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Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi
ISSN : 23032006     EISSN : 24775606     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
JKK aims to encourage research in communication studies. Topics addressed within the journal include but not limited to: -Political communication is a communication that employs message and political actor or related to power, government, and policy. -Cross-cultural communication is a communication between people with different culture (for instance race, ethnic, or socio-economic) -Business communication is an idea or opinion exchange, information, instruction among people (personal or non-personal) through a various symbol to achieve company goal. -Organizational communication discusses organizational behavior and explained about interactions between people within the organization. -Health communication discusses communication strategy to distribute health information within community or society. The aim of health communication is persuading individual or society in making decision about health activity
Articles 330 Documents
Public’s perception on government’s public communication in handling covid-19 FX Ari Agung Prastowo; Centurion Chandratama Priyatna; Marroli Jeni Indarto
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.33257


Covid Task Force was assigned to handle the spread of the covid-19 virus, which keeps increasing and has caused loss of life and materials in various sectors. The task force is required to act quickly and accurately and keep focused, integrated, and synergic with ministries and regional government institutions. In doing its duty, the task force made many efforts, including implementing medical approaches such as preparing reliable medical staff and hospital facilities, implementing legal approaches such as issuing regulations to limit people from gathering or doing activities that may attract many people, and implementing communicative approach by delivering persuasive messages to encourage people to participate in accelerating covid-19 alleviation efforts. Communication strategies are implemented through various media to disseminate persuasive messages. Communicators are also trained to be a source of information regarding handling covid-19. They have to disseminate information to the public concerning strategies that the government is implementing to support and trust the government’s efforts.  In addition, the government also has to compose persuasive communication to encourage people to follow regulations and recommendations to suppress the spread of covid-19.  The government’s public communication efforts can succeed when it involves all communication channels, both the conventional and the new media, such as online and social media. In a crisis, media should be used as a friendly platform; therefore, through the task force, the government should provide complete and comprehensive information in the media.
Health communication patterns of clean and healthy behavior in islamic Boarding School Uud Wahyudin; Kismiyati El Karimah
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.35808


The information received by Santries from various sources regarding infectious diseases in Pondok Pesantren’s environment is still confusing, which causes the Santries to be confused about finding reliable sources of information for their own health. They have sought this information through various sources. The purpose of this study is to determine who is the primary source of dissemination of health communication information related to Clean and Healthy Behavior and the health communication process within the Islamic boarding school in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative research method; then, the final results presented the health communication pattern among Islamic Boarding School in Sukabumi Regency. A case study approach was used in this study. The unavailability of updated, relevant data shows that the Central Government is still not actively moving towards the success of the PHBS Program at the national level in general and the education level of Islamic boarding schools in general. The difference between the provisions of the central government and the teachings of the Islamic religion that is applied in the Islamic Boarding School environment is one of the obstacles to implementing PHBS at the education level. The health information available in the mass media cannot be used by Santries to obtain information related to health. This research concludes that health information from Kyai’s teachings are the primary sources of health information in the Pesantren environment, supported by health information written in the Al- Quran and Al-Hadiths. Santries can receive health information outside the Pesantren environment through medical personnel, mass media, and information from the school. Suggestions from this research are  PHBS counseling for Kyai and Santries according to national health standards under the guidance and supervision of the Ministry of Health.
The effect of play therapy as a therapeutic communication on social interactions of Children with Special Needs Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi; Rosanti Utami Dewi; Syaidah Nurhalimah
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.26933


Therapeutic communication is one of the communications applied to Children with Special Needs (CSN), designed for therapy. This research is triggered by the number of Children with Special Needs who have not been accommodated to receive a complete education; this means Children with Special Needs have not been able to get an education because of various problems such as school places, parents inability, and the unwillingness of parents to let their children study which is influenced by social difficulties. Children with Special Needs typically feel scared, reluctant, hesitant, or unable to express themselves; these children are often excluded because they cannot communicate and socialize well, so that the impact is not good for the psychic, mental, social, and sensory of the children. This study aims to analyze the effect of empathy and warmth on associative and dissociative social processes. The research uses a study type with a quantitative approach with 50 people as samples. Data collection is carried out through primary data collection by using a questionnaire spread to several respondents and field observation to see the therapy used. The results showed that the empathy correlation coefficient value of the associative social process was 0.443 (strong enough), and the dissociative social process was 0.554 (strong enough). Meanwhile, the value of the warmth coefficient correlation to the associative social process was 0.850 (strong), and the dissociative social process was 0.880 (strong). Thus, the effect of play therapy as a therapeutic communication on social interaction is 0.428 (strong enough), while the achievement coefficient of determination is 0.283. The independent variables have an influence and contribute with a rate of 28.3% to the independent variable.
Environmental communication for the rice field conservation in Semende Darat Tengah, South Sumatra Yenrizal Yenrizal
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.33453


