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Media Konservasi Vol 20 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.758 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.20.2.%p


Ethnobotany study ketimunan/Timonius Timon (Spreng.) Merr. in local communities of Kanume Tribe aims to identify the knowledge and utilization ketimunan in local communities of  Kanume Tribe in Wasur National Park Papua. The research was conducted on the month in December 2014 until in February 2015 in the village of Yanggandur. Respondent conducted with quota sampling with the number of respondents 40 people. Methods of data collection is done by interviewing respondents by questionnaire. Data analysis was performed through frequency distribution. The results showed that the knowledge and utilization ketimunan in local communities of Kanume tribe rate used as medicinal plants to cure some diseases, such as abdominal pain (diarrhea), fever and stop the bleeding. The number of respondents who know ketimunan as a medicinal plant by 87.5% and not 12.5%. The number of respondents who know and can utilize ketimunan as a medicinal plant by 75% and not by 25%. In addition, the knowledge and utilization ketimunan by Kanume rate used for other purposes, namely as a substitute ingredient nut (Areca catechu L.) and a mixture of local drinks "sagero". The number of respondents who know ketimunan for other uses amounted to 82.5%, which is by 15% and the hesitation of 2.5%. Wherein, the number of respondents who know and can utilize ketimunan for other uses by 65%, which is 32.5% and the hesitation of 2.5%. Based on the calculation results show that ignorance towards ketimunan in the local community of Kanume tribes as a medicinal plant found in the 10-24 year age class. Utilization ketimunan of Kanume tribal communities still take from nature and has not been conducted on this plant breeding activities. Keywords: Ethnobotany, Kanume, Ketimunan.
Media Konservasi Vol 20 No 1 (2015): Media Konservasi, Vol. 20, No. 1 April 2015
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.938 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.20.1.%p


Bojonglarang Jayanti Nature Reserve one of habitat Rafflesia patma. The purpose of this research  to identify biotic and abiotic habitat characteristic of R. patma in Bojonglarang Jayanti Nature Reserve. Research conducted in March until April, using single plot analysis habitat to take physical and biotic data as well as the study of literature for climate data retrieval. R. patma habitat have lowland and coastal forest vegetation types  with dominant species Cyathocalys biovulatus. Fauna that be a benefit to the life of Rafflesia are 19 species from 15 Family. There are 90 individual R.patma found at altitude 0-100 m above sea level, slope average 14.73%, the distance from the coast beach 758 m, a distance from the water 12 m, litter thickness 1.7 cm, and the type of soil is Podsolic with low nutrient content and acidic pH. R. patma habitat has C climate type.  Key word : Abiotic, Biotic, Habitat, Population, R. Patma
Media Konservasi Vol 19 No 2 (2014): Vol 19, No.2 2014, Media Konservasi
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (607.917 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.19.2.%p


Potential damar tree (Shorea javanica) in the traditional zone of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP). Based on the results of the analysis of vegetation data is conducted by making 50 plots, the abundance distribution in phase 56 individual trees / hectare.  Shorea javanica tree is located in the zone of the trees that was planted with resin by Krui community. The value of dominance species was of 13.1 m² / ha. Potential of tree sap resin, which was produced in the tradisional, was estimated 59 kg per hectare. Distribution of the resin in the traditional zone TNBBS was about 446 hectare which was located along the Liwa-Krui. Management form for the resin treee in the research villages, Pekon Labuhan Mandi  and  Pekon Penengahan, was relatively the same. The altitude difference in growth trees and age affected production of latex. Based on the factor analysis results, factor 1 was the greatest influence factor for the decision-gum resin cat eye. Variables in a single factor, income and broad repong, were the most influential variable than the other factors. Development of agroforestry activities in BBSNP be in implementation as a priority policy direction and management strategies TN Under Regulation No. 28 of 2011 on the Management of Nature Reserves and Nature Conservation in Article 35 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 letter f Efforts to improve the welfare of forest communities through conservation amber Shorea javanica and community-based sustainability and maintain the diversity of plants and wildlife.  Keyword : Community, Distribution, Management, Potential, Shorea javanica,Traditional zone.
Media Konservasi Vol 20 No 3 (2015): Media Konservasi, Vol. 20, No. 3 Desember 2015
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.25 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.20.3.%p


