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TINDAK TUTUR MENYURUH PADA KEGIATAN ULAON UNJUK (UPACARA PUNCAK PERNIKAHAN) ADAT BATAK TOBA: PERSPEKTIF GENDER Order Speech Act in Ulaon Unjuk (The Ceremony of Peak Wedding) in Batak's Toba Culture: Gender Perspective saragi, christina natalina
Jurnal Lingko : Jurnal Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa NTT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/jl.v2i1.47


Tujuan tindak tutur menyuruh adalah mempengaruhi mitra tutur melakukan atau tidak melakukan apa yang terdapat dalam tuturan penutur. Tujuan penelitian untuk menemukan realisasi serta strategi bertutur dari sub tindak tutur menyuruh oleh tamu pria dan tamu wanita dalam kegiatan ulaon unjuk (upacara puncak pernikahan) adat Batak Toba di Tebing Tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, melakukan perekaman terhadap kegiatan ulaon unjuk dengan alat rekam atau dengan video dan setelah itu melakukan ditranskip otografis dengan tujuan untutk menemukan data yang mengandung sub tindak tutur menyuruh dengan tujuan untuk menemukana realisasi serta strategi bertutur dari sub tindak tutur menyuruh pada kegiatan ulaon unjuk. Ditemukan beberapa realisasi serta stratgei bertutur pada tuturan tamu pria antara lain adalah realisasi dengan melakukan aksi langsung litearal, menggunakan modal, menyarankan langsung litearal, membujuk, menuntun langsung litearal, agar menjadi yang diungkapkan dengan makna sebenarnya langsung litearal , agar menjadi yang diungkapkan dengan metaphor langsung tidak literal dan  tamu wanita ditemukan antara lain realisasi melakukan aksi secara literal langsung, berubah menjadi dengan makna sebenarnya literal langsung, menggunakan modal literal langsung, menyarankan literal langsung, membujuk literal langsung, dan terakhir realisasi menuntun literal dan langsung
Wujud Tuturan Mengkritik Rocky Gerung terhadap Pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo Christina Natalina Saragi
SUAR BETANG Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/surbet.v14i2.125


The speech of criticism is considered important but the speech of criticism that we say, must be determined its direction. The purpose of this study is to find out why RG, as the subject of this research, uses a strategy of criticizing (directly or indirectly) when discussing discussions about President Joko Widodo's government policies. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data of this study are the speech of RG whose data source was obtained from the ILC Talk Show on President Joko Widodo's government policy. The results obtained from this research are the criticism of speech acts strategy used by RG is to criticize directly which includes a negative assessment of 20.16%, denunciation of 16.26%, expression of disagreement 29%, and statement of problem 23.37% and not directly in the form of advice on change. Based on the data obtained that direct criticism on the expression of contradiction to be the most dominant used by Rocky Cerung caused by several factors including the critical attitude character factors owned by RG, educational background factors, and thirdly based on the background of many experiences in possessed by RG made him more courageous in giving criticism especially to the policies of the Joko Widodo government.AbstrakTuturan kritikan dianggap penting akan tetapi tuturan kritikan yang kita tuturkan tersebut, harus dapat ditentukan arahnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan mengapa Rocky Gerung, sebagai subjek dari penelitian ini, menggunakan strategi bertutur mengkritik (langsung atau tidak langsung) ketika membahas pembahasan tentang kebijakan pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Metode penelitian yang digunanakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah tuturan Rocky Gerung yang sumber data diperoleh dari acara Talk Show ILC tentang kebijakan pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penenlitian ini adalah Strategi tindak tutur mengkritik yang digunakan oleh Rocky Gerung adalah mengkritik secara langsung  yang meliputi penilaian negative 20,16%, pencelaan 16,26%, ekspresi pertentangan 29%, dan pernyataan masalah 23,37% dan tidak langsung berupa nasehat perubahan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh bahwa mengkritik langsung pada ekspresi pertentangan menjadi yang paling dominasi digunaka oleh Rocky Cerung disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain adalah faktor karakter sikap kritis yang dimiliki oleh Rocky gerung, Faktor latar belakang pendidikan , dan ketiga berdasarkan latar belakang pengalaman yang sudah banyak di miliki  oleh Rocky Gerung  menjadikan dirinya lebih berani dalam memberikan kritikan terutama pada kebijakan pemerintahan Jokowi.
Sirok Bastra Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Sirok Bastra
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37671/sb.v8i1.192


Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi perbedaan strategi kesantunan dalam tindak tutur menyuruh tamu pria dan wanita Batak Toba dalam kegiatan ulaon unjuk (upacara puncak pernikahan) adat Batak Toba di Tebing Tinggi. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif.  Strategi kesantunan yang paling dominan dituturkan oleh tamu pria adalah strategi kesantunan langsung, tidak langsung yang direalisasikan dengan metafor, positif yang direalisasikan dengan berkelakar membuat lelucon dan negatif yang direalisasikan dengan kurangi kekuatan atau daya ancaman terhadap muka lawan tutur; sedangkan tamu wanita Batak Toba adalah kesantunan langsung. Strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh tamu pria Batak Toba dipengaruhi oleh faktor sikap tamu pria Batak Toba yang langsung dalam mengungkapkan suatu hal, tidak bertele-tela, faktor pengalaman yang lebih di dalam adat istiadat sehingga dapat berkelakar serta bermetafor, dan faktor kebudayaan yaitu patrialisme, kekuasaan berada ditangan pria batak Toba, hal ini yang melatar belakangi pria batak Toba menggunakan empat strategi kesantunan Brown dan Levinson (1987) sedangkan tamu wanita Batak Toba, faktor situasional melatarbelakangi sehingga tamu wanita lebih dominan menuturkan strategi kesantunan langsung dan faktor kebudayaan yaitu sikap dan peran yang sudah diwariskan kepada wanita batak Toba, sikap wanita Batak Toba yaitu ramah, lemah lembut, teliti serta mudah diterima dimasyarakat dan peran sebagai istri yang melayani suami, membesarkan dan mengajari  anak-anak serta mengurus rumah tangga yang melatar belakangi tamu wanita batak Toba menggunakan empat strategi kesantunan Brown dan Levinson (1987). The purpose of the study was to identify differences in politeness strategies in order speech acts of male and female Batak Toba guests in the ulaon unjuk (the peak wedding ceremony) of the Batak Toba custom in Tebing Tinggi. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. The most dominant politeness strategies spoken by male guests are direct politeness strategies, indirectly realized by metaphors, positive realized by making jokes, and negatives realized by reducing the strength or power of threat to the face of the opposing speaker, whereas female guests of the Toba Batak are direct politeness. The politeness strategy used by male guests of Batak Toba was influenced by factors in the attitude of male Batak Toba guests who are directly in expressing a matter, not rambling, more experience factors in customs so that they can joke and report, and cultural factors namely patrialism, in which the power in the hands of Toba Batak men, this was the background of Toba Batak men using four politeness strategies Brown and Levinson (1987) while female guests of Toba Batak, situational factors lie behind so that female guests are more dominant in telling direct politeness strategies and cultural factors namely attitudes and roles has been passed down to Toba Batak women, the attitude of Batak Toba women is friendly, gentle, conscientious and easily accepted in the community and the role as a wife who serves her husband, raising and teaching children and taking care of the household that is the background of Toba Batak women guests using four strategies Brown politeness and Levinson (1987).
Penerapan Model PAKEM Pada Kursus Bimbingan Belajar Berbasis Tematik Gratis di SDN 175795 Lobutangga Narambean Simanjuntak; Diana Sihombing; Serepina Lubis; Winda Josefina Simamora; Sugita Sonya Simanjuntak; Lolly Biopanni Simanjuntak; Christina Natalina Saragi
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 2: February-April 2022
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022209


