukkan persentase sebesar 87,69%. Uji validasi bahasa menunjukkan persentase sebesar 95,38%. Persentase setiap validasi yang didapat menunjukkan persentase 81-100% termasuk dalam kriteria “sangat baik”. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian yang dilakukan kepada peserta didik menunjukkan persentase berikut: dari aspek desain menunjukkan jumlah persentase kelayakan 76% dengan kategori baik, aspek materi menunjukkan jumlah persentase kelayakan 79% dengan kategori baik dan aspek bahasa menunjukkan jumlah persentase kelayakan 69% dengan kategori baik. Berdasarkan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa video pembelajaran sebagai suplemen praktikum pada materi struktur jaringan yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kata kunci: video pembelajaran, suplemen praktikum, pendekatan saintifik, sistem jaringan. Abstrack: The aim of the research is to create educational material in the form of educational videos as a practicum supplement that can be used as a reference book for teaching biology in secondary schools that meets qualifications from the media sector. Product development standards in video format are supported by material experts, design experts, and linguists. The development model used is the 4-D Model, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. This research was tested with validation of design experts, material experts and linguists and then tested on students to assess the design, material and language. The design validation test shows a percentage of 85.33%. The material validation test shows a percentage of 87.69%. The language validation test shows a percentage of 95.38%. The percentage of each validation shows a percentage of 81-100% included in the "very good" criteria. Based on research data conducted on students, the following percentages are shown: from the design aspect it shows the percentage of eligibility is 76% in the good category, the material aspect shows the percentage of eligibility is 79% in the good category and the language aspect shows the percentage of eligibility is 69% in the good category. Based on this research, it shows that the learning video as a practicum supplement on the network structure material developed is suitable for use in learning. Keywords: learning videos, practicum supplements, scientific approach, network system.
BIOLOVA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v4i2.3569


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama fermentasi dan konsentrasi kerak nasi sangrai terhadap mutu bekasam ikan wader. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan model Rancangan Acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 3x3 dengan 3 kali ulangan terhadap lama fermentasi dan konsentrasi kerak nasi sangrai. Perlakuan penelitian yaitu pembuatan bekasam dengan menggunakan kerak nasi sangrai (30%, 40%, dan 60%) dan lama fermentasi (5, 7, dan 10 hari). Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar protein dan pH . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama fermentasi dan konsentrasi kerak nasi sangrai berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein dan pH. Kadar protein tertinggi dihasilkan sebesar 20.0253% dengan lama fermentasi 10 hari, sedangkan konsentrasi kerak nasi sangrai terbaik dihasilkan sebesar 20.0889% pada perlakuan kerak nasi 60%. Untuk nilai pH yang terbaik adalah 5,1233 (rendah/asam) pada lama fermentasi 10 hari, dan konsentrasi kerak nasi terbaik dihasilkan pH 5,1744 (rendah/asam) pada perlakuan kerak nasi 60%.Lama fermentasi dan konsentrasi kerak nasi sangrai tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein dan pH. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, lama fermentasi 10 hari dan konsentrasi kerak nasi sangrai 60% dapat dijadikan sumber informasi dalam membuat bekasam ikan wader.
BIOLOVA Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Volume 5 Nomor 1 Februari 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v5i1.4173


Abstrak: Tanaman hias asloscasia black velvet merupakan tanaman yang memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi, sehingga menjanjikan keuntungan yang baik bagi usaha tani tanaman hias. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi dosis vermikompos lumpur tinja terhadap pertumbuhan daun tanaman hias aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula), mengetahui variasi dosis komposisi vermikompos lumpur tinja terbaik berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman hias aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancang Acak Lengkap (RAL) 1 kontrol, 4 perlakuan dan, 7 ulangan. Perlakuanya adalah tanpa vermikompos dan arang sekam, 25% vermikompos dan 75% arang sekam, 50% vermikompos dan 50% arang sekam, 75% vermikompos dan 25% arang sekam dan 100% vermikompos dan 0% arang sekam. Setiap perlakuan diberikan ulangan sebanyak 7 kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman (cm), lebar daun (cm), dan jumlah daun (helai) tanaman hias aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula). Analisis data menggunakan uji MANOVA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat pengaruh dosis vermikompos lumpur tinja terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah daun tanaman hias aloscasia black velvet (Aloscasia reginula), namum tidak terdapat pengaruh dosis vermikompos lumpur tinja terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman dan lebar daun tanaman hias aloscasia black velvet (Aloscasia reginula). Kata kunci: vermikompos lumpur tinja, tanaman hias aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula) Abstrack: Ornamental plant asloscasia black velvet is a plant that has a high selling value, thus promising good profits for ornamental plant farming. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of varying doses of fecal sludge vermicompost on leaf growth of the ornamental plant aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula), to determine the dosage variations of the best composition of vermicompost fecal sludge on the growth of ornamental plant aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula). This type of research is experimental research using a completely randomized design (CRD) 1 control, 4 treatments and 7 replications. The treatment was without vermicompost and husk charcoal, 25% vermicompost and 75% husk charcoal, 50% vermicompost and 50% husk charcoal, 75% vermicompost and 25% husk charcoal and 100% vermicompost and 0% husk charcoal. Each treatment was given 7 repetitions. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), leaf width (cm), and number of leaves (strands) of the ornamental plant Aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula). Data analysis used the MANOVA test. Based on the results of the study, there was an effect of fecal sludge vermicompost dosage on the growth of the number of leaves of the aloscasia black velvet ornamental plant (Aloscasia reginula), but there was no effect of fecal sludge vermicompost dosage on the growth of plant height and leaf width of the aloscasia black velvet ornamental plant (Aloscasia reginula). Keywords: fecal sludge vermicompost, ornamental plant aloscasia black velvet (Alocasia reginula)
BIOLOVA Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Volume 5 Nomor 1 Februari 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/biolova.v5i1.4183


Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is the main plantation commodity in Indonesia. In the development of oil palm growth. Problematic and influential pests in the growth of oil palm, namely the horn beetle Oryctes rhinoceros, L. The low level of public knowledge regarding the control of the horn beetle Oryctes rhinoceros, L. has caused plantations to decline. This research intends to find out the differences in the use of variations of pest traps to total beetle pests. This research is an experimental research. The object of this research is the beetle traps made with 3 types, namely derigen traps, funnels, and buckets. This research test was assisted by utilizing pheromones, so that the horn beetle is easily trapped because it carries hormones to attract the horn beetle Oryctes rhinoceros L.. The results of data analysis showed that Oryctes rhinoceros L. was trapped in four monitoring times. Making several varied catches, namely 43 funnels, 41 drigens and 53 buckets. Based on data analysis using Anova Sig. (P-value) = 0.036 P is the value obtained. Thus at the significance level = 0.05 rejecting Ho, the conclusion obtained is that there is an important difference in the average of the three media used in the experiment.