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Optimum Temperature and Time for Acid Hydrolysis in Reducing Sugar Manufacturing from Arabica Coffee Cascara with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Suryati, S; Meriatna, M; Masrullita, M; Safriwardy, Ferri; Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v3i2.4666


This research aims to utilize the Arabica coffee cascara waste as a resource for reducing sugar production, including the investigation on the temperature and time required of the acid hydrolysis. The samples were initially pretreated (drying and milling), followed by delignification with the organosolv technique using alcohol. Then, the hydrolysis was carried out using sulfuric acid (1%) at a particular temperature (95, 100, and 105 °C) and time (2, 4, and 6 h) variations. Yield percentage, density, and reducing concentration were analyzed in each trial to generate a response surface methodology model. Based on the results, the hydrolysis can be optimized at 96.46 °C for 2.59 h, yielding 16.7696% reducing sugar.
Implementasi Metode Weighted Product Untuk Pemilihan Pemberdayaan Industri Kecil Menengah Pada Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan Kabupaten Pandeglang Pratama, Aghy Gilar; Wibowo, Andrianto Heri; Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah; Rizky, Robby
Jutis (Jurnal Teknik Informatika) Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jutis (Jurnal Teknik Informatika)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33592/jutis.v8i2.1104


Industi kecil menengah adalah industri yang harus terus diarahkan agar dapat bekembang menjadi industri yang besar, jumlah industri kecil pada saat ini berkembang dengan sangat cepat yang didukung oleh sumberdaya alam dan sumberaya manusia yang memadai, akan tetapi untuk pengoptimalan keberadaan industri kecil menengah oleh Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan Kabupaten Pandeglang masih belum merata dan cendurng sangat lambat, sehingga banyak industri kecil menengah yang tidak bisa berkembang karena tidak ada pemberdayaan dari Dinas terkait. Industri kecil menengah ini memiliki peran sebagai pemacu dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah, dimana industri dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya alam dan manusia agar dapat merubah perekonomian daerah, sesuai dengan Peraturan Mentri Perindustrian RI Nomor 64 Tahun 2016, bahwa industri kecil menengah merupakan industri yang memenuhi ketentuan karyawan paling banyak 19 orang tenaga kerja dan memeiliki investai paling sedikit satu milyar rupiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan Kabupaten Pandeglang pada Proses pemberdayaan industry, dengan menggunakan metode Weighted Product (WP). Metode Weighted Product (WP) merupakan teknik pengamabilan keputusan dari beberap pilihan alternatif yang ada, metode ini dapat membantu menyelesaikan dalam menentukan keputusan secara efektif, dengan memecahan masalah, multikriteria yang hasilnya dapat diambil berdasarkan nilai teringgi. Proses penentuan nilai/rangking metode Weighted Product, dimulai dengan pembobotan kriteria kemudian perhitungan nilai total dan selanjutnya perhitungan penentuan rangking, sehingga sistem pendukung keputusan mampu menampilkan rangking dari pemilihan pemberdayaan peserta industri kecil menengah. Adapuan kriteria yang digunakan adalah Tenaga Kerja, Nilai Investasi, Jumlah Kapasitas dan Nilai Produksi, dengan adanya penerapan metode Weighted Product (WP) pada sistem Pendukung keputusan mampu menampilkan rangking dari pemilihan pemberdayaan peserta industri kecil menengah sebagai bahan pertimbangan.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Juli - Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum

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The crime of website hacking is already a widespread crime in Indonesia. Crime of website hacking is a type of crime that is difficult to detect. Unlike ordinary conventional crimes, crime victims generally do not realize that they have become victims, they generally do not report because they think that the existing law has not ensnared the perpetrators, the lack of knowledge of the legal apparatus regarding technological developments so that they are less able to anticipate the development of these crimes, also because they assume proving that a crime has occurred in front of the court is very difficult. The perpetrators of hacking website hacking there are charged with the applicable law, even though in reality there is no specific article governing the crime of hacking on the website. There should be a more specific regulation regarding the evidence system for hacking website mebsite crime because Indonesia is a country that adheres to the principle of legality, if a crime occurs then it will be seen whether there are legal provisions that govern it and whether the existing rules can be enforced. Based on this understanding, the authors identify two problem formulations, First how the type of modus operandi in website hacking crimes is rife in Indonesia. Second, how is the weakness of the evidentiary system in the crime of hacking websites in Indonesia.This type of research can be classified in normative juridical research, because this research is conducted by examining secondary data and approaches to law, this normative research examines the principles of legal principles of law. The data sources used are, primary data, secondary data, tertiary data, data collection techniques in this study are normative juridical, the data used is library research.Based on the results of research and problems in this study is the modus operandi of the crimes of hackers that is to find the target computer system that is about to be entered, then infiltrate and tap the password, and the last is exploring the computer system. Weaknesses in the system of proving hacking websites can be seen from the legal instruments which are one of the obstacles in proving the crime. This can be felt as if the crimes committed by law enforcers are not ready or even unable (technological stuttering) to investigate the perpetrators and the evidence used in connection with this form of crime is difficult to detect. In general, investigators are still very minimal in mastering computer operations and understanding of computers as well as the ability to conduct investigations of these cases.Keywords: Cyber Crime, Proof System, Website Hacking Website
PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM PROSES BELAJAR ANAK DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DALAM MENUMBUHKAN SIKAP ILMIAH (Studi Kasus Pada Siswa Usia 10-12 Tahun pada Mata Pelajaran IPA) Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah; Arda, Arda
Musawa: Journal for Gender Studies Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak, IAIN Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/msw.v12i1.592


The purpose of this study was to identify the role of parents in fostering children's scientific attitudes in science lessons in the midst of the pandemic situation COVID-19. The method used in this research is a case study, namely the research design used to reveal in more detail and comprehensively the situation of the object being analyzed. In addition, researchers also use qualitative case study methods used to obtain information. The results showed that the planning of planting scientific attitudes by parents was to provide opportunities for children to demonstrate scientific attitudes. The implementation of planting scientific attitudes by showing examples of scientific attitudes, providing positive reinforcement or rewards for students who show scientific attitudes, and providing opportunities for students to show scientific attitudes. The attitudes shown in the indicators of scientific attitudes studied, namely the attitude of curiosity, objective attitudes towards data and sensitive attitudes towards the environment are included in the high quality category in this study. by: (a). the ability of parents who are not sufficient in guiding / accompanying their children to study at home, especially in material that involves the experimental process in the learning process, (b). The teacher's explanation time in online learning is considered by parents to be very short which results in confusion in accompanying children to study at home, (c). inadequate facilities and infrastructure.
Musawa: Journal for Gender Studies Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak, IAIN Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/msw.v13i1.746


The golden age is a period that cannot be repeated again. This period also determines the life of a human being in the future. When learning there are aspects that experience development, namely cognitive, abstract thinking, creative thinking, social-emotional, motor, language or communication, and can also develop creativity. So from this aspect it can improve the development of children's multiple intelligences. Multiple Intelligences include verbal linguistics, logical-mathematical, visual spatial, musical, kinetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist and existential. The purpose of this study is to analyze how multiple intelligences can be developed in early childhood. With this research, parents can recognize the intelligence of children and even direct and develop intelligence to the fullest. This research is a qualitative research with literature study. The results of this study are Multiple Intelligence in the aspect of linguistic intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence is very important to be developed in early childhood, because it becomes a bridge in developing children's intelligence, the development of linguistic intelligence provides communication and socialization skills and expresses children to the outside world, while Interpersonal intelligence provides the ability to manage emotional-social so that it becomes a controller for children in thinking and acting towards maturity.
Tadulako Master Law Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021): JUNE
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Salah satu Asas Utama yang melandasi hukum perjanjian adalah asas keseimbangan. Asas keseimbangan ini membawa pengertian bahwa setiap orang memiliki posisi tawar menawar dan kedudukan yang seimbang dalam menentukan kriteria isi perjanjian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaturan klausula baku antar pihak dalam mencapai keseimbangan dalam keadilan berkontrak. Serta juga menganalisis dan menjelaskan Kriteria Kontrak Konsumen Dalam Mencapai Keadilan Berkontrak. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum Yuridis Normatif, dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Perundang-Undangan, Pendekatan Konseptual, Dan Pendekatan Kasus. Hasil Penelitian Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa Pengaturan klausula baku dalam mencapai keseimbangan dalam keadilan Berkontrak yang pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk mewujudkan keadilan dalam kebebasan berkontrak bagi kedua belah pihak maka dengan adanya asas keseimbangan dalam klausula baku ini harus dijadikan dasar untuk menentukan keabsahan dalam suatu perjanjian. Dan adanya keadilan berkontrak dalam kontrak konsumen merupakan prinsip persamaan, kesetaraan, dan kebebasan yang memiliki nilai keadilan yang dapat menjujung tinggi harkat dan martabat kedudukan antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen.
Jurnal Nutrire Diaita (Ilmu Gizi) Vol 13, No 02 (2021): NUTRIRE DIAITA
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Unversitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/nut.v13i2.4095