The goal of implementing this community service program (PkM) is to use an active, creative, effective, and enjoyable learning model (PAKEM) in thematic-based learning. Based on first observations made on January 29, 2022 utilizing the direct review and interview approach (to the principal), the school still has a state C accreditation status using the 2013 curriculum. At the school, there are some students who cannot write, read, or count (Calistung), and there are also some students who can only count, and because of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the school has implemented online school learning to avoid the spread of the Covid 19 Virus, but students do not have communication tools that support online learning, and students' learning time is reduced due to their inability to purchase data packages. The goal of conducting this PkM activity is to reach around 80 persons, with pupils from SD N 175795 Lobutangga being prioritized. The implementation period lasts one month, during which time free tutoring for all courses is provided. Following the installation of PkM, around 75% of pupils who could not read or spell previously began to read and spell better than before. Students are more eager to learn since the manner we utilize captures their interest. Students are more likely to accept learning at school if it has already been taught during tutoring, and teachers are more likely to teach some topic if it has previously been taught during tutoring
The Effect of Applying Venn Diagram Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMK N 5 Medan Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Fernando Saragih; Christina Natalina Saragi; Listra Manurung
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.182 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp537-544


This research is intended to find out whether Venn diagram Strategy significantly Affects the students’ achievement in reading comprehension or not. In this thesis, the writer conducted experimental quantitative research. The population of this research was the twelve grade of SMK N 5 Medan. The samples of this research were two classes, which were selected by the technique of sample Cluster in random sampling. They were 48 students. The first class was 24 students of the experimental class who had been taught by Venn Diagram Strategy and the second one was 24 students of the control group who had been taught by conventional Strategy. The instrument for collecting the data was multiple choice testing. To obtain the reliability of the test, Kuder Richardson Formula (KR-21) was used. The calculation showed that the reliability of the test was 0.92. The data were analyzed by using the t-test formula in order to see whether Venn Diagram Strategy significantly effect students’ reading comprehension or not. The finding indicates that the value of the t-test exceeds the value of the t-table (3.07> 1.67866), at the level of significant p= 0.05 and the degree freedom df= 46. The finding implies that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In other words, there is a significant effect of applying the Venn Diagram Strategy on the students’ Achievement in reading comprehension.
The Effect of the Parents' Education Background and Income on the English Study Achievement of the Eighth Grade Students at SMP HKBP Sidorame Hagai Depsin Sembiring; Rupa Shema; Christina Natalina Saragi
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.421 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp578-584


Parental education levels are high must have high ideals of education of their children. While the income level of parents can assist students in meeting the needs of their schools so that students can undergo a process of education to the maximum. The writer wanted to know the high and low education The study population was students in class VIII SMP HKBP Sidorame 2022/2023 School Year spread as many as 100 students in forth classes. This research is 50 students as sample from classes A and B. There are three variables that were examined in this study, namely: the level of parental education (X1), income level of parents (X2) and student English achievement (Y). The collection of data retrieved through a questionnaire and documentation. Test Instrument made by the validity and reliability. Analysis of data using the percentage of regression analysis. Based on the calculation of the t-test for the parental education variable, it was obtained that it was 2,005 because t was stated with a positive sign, the higher the education of parents, the higher the English achievement of students. The results of the t-test calculation for the parent's income variable, it is obtained that t is 4.556 because t is indicated by a positive sign, the higher the income of parents, the higher the student's English achievement. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the study is partially or simultaneously. The results of that study suggested to the students to always be the spirit in the education process to achieve maximum learning achievement, as well as to parents to help encourage and meet the educational needs of students while in a state of low education and low income levels.
The Effect of Brainstorming Teaching Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text Romsina Siregar; Andreas Hutasuhut; Christina Natalina Saragi; Usman Sidabutar
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.929 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp598-604


