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BAHASA MEMPENGARUHI BUDAYA ATAU BUDAYA MEMPENGARUHI BAHASA? (STUDI KASUS: STRATEGI KESANTUNAN DALAM KEGIATAN TAWAR-MENAWAR MAHAR DI SIDAMANIK) Does Language Influence Culture Influence Language? (Case Study: Politness Strategy in Mahar Bargaining in Sidamanik) Manurung, Lastri Wahyuni
Jurnal Lingko : Jurnal Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa NTT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/jl.v2i2.68


AbstrakPada dasarnya bahasa dan budaya saling berhubungan dan terikat satu sama lain. Bahasa juga mampu mencerminkan budaya seseorang Salah satu contoh kegiatan kebudayaan adalah prosesi yang terdapat pada pernikahan adat Batak Toba, yaitu marhata sinamot (tawar-menawar mahar). Penelitian tentang strategi kesantunan dalam kegiatan marhata sinamot ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh percakapan yang disampaikan ketika para juru bicara sedang berdiskusi atau bernegosiasi tentang jumlah mahar. Lokasi penelitian adalah di Sidamanik. Total jumlah juru bicara yang ikut serta dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 30 orang, yang diperoleh dari 5 rekaman kegiatan marhata sinamot. Hampir semua juru bicara bekerja sebagai petani, beberapa diantara mereka adalah pensiunan perkebunan, dan pedagang. Mereka berusia antara 45-70 tahun. Kondisi sosiokultural seorang penutur berpengaruh terhadap tuturan yang dihasilkannya. Prinsip kebudayaan masyarakat Batak Toba tentang somba marhula-hula, manat mardongan tubu serta elek marboru dalam tatanan dalihan na tolu, juga berpengaruh terhadap bahasa dan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh penutur. Hasil temuan ini sekaligus dapat menjadi jawaban logis bahwa budaya lah yang mempengaruhi bahasa.Kata Kunci: Bahasa, Batak Toba, Budaya, Dalihan Na Tolu, Strategi Kesantunan. AbstractBasically, language and culture are interconnected and bound to one another. Language is also able to reflect one’s culture. One example of cultural activities is the procession found in the traditional Batak Toba wedding, namely marhata sinamot (the dowry bargaining). This research on politeness strategies in marhat a sinamot activities was a qualitative descriptive research. The data has been obtained through conversations delivered when the spokesmen discussing or negotiating the amount of the dowry. The research site is in Sidamanik Sub-District. The total number of spokespersons who have participated in this study is 30, and this has been obtained from 5 recordings of the marhata sinamot activities. Almost all of the spokesmen are farmers, some of them are retiredmen and traders. Their ages are between 45-70. The findings show that the politeness strategies used by the speakers in marhata sinamot are positive politeness strategies, which are exaggerating (interest, sympathy, etc with the hearer), seeking for agreement, giving hearer sympathy, using in-group identity markers, and asserting speaker’s knowledge of and concerning for hearer’s wants. Negative politeness strategies are also used, namely: asking for empathy, minimizing the imposition, apologizing, and giving deference. The sociocultural condition of a speaker affects the speech they produce. The cultural principles of the Toba Batak community regarding ‘somba marhula-hula, manat mardongan tubu and elek marboru’ in a principle of daliha na tolu have also influenced the language and politeness strategies used by speakers. These findings can be a logical answer that culture influences language.Keywords: Language, Toba Batak, culture, dalihan na tolu, politeness strategies.
Flouting Maxims in Hitam Putih Talk Show Lastri Wahyuni Manurung
SUAR BETANG Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/surbet.v14i2.126