Trend of medicinal plants use in Indonesia has increased along with the development of traditional medicine industries. It affects on the increasing demand for raw materials of traditional medicine in the form of simplisia. This research aimed to identify: vegetable simplisia, traditional medicine products, the selling price and source of simplisia traded in Pati regency, and assess the status of threat and rarity of the medicinal plant species. This research used direct observation and interview methods. Totally 126 of medicinal plant species that belongs to 55 families were recorded in this research. There were also 242 traditional medicine products from 40 indutries found on the market. The range of price of the cultivated simplisia was Rp 4.000,- – Rp 200.000,- per kilogram, while the wild simplisia was Rp 20.000,- – Rp 300.000,- per kilogram. Most simplisia were supplied from Semarang, Solo and surrounding area of each market. Furthermore, there were 8 species which included in the threatened category of LIPI; 2 species listed in Appendix II CITES; and 6 species of Least Concern category, and 1 species of Vulnerable category in IUCN Redlist. Keywords: medical plant, Pati Regency, simplisia, traditional medicine product
Media Konservasi Vol 20 No 3 (2015): Media Konservasi, Vol. 20, No. 3 Desember 2015
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.489 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.20.3.%p


O hongana ma nyawa is a community who used to live nomadically in the Forest of Halmahera Island by hunter and gather. Most of them have been resettled by the Indonesian government. Ethnobotany research to analyse the diversity of plants used by those community who live in Wangongira village, North Halmahera regency, was conducted on April to Mai 2015. A total of 153 used plant species of 54 families are identified, most of them are wild plants and taken from the forest. Most of the plants species used that are coming from the forest show their high knowledge of forest products nevertheless they have been resettled for years.  Keywords: ethnobotany, North Halmahera, O hongana ma nyawa, plant species diversity, utilization knowledge
POPULASI, SEBARAN DAN ASOSIASI KEPUH (Sterculia foetida L.) DI KABUPATEN SUMBAWA NUSA TENGGARA BARAT Arya Arismaya Metananda; Ervizal A.M. Zuhud; Agus Hikmat
Media Konservasi Vol 20 No 3 (2015): Media Konservasi, Vol. 20, No. 3 Desember 2015
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1129.058 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.20.3.%p


 Kepuh (Sterculia foetida L.) is a multi-function plant that presently in danger of extinction. Various acts of illegal logging, convertion of the region, as well as their skin dormancy is a challenge in conservation kepuh in nature. As racing with these conditions, conservation efforts must be known in advance regarding kepuh’s  population, how the spatial distribution and association as well. This data is important as a basis of the policy making and action in the field of handling. Therefore, the research was conducted to identify the population of kepuh, spatial distribution of kepuh and associated with other spesies. This research was conducted in 12 districts in Sumbawa Regency through surveys and literature review. The result of exploration and single quadrat method were found 169 individuals (65 seedlings, 5 saplings, 14 poles, 85 trees) kepuh in 12 districts. Based on its distribution, kepuh was unevened these days. The patterns of kepuh’s distribution was clumped. This means  that socio ecologically the existence of food and beverage is concentrated in certain locations. On the other side of the socio biological clumped distribution also indicate social interaction/association among kepuh and other plants. Associations pattern shown, kepuh in nature are relatively positive. However, when it is viewed from the level of the association by applying Jaccard index showed that the associations were formed relatively weak (average value 0,38). Population presented infomation, distribution and distribution patterns and associations of kepuh would be the basis for sustainable management of kepuh in nature. Keyword: association, conservation, distribution, kepuh, population.
Media Konservasi Vol 16 No 2 (2011): Media Konservasi Vol. 16 Nomor 2, Agustus 2011
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (626.132 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.16.2.%p


