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Journal : Jurnal Geografi

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Geografi Lingkungan Berbasis Konstruktivis Dengan Model Pembelajaran Cooperatif Learning Agus Herianto; Ibrahim Ali
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jg.v12i01.10688


AbstractAdapun produk yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah buku ajar geografi lingkungan berbasis konstruktivis dengan model pembelajaran cooperatif learning. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, produk penelitin yang dihasilkan berupa buku ajar geografi lingkungan berbasis konstruktivis dengan model pembelajaran cooperatif learning layak digunakan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen geografi lingkungan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar, hal ini didasari oleh: 1) penilaian yang telah dilakukan oleh para ahli baik ahli isi, ahli bahasa, maupun ahli desain dengan nilai baik; 2) tanggapan atau penilaian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi dan dosen geografi lingkungan dengan kategori baik; dan 3) hasil uji coba, baik uji coba terbatas maupun uji coba lebih luas, menunjukkan peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar yang cukup signifikan hal ini bisa dilihat dari nilai pretes dan postes. Selanjutnya, hasil validasi model menunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen yang diajarkan dengan produk hasil pengembangan memiliki motivasi dan hasil belajar yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol yang diajarkan mengunakan metode pembelajaran ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi utama dalam perbaikan mutu pembelajaran geografi lingkungan.Kata Kunci : bahan ajar, geografi lingkungan, konstruktivis, cooperatif learning, motivasi dan hasil belajarThe products produced in this development research are constructivicist-based environment teaching books with a cooperative learning model. Based on research done, the product that produced the results of a constructivist-based environmental geographic teaching book with a cooperative learning model is appropriate for students and environmental geography lecturers to Improve motivation and learning outcomes, this is based on: 1) assessments that have been performed by experts in both content experts, linguists, and good value design experts; 2) Responses or assessments conducted by students of Geography education study Program and lecturer of environmental geography with good category; and 3) test results, both limited trials and wider trials, demonstrate increased motivation and significant learning outcomes this can be seen from the value of pretes and postes. Further, model validation results show that experimental classes taught with product development have better motivation and learning outcomes when compared to the control class taught using learning methods Talks, discussions and FAQs. The results of this research are expected to be used as a major reference in improving the quality of environmental geography learning.Key words: teaching materials, environmental geography, constructivicist, cooperative learning, motivation and learning outcomes
The Role of Geography Education Lecturers in Measuring Students' Basic Literacy and Numeracy Skills at SDN Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency Junaidin Junaidin; Siti Sanisah; Agus Herianto; Ravinesh Rohit Prasad
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jg.v15i1.42453


The strategy to improve the quality of education in schools is to improve the management of literacy culture. Literacy refers to the process of reading, writing, and speaking to build, integrate, and critique meaning. Many researchers studied teachers' role in improving elementary school students' literacy and forgot how lecturers also have an essential role. This study aims to identify geography education lecturers' role in measuring students' basic literacy and numeracy skills at SDN Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency. Research Methods use descriptive qualitative. Interviews, observation, and descriptive analysis of documents by purposive sampling obtained data. To increase the credibility of research informants using the principle of data saturation. The results of this study show that students' literacy and numeracy skills are still low because teachers' ability in Central Lombok Regency is also considered to have decreased, so the support of parents is considered a servant. This research also shows that the role of geography education lecturers is very significant in measuring literacy and numeracy skills applied to all fields of learning in an integrated manner so that the roles of teachers and lecturers both have an essential role in measuring the literacy and numeracy of elementary school students.Keywords: Lecturer Role, Literacy Ability, Basic Numeracy of Students 
Co-Authors -, Ibrahim - -, Mintasrihardi - Abdillah Abdillah Abdul Sakban Abdul Wahab Agung Pramunarti Agus Kurniawan Ahmad Kutbi Rais Akhmad Syafruddin Akhmad Syafruddin Anita Anita Anwar Efendy Arif Arif Arpan Islami Bilal Arsyad Abd. Gani Asma Azizah Baiq Yuliatin Ihsani Burhanuddin Burhanuddin Deviana Mayasari Djunadi AM Djunadi AM Eka Fitriani Erwansyah Erwansyah Fathul Rakhman Febrita Susanti Haifaturrahmah, Haifaturrahmah Harry Irawan Johari Ibrahim Ali Ilham Ilham Irma Setiawan, Irma Johri Sabaryati Joni Safaat Adiansyah Junaidi A.M Junaidi Am Junaidi AM Junaidi AM Junaidin Junaidin Kamaluddin Kamaluddin Khaerul Anam Khaerul Anam Khosiah Khosiah Linda Ayu Darmurtika M. Saleh M. Sobry Maemunah Maemunah Mahsup Mahsup Mardiyah Hayati Mariyati, Yuni Mas'ad Mas'ad Mas,ad, Mas,ad Mas’ad Mas’ad Mohd Hairy Ibrahim Muhammad Ali Muhammad Khalis Ilmi Muhammad Musiyam, Muhammad Muhammad Nizaar Muhammad Salahuddin Muhammad Saleh Muhammad Zamroni Muhardini, Sintayana Muslimin Muslimin Najamudin Najamudin Nor Kalsum binti Mohd Isa Norwaliza Abdul Wahab Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati, Nurhayati Nurin Rochayati Nurin Rochayati Nurul Huda Palahuddin Palahuddin Rahmat Sulhan Hardi Ravinesh Rohit Prasad Sahrup Sahrup Sarlita Kartiani Baiq Sinta Muhardini Siti Azizah Susilawati Siti Hasanah Siti Sanisah Sri Maryani Sri Rejeki Sudarwo, Raden Sukuryadi, Sukuryadi Swahip Swahip Syaharuddin Syaharuddin Syaifuddin Iskandar Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Vera Mandailina, Vera Vera Mendalina Zaenudin Zaenudin Zainuddin Zainuddin