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Studi Beberapa Kasus Korupsi Di Indonesia (Some Cases Of Corruption In Indonesia) Ekawati, Ekawati
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.821 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v1i2.2862


Penelitian ini dilakukan di Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur dengan metodeperpustakaan. Tujuan dari itu bersedia untuk mengetahui donor korupsi oleh AnasUrbaningrum, mantan ketua partai Demokrat. Hal ini diambil pada tahun 2014 dariKaltimpost. Hasilnya bahwa ada beberapa proyek di Indonesia rusak oleh Anas danteman-temannya di antara adalah: proyek Hamblang Youth Centre, e-KTP, pesawatMerpati, bangunan pajak, East Kaltim listrik, pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan anggarantryliun. Proyek-proyek melibatkan beberapa petugas. (1). Beberapa suara dari korupsipenerimaan ilegal uang dan materi, (2). Untuk memenangkan pengadilan adalahkesempatan kecil (3). suatu akuntabilitas dedikasi untuk negara, kelompok atau individuluar biasa (4). bersalah akan terbukti di pengadilan. (5). Jika terbukti benar itu adalahtindakan yang buruk dari Anas. Saran-saran (1). The komisi korupsi harus memecahkanbenar-benar dengan mengambil bersalah dengan aktor, (2). Uang rusak harus diberikankembali ke negara tersebut, (3). Lembaga kontrol harus bekerja keras, (4). Para aktorharus dikirim ke penjara dan dihukum sekeras mungkin. (5). Jika ada bukti ia harusdirehabilitasi.
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (33.277 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v2i1.2844


The aim of this research is to know the effect of the loss of Ahok and Jarot in the general election in DKI Jakarta. The method of the research is qualitative by taking the references from some books, newspaper and magazine namely Tribun Kaltim Kaltim Post,Gatra and the others .The results of the research are (1).The supporters including the support of the Political Party involves the religion domain,(2). The supports of the Political Party do not avoid the actors of the   religion followers who are the actors involved in the general election ;(3).The Voters should be given  the religion aspects.(4).The loss of the couple Ahok and Jarot caused by religion domain; (5).The couple who get the victory because  the religion centiment;(6).The winner will be gentlement because they       will end happily and fairly and the couple of Ahok-Jarot has to be ensured that  the  income does never  exchanged.The suggestions in  this  results are (1).The Political party supporters have to support based on political affairs ,(2). The Political party supporters not enter the religion affairs (3).The commisioners of KPU have to sentence to whoever relates the politics and religion in the compaign ,(4).The loss does not any relate with others but political affairs,(5).The supporters do not get any profit but to play fairly,(6).The all sides in the society has to keep it peaceful.,(7).General election is just competition not a war.
LEGALITAS : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31293/lg.v4i2.4459