Communication between speakers and hearer should fulfil maxims in order to have an effective communication and to avoid misunderstanding. In fact, sometimes people flout the maxims. People mostly have reasons behind that and whenever a maxim is flouted there must be an implicature to save the utterance from simply appearing to be a faulty contribution to a conversation. The importance of the research is about finding out the dominant flouting of maxims during the conversation between the participants in Hitam Putih talk show. Besides, the purposes of why flouting the maxim was also displayed as to make this research become more comprehensive. In analyzing the data, the writer uses Grice's theory on maxim. The data were collected by searching, listening and making the transcription, deciding which maxims are flouted based on the criteria, finding the intension of the flouting. As the result, the writer found that the first most flouted maxim is the maxim of quality. The reasons of flouting this maxim are to make a joke and to give a clearer information. In making a joke, a speaker can pretend not to know something, pretend not being honest. Another flouted maxims are also found from the data which are flouting the quantity maxim to give clearer information, to stress something, to avoid unpleasant situation. The relation maxim is also flouted as being polite, and the last the manner maxim is flouted as to make a joke. The characteristic of Indonesian speaker with long winded and not to the point, influence the flouting the maxim. AbstrakDalam peristiwa pertuturan, kadang-kadang penutur dengan sengaja mengabaikan maksim. Perilaku penutur dalam mengabaikan maksim tentu didasari alasan maksud tertentu. Penelitian ini sangat perlu dilakukan untuk menemukan pengabaian maksim yang paling dominan selama perbincangan antarpartisipan dalam acara Hitam Putih. Analisis data menggunakan teori Grice yang berkaitan dengan maksim. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara mencari, menyimak dan mentrasnkripsikan, memperhatikan video, memutuskan maksim apa yang diabaikan berdasarkan kriteria pengabaian dan menemukan tujuan terselubung dalam mengabaikan maksim tersebut. Peneliti menemukan bahwa maksim kualitas adalah maksim yang paling banyak diabaikan. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat lelucon dan untuk memperjelas informasi. Dalam membuat lelucon tersebut, penutur dapat berlaku pura-pura tidak tahu tentang suatu informasi, berpura-pura untuk berbohong. Maksim lain yang juga diabaikan adalah maksim kuantitas, tujuannya adalah untuk memperjelas sebuah informasi, menegaskan informasi dan untuk menghindari situasi yang kurang nyaman. Maksim relasi juga diabaikan dengan tujuan untuk menjaga kesopanan, dan yang terakhir adalah pengabaian maksim cara untuk menciptakan lelucon. Karakteristik orang Indonesia yang bertele-tele dan tidak mengena langsung pada poin yang dibicarakan, telah mempengaruhi pengabaian maksim yang terjadi.
GENTA BAHTERA: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JUNI
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa Kepulauan Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47269/gb.v6i1.99


In performing utterances, some people do not always want to cooperate because they have certain reasons such as to avoid unpleasant situations, to be polite, and to make jokes. This research was conducted to find out the most dominant flouting and fulfillment of maxim in some speech acts. The theory of cooperative principles and the speech act were used to find out problems. The data were taken from Sarah Sechan talk show. The most flouting maxim was the quantity and manner and the fulfillment of the quality maxim in the assertive-to-tell speech acts.
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36843/tb.v8i2.230


 AbstrakKritik, di satu sisi digunakan untuk mengendalikan dan mengarahkan seseorang dari kesalahan dengan menggunakan kata-kata verbal. Di sisi lain, kritik adalah tindakan linguistik yang mungkin dapat menyebabkan konflik dan kecenderungan mengancam muka seseorang. ‘Muka’ meliputi keinginan agar citra diri ini dihargai dan disetujui oleh lawan bicara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui, strategi kritik Mahfud MD ketika memberikan kritik. Ditemukan bahwa apa pun kritik yang diberikan oleh Mahfud MD, ia melakukannya dengan memberikan koreksi.AbstractCriticism, in one hand was used as to control and to direct someone from mistake by using verbal words. On the other hand, critics were a linguistic action that possibly caused conflict and tendency to threat someone’s face. It was the face that crucially including the desire that this self-image be appreciated and approved by interlocutors. This research was conducted to find out, the criticism strategy of Mahfud MD in giving critics. It was found that whatever the critics that Mahfud MD gives, he must accomplish it by giving correction
Bimbingan Belajar Gratis sebagai Upaya Social-Distancing bagi Siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Lintong Nihuta Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Supriandi Sihotang; Eva Vronika Hasugian; Yolanda Adelina Lumban Gaol; Griffit Spanyer Indrawaty Nababan
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 2: February-April 2022
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022210


Many efforts have been made by the government to create order in social distancing. By providing free tutoring online, outside of school hours, it can be an alternative to avoid the possibility of meeting between students after school hours. In addition to reducing crowds, tutoring can also improve student learning outcomes so that students of SMP Negeri 2 Lintong Nihuta don't spend time after school to meet or gather with other people, but by studying online as was done in the free tutoring for this service. . This activity can support the government's program in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, namely maintaining social distancing. The partners in this community service are students of SMP Negeri 2 Lintong Nihuta who have received approval from the principal. This activity is carried out for one month. Students are taught online so students can stay in their own homes
The Effect of Using Comic in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text at the Tenth Grade of SMA Methodist Berastagi Sondang Manik; Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Efendi Barus; Immanuel Padang
Journal on Teacher Education Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Journal On Teacher Education
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.594 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/jote.v3i3.5127


Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan komik dalam pengajaran teks deskriptif. penelitian ini dilakukan dalam desain eksperimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Methodist Berastagi. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah empat puluh siswa kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua kelompok secara acak yaitu Kelompok Eksperimen dan Kelompok Kontrol. Kelompok Eksperimen diajar dengan menggunakan komik. Komik merupakan media pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk membuat siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran bahasa dengan memberikan materi dan siswa memecahkannya dengan cara dipresentasikan. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa tes teks deskriptif tertulis. perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (6,00) lebih tinggi dari t-tabel (2,024) pada tingkat pengaruh signifikan penggunaan komik dalam teks deskriptif menulis siswa. Jadi, disarankan bagi Guru untuk menggunakan komik dalam pengajaran menulis teks Deskriptif.
The Effect of Using The Herringbone and Semantic Mapping Techniques on Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills at SMA Yadika Torganda Sondang Manik; Yinghuei Chen; Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Dewi Maya Manurung; Eliana Sitompul
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.912 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp83-98


This research presents a research report on the use of Herringbone Technique and Semantic Mapping Technique for students’ reading comprehension skills at SMA YADIKA Torganda. The objective is to find out the effect of using the Herringbone Technique and Semantic Mapping Technique on students’ reading comprehension skills. It was by using classroom action research. The subjects of this study were grade X students of SMA YADIKA Torganda. In this study, the writers took 90 students of SMA YADIKA Torganda as the sample. They were divided into three groups. The first and the second groups are (Experimental Groups). They were taught by using Herringbone Technique and Semantic Mapping Technique in reading recount text, while the third group (Control Group) was taught without using Herringbone Technique and Semantic Mapping Technique. The technique for data analysis is quantitative research. In analyzing the data the mean of the students’ score for pre-test in experimental group one (Herringbone Technique) is 59,16 the mean of the students’ score for post-test in experimental group one is 91,83. The mean of students’ scores for pre-test in experimental group two (Semantic Mapping Technique) is 45 the mean of the students’ score for post-test in experimental group two is 69,26. The mean for pre-test in the control group is 46,66 and the mean for post-test in the control group is 56,16. The conclusion is that the use of the Herringbone Technique and Semantic Mapping Technique significantly affect on students’ reading comprehension skills. The Herringbone technique is the most effective one in teaching recount text than the Semantic Mapping Technique It is suggested that teachers should apply this technique as one technique to improve students’ comprehension in reading recount text.
The Effect of Using Whispering Technique and Jigsaw Technique in Teaching English Vocabulary in the Fourth Grade of the Elementary School Nurcahaya Sihombing; Erika Sinambela; Lastri Wahyuni Manurung
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.234 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp99-113


This research presented a report on using the Whispering Technique and Jigsaw Technique in teaching English vocabulary in the fourth grade the Elementary School. The objectives are to find out the effect of using the Whispering technique and Jigsaw technique in English vocabulary of students and which method is the most effective. It was by using experimental quantitative research. The subject of this study was the fourth grade of SD N 178064 consist of 32 students and the fourth grade of SD N 175798 consist of 16 students as the sample. They were divided into three groups. The first and the second group are Experimental Group and the third is Control Group. They were taught by using Whispering technique and Jigsaw technique in English vocabulary of the students, while the third group (Control Group) was taught without using Whispering technique and Jigsaw technique. The technique for data analysis is quantitative research. In analyzing the data, the mean of thestudents' pre-test in experimental group 1 (Whispering technique) is 60,25 and the mean of the post-test in experimental group 1 is 84,875. The mean of the students score for pre-test in experimental group 2 (Jigsaw technique) is 58,5 and the mean of the students score for post-test in experimental group 2 is 84,75. The mean for pre-test in control group is 47,25 and the mean for post-test in control group is 55,75. The conclusion is that the using of Whispering technique and Jigsaw technique are significantly affect the students in teaching English vocabulary. Whispering technique is the most effective one in teaching English vocabulary for students than Jigsaw technique especially for elementary school. It is suggested that teachers should apply these techniques to improve students in English vocabulary.
Error Analysis of Subject-Verb Agreement on Students’ Essay Writing of Grade VIII at SMP Negeri 1 Sidamanik Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Hujaefa HI. Muhammad; Godwill Chenyuei Akwene
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (834.396 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp523-536


