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JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) Vol 5, No 3 (2019): November
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v5i3.8842


Intention to act and environmental issues knowledge has been assumed as the two variables which affect people?s environmental behavior. This study aimed at determining the correlations between variables (i.e. intention to act, environmental issues knowledge, and environmental behavior) on biology teachers in State High Schools of Pandeglang Regency. This survey research used quantitative approach. The sample was 51 teachers chosen using simple random sampling.  Meanwhile, the population was 61 teachers in State High Schools of Pandeglang Regency. The data gained were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that environmental knowledge gives direct impact on environmental behavior with coefficient value was 0.472. The same phenomena were also occurred in the intention to act towards the teachers? environmental behavior (0.508). In addition, the intention to act was directly influenced by environmental knowledge (0.364), while the environmental behavior was indirectly affected by environmental knowledge (0.185). Thus, the findings of this study can be basic information to determine the most proper strategy to cultivate a good environmental behavior.
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) Vol 5, No 3 (2019): November
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v5i3.7807


The meaningful learning of respiratory system will be enacted by students through the utilization of problem-based learning interactive media. This study aimed to develop problem-based interactive learning media on respiratory system material. This Research and Development (R&D) was conducted based on Borg and Gall with ten stages, namely: 1)  research and information collecting, 2) planning, 3) developing, 4) preliminary field testing, 5) main product revision, 6) main field testing, 7) operational product revision, 8) operational field testing, 9) final product revision, 10) dissemination. The results of the research showed that the materials score achieved by the media developed was 90% (very good), while the media presentation score was 83% (very good); in addition, the language score gained was 99% (very good). Thus, the average score was 91% (very good) which means that the interactive learning media developed was recognized as very good to be implemented in respiratory system learning for eleventh graders. To go further, the teachers and students gave their response to the media as high as 80% (very good) and 89% (very good) respectively. To conclude, ?resysmart? interactive media is strongly recommended to be used in respiratory system learning for eleventh graders.
Implementasi HOTS-AEP pada Siswa SD dan SMP: Profil Gender Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Lingkungan Ichsan, Ilmi Zajuli; Sigit, Diana Vivanti; Miarsyah, Mieke; Prayitno, Trio Ageng; Ali, Ahmad; Arif, Wiwin Pramita; Dewi, Aryani Kadarwati; Iriani, Enin; Hermawati, Farah Muthi
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v2i2.19054


In the 21st century learning the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is very necessary especially in Environmental Learning. The problem is the unavailability of students' HOTS profiles. The purpose of this study was to describe the HOTS profile of elementary and junior high school students based on gender using Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment based on Environmental Problems (HOTS-AEP). The study was conducted in July 2019. The sample used was 130 students, consisting of 14 male students and 18 female students at the elementary level. Then, 29 male students and 69 female students for junior high school. The results showed that the overall HOTS score of students were in very low category with the average score of junior high school for male students (17.70) and female (21.10) while elementary school students for male (20.70) and female (23.60). There were differences in scores between elementary and junior high school based on gender. This showed that the ability of HOTS students in environmental learning still needs to be improved. The conclusion was HOTS of female students still higher than male students at the elementary and junior high school. Besides that overall students HOTS are still very low and need to be improved.
Relationship between Ecosystem Knowledge and Locus of Control with Intention to Act in MAN on Environment of Sukabumi District Solihin, Solihin; Sigit, Diana Vivanti; Miarsyah, Mieke
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 4 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i4.2529


Intention to act of students is an interpretation of knowledge of ecosystems and locus of control. This study aims to look at the relevance of students' intention to act which is analyzed through ecosystem knowledge and locus of control. Research on the intention to act to date has been developed because of the problem of deterioration in people's behavior in interacting in the ecosystem. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with a sample of 203 respondents. The technique used is multistage random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire for locus of control and intention to act data collection. Multiple choice instrument in retrieving data on ecosystem knowledge of students. This study concluded that there was a relationship between ecosystem knowledge and locus of control with the intention to act.
Flash Based Interactive Multimedia Development to Increasing Learning Outcomes of Participants in High School in Materials Excretory System Puspitasari, Rini; Miarsyah, Mieke; Rusdi, Rusdi
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 4 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i4.2530