Hypertension is one of the important factors as a trigger for non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, so it is necessary to monitor the health of hypertensive patients, one of which is the Chronic Disease Management Program (PROLANIS). Research Objectives: to determine the relationship of Prolanis Program to sodium, potassium and fiber intake and blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the working area of Kuta Alam Health Center, Banda Aceh City.  This type of research is analytic descriptive using a cross sectional approach. The study was conducted in February 2019 in the work area of the Kuta Alam Banda Aceh puskesmas. Sampling was done with a total sampling of 35 hypertensive patients. Data collected included sodium intake, potassium and fiber intake using the food recall form and blood pressure data using sphygmomanometer measurements. Data analysis using chi-square statistical tests using univariate and bivariate analysis.  There is a relationship between prolanis education on sodium intake in hypertensive patients with P Value = 0.004, There is a relationship between prolanis education on potassium intake in hypertensive patients with P Value = 0.044. There is a relationship between prolanis education on fiber intake in hypertensive patients with P Value = 0.002 and there is a relationship between prolanis education on blood pressure in hypertensive patients with P Value = 0.001. Prolanis education programs affect the intake of sodium, potassium, fiber and blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Keywords: Education, Sodium intake, Potassium, Fiber, Blood pressure.
Unnes Science Education Journal Vol 7 No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang in Collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/usej.v7i3.23064


This research aims to (1) develop valid questions to measure Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for chemical teacher candidates on ionic equilibrium in solution topic (2) evaluate chemical teacher candidates’ HOTS on ionic equilibrium in solution topic. Research is a development research type formative research that consist of analyzing, designing, evaluating, and revising. All data are analyzed using descriptive technique. Subject in this research are chemical teacher candidates of University of Riau Chemical Education Study Program. The results of this research are: (1) four of valid HOTS open-ended questions on ionic equilibrium in solution topic. (2) value of chemical teacher candidates’ HOTS on ionic equilibrium in solution topic is 33.18 which put in medium category.
Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/re.v12i1.5790


