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Journal : Proceedings of The ICECRS

Learning Strategies at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Krian during the Covid 19 Pandemic Muhlasin Amrullah; Fitriani Setya Kirana Rochmaeni
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.828 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211048


This study aims to determine the strategies used by Muhammadiyah 2 Krian Elementary School in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used by author is qualitative research and using a phenomenological approach to explore information related to the issues raised. Muhammadiyah 2 Krian Elementary School carries a new learning strategy asa solution in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, namely learning online using the WhatsApp application, google meet, and zoom. However, the method was not effective enough that the Muhammadiyah 2 Krian Elementary School teachers implemented a visiting teacher system and a consultation class. With the implementation of this strategy as a solution in dealing with learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities at the Muhammadiyah 2 Krian Elementary School can run well.
Implementation of Online Learning during the Covid 19 Pandemic at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo Dwi Prasanti; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (85.582 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211049


This study aims to find out about the learning strategies used at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo during the covid 19 pandemic. In this research data retrieval by using interviews, documentation and observation. The results obtained in this study are: 1) The way the teacher motivates students to keep the spirit of learning in online learning, 2) The teacher's strategies used in online learning, 3) the perceived obstacles during online learning. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. During the pandemic, SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo continued to do learning via zoom and the web. Although learning is now done virtually or online, it is not the same as when implementing direct learning, there are many obstacles faced and obtained by students and teaching staff.
Muhammadiyah Education at Gempol Village during the Covid 19 Pandemic Mukhammad Fahmi Udin; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.333 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211050


The purpose of holding scientific articles is to train students' abilities to be more sensitive to the world of education in their surroundings, and also to complete assignments that have been given by lecturers to students. For the research method using descriptive qualitative methods or easier, namely using interviews, with this interview method, the information we need is easier to obtain and also obtained easily. Because the information we get comes directly from the source, so there is no misinformation in it. The results that I have obtained from the interviews and articles that I have made have had a significant impact on me regarding education in my own village and have also given me more insight into education. The conclusion that I can take is that in the implementation of teaching and learning activities it is not always done face to face but can be done online as it is today due to conditions that do not allow face to face learning, but still it is a maximum effort to connect the education chain without break the education chain.
Learning Strategies in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic Nur Adinda Putri; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.602 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211051


The purpose of this research is about various aspects in it, including methods, processes, strategies and learning breakthroughs during a pandemic. In the process of this research using descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques with interviews, observations and photos when the research process is carried out. This study aims to reveal the methods used in learning and conclude how the learning strategies during the pandemic in elementary schools. Like schools in general, strategies are carried out online using the Google Meet application and sometimes offline in the learning process. In addition, there are breakthroughs in online learning by teachers, there are several challenges in implementing learning strategies. But even so, elementary school teachers continue to carry out the learning process through the google meet application with the hope that students can continue to study even in pandemic conditions. Parents here play an important role in the success of online learning strategies. Because in the learning process parents do not monitor or accompany their children, so they may not pay attention, so when the teacher gives homework, they cannot answer it. If students cannot answer the questions that have been given, then the learning objectives still cannot be achieved. Because there are students who still do not understand the material presented. This strategy is carried out to prevent and break the spread of the Covid-19 virus that is currently in Indonesia.
Muhammadiyah Non-Formal Education During the Covid 19 Pandemic Nur Fazriya Masfufa; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (89.654 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211052


Non-formal education is practical education or training for the community that is still carried out by the community to increase knowledge and increase interest in talent in themselves. The purpose of this study is to find out about Muhammadiyah non-formal education, the goals and benefits of non-formal education, the characteristics of Muhammadiyah non-formal education and forms of non-formal education of Muhammadiyah. The data collection techniques were interviews and observations, interviews with resource persons Mrs. Sumjiana (managers) and observations and research at the Muhammadiyah branch of the Muhammadiyah College in Gedangan District. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. A qualitative approach is a research process to understand social or human problems by analyzing words to create a complex and comprehensive picture, as well as reporting detailed information views obtained from information sources in the natural environment. Muhammadiyah non-formal education during the COVID-19 pandemic took various forms. Muhammadiyah non-formal education such as TK Aisyah 1 Gedangan and TPQ Tunas Jasmine in Gedangan District.
Strategy faLearning Strategies at SD Muhammadiyah Wringinanom during the Covid 19 Pandemic or SD Muhammadiyah Wringinanom in Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic Devi Nur Amin Putriningsih; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (95.704 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211054