Franchise business is a future business trend with a small risk of failure where growth is very rapid and gives its own color in the Indonesian economy. Franchise agreement is one aspect of legal protection to the parties from acts that harm other parties. If one party violates the contents of the franchise agreement, then the other party can sue the infringing party in accordance with applicable law. Franchising in Indonesia is currently regulated in Government Regulation No. 42/2007 concerning Franchising. In PP No.42 of 2007 it also stipulates that a contract must be made clearly. And if we observe that currently in Indonesia there are already many franchise businesses in the field of food that are very creative. The Pak Ndut Duck franchise is a franchise agreement for the sale of Pak Ndut's chicken and duck food products. As a result of the existence of a product sales franchise agreement, the parties are bound in a right and obligation. This type of research is analytical descriptive, namely to describe, discover legal facts as a whole and systematically study the Implementation of the Pak Ndut Duck Franchise Agreement in Samarinda City. The parties involved in the fanchise agreement (franchise) are explained in Article 1 paragraph (2) and (3) Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 concerning Franchises states that the franchisor (Franchisor) is an individual or business entity that gives the right to use or use the franchise he owns to the franchisee.
Co-Authors Adhiatma, Pramudya Fahry Adlina Rahmadini Adzhani Agustian, Ridwan Ajeng Ayuning Mutia Ajeng Dyah Pradipta Amalia, Beki Rizki Ammar, Naufal Muhammad Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anggraini, Tyasning Yuni Astuti Anis Setyowati Anita Dian Permata Sari Annisa Ayu Tantia Annisa Devi Primasari Ari Pradina Ari Suwondo Ari Suwondo Atha Firza Azzahra Atikah Atikah Aulia Dewi Nuur Halimah Bagus Putra Nino Baju Widjasena Benedicta Sonya Ajeng Lestari Bina Kurniawan Bina Kurniawan Daru Lestantyo Devi Eka Meirinda Dewi Faridlotul Muafiroh Dewi Hikmah Marisda Dewi Sarah, Dewi Dhandy Dwi Yustica Dhito Hadi Kristianto, Dhito Hadi Dian Putri Nastiti Dine Wahyu Prima Dini Anggraeni Novitasari ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Elizabeth Zavanya Manullang Ellyta Ellyta Elvika Fit Ari Shanti, Elvika Fit Ari Erlangga Rendra Wardana Estu Triana Fabrianing Nur Rahmawati Faddila Purna Dewi Fatwa Faizah Zaeanina Febi Abu Hanifah Fitri Wiji Astuti Fitriani Nurahmah Fyka Ferziandhani Galih Pamungkas H.S., Gusnawaty Haniah Haniah Hanifa Maher Denny Helmi Tri Wahyuadi Hestri Norhapifah Hevita Windryani Putri Waluyo Ida Rahmawati Ida Wahyuni Ida Wahyuni Ika Fitriyana IRVINA WAHYU FUADAH Johan Amir Kalit Hidayat Budi Nugroho Kartika Wahyuning Purnama Kevin Yudhistira Pribadi, Kevin Yudhistira Kiki Indriyanti, Kiki Kun Dwi Apriliawati Kurniawan, Hery Medianto Kusgiyanto, Wahyu Kusuma Handayani La Ode Santiaji Bande Lambang Aryanto Lanti Annistyaningrum, Lanti Lina Sartika Maratus MS, Laili Marina Nugraheni Maulina Susilaningtyas Melcy Novitasari Mellya Embun Baining Muchammad Bachrul Ulum Mudayatiningsih, Sri Muhammad Faizal Reza Ferdiniko Muhammad Miftah Farid Muhammad Zaefani Aedy Mulyati Mulyati Nabilah Fairusiyyah Nadya Eka Febrina Narpati, Jalu Risang Nasrul Nasrul Novi Yuliani, Novi Novita Ayu Ningrum Nur Saidah Nuralmasdini Winnaputri Nurlina Nurlina Nurrina Riska Amalia Nurul Oktavia Puspita Sari Nurul Ufuk Nuansa Oceania Starizky Oktaviani Lety Rani Pandu Reviami Sandi Peni Nursalekha Puji Astuti, Endah Putri Utami, Putri Rahmania, Silvia Rahmatullah Rizieq Retno Kamilia Mutiara Riefsy Arien Majidah Rahmawati Hakim Rizanty Arindita Rizqi Haidar Rizqika Aza P.P Sandyasti, Laksnita Kumara Sefriani, Wiwit Setyoaji, Dhaniswara Shabira Noviandini Simarmata, Monica Rosa Siswi Jayanti Siswi Jayanti Siswi Wijayanti Siti Nur Jayanti Sriwiyati Mahrani Suroto suroto Suroto Suroto Susi Susanti Susmini Susmini Theresia Kartika Noviastuti Tri Sunarsih Vena Jaladara Vini Nur Puri Handayani Vita Insani Saragih Wahda Zahrotunnisa Widya Saraswati Wini Iriani Putri Yayan Adhanudin Yohanes Kurniawan Yuannisa Yuannisa, Yuannisa Yuliani Setyaningsih Yuwan Martus Tegar Charisma Zainal Abidin Suery, Zainal Abidin Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen