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Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Pentingnya Peran Pedagang Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Di Lingkungan Pasar Modern Teluk Kuantan Riri Maharani; Sherly Vermita Warlenda; Sentika Nelta Putri
Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/jpkk.Vol1.Iss2.951


Health counseling on the importance of the role of traders in waste management in the market environment is one of the ways used to increase the knowledge of traders about the importance of waste management and market waste with the aim of changing or influencing the behavior of traders who let waste put in the open space to be left to rot by itself which becomes a source of air pollution because of its smell, and also become the cause of disease outbreaks and as one of the causes of flooding. This counseling aims to know the influence of health counseling on the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of traders in maintaining environmental health. The method used in this counseling was using a pre-test before counseling and post-test after counseling. Based on the results of our approach, it can be concluded that maintaining environmental health and knowing the impacts caused by waste is very important for personal health both spiritual and physical health. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted diseases stemming from environmental health problems, it is necessary to reconsider the process of good waste management. When it is not noticed, it can affect our own health, then we will be vulnerable to various kinds of diseases that can harm ourselves. ABSTRAK Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang Pentingnya Peran Pedagang dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Lingkungan Pasar merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk menambah pengetahuan para pedagang tentang pentingnya pengelolaan sampah dan limbah pasar dengan tujuan mengubah atau mempengaruhi perilaku para pedagang yang membiarkan sampah ditaruh ditempat terbuka untuk dibiarkan membusuk dengan sendirinya yang menjadi sumber polusi udara karena baunya, dan juga menjadi penyebab terjadinya wabah penyakit serta sebagai salah satu penyebab terjadinya banjir. Penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik para pedagang dalam menjaga kesehatan lingkungan. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penyuluhan ini yaitu menggunakan pre test sebelum melakukan penyuluhan dan melakukan post test setelah melakukan penyuluhan. Berdasarkan dari hasil pendekatan yang kami lakukan tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa menjaga kesehatan lingkungan dan mengetahui dampak yang diakibatkan oleh sampah sangatlah penting bagi kesehatan diri baik kesehatan rohani maupun kesehatan jasmani. Maka dari itu agar terhindar dari penyakit yang tidak diinginkan yang berasal dari masalah kesehatan lingkungan tersebut perlu diperhatikan kembali proses pengelolaan sampah yang baik. Karena apabila tidak diperhatikan dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan diri sendiri maka kita akan rentan terkena berbagai macam penyakit yang dapat membahayakan diri kita.
Avicenna: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 14 No. 01 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Avicenna
Publisher : Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Science University Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/avicenna.v14i01.225


Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit yang terjadi pada leher rahim (serviks). Kanker serviks menempati urutan kedua dari seluruh jenis kanker pada perempuan dengan insiden 9,7% dan jumlah kematian 9,3% dari seluruh kanker pada perempuan di dunia. Menurut data dari Puskesmas Pangkalan Kuras tahun 2016 untuk jumlah WUS yang melakukan pemeriksaan IVA sebanyak 22 (0,29%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku wanita usia subur (WUS) di Desa Sorek Satu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif, dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi 2960 dengan sampel 156, dengan menggunakan tehnik samping random sampling.Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariate dengan uji Chi Square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden melakukan perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan IVA sebanyak 35 (77,6%), responden dengan pengetahuan rendah sebanyak 103 (66,0%)(POR = 3,039 ; 95% CI 1,401-6,590), responden dengan sikap negatif sebanyak 88 (56,4%)(POR = 2,362 ; 95% CI 1,095-5,094). responden yang tidak melakukan tindakan sebanyak 118 (75,6%)(POR = 2,694 ; 95% CI 1,198-6,060)., responden yang tidak pernah mendapatkan informasi sebanyak 79 (50,6%)(POR = 2.378 ; 95% CI 1,085-5,212). dan responden yang tidak mendapat dukungan keluarga sebanyak 93 (59,6%)(POR = 2,419 ; 95% CI 1,124-5,203). Berdasarkan uji statistik diperoleh P value dari lima variabel <a (0,05, terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan, media informasi, dukungan keluarga terhadap perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan IVA. Saran diharapkan wanita usia subur meningkatkan kesadaran untuk melakukan IVA guna deteksi dini adanya kanker serviks.
Maternal Factors on Stunting in Pekanbaru Local Health Center, Indonesia Winda Septiani; Elly Satriani Harahap; Hetty Ismainar; M Kamali Zaman; Agus Alamsyah; Riri Maharani
Academia Open Vol 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (59.695 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.2.2020.488