The covid-19 pandemic has affected various fields, one of which is also in the field of education. Education is one of the factors that has been greatly affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. The government and educators are doing their best so that education can run well even with a pandemic like this. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government established Distance Education. Distance learning is an effort so that learning can be carried out properly even though it uses a different system. With the implementation of distance learning, teachers are required to be more able to master technology and be creative in designing distance learning so that it can always run effectively. However, in this distance learning is also inseparable from the advantages and disadvantages in its implementation. Thus distance learning is applied to break the chain of spreading the Covid-19. SD Muhammadiyah Wringinanom provides programs that can assist students' distance learning by implementing one of the online system learning programs.
Muhammadiyah Education in Gempol Village during the Covid 19 Pandemic Rahmad Kaosar Fatoni; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (89.456 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211055


This research is to discuss the learning strategies that teachers do to students in imparting online or online learning at SMP Muhamadiyah 4 Gempol. Because the learning strategy is one aspect of successful learning for teachers. The learning strategy is a whole series of teaching material presentations which includes all aspects before and after learning by the teacher as well as all related facilities used directly or indirectly in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this scientific article is to train students' abilities in environmental education, therefore we as students make observations of the SMP Muhamadiyah 4 Gempol school. The conclusion that I can take is that in the implementation of teaching and learning activities it is not always done face-to-face but can be done online as it is today due to conditions that do not allow face-to-face learning, but still it is the maximum effort for the teacher not to decide learning in school so that students continue to receive learning material
Learning Strategies Online and Offline at SD Muhammadiyah 8 during the Covid 19 Pandemic Imamatut Tarbiyah; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.92 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211056


This study aims to analyze learning strategies by teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was carried out at SD Muhammadiyah 8 Tulangan in the Even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. The subjects in this study were students and also elementary school teachers at SD Muhammadiyah 8 Tulangan who carried out the activities. The data collection instruments in this study were document studies, observation sheets, and guidelines from interviews. The results showed that the strategy for implementing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic included 1) Teachers already had technological devices used in the online learning process through What's App Group media, Zoom Meetings, and Learning Videos. 2) students enter school with alternating schedules according to the schedule during the pandemic. The conclusion in this study is that the teacher's learning implementation strategy has been carried out offline and online using a variety of technological media that can be used to achieve learning objectives in accordance with the applicable curriculum.
Implementation of Learning Strategies for SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian During the Covid 19 Pandemic Berliana Khofifah Febriyanti; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (103.992 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211057


The Covid-19 pandemic that entered Indonesia since March 2020 had a tremendous impact in all aspects, including education. From those who use face-to-face strategies, they must now change to online learning strategies. The purpose of this study was to find out the learning strategies used at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian during the Covid-19 pandemic and find the right solution to the existing problems. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques in this study through interviews, documentation and observation. The results and discussion are the learning strategies used by SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian during the Covid-19 pandemic are to use LMS Sakri, Zoom Meeting, WhatsApp, and Microsoft 365 with an intensity of 5 effective days, 3 days face-to-face remotely via zoom, 2 days offline. in the form of sending learning videos and assignments. However, the learning strategy of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Krian during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic also encountered obstacles including, teachers needed adjustments because they were required to learn IT and be creative, it took a long time to prepare learning media in the form of shooting videos, making learning videos, making assignments. portfolio, and other assignments. The solution that can be done is to prepare a large internet connection, provide IT training to teachers because online learning requires creativity and innovation from the teacher, so that the transfer of knowledge and skills can run optimally
The Effect of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Online Learning Process Dendik Dwi Prandika; Muhlasin Amrullah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 10 (2021): Psychology and Education Conference Facing The Era of Merdeka Belajar
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.543 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/icecrs20211058