This study aims to develop flash-based interactive multimedia for class XI students as a media in the learning process in Pandeglang 2 High School. This flash-based interactive multimedia is used to facilitate students in mastering excretion system material. This research includes development research with reference to borg and gall. Products developed based on preliminary research are flash-based interactive multimedia for students of class XI containing excretory system material. The trial subjects in this development research were expert subjects, namely excretory system experts, learning media experts, linguists, and sample subjects of high school class XI students as potential product users. Determination of the sample subject using random sampling, which consists of 15 students for the main field trial, and 90 students for the operational field test. The results of the development research are: (1) The learning media development model is carried out through several stages, namely conducting information gathering, product planning developed, early flash-based multimedia product forms, early stage field testing, flash-based revision of early multimedia products, main field tests , revisions to operational products, operational field tests, final product revisions, and operational field tests (2) Learning media are able to have a positive impact on the learning outcomes of class XI students at SMAN 2 Pandeglang by obtaining a percentage of 76.58% with criteria "Good."
Hubungan antara wilayah kendali dan tanggung jawab personal dengan intensi pro lingkungan Dasi, Ahsanul Akhsan; Miarsyah, Mieke; Rusdi, Rusdi
Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24854/jpu87


Locus of control is a belief in oneself as a center of control that directs a person's behavior to move within him towards the outside of them. Personal responsibility can be defined as individuals who deal with actions that will affect others. The role of personal responsibility is important to change students' pro-environmental intention. This study aims to analyze the relationship between locus of control and personal responsibility with pro-environmental intention at SMAN 8 Makassar City. Participants for the study were 120 students from 11th grade. This study used a quantitative approach with a descriptive method of correlation techniques, using survey data. The results showed a positive relationship between locus of control and personal responsibility with pro-environmental intention.
The Influence of Environmental Sensitivity, Knowledge and Desire Issues (Intention To Act) with Students Behaviour as State Citizens Towards Environment Susilowati, Diliana; Miarsyah, Mieke; Sigit, Diana Vivanti
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 8 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i8.2764


Students’ behaviour as citizens towards environment is an act of voluntary and free to conduct activities that benefit the environment. This study aims to analyse the influence environmental sensitivity, knowledge of environmental issues, and intention to act, with students’ behaviour as citizens towards the environment. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and using survey methods, and analysed using path analysis. The number of samples used as respondents was 188 students in grade XI of MIA SMAN 1 Tarumajaya Tambun Utara Kabupaten Bekasi school year of 2019/2020. Based on the results of hypothesis it can be concluded that there is a positive direct influence of environmental sensitivity towards knowledge of environmental issues. There is a direct positive influence of environmental sensitivity on the intention to act. There is a direct positive influence of environmental sensitivity on student behaviour as citizens towards environment. There is a direct positive influence of knowledge of environmental issues on the intention to act. There is a direct positive influence of knowledge of environmental issues on student behaviour as citizens towards environment. There is a direct positive influence of the intention to act on student behaviour as citizens towards environment with large path coefficients. There is an indirect positive influence of environmental sensitivity on the intention to act through the knowledge of environmental issues. There is an indirect positive influence of knowledge of environmental issues on student behaviour as citizens towards environment through the intention to act. There is an indirect positive influence of environmental sensitivity on student behaviour as citizens towards environment through the knowledge of environmental issues and the intention to act.
The Effect of Using E-Learning Based Guided Discovery Learning Model Based on Self-Efficacy Towards Student Learning Outcomes In Biology Class in Reproductive System Subject in High School Atiyah, Umu; Miarsyah, Mieke; Sigit, Diana Vivanti
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 9 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i9.2732


Guided Discovery Learning is a learning model that is considered capable of improving student learning outcomes while Self-efficacy is self-confidence in an individual’s abilities. This study aims to determine the effect of guided discovery learning model and self-efficacy towards student learning outcomes in biology class. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental. This study has a sample of 200 students from 256 students. The technique used is Cluster random sampling. The instruments used are multiple choices and questionnaire. Data from the three variables are analysed using the Two-Way ANOVA Test and the Tukey Test, at a significance level of 0.005. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that Guided Discovery Learning model and an individual’s self-efficacy can improve student learning outcomes. Both Guided Discovery Learning model and self-efficacy can improve student learning outcomes and have positive interactions between the two variables. The implications of this study are as a basis for increasing the use of learning models using technology, and teachers as educators are able to encourage students to improve self-efficacy.
Development of Motion System Animation Videos (SkelToon) to Increase Learning Motivation Widianingsih, Mia; Miarsyah, Mieke; Ristanto, Rizhal Hendi
Journal of Biology Education Vol 10 No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v10i1.43941


