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Journal : Warta Pengabdian Andalas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Dan Penerapan Ipteks

Upaya pencegahan risiko LGBT pada remaja SMA (LGBT risk prevention efforts in Senior High School adolescents) Esi Afriyanti; Elvi Oktarina; Feri Fernandes
Jurnal Pengabdian Warta Andalas Vol 25 No 2 (2018): Warta Pengabdian Andalas
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

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The problem of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or known as LGBT, has becomeprominent in the world in more than a decade. This problem is also a concern in Indonesia alongwith the rise of HIV cases. From 1990 to 2016 there was an increase in HIV and AIDS caseswhere an increase in HIV AIDS cases was transmitted by heterosexual sexual activity.Heterosexual is mostly done by LGBT people. Most homosexuals (Lesbian, Gay andtransgender) begin to realize that they have different tendencies when they are young. Studiesshow homosexual behavior and same-sex attraction have been encountered since the age of 15.This situation shows that the school age group is the age of the vulnerable to start engaging insame-sex relationships. While the decision to become homosexual or majadi lesbian occursmostly in young adults or at the age when they are already students. For this reason, early prevention of LGBT is needed. This prevention can be done by early detection of the tendencyfor sexual behavior and health education about its impact on life. Besides this early preventioncan be done with role play in adolescents so that adolescents can analyze how LGBT preventionis. This community service was held on Saturday, November 27, 2018 with a total of 76participants. Counseling was conducted at SMAN 9 Padang in class XI. The method used inthis activity was counseling and health education with the lecture method, role play involvingstudents and also effective teachers in schools by providing booklets and leaflets which wereone of the means to increase the knowledge of teachers and students about LGBT. The existenceof booklets and information leaflets will be conveyed systematically.
Pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keluarga dalam Merawat Lansia Demensia di Puskesmas Pauh, Kota Padang Rika Sarfika; Feri Fernandes; Gentri Mailia
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 26 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.26.2.97-101.2019


Dementia in the elderly is very worrying today. Because the numbers tend to increase every year. Elderly who have been affected by dementia requires close attention and control to prevent things that can endanger the elderly. Many families feel stressed in caring for the elderly, both physical and psychological stress. There are even families who lock up the elderly in the house for the reasons of elderly safety. This situation can worsen the condition of the elderly who experience dementia. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out activities that can increase the community's knowledge and understanding of dementia and how to treat it. This activity was carried out in RW 3 of Cupak Tangah Pauh, attended by 14 elderly families. Provision of health education using a lectures and demonstrations approach. To find out the level of knowledge of the elderly families before and after the provision of health education used a measuring tool consisting of 5 questions. The results of the activity found that an increase in knowledge after being given health education is the average score of pra-test 3.00 increased to an average of 4.14 at the time of the post-test. Based on the results, it is recommended to nurses at the health center to be able to continue health education to the elderly families as a promotive and preventive program.
Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Kesiapan Identitas pada Remaja di Parak Gadang Timur, Andalas Padang Rika Sarfika; Uci Ramadhani Anwar; Feri Fernandes
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 27 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.27.1.14-20.2020


Adolescence is a period of attaining identity. If it fails, then Identity Confusion will occur. For adolescents to grow into great generations and vigorous self-defense, adolescents need to achieve optimal identity development. This program aims to stimulate adolescent growth and development to make the readiness of growth and development of identity in adolescents. The activity was carried out on November 27, 2019, at junior high school students at SMPN 9 Padang. A total of 29 teenagers attended the health education provided with lecture and stimulation methods. Before and after attending health education, adolescents fill out questionnaires containing five questions about adolescent knowledge of adolescent growth and development. Knowledge data were processed using t-dependent tests to determine changes in teenage knowledge scores before and after attending health education. The activities showed that the average score of knowledge of adolescents before being given health education was 2.72 and after being given health education was 4.31. Paired sample t-test results showed the value of Pv = 0.000, meaning that there was a significant change between adolescents' knowledge before and after being given health education. Based on the results, it is recommended for nurses at the public health center to continue to conduct health education and socialization about adolescents' growth and development to increase the readiness of adolescent psychosocial growth and development.
Optimalisasi Potensi Desa Wisata Nagari Pariangan (Desa Terindah di Dunia) Melalui Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Dalam Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Dan Berkoperasi Boby Febri Krisdianto; Arif Rohman Mansur; Feri Fernandes; Natasya Natasya; Annisa Rahma Yuni
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 28 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.28.3.215-224.2021


The Covid-19 pandemic has hurt the tourism sector, including the Tourism Village of Nagari Pariangan. This village was designated as one of the most beautiful villages globally in 2012 due to its nature and culture. Non-natural disasters in the form of Covid-19 impact reducing the number of tourists by 40% in 2020. The purpose of this community service is to help the government of Nagari and tourism managers prepare to adapt to the new era of prevalence through increasing public awareness in the application of health protocols and maximizing the cooperative concept for social business. The activity was carried out using lecture, discussion and demonstration methods regarding (1) Mitigation of tourism disasters due to Covid-19 in order to prevent new clusters in tourist villages, (2) Preparation of health protocols for tourist destinations, (3) Declaration of compliance with health protocols by a leader of the Nagari Pariangan, and (4) Management of cooperative-based tourism villages to strengthen the National Social Safety Net. In addition, the implementation team also handed over posters, banners, booklets, and some equipment that supports hygiene practices at tourist destinations.
Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Perawat dalam Pemberdayaan Keluarga untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan Keluarga Orang dengan Skizofrenia (ODS) di Kota Padang Dewi Eka Putri; Rika Sarfika; Feri Fernandes; Bunga Permata Wenny; Rika Sabri; Gusti Sumarsih
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 30 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.30.1.47-51.2023


People living with schizophrenia in West Sumatra are currently experiencing an increase. In 2018 the prevalence of schizophrenia reached 9 per 1000 households. This prevalence is above the national average. The problem that often occurs in people with schizophrenia (ODS) is relapse. High relapse also occurs in ODS in Padang. It was because of non-compliance with treatment and a lack of support from the family. Inadequate support is the impact of the low resilience of the ODS family. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to increase the ability of nurses to empower families to increase family resilience so that ODS relapse is low. The method used in this community service is the provision of training. The training was given to 14 nurses holding mental programs at the Padang City Health Centers. The training was carried out for three days at the Faculty of Nursing Unand Padang. Community service resulted in nurses' knowledge in empowering ODS families before training was an average of 50.75, and nurses' knowledge after training was an average of 62.78, increasing by 12.03 points. It hopes that nurses could empower ODS families through home visits so that every ODS family member has the knowledge and ability to care for ODS so that family resilience increases and relapse can prevent.