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Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Gradasi Teknik Sipil - Desember 2020
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/gradasi.v4i2.771


Abstrak PDAM BNA Amuntai adalah unit penyedian air bersih di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara yang melayani penyediaan air bersih untuk keperluan masyarakat tiga kecamatan yaitu Amuntai Utara, Selatan dan Tengah. Laju angka pertumbuhan di tiga kecamatan ini membuat kebutuhan air bersih semakin bertambah setiap tahunnya. Pengadaan air bersih untuk masyarakat bertujuan agar lapisan masyarakat menjalani pola hidup sehat.Untuk mengetahui jumlah kebutuhan air bersih pada tahun tertentu, menggunakan analisis proyeksi penduduk dengan standar kebutuhan air bersih berdasarkan panduan Kementrian PU. Menghitung ketersedian air disungai Balangan (debit andalan) menggunakan analisis data klimatologi dan data bangkitan hujan menggunakan metode mock. Hasil analisis jumlah penduduk di tiga kecamatan layanan PDAM BNA Amuntai pada tahun 2049 berdasarkan hasil proyeksi penduduk sebanyak 154.972,2 jiwa. Dengan layanan 90% kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap air bersih layanan PDAM BNA Amuntai pada tahun 2049 sebanyak 771.843,38 m³/bulan. Hasil analisis debit andalan ketersedian air baku sebanyak 12.933.464,72 m³/bulan. Sehingga persentase kebutuhan air bersih sebesar 5,97%. terhadap ketersedian air baku di sungai. Abstract PDAM BNA Amuntai is a clean water supply unit in the North Hulu Sungai Regency that serves clean water for the needs of the community of three sub-districts, namely North, South and Central Amuntai. The rate of growth in these three sub-districts makes the need for clean water growing every year. The provision of clean water aims to ensure that the layers of society live a healthy lifestyle. Analysis of population projections with clean water requirements based on the Ministry of Public Works guidelines to calculate clean water needs. Calculating the availability of water in the Balangan river (mainstay discharge) using climatological data analysis and rainfall generation data using the mock method. The results of the analysis of the population in the three sub-districts of PDAM BNA Amuntai service in 2049 based on the projection of the population of 154,972.2 people. With 90% service, the community's need for clean water services at PDAM BNA Amuntai in 2049 is 771,843.38 m³/month. The results of the main discharge analysis of the availability of raw water were 12,933,464.72 m³/month. So the percentage of clean water needs is 5.97%. towards the availability of raw water in the river
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Gradasi Teknik Sipil - Desember 2020
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/gradasi.v4i2.988


Daerah Irigasi Telaga Langsat Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan dengan luas areal 3044,8 Ha, difungsikan untuk dapat mengairi persawahan pertanian dengan irigasi teknis, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir perlu adanya peninjauan kembali pendistribusian air yang hanya cukup berfungsi tapi kurang optimal. Apalagi dari pembangunannya sejak 1989 sampai sekarang sudah berumur lebih dari 30 tahun, dengan menggunakan Kriteria Perencanaan (KP) Tahun 1986. Tujuan penelitian adalah modifikasi dan menghitung ulang debit kebutuhan air agar dapat berfungsi optimal dengan berlandaskan Kriteria Perencanaan Irigasi dalam Peraturan Dirjen SDA KemenPU Tahun 2013, dengan metode penelitian meliputi data primer dan sekunder serta pengolahan data beracuan peraturan tersebut. Hasil didapat debit eksisting 5397 liter/detik dan debit hasil modifikasi sebesar 5652,49 liter/detik, sehingga terdapat selisih kurang debit sebesar 255,49 liter/det. Luasan petak tersier selayaknya diperkecil, idealnya 50 ha, dalam keadaan tertentu dapat ditolelir sampai 75 ha, yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi topografi agar pelaksanaan operasi dan pemeliharaan lebih mudah. Ada beberapa petak tersier dilakukan simulasi modifikasi, dengan memecah luasan petak tersier semula dan menambahkan petak tersier baru yang memungkinkan untuk pembagian secara merata dan terpenuhi sesuai kebutuhan. Abstract Telaga Langsat Irrigation Area, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan with an area of 3044.8 Ha, is functioned to be able to irrigate agricultural rice fields with technical irrigation, in recent years there needs to be a review of the distribution of water which is only functioning but not optimal, base on data of the left Telaga Langsat, it is only served 1264,45 Ha in a discharge is 2,231 m3/sec (Ikrimathus. S, 2013).. Moreover, from its development since 1989 until now it is more than 30 years old, using the 1986 Planning Criteria (KP). The aim of this research is to modify and recalculate the discharge of water needs based on the Irrigation Regulatory Standard (KP) of 2013, with research methods including primary and secondary data as well as data processing based on these regulations. The results show that the existing discharge is 5397 liters / second and the modified discharge is 5652.49 liters / second, so there is a difference of 255.49 liters / sec. The area of tertiary compartments should be reduced, ideally 50 ha, in certain circumstances can be tolerated up to 75 ha, which is adjusted to topographic conditions so that the implementation of operation and maintenance is easier. There are several tertiary plots that have been simulated with modification, by dividing the area of the original tertiary plot and adding new tertiary plots that allow for even distribution and fulfillment as needed
Persepsi Ulama Kota Langsa Terhadap Kepemimpinan Wanita ( Studi Kasus Pilkada Walikota Langsa ) Muhajir, Muhajir; fakhrurrazi, Fakhrurrazi
Tazkir : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman Vol 6, No 2 (2020): 11 Articles, Pages 169 - 344
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/tazkir.v6i2.2720