Depreciation of paddy fields has become a common phenomenon due to the conversion of land functions from agriculture to non-agriculture. The reasons are due to economic factors, settlement development, or policy. In the Semende Darat Tengah of South Sumatra, the paddy fields remain, and even the areas are expanding. This study aims to identify and understand how environmental communication mechanisms are applied in local communities, especially in Semende Darat Tengah, South Sumatra, to preserve the existence of rice fields. Methodologically, this study was conducted through communication ethnography. The authors live and interact with the community and research environment. Data analysis is carried out during the research process by combining the ethical elements of the study. This study indicates that the ongoing environmental communication mechanism is based on knowledge and understanding of the prevailing customary order and knowledge of local physical conditions. This knowledge undergoes an internalization that occurs continuously, from the ancestor eras, since the settlement was formed. The internalization process can be seen from listening, comprehending, and performing activities that become a shared perception of the rice fields and the local environment. This internalization takes place in a variety of natural environmental communication settings. The three main aspects that build people’s perceptions are knowledge of the nuclear family level, interactions with neighbors and other communities, and the preserved traditional institutions.
Peer education as a method in sexual, reproductive health promotion and risk communication for adolescent Rini Harianti; Tarbiyah Nurjanah; Nofri Hasrianto
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.32280


Adolescence is a period of accelerated physical, psychological, and intellectual growth and development. It includes the development in sexual maturity of adolescents. In order to promote safe and healthy sexual and reproductive health, adolescents should be equipped with adequate knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy regarding the matter. The role of peer influence is highest during this stgae; thus, health promotion and risk communication through peer education has shown to be effective in many settings on adolescents. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the peer education method as a form of health promotion in adolescent sexual and reproductive health and risk communication at SMKN “X” Pekanbaru. It was a quasi-experimental study involving 52 students. The participants were randomized into two groups, 26 in the experimental group and 26 in the control group. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by t-test. The results showed there were significant differences in the mean changes in knowledge (p=0.000), attitudes (p=0.000), and self-efficacy (p=0.000) about sexual behavior in the experimental group receiving peer education compared to the control group. However, there was no significant difference in the mean changes in the role of peer influence between the two groups (p = 0.725). Therefore, peer education as a method in sexual and reproductive health promotion and risk communication positively changed adolescents’ knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy about sexual behavior. Hence, it is suggested for schools to provide health promotion program regarding adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health in collaboration with the Pekanbaru City Health Office and supplement it with a peer education method.
Video games reviewed as framing tool for political actor in petualangan Jokowi games Wahyu Juliangga
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.34292


Digitalization created new development in the interactive model used by political actors. One of the models is video games as a propaganda tool for electoral interest. This study tries to elaborate on the role of a video game called “Petualangan Jokowi.” This study used Political Campaigning Games (PCG) framework with game analysis as the primary method with textual and user experience approach by the casual gamers. This study showed that the video game “Petualangan Jokowi” on advergames definition based on textual approach is a by-design game for promoting Joko Widodo and another political actor inside the games to casual gamers. This game succeeds in partially framing the political actors’ characters who will be the focus inside Petualangan Jokowi. But the casual gamers are distressed to get the political message which is shown by the symbol and the story because of the shortcoming of development in content and functionality. This study also indicates casual gamers do not want to stick outplayed Petualangan Jokowi because there is no incentive for casual gamers to play Petualangan Jokowi for a long time. This factor implies the not effectively framing process because the casual gamers only received partial political messages based on lack of experience played Petualangan Jokowi. 
Communication and organizational learning in adaptation of the Radio Republik Indonesia Pandan Yudhapramesti; Deddy Mulyana; Eni Maryani; Dian Wardiana Sjuchro
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.32521


Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) had been the state media during the New Order era. However, since the fall of that regime in 1998, followed by the ratification of the Broadcasting Law Number 32 of 2002, RRI’s status changed to a public broadcasting institution (LPP). The change requires an organizational adaptation process which is not easy in practice. This study finds that communication can be both a driving factor and an obstacle to the adaptation process within the RRI organization. This research aims to explore the operationalization of communication in the adaptation process of the RRI and reveal how the flow of communication builds the relationship between members of the RRI organization; how organizational communication works in the learning process within the organization; and the dynamics of organizational learning in the adaptation process of the RRI organization. The results indicate that the dynamics of communication flows affect the organization’s communication climate. Meanwhile, organizational communication operates in several ways, namely: communication is a means to acquire as well as to conceal knowledge among RRI employees; communication helps the members of the organization understand a phenomenon from different perspectives; communication flows affect the distribution of communications; communication can be an accelerator as well as a barrier to organizational learning abilities. This study suggests further research on the role of communication to promote the internalization values of an organization into strategic decisions and concrete actions and the research on the roles of organizational culture and local culture in organizational adaptation.
Communication of the TeleCTG innovation diffusion process with midwives’ participation and empowerment Retor Aquinaldo Wirabuanaputera Kaligis; Faridhian Anshari; Sofia Primalisanti Devi
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.34307