Stunting is a health problem by multiple factors (Mother factor, socio-economic factor). The growth retardation (stunting ) was measure by height for age scale which primarily indicates chronic undernutrition. In 2018, the prevalence of stunting in Riau province was 35%, which was higher than the national prevalence of 30.8%. This was an quanitative with cross sectional analytic deign. The study was conducted in Puskesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia. The population was all children (4000), sampel was 187 children by systematic random sampling. Research was to analyze independents variable (risk of stunting) to the dependent’s variable (mother’s age, Prity, Mother Parity, Mother’s Height, (Lila) / MUAC (Mid Upper Arm Circumference), Maternal Characteristics (hemoglobin), Tension Mother’s, ANC Visit, Dietary habit, Mother’s child care, Completed immunization, Weight child and Drink for child.) Research results is maternal hemoglobin ​​in pregnancy with a risk category of having a stunting 53.4%, exlusive breastfeeding with a risk category of having a stunting 54.1%, dietary habit with a risk category of having a stunting 51.3%. Independents variable (Maternal Characteristics (hemoglobin), Exclusive Breastfeeding, Dietary Habis), is a significant association to stunting. The findings from this study will be helpful for programmatic intervention to reduce the stunting.
Determinants of Fruits and Vegetables Consumption Behaviour in Student Elementary School of Pekanbaru City 2018 Christine Vita Gloria Purba; Alhidayati Alhidayati; Riri Maharani; Lia Indriyani Hutabarat
Jurnal Dunia Gizi Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Study Program of Nutrition, Public Health Faculty, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33085/jdg.v2i1.4377


Background; Based on the results of the 2013 Ministry of Health's Basic Health Research in children aged 10 years and above who consumed less fruit and vegetables with a yield of 93.5%. Less fruits and vegetables consumption will inhibit the growth and development of children and increase the risk of disease. Objectives; To determined the determination of fruit and vegetable consumption in students of Elementary School 130 Pekanbaru City in 2018. Material and Method; type of research used analytic survey used cross sectional study. This research was carried out in Elementary School 130 Pekanbaru City. The sample of this study was students of class v and vi in Elementary School 130 Pekanbaru City who were taken by exhaustic sampling with a total of 113 samples. Results; there was a relationship between pleasure with a P value = 0,000 and POR = 9,200 (CI = 2,756-32,853), the role of parents in relation to vegetables with P value = 0.02 and POR = 4.163 (CI = 1.590-10,898), menu variation with P value = 0.003 and POR = 4.218 (CI = 1.549-11,485) with the help of fruit and vegetable consumption. There was no relationship between knowledge with P value = 0.792 and POR = 807 (CI = 340-1199), peer support with P value = 0.410 and POR = 1.479 (CI = 581-3,761). Conclusion; For mothers to pay attention to the intake of fruit and vegetables for children, be more creative to process food for children.
Menara Ilmu Vol 14, No 2 (2020): VOL. XIV NO. 2 JULI 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/mi.v14i2.2042


Pengendalian pertumbuhan vektor yang dinilai baik adalah dengan pemberantasan larva nyamuk yang disebut dengan larvasida. Banyaknya efek negatif akibat larvasida sintetik mendorong perkembangan penelitian larvasida sebagai pemberantasan nyamuk sumber penyakit ke arah yang lebih alami. Salah satu tanaman yang memiliki efek larvasida adalah tanaman jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui uji efektivitas ekstrak daun jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen sungguhan atau “True Experiment”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah larva nyamuk Aedes aegyptiyang didapatkan dari pembiakan dengan cara meletakkan air bersih di suatu wadah di tempat yang teduh. Jumlah sampel yang diambil berdasarkan kebutuhan penelitian yaitu 200 ekor larva.Pada masing-masing perlakuan dan kontrol 10 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada uji one-way ANOVA didapatkan nilai signifikan adalah p-value 0,00< 0,05. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh kemampuan esktrak daun jeruk nipis berbagai konsentrasi yang signifikan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan harva nyamuk Aedes aegypti.Hasil penelitian ini dapat dilanjutkan oleh peneliti selanjutnya dengan berbagai variasi senyawa pestisida nabati lain agar reaksi dan toksisitas pestisida nabati lebih efektif digunakan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan larva nyamuk A. Aegypti. Kata Kunci : Larva Aedes aegypti, Daun Jeruk Nipis
Menara Ilmu Vol 14, No 1 (2020): VOL. XIV NO. 1 JULI 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/mi.v14i1.2006


Desa Universal Child Imunization (UCI) adalah suatu keadaan tercapainya imunisasi dasar secara lengkap pada semua bayi. Imunisasi merupakan salah satu cara pencegahan penyakit menular khususnya Penyakit yang Dapat Dicegah Dengan Imunisasi. Pada tahun 2018, 1 kelurahan dari 4 kelurahan yang ada diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumbai belum mencapai desa UCI, ada beberapa hambatan yang menyebabkan rendahnya cakupan desa UCI di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumbai. Program promosi kesehatan hendaknya dapat menjadi solusi dalam tidak tercapainya desa UCI di kelurahan Meranti Pandak yang ada diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumbai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui informasi mendalam terkait jalannya pelaksanaan program promosi kesehatan imunisasi dasar lengkap untuk mencapai desa Universal Child Immunization (UCI) di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumbai tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada Kepala UPTD Puskesmas Rumbai, Penanggung Jawab Promosi Kesehatan, Penanggung Jawab Imunisasi, Kader Posyandu, dan Ibu yang membawa anak ke posyandu. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2019 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan program promosi kesehatan imunisasi belum berjalan maksimal, petugas kesehatan hanya berperan dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan, kinerja kader masih belum maksimal, terbatasnya media yang menjadi sarana pencerdasan masyarakat, strategi promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan berupa advokasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, biaya yang diperlukan dalam penyelenggaran promosi kesehatan telah dianggarkan. Diharapkan puskesmas Rumbai dapat memaksimalkan program promosi kesehatan imununisasi dasar lengkap, menyediakan media promosi kesehatan yang efektif, melakukan strategi promosi kesehatan yang berkesinambungan dan berkelanjutan. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Universal Child Imunization (UCI), Promosi Kesehatan, Petugas Kesehatan, Media Promkes, Strategi Promkes, Kader Posyandu
Stigma dan Diskriminasi Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) pada Pelayanan Kesehatan di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014 Riri Maharani
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 2 No 5 (2014): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.687 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol2.Iss5.79


Stigmatization and discrimination are still common in people with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA). Interview do many people to work in agency institute of PLWHA in the Pekanbaru city (most of them are PLWHA) said that they ever experienc stigmatization and discrimination. This study was conducted to information about stigmatization and diskrimination on health in the Pekanbaru city of 2014. This research design is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Informants in this study is 3 people PLWHA and health officials is 5 people. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and document search. The results of this study showed that the issue of the stigma disease of HIV / AIDS are heard by PLWHA to health services is the body people with HIV / AIDS wrapped in plastic and put into crates, mattresses and all appliances former patients of HIV / AIDS discarded and burned, the use of personal protective equipment excessive. Discrimination of PLWHA include verbally abused, coding on status HIV patients, landfills are still distinguishable, inadequate health care / slow, different services, excessive use of protective equipment, isolated, and perform medical acts without giving informed consent . The conclusion of this study is the stigmatization and discrimination PLWHA in health care is still often the case, stigmatization and discrimination PLWHA in health care starts from the registation / emergency room, inpatient, operating room up in the mortuary. Suggestion increase health promotion in a planned and sustainable removal efforts of PLWHA stigmatization and discrimination in health services and advocation to policy makers in the health sector.
Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Pengendalian Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Harapan Raya Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2016: Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Pengendalian Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Puskesmas Harapan Raya Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2016 Riri Maharani; Dary Putri Syafrandi
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 3 No 5 (2017): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (673.106 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol3.Iss5.122


Hypertension is a major cause of stroke that cause a high mortality. This situation happens in the world, both in developed countries and developing countries. Data obtained from Harapan Raya Community Health Center showed increasing cases of hypertension since 2014 (4879 cases) until 2015 (5208 cases). The aim of this study was to obtain the related factors to blood pressure controlling behavior in the hypertension patients in the Harapan Raya Community Health Center, Pekanbaru. This quantitative analytical research used a cross sectional study. Population was hypertension patients between May 12 and June 12 2016 at Harapan Raya Community Health Center. Subjects were 152 hypertension patients who visited community health center. The sampling technique was accidental sampling. The instrument used questionnaires and computerized data processing. The statistical analysis used univariate and bivariate with Chi-square test. The results showed that related factors to blood pressure controlling behavior in the hypertension patients were knowledge (p-value =0.022, POR = 2.263; 95%CI: 1,171-4,372 ), attitude (p-value = 0.025, POR = 2.249; 95%CI: 1,155-4,564), diet (p-value = 0,027, POR = 2.296; 95%CI: 1,155-4,564), sport (p-value <0,005,POR = 3.850; 95%CI: 1,867-7,940), family support (p-value = 0.032 , POR = 2.157; 95%CI: 1,118-4,161), and the role of health workers (p-value = 0.005,POR = 2.798; 95%CI: 1,407-5,561). We recommend to Harapan Raya Community Health Center to improve intensive counseling and prevention about risk factors that related to hypertension besides spreading brochures explaining about hypertension and its impacts.
Analisis Perilaku Wanita Dengan IVA (Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat) Positif Dalam Lanjutan Pemeriksaan Deteksi KankerServiks Dhea Adellina Riyadi; Riri Maharani; Risa Amalia
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 6 No 3 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol6.Iss3.406


