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Hubungan Budaya Organisasi Dengan Inovasi Perusahaan Correlation of Organizational Culture with Company Innovation Miftahul Rahmat; Haedar Akib; Muh. Rizal; Herlina Sakawati; Andi Aslinda
Jurnal Ilmiah Sumber Daya Manusia Vol 4, No 2 (2021): JENIUS (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/JJSDM.v4i2.9083


Budaya organisasi merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam suatu organisasi. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hubungan budaya organisasi dengan inovasi perusahaan pada Perusahaan umum Bulog Divisi Regional Sulawesi Selatan dan Barat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif.  Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba untuk memastikan tingginya tingkat korelasi pada variabel budaya organisasi dengan inovasi perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi serta dianalisis menggunakan formula statistika, yakni korelasi Rank Spearman yang perhitungannya menggunakan bantuan SPSS. Dari hasi pengolahan data untuk variabel budaya organisasi diperoleh nilai 82 persen, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa budaya organisasi Perum Bulog Divisi Regional Sulselbar di Makassar masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil pengolahan data untuk variabel inovasi perusahaan diperoleh nilai 86 persen maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa inovasi perusahaan Perum Bulog Divisi Regional Sulselbar di Makassar masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Dari hasil analisis koefisien korelasi maka diperoleh hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar = 0,705, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa budaya organisasi berkorelasi dengan tingkat korelasi tinggi dengan inovasi perusahaan pada Perusahaan umum Bulog Divisi Regional Sulselbar di Makassar
Archive Management Analysis in Secondary School: A Case Study in Indonesia Suharti Suharti; Haedar Akib; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Kassim Thukiman
International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership Volume 1, Number 1, May 2020
Publisher : Har Press Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51629/ijeamal.v1i1.2


Archiving is all activities relating to the management of archives, both official and private archive. This study aims to determine the implementation of records management at secondary school. In this study, there are five indicators, namely, receipt of the archive, archival storage, maintenance and security of the archive, as well as depreciation of the archive, and destruction of records. The research method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. Five informants participated in this study. Analysis of the data used is an interactive model and the techniques in analyzing data are by performing data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. To ensure the validity of the data, an extension of observation was carried out for triangulation of data sources, holding member checks, and increasing diligence in conducting the study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of records management in secondary school is still very simple and not in accordance with the development of existing archival science. Judging from the lack of facilities and infrastructure management records that are needed and the absence of an archive management system used to organize the archive. Thus, to find back an archive still takes a long time and sometimes even have to do records archiving. So, in this case, the management of the archive is considered less than the maximum and ineffective
Effect of Service Quality on Company Customer Satisfaction Haryati haryati; Haedar Akib; Aris Baharuddin; Andi Cudai Nur; Muh Nasrullah
Pinisi Business Administration Review Volume 3, Number 1, March 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pbar.v3i1.20571


This study aims to determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of the Makassar City Regional Public Drinking Water Company in Tallo District. This type of research is a descriptive study with a quantitative research design. The data collection technique is done through observation, questionnaire (questionnaire) and documentation. The data analysis technique used consists of descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. In this study, researchers tried to determine how much influence service quality has on customer satisfaction. This study used a survey method, data collection was carried out by observation, questionnaires and documentation and analyzed using SPSS assistance. From the results of data processing for service quality variables obtained a value of 85 percent, So it can be concluded that the service quality of Perumda Drinking Water in Makassar City in Tallo District is in the good category. The results of data processing for the variable customer satisfaction obtained a value of 82 percent, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction of Perumda Air Drinking City of Makassar in Tallo District is in the high / strong level category. From the results of the correlation coefficient analysis, the correlation coefficient is = 0.425, so it can be concluded that the quality of service is correlated with a high level of correlation with customer satisfaction of the Regional Public Drinking Water Company in Makassar City in Tallo District. The results of data processing for the variable customer satisfaction obtained a value of 82 percent, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction of Perumda Air Drinking City of Makassar in Tallo District is in the high / strong level category. From the results of the correlation coefficient analysis, the correlation coefficient is = 0.425, so it can be concluded that the quality of service is correlated with a high level of correlation with customer satisfaction of the Regional Public Drinking Water Company in Makassar City in Tallo District. The results of data processing for the variable customer satisfaction obtained a value of 82 percent, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction of Perumda Air Drinking City of Makassar in Tallo District is in the high / strong level category. From the results of the correlation coefficient analysis, the correlation coefficient is = 0.425, so it can be concluded that the quality of service is correlated with a high level of correlation with customer satisfaction of the Regional Public Drinking Water Company in Makassar City in Tallo District.
Entrepreneurial Motivation of Street Vendors in Seruni Beach, Bantaeng Regency Muhammad Darwis; Rifani Sri Wahyuni; Muhammad Guntur; Haedar Akib; Risma Niswaty
Pinisi Business Administration Review Volume 2, Number 2, September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pbar.v2i2.16396