This study aims to determine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the process of utilizing online learning. The informants consisted of 10 primary school teachers of Muhammadiyah 1 gempol. The implementation of online learning uses case studies with a qualitative approach. The results of this study revealed that inadequate facilities and infrastructure, less than optimal delivery of material, the burden of purchasing internet quota, internet connection that sometimes becomes slow, learning styles that tend to be visual, and the teacher's lack of flexibility in controlling student activities Learning at Muhammadiyah 1 Gempol Elementary School in this study uses online learning or commonly referred to as distance learning (from home) with the guidance of parents and teachers at school. Students do online learning and interact with teachers using several applications used such as Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet and Whatsapp Group.
Co-Authors Aisyah Cucu Utami Ajeng Nurmadi Cahyanti Alfi Nur Hidayati Alifvia Putri L. Alya Farhah Amellya Nur Syahrani Angelia Firdaus Anis Farikha Annis Wati Arizkylia Yoka Putri Assa’Diah Eka Rahmawati Atim Alfin Setyawan Aunur Shabur Maajid Amadi Avinda Virnadya Kuswantoro Bachtiar Adi Saputra Banafsa Zulfa Zakiyyah Berliana Khofifah Febriyanti Chusnul Chotimah Citra Dwi Yanti Cyesar Melati Merta Putri Danti Sri Rahayu Defi Noviatul Sari Dendik Dwi Prandika Desi Intan Romadhona Devi Novianti Devi Nur Amin Putriningsih Devi Wulandari Devina Regita Cahyarani Dewi Noviastuti Novi Dian Septi Nur Afifah Diana Angellina Dina Wilda Sholikha Dinda Permatasari Diny Puspadewi Dita Wahyu Febriana Divna Diviana Risca Monica Dwi Febianti Dwi Febyanovi Inaya Dwi Prasanti Dwi Putri Ayu Lestari Dwi Yulia Ningsih Dyaz Ramadhani Novitasari Egitayanti Aulia Rochman Eka Sri Astutik Elfin Nur Diniyah Elok Munjiati Ninda Elsah Isnaini Erinda Ambarani Erni Sulisstyowati Eva Dwi Endah Silvia Eva Roesmadayanti Putri Eva Yulia Efendy Eviyatul Siska Fachriza Alma F. Faiqotin Af’idah Faizal Amir Fania Amanda Islamy Faradila Putri Farah Isnani Ambarwati Farikh Marzuki Ammar Fariz Aditya Fatmakiyyah Fatmakiyyah Firdatus Nurlaila Firyalita Sarah Firdaus Fisty Wilda Safitri Fitriani Setya Kirana Rochmaeni Friska Aprilia Friza Brillianty Shabrina Gebriela Palomargareta Ghozali Rusyid Affandi Gita Nur Laili Hanem Masfufah Harnum Putri Almaidah Hendra Erik Rudyanto Iin Arifatus Sofannah Imamatut Tarbiyah Imarotul Fatma Indah Laitatul B Indah Nur Febriyanti Intan Rahma Febriani Irma Diah Maharani Izzatur Rosuli Jihan Iffa Suroiya Kamarul Shukri bin Mat Teh Khizanatul Hikmah Khoiri Khoiri Kiki Fitri Sutrami Lia Novianti Liantika Permatasari Lina Rohmatun Nisa Lindania Febriyanti Lintang Nimas Primaningtyas Loetfi Yanti Rosdiana Machful Indra Kurniawan Mafajah Salsabila Alfarisi Mahardhika Dharmawan Kusumawardhana Mahardika Darmawan Kusuma Wardana Mas Abdul Syakar Dimas Muwaffiq Masfufah Hanim Maulidya Putri Pratama Maulinda Anjarsari Maulydia Briegga Taniatara May Lucyana Kartono Putri May Maharani Mochammad Lutfy Aziz Mohammad Faizal Amir Mohammad Ilham Dzulfikar Mufidah Nur Aliyyah Muhammad Anwar Syihab Muhammad Faiz Al Majid Mukhammad Fahmi Udin Murni Nikmatillah Mustika Itsna Finurika Mutiara Noor Imani Nadiyah Puspita Sari Natasha Elanda Nikmatul Alfiyah Nila Sekardhani Hadian Nisful Laili Nurjanah Noor Evita Agustin Nur Adinda Putri Nur Fazriya Masfufa Nur Lailatul Khasanah Nurfi Laili Nurma Alawiyah Nurul Octavia Ovi Shinta Asri Pintan Susilo Putri Putri Kusumaningtyas Rahmad Kaosar Fatoni Rahmadyanti Y. Rahmawati Hani Pratiwi Raihan Bin Mohd Arifin Rani Syahda Hanifa Ranti Nur Fadilah Rara Dewi Putri Rahmadani Refi Mutiara Putri Renata Kartikasari Rida Septi Rifana Risa Hayati Rizka Rahmawati Shafa Ayu Faramida Shafa Nurul Nabilah Sifa’un Nazilah Silviya Yuliyanti Sintia Kazelia Jaya Siti Khoirotul Arwiny Sofyanora Pravita Agustin Sultan Muhammad Suwarta, Nyoman Syilviana Eka Purwanto Talitha Destiny Sasmithaningrum Tri Indah Yanti Tri Nanda Maulidyah Umi Nazila Nur Dini Vanda Rezania Vina Virgianata N. Vindiyati Puspitasari Widya Adiningtyas Winaldha Maulina Yela Fitrya Sa’diah Zulqoh Rosyada Ifat Zuyyina Fihayati