This research focuses on knowing the effect brainstorming teaching technique in writing analytical exposition text at the Second grade of SMA Negeri 1 Lintong Nihuta. This research was conducted with an experimental quantitative design. The population of this study were students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Lintong Nihuta. In this study the researchers took two classes as samples. They were 20 students in the experimental class and 20 students in the control class. Data collection techniques are tests and documentation. The researcher used the T-test statistical calculation to analyze the data. The tests used were pre-test and post-test for both classes. The results showed that the average pre-test value of the experimental class was 51,8. Meanwhile, the control class was 40,00. while the post-test average value of the experimental class was 78. Meanwhile, the control class was 45,9. That is, the average post-test score of the experimental class was higher than that of the control class. The results of the t-test calculation show that the t-test value is higher than the t-table value. The t-test value is 17,387 while the t-table value with db:38 which is included in the db=40 category is 2.21. This means that there is a significant the effect of brainstorming technique in writing Analytical exposition Text So, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.
An Analysis of Students’ Grammatical Errors in Writing Descriptive and Procedure Text at Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Percut Sei Tuan Trisnawaty Hutahaean; Marry Happy Haloho; Lidia Erika Situmorang; Christina Natalina Saragi; Usman Sidabutar
Journal on Teacher Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Journal on Teacher Education
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.24 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/jote.v4i1.6217


Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif dan teks prosedur. Data diambil dari tes menulis siswa pada teks deskriptif dan prosedur dan dilakukan. Tes menulis digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat belajar menulis setiap siswa dan untuk mengetahui jenis kesalahan siswa. Pesertanya adalah 15 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Percut Sei Tuan. Dari hasil tes menulis yang dilakukan siswa, dalam teks deskriptif, penulis menemukan 129 kesalahan dalam data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 71 kesalahan kategori omission, 22 kesalahan kategori penambahan, 23 kesalahan kategori misformation dan 13 kesalahan kategori misordering. Dalam penulisan teks prosedur, penulis menemukan 92 yang terdiri dari 29 kesalahan kategori penghilangan, 47 kesalahan kategori penambahan, 2 kesalahan kategori kesalahan pembentukan dan kesalahan kategori kesalahan susunan.
Exposing Literacy in SD and SMP Swasta HKBP Sidorame Medan Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Nurhayati Sitorus; Marnala Pangaribuan; Carolina Pakpahan; Christina Natalina Saragi; Kammer Tuahman Sipayung; Fenty Debora Napitupulu; Martin Maděra
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 4: August-October 2022
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022354


The program of Pengabdian Kepada Masysarakat (Public Community Service) is aimed the literacy improvement training for elementary and junior high school children aims to provide students as well as teachers with information assistance about the importance of literacy for the development of knowledge in Indonesian society. This activity was carried out by lecturers and students from the English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, HKBP Nommensen University with students from Czech University. The program of PKM Activity was started on July 25th, 2022, and ended on July 26th, 2022. It is very clear that the cause of the low literacy ability (in terms of reading) is the oral tradition that is still rooted in society. In addition, related to elementary schools, the school system still does not provide opportunities for literacy traditions to students. This also happened to students at SD and SMP HKBP Sidorame Medan. This problem is trying to be minimized by conducting community service programs related to literacy for elementary and junior high school students. The Project represents one of the important areas of development of reading literacy in school. The most positive feature is the fact that there are large numbers of identified target groups, not only students but also teachers. Teachers themselves should expose students to literacy. Literacy should become a culture.
Teaching Techniques Used to Enhance the Students’ Hortatory Writing Ability at English Department of FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen Christina Natalina Saragi; Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Winda Josefina Simamora
Journal on Teacher Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal on Teacher Education
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jote.v4i3.12229


Tujuan dari penelitian eksperimen ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah prestasi siswa dalam menulis hortatory exp osition lebih tinggi jika mereka diajar dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran Collaborative Writing dari pada teknik pengajaran Clustering. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris semester lima tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 80 siswa yang terbagi dalam 2 kelas yaitu A dan B. Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 40 siswa. Kelompok eksperimen 1 diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran menulis kolaboratif dan kelompok eksperimen II diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran clustering. Prestasi siswa dalam menulis hortatory exposition diukur dengan menggunakan tes menulis. Dalam mengevaluasi produk siswa, skor analitik oleh Jacob et al dalam Weigel (2002) akan digunakan untuk menilai produk tulisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi siswa dalam menulis hortatory exposition yang diajar dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran kolaboratif lebih tinggi daripada yang diajar dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran clustering, dengan Fobs= 9,35>Ftab=3,97.