Motivation to develop a new business is required not only by self-confidence in its ability to succeed, but also by its ability to access information about entrepreneurial opportunities. This study aims to determine how the motivation to entrepreneurship street vendors in Seruni Beach, Bantaeng Regency. Data collection used through observation, interview and documentation techniques. Informants in the study were seven informants with the type of research and the approach used was a qualitative description. Data collection used through observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that the motivation of the street vendors on Seruni Beach, Bantaeng Regency in terms of each indicator, starting from the entrepreneurial spirit indicator displayed by the street vendors, the results showed that there was indeed enthusiasm in a trader, an indicator of creativity whose results showed the traders had creativity, an innovative indicator whose results show that traders have innovative, risk-taking indicators of courage, the results show that traders are brave enough to take all kinds of risks in entrepreneurship.
Correlation of Organizational Culture with Company Innovation Miftahul Rahmat Rauf; Haedar Akib; Muhammad Rizal
Pinisi Business Administration Review Volume 2, Number 2, September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pbar.v2i2.15789


Copyright © 2020 Universitas Negeri Makassar. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Organizational Culture is an important component in organization. This research discussed the correlation of organizational culture with company innovation in Perum Bulog Sulselbar Regional Divisions. This type of research is a descriptive research using a quantitative study design. Data collected techniques are carried out through observation, questionnaires and documentation. In this study, researchers tried to ascertain whether organizational culture has a relationship with company innovation. This research using a survey method. The data was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed using a statistical formula, with Spearman Rank Correlation which is calculated using SPSS. Based on data processing for the organizational culture variable, it was obtained a value of 82 percent, so it concluded that the organizational culture, was in the very good category. For the company's innovation variable obtained a value of 86 percent, so it concluded that the innovation is in the very good category. The results of this study are that there is a relationship between organizational culture with company innovation, with a high correlation coefficient score up to = 0,705, So it can be concluded that organizational culture is correlated with a high level of correlation with company innovation at the general company Bulog, the Regional Division of South Sulawesi in Makassar.
Application of The Situasional Leadership Style in PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (PERSERO) TBK, Mattoangin Branch Office Makassar Andi Lisna B; Haedar Akib; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Andi Caesar To Taddampali; Nurfadillah Guntur
Pinisi Business Administration Review Volume 3, Number 2, September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pbar.v3i2.24357


It is impossible to manage organizational members with different personalities, backgrounds, levels of willingness and abilities by using only a single leadership. Therefore, facing different situations or levels of employee maturity requires different leadership styles. This study aims to determine the Situational Leadership Style applied PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Mattoangin Branch Office Makassar, in terms of the dimensions of Telling Style, Selling Style, Participating Style and Delegating Style. The research method used is a descriptive research method with quantitative approaches. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires / questionnaire, structured interviews, direct observation and documents. The sampling technique used nonprobability sampling with saturated sampling (census) as many as 42 employees. Respondents' answers were analyzed using descriptive analysis through frequency distribution and percentage. The results of this study indicate that the application of a Situational Leadership Style which consists of four dimensions, namely the Telling Style is quite good and has a percentage of 77.30 %. Selling Style is good and has a percentage of 84.32%. Participating Style is very good and has a percentage of 85, 95%. Meanwhile, Delegating Style is good and has a percentage of 80.00%.
Strategi Pertumbuhan Usaha Cafe Titik Nol Sulfiani Sulfiani; Sumiati Sumiati; Haedar Akib; A.Octamaya Tenri Awaru
JPEK: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan)
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/jpek.v6i1.4800