In this day and age, women take part in almost all fields of activity or work, including in regional head elections. The advantage of a man over a woman is that he has the ability to think, which is why he gives birth to courage, strength and the ability to overcome various difficulties. Meanwhile, women are more sensitive and emotional. In reality and current reality shows that the view of the greatness of men and the weakness of women from the intellectual and professional side. The purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions of the Ulama Kota Langsa on the leadership of women in the local elections for the mayor of the City of Langsa and to identify the factors that influence the different perceptions of the Ulama Kota Langsa about the leadership of women in the City of Langsa. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method that produces data in the form of written and spoken words from the subject under study. The main target of this research is the ulama of Langsa city. Data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data validity used is data triangulation technique. Data analysis includes 4 things, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is that the Ulama of Langsa city show that women can be leaders in the public sector, but the concept of understanding ideal leadership in Islamic teachings which they understand places men as the top priority to become leaders. Women are deemed to be allowed to become leaders if there are no men who are able to hold the position or the woman has more talent or expertise than the existing men.
Ruang Sakral dan Ruang Ritual Prosesi Adat Pernikahan Sintê Mungêrjê pada Masyarakat Gayo Lôt Bakti, Indra Setia; Amin, Khairul; Fakhrurrazi, Fakhrurrazi
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Kebudayaan, Keberagaman, dan Pembangunan
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v1i2.3133


Rational and empirical human dominate modern society. But in practice, modernity often lacks reflection. Wedding processions in modern Gayo communities illustrate this reality. The depth of meaning through symbols and social actions in every stage of the traditional Gayo wedding procession is beginning to be displaced by the ceremonial lack of understanding that tends to be rushed and infiltrated by global culture. This study documents the knowledge and subjective meaning of Gayo traditional actors regarding the tradition of sintê mungêrjê marriage by identifying sacred spaces and ritual spaces, then how the modern Gayo people interpret and act based on the observations of research informants. This qualitative research uses in-depth interview techniques in the data collection process. This research found that the essence of sintê mungêrjê was spirituality and communality nuances characterized by sacred and ritual activity stages. However, this set of norms is no longer institutionalized during modern Gayo society. This condition makes ritual meaningless and presents a culture without a clear personality identity.  AbstrakMasyarakat modern didominasi oleh manusia yang bercirikan rasional dan empiris. Tapi dalam praktiknya, sering ditemukan fenomena modernitas minim refleksi. Hal itu sebagaimana pelaksanaan prosesi adat pernikahan pada masyarakat Gayo modern. Kedalaman makna yang ditampilkan melalui simbol dan tindakan sosial dalam setiap tahapan prosesi adat pernikahan Gayo tradisional mulai tergeser oleh seremonial minim pemahaman yang cenderung tergesa-gesa dan disusupi budaya global. Studi ini mendokumentasikan pengetahuan dan makna subjektif para pelaku adat Gayo mengenai tradisi pernikahan sintê mungêrjê dengan mengidentifikasi ruang sakral dan ruang ritual, kemudian bagaimana masyarakat Gayo modern memaknai dan bertindak berdasarkan pengamatan informan penelitian. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dalam proses pengumpulan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh pemahaman bahwa hakikat sintê mungêrjê adalah spiritualitas dan komunalitas yang diwarnai oleh tahapan kegiatan yang bersifat sakral dan ritual. Namun seperangkat norma ini tidak lagi terinstitusionalisasi di tengah masyarakat Gayo modern sehingga hanya melahirkan ritual miskin makna dan budaya tanpa identitas kepribadian yang jelas.
The pesantren: Politics of islamic and problematic education muslim identity Fakhrurrazi, Fakhrurrazi; Indra P, I Made; Zainuddin, Yusran; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 3, No 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v3i6.5384