Global warming effect can be mitigated in two ways, namely carbon loss reduction or emission and increasing carbon storage within vegetation. Forest can absorb CO2 trough photosynthesis process and sink them in biomass. Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation (TWNC) as a part of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) have been facing land cover change due to encroachment. The study aimed to measure carbon stocks in various land cover and to compare carbon stocks for the whole are of TWNC TNBBS in 2000-2009. Carbon stocks measurement was conducted in TWNC TNBBS during August 8th to October 8th 2009, 50 plots were sampled including nature forest, secondary forest, agroforestry, shrub, Imperata cylindrica , and grassland by purposive sampling method. Soil carbon was not measured in this study. Nature forest has the highest carbon stocks by 178,44 MgC.ha-1, and grassland be a poorest carbon stocks (1,47 MgC.ha-1). During the time between 2000 to 2009,  primary forest carbon stock  decrease in amount of 457,792.52 Mg  along with the decrease in land cover of this forest type. As many as 24.4% of natural forests in 2000 turned into the others type of land use such as a secondary forest of  21.63%, for shrubs 1.61% and  0.06% for agroforestry in 2009. Totally, TWNC TNBBS has loss its carbon stocks as many as 279422 Mg, it’s mean the annual average carbon stocks contained in the TWNC TNBBS area decreased by around 27,942.2 Mg (0.72%) per year. Its mean, 1,024,547 Mg CO2 or 102,454.7 Mg CO­2 every year was lose from TWNC TNBBS area. Keywords: biomass, carbon stock, emission, forest
PEMETAAN KESESUAIAN HABITAT Rafflesia rochussenii Teijsm. et Binn. DI RESORT TAPOS TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG GEDE PANGRANGO Amri Muhammad Saadudin; Agus Hikmat; Lilik Budi Prasetyo
Media Konservasi Vol 17 No 3 (2012): Media Konservasi Vol. 17 Nomor 3, Desember 2012
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (896.644 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.17.3.%p


The research was carried out in Tapos Resort Mounts Gede Pangrango National Park (MGPNP). This study was aimed to identify physical factors which highly influence habitat suitability of R. rochussenii, to determine habitat suitability model and develop spatial mapp of habitat suitability area of the species. The research used physical variables of the habitat as follows : altitude, slope, LAI (Leaf Area Index) and distance from river. Spatial analysis was conducted  using ArcGIS 9.3 and Erdas Imagine 9.1 softwares, while photo analysis to determine LAI was done using Hemiview 2.1. Model weighting were determined using Principal Component Analysis. Based on the Principal Component Analysis, three principal components with characteristic vectors 1.358; 1.079 and 0.908 were obtained. Pysical habitat factors which gave significant effect on habitat suitability model were slope and altitude. The following was the model used to determine habitat suitability in Tapos Resort MGPNP :  Habitat suitability cumulative (Y) = (1.358 x Slope) + (1.079 x LAI) + (1.079 x Dintance from river) + (0.908 x Altitude). The result showed that there were 289.44 ha of high suitability habitat; 623.34 ha of medium suitability habitat and 213.75 ha of low suitability habitat. It was concluded that the habitat suitability map of R. rochussenii can be accepted with validation score of  96.26% for the high habitat suitability. Keywords:  mapping, habitat, Rafflesia rochussenii, Mounts Gede Pangrango National Park.
ANCAMAN KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) SEBAGAI SPESIES ASING INVASIF DI HUTAN KONSERVASI: Studi Kasus di Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor Agus Hikmat; Ervizal A.M. Zuhud; Marwa Prinado
Media Konservasi Vol 19 No 2 (2014): Vol 19, No.2 2014, Media Konservasi
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.16 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.19.2.%p


Palm oil is potential become an alien invasive plant species based on important value index and distribution value in every community. Expansion of palm oil in Indonesia from big companies become an ecological threat for conservation area which benefit for protect biodiversity, especially the place which straight abut or around palm oil farm. This research due to identification of dominance palm oil and distribution pattern palm oil in IPB Darmaga. This research held in IPB Darmaga area which never planted palm oil by people from January to February 2011. Total sampling plot each in unit location is 25 plot. Determining the sample plot use systematic sampling with random start. The distribution pattern result from this research is palm oil have clumped pattern of distributed. Keyword: Alien species, Conservation forest, IPB Darmaga Campus, Palm oil, Invasive species.
IPB BIODIVERSITY INFORMATICS (IPBIOTICS) UNTUK PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN Ervizal A.M. Zuhud; Yeni Herdiyeni; Agus Hikmat; Abdul Haris Mustari; Arya A. Metananda; Desta S. Pravista; Mayanda Mega; Rahmat Setiawan
Media Konservasi Vol 19 No 1 (2014): Media Konservasi Vol 19. No. 1 April 2014
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.299 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.19.1.%p