The purpose of this study was to analyze how the use of SkelToon animated video learning media in improving students' learning motivation on motion system materials. This research was conducted at SMAN 30 Kab. Tangerang. The method used in this research is a 4D research and development model method consisting of four stages, namely the definition, design, development, and distribution of research design one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects in this study were 21 students who sat in grade XI mipa. The research instrument used in this research is a non-test instrument in the form of a learning motivation questionnaire. The results of media feasibility test by validator showed that animated video media designed in the category is very valid, and in this study statistical test using t-test of paired samples that showed that the significance value obtained in this study was 0.000 which is less than 0.05 , then based on the anal results.
Interactive Multimedia Effectiveness in Improving Cell Concept Mastery Rosamsi, Saiman; Miarsyah, Mieke; Ristanto, Rizhal Hendi
Journal of Biology Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v8i1.28154


The learning process has been carried out in the conventional way, this is caused by the teacher's understanding of using multimedia is still not optimal, so the learning method used is still limited. This phenomenon makes the researchers interested in doing this research. The purpose of the study to determine the effectiveness of multimedia use in improving mastery of cell concepts. this study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the use of interactive multimedia provides a good value of effectiveness in mastering the concept of students cells, compared with learning using conventional media. This is evidenced by the t test on spss obtained value t = 0.00. Based on these results the average value of the gain experimental class is greater, which is 41, compared to the average value of the gain control class, which is 32. The results of this study is indicate there are differences in learning by using interactive multimedia and learning with conventional media. The success of this research can be used by educators in supporting the learning process, especially in biology. Keywords: cell, Interactive Multimedia, Mastery of concepts.
Co-Authors Aby Hanhan Ulil Abshor Kosasih Ade Suryanda Adisyahputra Adisyahputra Adisyahputra Adisyahputra Ahmad Ali Ahsanul Akhsan Dasi Ahsanul Akhsan Dasi Aisyah Wardatul Jannah Jamil Anggi Putri Suhadi Aniza Fitria Amlimny Annisa Wulan Agus Utami Arif Hadi Broto Arif, Wiwin Pramita Asih Susiati Atiyah, Umu Azrai, Eka Putri Bagus Tito Wibisono Berti Priska Gea Budiaman Dasi, Ahsanul Akhsan Dasi, Ahsanul Akhsan Dea Hermadianti Demas Athallah Naufananda Desi Eka Nur Fitriana Dewahrani, Yulilina Retno Dewi, Aryani Kadarwati Diana Vivanti Diana Vivanti Sigit Dina Rahma Fadlilah Dwi Angelita Dwi Septiana Dwi Yunar Azhar Eka Putri Azrai El Islami, R. Ahmad Zaky Erna Heryanti Ervan Nurkholis Ervina Dwi Puspita Evita Nury Hariyanti Feni Oetari Feryl Ilyasa Fitri Rizkiyah Fitri Rizkiyah Gayuh Nugroho Dwi Putranto Helda Dumayanti Henita Rahmayanti Hermawati, Farah Muthi Heryanti, Erna Heryanti, Erna Husamah Husamah Husna Sabila I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I Made Putrawan I Made Putrawan Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan Iman, Fauzul Imas Gandasari Indah Praminingsih Indah Pratiwi Iriani, Enin Kamilia Fadhilah Maryana Khairotun Nihlah Khairotun Nihlah Lailah fauziah Md. Mehadi Rahman Meilani Putri Winingsih Melani Wulandari Melia Melia Muhammad Yazid Munawar, Syella Nabilah Rahma Putri Nia Nurdiani Nina Wirdianti Ningsih, Luthfi Rahayu Novalia Widya Ningrum NURHAYATI NURHAYATI Nurmasari Sartono Oot Hotimah Puji Lestari Ratna Komala Ratna Komala Ratna Komala, Ratna Remli Nelmian Simarmata Reni Indrayanti, Reni Rini Puspitasari, Rini Risda Putri Indriani Rizhal Hendi Ristanto Rizki Awalia Rosamsi, Saiman Rosamsi, Saiman Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi, R. Sabila, Husna Saiman Rosamsi Satri Dwi Kurnia Septi Rahmania Septika Augis Ulmi Kaan Silvani Mursida Damanik Solihin Solihin Sri Wahyuni Suci Kusuma Wardini Supriyatin Supriyatin Susilowati, Diliana Syella Munawar TRI AYU ASTUTI Tri Wahyuni Trio Ageng Prayitno, Trio Ageng Vonny - Vonny Widianingsih, Mia Wirdianti, Nina Woro Tien Asrini Putri Yulilina Retno Dewahrani