TeleCTG is a telemedicine-based medium technology that Indonesia makes. Nowadays, Cardiotocography has only been operated by an obstetrician/gynecologist (ob-gyn) at the hospital. The occurrence of TeleCTG at Puskesmas (the public health center) helps midwives send the diagnosis online to an ob-gyn for immediate response. This technology helps to equalize the quality of health services. The research purpose is to analyze the innovation diffusion process in using TeleCTG medical devices for participation and empowerment of midwives as the frontline of public health services in the Kupang. Diffusion of innovation is a persuasive process of spreading innovation through specific channels among the members of a social system. Using an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design, then this research explored qualitative data through in-depth interviews with four informants. Questionnaires were distributed to draw the generalizability of the findings at the population level. The population is midwives from 13 sub-districts using TeleCTG in Kupang and cluster sampling techniques. Path analysis is used to see the causal relationship among elements of innovation diffusion, midwives’ participation, and midwives’ empowerment. The results found that the diffusion of innovation encourages the participation of midwives, then the participation level increases empowerment. The diffusion of innovation does not directly influence the empowerment of midwives, but there is an indirect effect of the elements on the empowerment mediated by midwives’ participation. As the final discussion, the participation of midwives is the key to increasing the empowerment of Puskesmas midwives in Kupang.
Comparison of communication skill between railroad crossing guards Dhina Setyo Oktaria
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.32557


Railroad Crossing Guard, commonly known as Penjaga Perlintasan Kereta Api (PJL), has a task in safeguarding the railroad crossing. In carrying out their task, PJL needs to communicate with other PJL and Train Dispatcher (PPKA) in the working area. Therefore, communication plays a critical role in the safety aspect. In 1987, the worst train accident happened in Indonesia’s history of railways, which was caused by miscommunication as the main factor of this accident. This study aims to improve communication skills for all PJL staff in Indonesia to achieve safety at railroad crossings. This study used primer data obtained from questionnaires distributed to 97 PJL individuals under Transportation Department (Dishub) and 97 PJL individuals under PT KAPM. Nowadays, PJL in Indonesia is under Dishub and PT KAPM. The sample was determined using Lemeshow’s formula because the number of subjects from previous studies was unknown or data on the exact number of all PJL in Indonesia was unavailable. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the Man Whitney U test. PJL under the Transportation Agency and PJL under PT KAPM did not understand the importance of recording communication when maintaining a railroad crossing. The Mann-Whitney U test inferential statistics analysis indicates that the hypothesis was accepted, namely differences in communication skills between PJL under Dishub and PJL under PT. KAPM. The average ranking value was obtained from the total comparison value of all variables from PJL of Dushub and PJL of PT KAPM, with the Mann- Whitney U test results was 79.90 and the average ranking value of PJL under PT. KAPM was 113.10.
Malaysian medical tourism communication in shaping Indonesian public opinion Trie Damayanti; Susanne Dida; Dadang Rahmat Hidayat; Sung Kyum Cho
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.35852


Malaysia is developing medical tourism as a tourism industry aimed at foreign tourists. For this tourism industry, Malaysia makes Indonesia as one of the tourist targets that are expected to bring foreign exchange for the country. Data shows that Indonesians are the largest contributor of tourists visiting Malaysia for treatment. This shows the trust of Indonesian citizens in the health services of the neighboring country. The concept of tourism communication mentions that to achieve the success of medical tourism at least several things are needed that can be fulfilled, namely: competitive prices, available human resources for medical services, the existence of research and development of medical capabilities, infrastructure development, state institutions that support medical tourism, a supportive market economy, the ability to bring together present-day medical technology with traditional, and tourist attractions. Things that are built through tourism communication itself are expected to produce a public opinion about tourist destinations, where this public opinion is the first step in the formation of a country’s brand. This study uses a survey method, which involves about 96 respondents who are on the islands of Sumatra and Java. Use descriptive analysis techniques to explore results. The results obtained by not all components in tourism communication for medical tourism are seen as influencing Indonesian opinion on Malaysian medical tourism. The strangest thing that comes to the view of the Indonesian people is Malaysia’s credibility on health services, the credibility of doctors, the equipment used, the ability to convey information, adequate infrastructure, and the beauty of tourist destinations. Most opinions state that Malaysia can show as a country that successfully develops tourist confidence in the health services offered. The implication of this research is that the opinion of foreign nationals in a country greatly affects the image of that country in the international world.