This program aims to discuss the politics of Islamic education and the problems of Muslim identity in Islamic boarding schools. The philosophy believed in the Islamic boarding school is based on Islam, and furthermore, the philosophy of education is based on the philosophical principles it adheres to. In the beginning, the main objective of the pesantren was to prepare students to deepen and master the science of religion (tafaqqahu fi al-din), the reproduction of ulama where the teaching of religious knowledge (transfer of Islamic knowledge), maintaining the Islamic tradition (maintenance of Islamic) tradition) and Islamic character building. Cottage The pesantren is a place of traditional education which has been very much felt by all elements, both society and government. Political education is an interdisciplinary study that integrates political science and education science, to see the dynamic relationship between various political issues and educational issues. To overcome the problem of Muslim identity, the dimensions mentioned above greatly affect Muslim identity because substantively, Islam is the same everywhere, namely the religion of Allah which was brought by the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for mankind. The emergence of various Islamic identities lately need not be responded to with excessive suspicion. Even the identity of Islam can become even more diverse when the typology of thought, understanding and practice of Islam is viewed from various perspectives both in the west and in the east.
Effect of Work Competency and Work Environment on Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment of Employees University of Jabal Ghafur Sigli Fakhrurrazi, Fakhrurrazi; Boihaki, Boihaki
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4472


This research was conducted with the aim of testingthe influence of competence and work environment on work motivation, and organizational commitment of employees of the University of Jabal Ghafur Sigli. This research was conducted at the University of Jabal Ghafur Sigli Pidie District, The object of this research is all employees Jabal Ghafur University. The sample in this study was 161 respondents.The data used in this study is primary data sourced from 161 respondents. The data analysis method used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 22. The results showed that the variables of work competence and work environment had a positive effect on work motivation. The results of the mediation variable test show that work motivation partially mediates the relationship between work competence and organizational commitment.Work motivation fully mediates the relationship between the environment and organizational commitmentJabal Ghafur Sigli University employee.
Implementasi Syari’at Islam di Aceh: Studi Kasus Peranan Da’i Perbatasan di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang Abidin Nurdin; Muslim Zainuddin; Salman Abdul Muthalib; Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi
Al-Adalah: Jurnal Hukum dan Politik Islam Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Tata Negara, Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Islam IAIN Bone

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35673/ajmpi.v6i2.1765


This study aims to discuss the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh, especially regarding the role of border preachers in Aceh Tamiang District, Aceh Province. This research is a study of the sociology of law or empirical law that discusses the law in reality or the reality in people's lives. There are two data collection techniques used, namely literature review and in-depth interviews. This study concludes that the border preacher is a program of the Islamic Shari'ah Service which aims to support the implementation of Islamic law in border areas and remote areas in Aceh. Namely in the regions, Singkil, South Aceh, Subulussalam, Simeulu, Southeast Aceh, and Aceh Tamiang. Especially in Aceh Tamiang, the border preacher has carried out his duties and functions well, namely carrying out religious recitation activities, recitation of al-Qur’an education park, strengthen aqidah and maintaining religious harmony in society. Thus, in the context of the sociology of Islamic law applied in Aceh, it has a positive impact on the community in the sense that people are religiously obedient, their religious knowledge increases, strong aqidah and religious life becomes harmonious.
Habitus dan Modal Sosial dalam Kesuksesan dan Kegagalan Bisnis M Nur; Nirzalin Nirzalin; Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi) Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sociology Department Of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jsu.v14i1.17494