A reproductive health problem faced by women presents an increase in infections of the reproductive organ’s sequel will cause cancer, one of them is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a primary tumor strike the organs of the female reproductive, between themselves and the uterus. The purpose of this is to analyze the research behavior of women visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) positive in advanced examination detection of cervical cancer. Data in this study was obtained through observation and in-depth interviews of as many as 11 informants where there are the main informants, 5 informans advocates, and 1 key informant. The data validity used triangulation method. Data analyzed by content analysis. The results of observation and interview showed that there was low knowledge and attitudes of women with VIA positive because of their education background were elementary and junior high school, while knowledge is a basic of further examination. Information obtained through print media, and electronic media. Health workers were conducted counseling mobile VIA and cilical breast examination. Women with VIA positive is unwilling to conduct the advanced examination, fear, because of stress, shame, and less comfortable and poor awareness of the importance of advanced examination. Family encouragement doesn't obtain because women VIA positive checked, without the knowledge of the family while the family is the part most important give support to conducts the advanced examination. A reproductive health problem faced by women presents an increase in infections of the reproductive organ’s sequel will cause cancer, one of them is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a primary tumor strike the organs of the female reproductive, between themselves and the uterus. The purpose of this is to analyze the research behavior of women visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) positive in advanced examination detection of cervical cancer. Data in this study was obtained through observation and in-depth interviews of as many as 11 informants where there are the main informants, 5 informans advocates, and 1 key informant. The data validity used triangulation method. Data analyzed by content analysis. The results of observation and interview showed that there was low knowledge and attitudes of women with VIA positive because of their education background were elementary and junior high school, while knowledge is a basic of further examination. Information obtained through print media, and electronic media. Health workers were conducted counseling mobile VIA and cilical breast examination. Women with VIA positive is unwilling to conduct the advanced examination, fear, because of stress, shame, and less comfortable and poor awareness of the importance of advanced examination. Family encouragement doesn't obtain because women VIA positive checked, without the knowledge of the family while the family is the part most important give support to conducts the advanced examination.
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Journal of Community Health
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Stunting is a chronic condition that describes growth retardation due to long-term malnutrition with a threshold (z-score) between -3 elementary school to <-2 elementary school. Based on the results of the 2013 Riskesdas UPTD Kampar Health Center is a Puskesmas that has two villages which are designated as stage II stunting loci, with the prevalence of stunting occurrence 29.4%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with stunting in the work area of ​​the Kampar UPTD Public Health Center, Kampar district in 2018. This type of research was observational through a quantitative analytic approach with case control design with a sample of 59 stunting mothers and control samples. 59 mother respondents of children under five were not stunting. The data analysis was performed by a computerized system using Univariate and Bivariate analysis with Chi-Square Test. The results showed a relationship between knowledge (P value = 0,000 CI = 5,408-32,065), Parenting Style (P value = 0,039 CI = 1,109-5,005) history of ANC (P value = 0,034 CI = 1,099-4,861) Birth Weight (P value = 0.034 CI = 1,137-5,390), Exclusive breastfeeding (P value = 0,027 CI = 1,169-5,134), immunization history (P value = 0,025 CI = 1,187-5,359), Revenue (P value = 0,002 CI = 1,674-7,753) and family support (P value = 0.020 CI = 1.264-7.458) for the incidence of stunting and no association between history of infectious disease (P value = 1,000 CI = 0.311-2.439) for the incidence of stunting. It is recommended for puskesmas to be able to prepare facilities and infrastructure as a medium in providing counseling and counseling on stunting to the community through posyandu as a place for integrated activities from various sectors.