To develop a business or business to be successful, it depends on how to run the business according to the rules and pay attention to the changes that occur. Zero point cafe is a self-owned business, not a child of an entrepreneur or a branch of a medium or large business.  Zero point cafe is managed by one of Hasanuddin University's undergraduate program students named Ajrullah Sumaji, this cafe is located on Jln Statistik, Tamalanrea Indah, Makassar City.This study aims to determine the business growth strategy and the factors that influence the Café Point Zero business.  To achieve this goal, the researchers used data collection techniques through individual interviews.  The data obtained from the research results are processed using qualitative descriptive data to find out what strategies are carried out or used by Point Zero Café in increasing its business growth and what factors influence the business growth strategy of Point Zero Café..The results showed that (1) the Point Zero café business growth strategy was carried out by making more use of social media as a tool to promote the cafe, fostering existing relationships with cafe employees to enliven or find regular cafe customers, providing the best service to all consumers,  take advantage of technological developments in running a business.  always trying to improve facilities to improve customer convenience, trying to maintain a consistent taste of the products sold.  (2) the factors that influence the growth strategy of the Zero Point Café Business, namely internal factors and external factors.  Internal factors include strengths and weaknesses.  The strengths of Point Zero Café are the café's image, the strategic location of the café, the quality of the products offered, adequate advice and infrastructure, having regular customers, and perfecting innovative and creative products.  Meanwhile, the weakness of this café is the lack of promotional activities, marketing network, and limited marketing personnel.  External factors include opportunities and threats.  Opportunities owned by the Cafe include (1) Hasanuddin University student growth rate (2) An increasing sales trend.  While the threat for Point Zero Café is during the current covid 19 pandemic, of course this cafe is not operating properly.
Pengaruh Remedial Dan Lingkungan Sosial Terhadap Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik Di Sekolah Nelly Agustina; A. Amiruddin Tawe; Haedar Akib
Phinisi Integration Review Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pir.v5i1.31578


Education is one of the essential things in life. The ability of each student in understanding the material being taught varies, some are fast, moderate, slow, and even difficult. Students who experience difficulty in understanding the material will be incomplete in their learning results. The rights of students to get the same knowledge as others, students who are declared incomplete are given remedial. One of the obstacles for students in achieving success in learning is students have learning difficulties. Learning difficulties are conditions where students with average or above-average intelligence abilities have learning disabilities or failures related to obstacles in the process of perception, conceptualization, language, memory, as well as concentration, self-control, and motor sensor integration function. Therefore, this study aims to discover 1) the influence of remedial on students’ learning difficulties at SMAN 9 Makassar, 2) the influence of social environment on students’ learning difficulties at SMAN 9 Makassar, and 3) the influence of remedial and social environment on students’ learning difficulties at SMAN 9 Makassar. The type of this study is survey research with a quantitative approach. The results of the study indicate that there is a remedial influence on learning difficulties. The test results show that 1) there is a positive and significant remedial influence on students' learning difficulties through remedial learning, 2) there is a positive and significant social environment influence on students' learning difficulties through motivation from the surrounding environment, and 3) there is a positive and significant remedial and social environment on students’ learning difficulties both partially and simultaneously.
Records Management at PT. Bank Sulselbar Jeneponto Branch Risma Niswaty; Muh Amin; haedar Akib; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Jurnal Office Vol. 6 No. 2, July-December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/jo.v6i2.17981


Records management plays an important role in the running of an organization. This study aims to determine the description of archival management at PT. Bank Sulselbar Jeneponto Branch. To achieve this goal, the Researcher determined 3 (three) informants, namely: Operations Section Leader, Operational Assistant, and Administrative Assistant. This type of research and the approach used is descriptive qualitative. Collecting data through interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out through data collection, data condensation, data presentation, data verification/conclusions. The results showed that archival management at PT. Bank Sulselbar Jeneponto Branch has been managed optimally. This can be seen from the indicators of the stages of receiving archives, the stages of archive storage, the stages of maintaining and securing archives, the stages of shrinking archives, and the stages of destroying archives that have fulfilled almost all aspects of the five stages. Evidenced by the management of records at PT. Bank Sulselbar Jeneponto Branch is adjusted to Standard Operating Procedures and archives that are easy to find as well as an archival storage system using a number system.
Implementation of Driving License Issuance Policy at Gowa Police Station Sahabuddin Sahabuddin; Rifdan Rifdan; Haedar Akib; Sitti Hardiyanti Arhas
Jurnal Ad'ministrare: Jurnal Pemikiran Ilmiah dan Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December 2021
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.785 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/ja.v8i1.22285


A driver's license is proof of the legitimacy of competence, control tools, and police forensic data for someone who has passed the knowledge, ability, and skill test to drive a Ranmor on the road by the requirements specified under the Traffic and Road Transport Act. This study aims to determine the implementation of the policy of issuing a driving license at the Gowa Police Station in terms of resources; and the determinants of the policy implementation of the issuance of a Driving License (SIM in Indonesian) at the Gowa Police. This research method is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The data sources used primary data through observation and interview instruments which determined nine research informants and secondary data through the review of various documents. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification/conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the policy for managing the issuance of SIM at the Gowa Police in terms of resources is not implemented properly, because there are still deficiencies in facilities and infrastructure that can provide a sense of comfort for SIM administrators when receiving services.