Business is basically a social practice. This makes success or failure in running a business not only determined by financial capital, but also determined by things broader than that. This condition also applies to the furniture business in Lhokseumawe City where UD Bripo managed to dominate while Dek Gam failed to compete. This study tries to uncover the facts of the furniture business with the same type of business, but in the furniture business UD Bripo succeeded in developing its business, on the other hand the Dek Gam furniture business failed to develop its business. Data collection is done by using ethnographic methods. The results of this study are that habitus and social capital have a significant role in supporting the success of the UD Bripo furniture business. Habitus owned by UD Bripo furniture business owners are brave, honest, focused, frugal, caring and leader-minded, and always thinks systems. While UD Bripo's successfully utilized social capital consists of norms, trust and network dimensions. The failure of the Dek Gam furniture business is due to the inaccurate application of habitus and social capital in the business arena.  Abstrak Bisnis pada dasarnya adalah sebuah praktik sosial. Hal ini membuat kesuksesan atau kegagalan dalam menjalankan sebuah bisnis tidak hanya ditentukan oleh faktor kekuatan modal finansial, melainkan juga ditentukan oleh hal-hal yang lebih luas daripada itu. Kondisi ini berlaku juga pada bisnis meubel di Kota Lhokseumawe dimana UD Bripo berhasil mendominasi sementara Dek Gam gagal berkompetisi. Studi ini mencoba menggambarkan mengapa usaha meubel dengan jenis usaha yang sama, namun pada usaha meubel UD Bripo berhasil mengembangkan usahanya secara signifikan, sebaliknya usaha meubel Dek Gam gagal mengembangkan usahanya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunaan metode etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu habitus dan modal sosial memiliki peran signifikan dalam mendukung kesuksesan bisnis meubel UD Bripo. Habitus yang dimiliki oleh pemilik usaha meubel UD Bripo diantaranya berani, jujur, fokus, hemat, peduli dan berjiwa pemimpin, serta selalu berpikir sistem. Sementara modal sosial UD Bripo yang berhasil didayagunakan terdiri atas dimensi norma, kepercayaan, dan jaringan. Adapun terjadinya kegagalan bisnis meubel Dek Gam disebabkan penerapan habitus dan modal sosial yang kurang tepat di dalam arena bisnis
Model Karakter Nasionalisme Keindonesiaan Mantan Pemuda Separatis Di Aceh Utara Arif Rahman; F Fakhrurrazi
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi) Vol 10, No 2 (2016): Pengetahuan dan Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
Publisher : Sociology Department Of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.192 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh suatu pemahaman yang utuh tentang mengapa nasionalisme keindonesiaan dikalangan mantan pemuda seperatis di Aceh Utara yang pada era konflik sangat resisten terhadap Indonesia namun setelah perdamaian tercipta berubah menjadi nasionalistik. Dimensi sosial apa saja yang mendorong terjadinya perubahan sikap mantan pemuda seperatis Aceh Utara terhadap nasionalisme keindonesiaan menjadi fokus  khusus  dari  penelitian  ini.  Studi  ini  menggunakan  pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Sementara untuk memperoleh data sebagai basis analisis dalam memperoleh temuan-temuan dilakukan melalui observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD).Setelah proses penelitian dilakukan, studi ini menemukan bahwa nasionalisme keindonesiaan pemuda Aceh Utara terhadap Indonesia pada dasarnya cukup baik. Pada tahun 1945 mereka secara heroik bersama Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dan Hasan Di Tiro bahu membahu melakukan Indonesianisasi Aceh. berhadapan dengan situasi sosial dan pembangunan yang tertinggal dan porak-poranda pasca perang dengan Belanda dan Jepang, maka pandangan visioner Presiden Soekarno yang berikrar akan membawa Indonesia dalam kedudukan sebagai bangsa besar yang sejahtera dan berperadaban tinggi didunia menjadi alasan subtantif dibalik tumbuh suburnya nasionalisme pemuda dan masyarakat umumnya di Aceh Utara.Namun, berbilang waktu dalam perjalanan menjadi Indonesia, masyarakat Aceh Utara mengalami dan merasakan keadaan yang bertolak belakang dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh Presiden Soekarno doeloe. Eksploitasi besar-besaran “perut bumi” Aceh Utara yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Orde Baru sejak 1976 bukannya merubah keadaan masyarakat menjadi lebih baik, yang terjadi justeru melebarnya segregasi sosial akibat massifnya penduduk miskin disatu sisi dan minoritasnya yang dapat memperoleh  keuntungan  dari  eksploitas  migas  di  tanah  mereka.  Pada dimensi  lain  perlakukan  sosial-politik  yang  menafikan  nilai-nilai  kearifan lokal dirasakan telah mencabut identitas orang Aceh Utara. Realitas inilah yang kemudian melahirkan resistensi terhadap nasionalisme Indonesia. Sehingga dalam konflik pemerintah Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) mereka bergabung kedalam kelompok perjuangan ini. Namun, seiring dengan tumbuhnya rasa nyaman, meningkatnya kesejahteraan dan penghargaan terhadap identitas kearifan lokal masyarakat Aceh Utara yang dilakukan melalui kebijakan-kebijakan korektif masa lalu oleh pemerintah Indonesia di era pasca damai, rasa kecintaan (nasionalisme) pemuda Aceh Utara terhadap Indonesia mulai tumbuh kembaliKata Kunci: Karakter Nasionalisme, Mantan Pemuda Seperatis, Aceh Utara
Ruang Sakral dan Ruang Ritual Prosesi Adat Pernikahan Sintê Mungêrjê pada Masyarakat Gayo Lôt Indra Setia Bakti; Khairul Amin; Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Kebudayaan, Keberagaman, dan Pembangunan
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v1i2.3133