Indonesia is the country with the second highest biodiversity in the world. It is not only the diversity of biodiversity, but also diversity of indigenous knowledge such as functional foods and other traditional ingredients. IPB as one of the leading university in Indonesia has important role in the management of natural resources of biodiversity. Currently, management of biodiversity resource require an integrated and holistic system using computer science and technology which develop rapidly at this time. This study developed a system of biodiversity informatics IPB (IPBiotics) for biodiversity information management of indonesia’s natural resources in order to improve the knowledge management (knowledge management), exploration, analysis, synthesis and interpretation of data ranging from the level of genomic biodiversity, species level to the ecosystem level. Activities undertaken in this research include exploration of organism, biodiversity database development and biodiversity informatics infrastructure using model Resources Descriptions framework RDF with biodiversity data standards. Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG). IPBiotics participatory and integrated. Some of the features of the application that was developed in organism such as IPBiotics system, location mapping and exploration missions. IPBiotics also uses computer vision technology in application development. By IPBiotics we hope that the data information and knowledge of indonesian natural wealth can be utilized appropriately and optimally, so that the preservation of natural resources can be properly maintained. Keywords: Biodiversity informatics, Computer vision, Databases, IPBiotics, Sustainability.
Co-Authors . Siswoyo A. M. Zuhud Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri ABDUL HARIS MUSTARI Abywijaya, Ilham Kurnia Abywijaya, Ilham Kurnia Afrianto, Whisnu Febry Afrianto, Whisnu Febry Agung Widya Agus Priyono Kartono Agus Priyono Kartono Agus Priyono Kartono Agustina Roswita Atok Albert Farma Amelia Dwi Susanti Amri Muhammad Saadudin Andayani Oerta G Anggit Haryoso Ardika Eri Triana Arief Prasetyo Arya A. Metananda Arya Arismaya Metananda Arya Arismaya Metananda Asvic Helida Asvic Helida Asvic Helida, Asvic Beti Septiana Darsono Burhanuddin Masyud Cece Somantri Cecep Kusmana Cory Wulan Defri Yoza Desta S. Pravista Devi Aldian Pratama Dewi Lestari Dewi Lestari Didi Usmadi, Didi DIDIK WIDYATMOKO Ditha Silva Mutiawati Dudung Darusman E.K.S Harini Muntasib Edhi Sandra Elisa - Iswandono, Elisa - Elisa Iswandono Elisa Iswandono Eri Irwanta Ervizal A. M. Zuhud Ervizal A. M. Zuhud Ervizal A. M. Zuhud Ervizal A.M Zuhud Ervizal A.M Zuhud Ervizal A.M. Zuhud Ervizal AM Zuhud Ervizal AM Zuhud Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud Ervizal AMZU Ferdynan Dapadeda Ghiyats Fawwaz Fadhlullah Hardjanto - Hardjanto Hardjanto Hariadi Kartodihardjo Harnios Aerief Has, Dini Hardiani Husein Mukmin Irzal Fakhrozi, Irzal Istomo . Jarwadi B. Hernowo Jhon Marthali Simamora Joko Ridho Witono Kartodihardjo, Hariadi Lilik Budi Prasetyo Lisdayanti Lisdayanti M. Adlan Ali Machmud Thohari Marwa Prinado Mayanda Mega Maysarah . Meine van Noordwijk Merlian Zikri Muhammad Adlan Ali Munawar Fuadi Nandi Koesmayandi Nandi Kosmaryandi Nani Rahayu Nina Hernindiah Nira Febriyanti Niskan Walid Masruri Nurheni Wijayanto Nurkhotimah . Nurul Qomar Oktovianus Oktovianus Purwanto Purwanto Rachmad Hermawan Radios Simanjuntak Rani Assyifa Resti Suwartini Revina Dwi Utami Rina Wulan Sari Rinekso Soekmadi Rita Kartika Sari Rizky Febriana Lubis Rudi Hermawan Rudi Hermawan Sambas Basuni Siti Masitoh Kartikawati SM Kartikawati Soekisman Tjitrosoedirjo Sopian Hidayat Sri Soepraptini Mansjoer Subekti Rahayu Supartono, Toto Titiek Setyawati Titiek Setyowati Viny Volcherina Darlis Viyata Pratiwi Risky Y. Purwanto Y. Purwanto YANTO SANTOSA Yoga Dwi Syahputra Yohanes Purwanto Yoko Untoro Yulianto Yulizar . Zuhud EAM, Zuhud