The research was done to find out the types of errors students make in writing an essay and to explore how the errors happened in their writing. The data were analyzed by identifying the errors that students made in their writing focused on subject-verb agreement and tenses, then classifying the sources of errors based on Krashen’s theory which classifies them into addition, ordering, misinformation and deletion. This theory was used to analyze the data in this research. This study analyzed the errors found in students' grade VIII writing at SMP Negeri 1 Sidamanik. The findings of this study also show that the number of errors made by the students in their writing is in line with the results of the previous studies. The 186 errors in subject-verb agreement and tense out of 473 total clauses have proven those studies. The errors that students made when they were writing compositions were found not only in subject-verb agreement and tenses but also in spelling, word order, capitalization, article, word choice, the use of pronouns, and other errors that are usually found in writing. Error found on subject-verb agreement, there is 24.19 percent of misinformation errors. It is found there is 1.6 percent of ordering errors, deletion errors found at 19.34 percent, 3.22 percent of addition errors on the data analysis. Obviously proves that writing as one of the skills in English is still being faced as one of the most difficult subjects to be mastered. It occurs since writing is viewed as a complex process even in the first language. It means, students do not only face difficulties when they are writing an essay in a second or foreign language but they also face the same difficulties when they are writing in their own native language.
The Effect of Applying Venn Diagram Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMK N 5 Medan Lastri Wahyuni Manurung; Fernando Saragih; Christina Natalina Saragi; Listra Manurung
Jurnal Scientia Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Education, Sosial science and Planning technique, August
Publisher : Sean Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.182 KB) | DOI: 10.35337/scientia.Vol11.pp537-544


This research is intended to find out whether Venn diagram Strategy significantly Affects the students’ achievement in reading comprehension or not. In this thesis, the writer conducted experimental quantitative research. The population of this research was the twelve grade of SMK N 5 Medan. The samples of this research were two classes, which were selected by the technique of sample Cluster in random sampling. They were 48 students. The first class was 24 students of the experimental class who had been taught by Venn Diagram Strategy and the second one was 24 students of the control group who had been taught by conventional Strategy. The instrument for collecting the data was multiple choice testing. To obtain the reliability of the test, Kuder Richardson Formula (KR-21) was used. The calculation showed that the reliability of the test was 0.92. The data were analyzed by using the t-test formula in order to see whether Venn Diagram Strategy significantly effect students’ reading comprehension or not. The finding indicates that the value of the t-test exceeds the value of the t-table (3.07> 1.67866), at the level of significant p= 0.05 and the degree freedom df= 46. The finding implies that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In other words, there is a significant effect of applying the Venn Diagram Strategy on the students’ Achievement in reading comprehension.
Co-Authors Adi Situmorang Afrilia Lumban Batu Afriyanti Pakpahan Alvienna Sifa Maulida Nasution Ance Rosario Siallagan Anggi Lastri Pinayungan Anita Theresia Br Saragi Atalisi Zalukhu Atalisi Zalukhu Atonso Hasibuan Auwy Tamba Ayen Sitohang Ayu Oktaviana Sipahutar Bertharia Sohnata Hutauruk Carolina Pakpahan Carolina Pakpahan Christina Natalina Saragi Christina Ria Natal Sitorus Debora Citra Ayu Nainggolan Dewi Maya Manurung Dwike Agustina Siahaan Efendi Barus Eka Putri Saptari Wulan Eliana Sitompul Erika Sinambela Eva Vronika Hasugian Febrika Dwi Lestari Febriwan Harefa Fenty Debora Napitupulu Fernando Saragih Fitri Yuneza Lumban Gaol Galina Sitinjak Gilbert Mathew Situmeang Godwill Chenyuei Akwene Griffit Spanyer Indrawaty Nababan Harpen H.P. Silitonga Harpen Silitonga Hebron Pardede Hesty Malinda Manalu Hujaefa HI. Muhammad Immanuel Padang Jernih Martha Banjar Nahor Juni Jeffri Aritonang Kammer Sipayung Kammer Tuahman Sipayung Kammer Tuahman Sipayung Kiki Anggreni Kondios M Pasaribu Krisna Wati Mayang Lasmaida Nainggolan Lasmaria Lasmaria Lidya Elizabeth Sihaloho Lili Sowari Siregar Listra Manurung Lusi Manurung Marlina Surya Indriani Marnala Pangaribuan Martin Maděra Michael Jomat Mitra Gusmeni Hia Monalisa Siahaan Nenni Triana Sinaga Nenni Triana Sinaga Nurcahaya Sihombing Nurhayati Sitorus pratama, Indra Mulia R.imalona siregar Rachel Br Sidabutar Riniwati Sembiring Robeca Shanty Sitohang Roslitha Uli Banjarnahor Rotua Elfida Sahat Taruli Siahaan Serina Angela Sitompul Sondang Manik Sri Henni Br Saragih Sri Rahayu Harianja Supriandi Sihotang Tegar Tanto Wiyahya Siahaan Tutiarny Naibaho Tutiarny Naibaho Usman Sidabutar Winda Josefina Simamora Yessy Octaviana Yessy Octavianna Yinghuei Chen Yolanda Adelina Lumban Gaol Yolanda Erika Magdalena Pangaribuan Yuniarta Br Hutasoit