Rational and empirical human dominate modern society. But in practice, modernity often lacks reflection. Wedding processions in modern Gayo communities illustrate this reality. The depth of meaning through symbols and social actions in every stage of the traditional Gayo wedding procession is beginning to be displaced by the ceremonial lack of understanding that tends to be rushed and infiltrated by global culture. This study documents the knowledge and subjective meaning of Gayo traditional actors regarding the tradition of sintê mungêrjê marriage by identifying sacred spaces and ritual spaces, then how the modern Gayo people interpret and act based on the observations of research informants. This qualitative research uses in-depth interview techniques in the data collection process. This research found that the essence of sintê mungêrjê was spirituality and communality nuances characterized by sacred and ritual activity stages. However, this set of norms is no longer institutionalized during modern Gayo society. This condition makes ritual meaningless and presents a culture without a clear personality identity.  AbstrakMasyarakat modern didominasi oleh manusia yang bercirikan rasional dan empiris. Tapi dalam praktiknya, sering ditemukan fenomena modernitas minim refleksi. Hal itu sebagaimana pelaksanaan prosesi adat pernikahan pada masyarakat Gayo modern. Kedalaman makna yang ditampilkan melalui simbol dan tindakan sosial dalam setiap tahapan prosesi adat pernikahan Gayo tradisional mulai tergeser oleh seremonial minim pemahaman yang cenderung tergesa-gesa dan disusupi budaya global. Studi ini mendokumentasikan pengetahuan dan makna subjektif para pelaku adat Gayo mengenai tradisi pernikahan sintê mungêrjê dengan mengidentifikasi ruang sakral dan ruang ritual, kemudian bagaimana masyarakat Gayo modern memaknai dan bertindak berdasarkan pengamatan informan penelitian. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dalam proses pengumpulan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh pemahaman bahwa hakikat sintê mungêrjê adalah spiritualitas dan komunalitas yang diwarnai oleh tahapan kegiatan yang bersifat sakral dan ritual. Namun seperangkat norma ini tidak lagi terinstitusionalisasi di tengah masyarakat Gayo modern sehingga hanya melahirkan ritual miskin makna dan budaya tanpa identitas kepribadian yang jelas.