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Journal : Pancaran Pendidikan

A Concept: Enhancing Biology Learning Quality by Using Process Image Firdha Yusmar; Devin Susbandya; Eva Laila Widita; Lailiyah Maghfiroh; Jekti Prihatin; Sutarto Sutarto
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.835 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i2.12


Biology learning cannot be separated from visual activities which a part of process skill approach. Visual activities involve process and supported by images. Meanwhile, the images are something that can depute real objects and have the same character of colours and shape as the original. The process is a series activities which take place gradually and continuously to achieve a goal. As for 'process image' is the series of pictures which visualise a phenomenon or a natural fact, so that students can understand the concepts and theories of biology that deals with the pictures. This paper aimed to describe the role of 'process image' to enhance High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), retentions, process skills and learning achievements. The method of this research was analysed from some international journals about the effectiveness of process pictures in the Biology learning. Media of process image has many advantages in a visualisation of abstract concepts in the biology learning.
Student Worksheet Science Based On Process Image Of Light Concept For Learning In Junior High Schools Muh. Zainuri; Sutarto Sutarto; Supeno Supeno; Indrawati Indrawati; Jekti Prihatin
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.453 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i4.83


Student worksheet science based on process image is a printed material that presents a series of images of objects (objects, events, or phenomena), the images in the series between each other always appear to be relatively different in terms (state, position, shape, Combinations) which as a whole illustrate a coherent stage of events in a unified whole. A student worksheet is able to facilitate students in reviewing the material independently, so that materialised learning the science of student centred learning. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of student worksheet based on the image of light concept process for practical and effective junior high school student learning. This research design uses one group pretest-posttest design. The result of the research shows that learning activity is increasing up to reach 83,18%, and respondent gives a positive response with 'good' criterion. N-gain increased understanding of the concept of light by 0.628 on moderate criteria and supported with retention of 99.6%. The use of student worksheets based on the image of light concept process is practical and effective for improving students' understanding, as well as knowledge can be stored for longer in student memory.
The Development Of Collision Module Based On Process Image For Physics Learning In Senior High School Fajar Lailatul Mi’rojiyah; Sutarto Sutarto; I Ketut Mahardika; Indrawati Indrawati; Jekti Prihatin
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (517.307 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i2.30


This action research explored the development of instructional material in module form based on process image which valid, practice, and effective at physics learning in senior high school. Physics contained the concepts with the fundamental categorising something into presenting on verbal so the physics concepts are usually abstract so that mental image needed. The development of this module is one of instructional material which can help the student thinking systematic about the physics concepts so that it can learn by students independently. The module must be describing the basic competencies and it will be achieved by students and served with a good language, interesting, and completed by illustration clearly. Process Image interpreted by a series of images (objects, events, phenomenon), which every image of that series always look a different combination overall describing phase stages comprehensive.The development of module in this research is using Thiagarajan design research and development 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) and it still at the phase Develops which the result through expert validation and action research that is a plan, action, observe, and reflection during the research. Finally, the collision module based on process image can be used in physics learning.
The Development of Collaborative Learning Talking Chips Based On Brain-Based Learning (BBL) for The Junior High School Science in The Agroecosystem Area Ena Milada Tri Handayani; Jekti Prihatin; Kamalia Fikri
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.487 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v7i4.210


Agroecosystem area has abundant natural resources, but these natural resources cannot be utilized as learning resources needed in the learning process of students becoming passive, comfortable and power-efficient in remembering students. Learning involving students is done by learning Brain-Based Learning (BBL) collaborated with Talking Chips type collaborative learning model. The purpose of this study is to obtain a development process, obtain a valid model, and obtain a Talking Chips learning a model based on Brain-Based Learning (BBL) that is practical for SMP learning in the Agroecosystem area. This research was conducted in SMP Negeri 9 Jember with research subjects of class VII B in the academic year 2018/2019. The type of this research was (research and development), using 4-D model Thiagarajan, but only used 3 stages define, design, and develop. The technique of collecting data is by collecting product validation data, test methods, interviews with teachers, questionnaire teachers and students and observations. The data analysis technique consisted of product validation analysis, analytic analysis with N-gain and learning retention, and practicality analysis. The product validation results, which are 89.33%, are categorized as very valid. The effectiveness of learning outcomes is 0.78 with a high category while the retention results obtained based on the learning retention analysis are 89 with a high category. The results of practicality obtained from the teacher questionnaire response were 98%, the category was very good and the questionnaire student responses were 96% with a very good category.
Diversity of Asteroidea on Gili Ketapang Beach Probolinggo Regency and Its Use as Popular Scientific Book Buyami Buyami; Suratno Suratno; Jekti Prihatin
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (597.48 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v9i4.312


Popular scientific books are books that adhere to scientific standards and are displayed in common language and attractive layouts so that the public is more interested in reading them Starfish (Asteroidea) is an animal that plays an important role in the coastal environment, namely as the bioindicator of the water's contamination. One of the pristine waters of the beach and has a high enough biological richness is Gili Ketapang, Probolinggo beach. This research aims to determine the level of diversity of Asteroidea in Gili Ketapang beach, Probolinggo. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research with the method of Transect plotting. The results of this study found 2 types of Asteroidea with a total of 100 individuals. Asteroidea is found in 1 family, 1 genus and 2 types of Asteroideans. The type of Asteroidea is a family of Archasteridae, a genus of Archaster and the type of Archaster typicus and Archaster angulatus. The value of the diversity index of Asteroidea in Gili Beach Ketapang Regency of Probolinggo is 1.323
Co-Authors A Alfianti Aditya Kurniawan Agatha, Nabiela Dini Agnesa, Oki Sandra Ahmad Habib Sholahuddin Amalia Nurul Imamah Amalia Nurul Imamah Amrina Rosyadah Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Anastasia Dwiani Andhyka Putri Anggun Rifka Rozi Anjar Putro Utomo Annisatuz Zahro Haryulinda Ari Dwi Setya Laksana Aulia Fitria Damayanti Bea Hana Siswati Buyami Buyami Candra Pratama Hervianto Chuck Nuris Alvinda Chuck Nuris Alvinda D Devan Dera Dwi Herawati Devi Novitasari, Devi Devin Susbandya Devy Dwi Restuwati Dewi Nurhayati Dewi, Ratna Sari Dian E.A Fitria Ningrum Duran Corebima Aloysius Dwi Cahyani Dwi Wahyuni Dwi Wahyuni Elvia Dahayu Cundamani Ena Milada Tri Handayani Endhika Heries Pratama Erlia Narulita Erwin Baruna Sandi Yudha Erwin Novita Sari Eva Laila Widita Fajar Lailatul Mi’rojiyah Fariz Imam Utomo Fariz Imam Utomo Fauziah, Riski Fersty Isna Kusumawardani Fikri Ainur Risma Hardiyanti Oktavia Firdha Yusmar I Ketut Mahardika Iis Nur Asyiah Iis Nur Asyiah Ika Lia Novenda Imam Mudakir Indrawati Indrawati Jamhari Jamhari Joko Waluyo K Kedawung Kamalia Fikri Karimatul Aini Ken Izmi Sasmi Afrik Rojanna Ken Izmi Sasmi Afrik Rojanna Khoirul Anam Lailiyah Maghfiroh Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Mery Sintia Dewi Meylinda Retno Windari Mohamad Khoirul Anam Mr Suratno Muh. Zainuri Mustika Setianingrum Nabiela Dini Agatha Nabilla Syakhina Yulyatno Nabilla Syakhina Yulyatno Naufal Fa'iq Hilmi Nikmatin Mabsutsah Nina Naurah Septiwanti Novy Eurika Nur Amida Kriana Nuria Imamah Thurrodliyah Nurul Azizah P Pujiastuti Pramudya Dwi Aristya Putra Prasetyaning Astuti Mahayu Ariyawati Pujiastuti Pujiastuti Pujiastuti Pujiastuti Ratna Putri Aulia Ratna Sari Dewi Reta Yuliani Fajrin Ridlo Firmansyah Rifda Abadiyah Rini Rini Riska Nuroktavia Riski Fauziah Rusmi Indriyani SATRIYAS ILYAS Siti Murdiyah Slamet Hariyadi Slamet Hariyadi Slamet Hariyadi Sri Rahayu Lestari Sri Suwartini Sulifah Aprilya Supeno Supeno Suratno . Suratno Suratno Suratno Suratno Suratno Suratno Sutarto Sutarto Sutarto Sutarto Sutarto Sutarto Sylvia Anggraeni Vendi Eko Susilo Vivi Darmayanti Wachju Subchan Wachju Subchan Wahcju Subchan Wahcju Subchan Wahono, Bevo Wardah Rahmawati, Wardah Wendra Syehrofi Winda Anista, Winda Yolanda Leony Agustia Mertha