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of mediating the role of parents and students' learning motivation on student achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic.The research method in this study used a quantitative approach with field studies andconfirmatory methods. Data analysis was carried out using the Structural EquationModeling (SEM) approach with the Partial Least Square technique. The software toolsused are Smart PLS 3.3.2. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 02 Gorontalo with the number of research respondents 51 students with saturated sampling techniqueThe results of this study are (1) learning motivation has a positive and significant effect on learning achievement with a significance value of 0.000 and t-count t-table (4.589  2.010), (2) learning motivation has a positive and significant influence on the role of people. parents with a significance value of 0.000 and t-count t-table (8.975 2.010), (3) the role of parents has a positive and significant influence on learning achievement with a significance value of 0.001 and t-count t-table (3,405 2.010), (4) and the role of parents can mediate the effect of the relationship of learning motivation on student learning achievement with a significance value of 0.006 and t-count t-table (2.784  2.010). Learning achievement can be influenced by learning motivation and the role of parents either directly or indirectly.
Proximate Composition, Total Phenolic Content, and Sensory Analysis of Rice Bran Tempeh Cempaka, Laras; Eliza, Naila; Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah; Handoko, Dody D.; Astuti, Rizki Maryam
Makara Journal of Science
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Tempeh is a fermented food prepared using the rawmaterials of soybean fermented by Rhizopus sp. This traditional food is fairly highly consumed in Indonesia. Soybean, which is the primary raw material used in the processing of tempeh, is still being imported due to its insufficient production in Indonesia. Rice bran can be used as a substitute forsoybeans in tempeh processing to add to its (health) benefit. Rice bran has good nutritional value as it contains a high total content of phenolic compounds, dietary fiber, fat, and the amino acid lysine. Thus, rice bran provides anopportunity to use it as a product with functional properties. This study was conducted to determine the proximate characteristics, the total phenolic content (TPC), and the sensory properties of tempeh with the addition of rice bran, chitosan, andgluconodelta-lactone (GDL). The addition of chitosan was used as a source of prebiotic, and GDL was required to accelerate the fermentation process. The chemical characteristics (protein, fat, and water content), the TPC, and the sensory properties (color, aroma, texture, and overall acceptability) of rice bran tempeh were analyzed. Results showed that the tempeh sample with the addition of 20% (w/w) rice bran showed the best sensory analysis. It consisted of 57.23% of water content, 37.42% of protein content, 19.72% of fat content, and 83.98 mg GAE/100 g of TPC.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Rahman Abdullah Abdullah Abdur Rauf, Abdur Achmad Ramadhan Achmad, Isma’il Adinda Suciyandhani Afana Riesma Ila’la, Afana Riesma Afik Hardanto Amaliah, Isma Andi Pasinringi Anggita Rahmadhani Apdila Safitri Arda Arda Arjuna Arjuna Asep Handaya Saputra Asep Saputra Asna Mustofa Atiqa Aulia Azhiimatun Qurrotu A’yuni Bagio Kadaryanto, Bagio Buchori Asyik Budiman, Yosef Satrianus Chairul Irawan Dahlia Dahlia David Kaluge Denny Widhiyanuriyawan Devi Lestari Dewi, Puput Puspita Dwi Intan Rahayu Edy Haryono Eliza, Naila Endang Warih Minarni Eni Sumarni erdiansyah erdiansyah, erdiansyah Evi Deliana HZ Evie Awuy Firman Firman Fitri Diana Wulansari Gandung Sugita Gunawan Gunawan Gusman Lesmana Hamdani Hamdani Handoko, Dody D. Happy Ariyanto Hartinah Hartinah Harun, Asri Martha K. Hasby Syarifuddin Masyhuri, Hasby Syarifuddin Hasiru, Roy Hasniar Hasniar, Hasniar Herdin Muhtarom Herri Novealdi Idha Sari Ilato, Rosman Ilmi, Syaiful Imam Prawiranegara Gani INDIRA PUTRI FAUHAN Indriastuti, K Janur, Nur Akifah Jibril, Hadira Thumaninah Juli Julaiha Jumadi Tangko Kasnaeny Karim, Kasnaeny Khalikussabir, Khalikussabir Krissandi Wijaya Kurniati, Fitrah Laras Cempaka Magvira, Magvira Masrukhi Masrukhi Masrullita, M Masrurodin, Zaenul Melizubaida Mahmud Meriatna Miranti Adelia Afda Moh. Alamsyah Muh Syukri MUHAMMAD AGUS SALIM Muhammad Al-hafiz MUHAMMAD ALI Muhammad Arsyad Suyuti Muhammad Asyraf Al-Kholis Muhammad Fachri Muhammad Rivai Mulyani, Nunung Sri Munawir Munawir Naisya Hanan, Naisya Ni Putu Galuh Megantari Ekaputri, Ni Putu Galuh Nugroho Dewanto Nur Helmi Nurjannah Nurmawati Nasibu Nurul Maulida Alwi Oktavianus Prayitno, Oktavianus Oktawati, Nurul Ovie Panigoro, Meyko Pariyadi, Pariyadi Poloalo, Ayudia Pratama, Aghy Gilar Purnami Purnami Purwoko H Kuncoro, Purwoko H Putri Neva Octavia Putri Rieski Imanda, Putri Rieski Radia Hafid Rafika Ratik Srimurni Rahma Faelasofi, Rahma Rainarli, Ednawati Rais, Amin Rasmiwetti Rasmiwetti, Rasmiwetti Rejebmamet, Rejebmamet Reza Kusuma Nurrohman, Reza Kusuma Rinitha Dinda Safitri, Rinitha Dinda Riswan Berutu Rizki Maryam Astuti Rizky, Robby Rosmaniar Gailea Safriwardy, Ferri Saharuddin Nara Sahnan Rangkuti Salim Said Daulay Sastrio, Sastrio Sedarmayanti, Sedarmayanti Seniati Seniati, Seniati Siswanto, A Siswantoro Siswantoro Siti Ulfatun Najiyyah, Siti Ulfatun Sopan Sofian Sri Wilda Albeta Suci Puji Hadianti Sudirman Sudirman Suharto, Adviansyah Huda Suryati, S Syaharuddin Rasyid Syarwani Canon Taku Nishimura, Taku Taslim, Syafaat triantoro, dony arung Umami, Nia Nurul Usman Moonti Vania Vania Venni Julyandy Putri Waeduramae, Sulaeman Wahyudi David Wardoyo, E Hagni Wargadalem, Farida Ratu Wibowo, Andrianto Heri William Wibowo Yunita Sabrina, Yunita Yusuf Kendek Yusuf Kendek Paluin Zubaidah Zubaidah