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All Journal Majalah Forum Teknik UGM Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) Proceedings of KNASTIK Jurnal Buana Informatika Perfecting a Video Game with Game Metrics Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Dan Teknologi Fakultas Teknik JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Journal of Telematics and Informatics Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor Telematika : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi Prosiding Semnastek International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) POSITIF JOURNAL OF INFORMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi Jurnal IPTEK-KOM (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komunikasi) Prosiding Seminar Nasional INDOCOMPAC Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Prosiding 2nd Seminar Nasional IPTEK Terapan (SENIT) 2017 Edu Komputika Journal Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi JURNAL TEKNIK INFORMATIKA DAN SISTEM INFORMASI Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI) Jurnal Ipteks Terapan JURNAL TEKNIK IJITEE (International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering) Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Jurnal Ketenagakerjaan pendidikan, science, teknologi, dan ekonomi Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Journal of Governance and Social Policy Prosiding SEMNAS INOTEK (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi) Jurnal INFOTEL
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Learning from the Case Studies, How Global Software Development Process is executed in an Agile Method Environment Ferdiana, Ridi; Nugroho, Lukito Edi; Santoso, Paulus Insap; Ashari, Ahmad
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 1, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 1 Nomor 2 Juli 2010
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Abstrak. Belajar dari Studi Kasus, Bagaimana Proses Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Global Dieksekusi Pada Lingkungan Metode Agile. Tantangan terbesar dalam Software Development Global (GSD) adalah efisiensi waktu untuk mengembangkan. GSD menyediakan panduan untuk menggunakan proses bersama dengan muka seperti proses metode analisis terpadu atau metode air terjun. Meskipun, itu memberikan manfaat melalui dokumentasi yang komprehensif dan kejelasan, ia memberikan menghambat organisasi yang ingin menggunakan GSD tetapi dalam terburu-buru. Metode Agile mengklaim efisien dan pendekatan yang efektif untuk pengembangan perangkat lunak. Makalah ini laporan tentang bagaimana organisasi menggabungkan proses GSD dengan metode tangkas seperti eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Agile Unified Process (UP Agile), Pengembangan Fitur Driven (FDD), dan Microsoft Solusi Kerangka Agile (MSF Agile). Makalah ini menggunakan studi kasus untuk mendapatkan pengalaman organisasi dan menjelaskan praktek yang berguna untuk organisasi yang ingin menerapkan GSD dengan metode tangkas. Kata Kunci: Siklus Hidup Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak, Agile, GSD Abstract. The biggest challenge in Global Software Development (GSD) is the efficiency of time to develop. GSD provides a guidance to use the process along with up-front analysis method like unified process or waterfall method. Although, it gives a benefit through comprehensive documentation and its clearness, it gives inhibits the organization which wants use GSD but in a rush. Agile methods claim an efficient and the effective approach to software development. This paper reports on how organizations combine the GSD process with agile methods like eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Agile Unified Process (Agile UP), Feature Driven Development (FDD), and Microsoft Solution Framework Agile (MSF Agile). The paper uses case study to get organization experiences and describe useful practices for the organization that want to implement GSD with an agile method. Keywords: Software Development Lifecycle, Agile, GSD
JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 9, No 1, Januari 2011
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.5 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v9i1.a67


Software estimation is an area of software engineering concerned with the identification, classification and measurement of features of software that affect the cost of developing and sustaining computer programs [19]. Measuring the software through software estimation has purpose to know the complexity of the software, estimate the human resources, and get better visibility of execution and process model. There is a lot of software estimation that work sufficiently in certain conditions or step in software engineering for example measuring line of codes, function point, COCOMO, or use case points. This paper proposes another estimation technique called Distributed eXtreme Programming Estimation (DXP Estimation). DXP estimation provides a basic technique for the team that using eXtreme Programming method in onsite or distributed development. According to writer knowledge this is a first estimation technique that applied into agile method in eXtreme Programming.
Prototipe Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Pusat dan Daerah Intanny, Vieka Aprilya; Santosa, Paulus Insap; Kadir, Abdul
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 6, No 3 (2015): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 6 Nomor 3 Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Abstract. Library has one of important resources to obtain information for research needs. The quality of a library information system needs to improve promptly because the information is needed quickly and accurately. In order to present library catalogue data that can be integrated with all central and local libraries, the library information system of Research and Development of the Human Resources Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Balitbang SDM Kominfo) needs to be well developed. The aim of this research is to design a prototype of library information system in order to present library data from central and local libraries accurately. Simulation tests are performed in eight research centers in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. The test is performed to analyze the perception of the users about the effectiveness of the system. The results show that the central library and information systems have good quality. Keywords: central library, local library, prototype, information system Abstrak. Perpustakaan merupakan sarana untuk mendapatkan literasi informasi melalui hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Peningkatan kualitas layanan sistem informasi perpustakaan yang tersaji dengan cepat, akurat dan aktual mutlak diperlukan. Untuk itu dipandang perlu suatu perbaikan sistem perpustakaan Balitbang SDM Kominfo agar dapat menyajikan data perpustakaan yang dapat terintegrasi antara perpustakaan pusat dan perpustakaan daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang prototipe suatu sistem informasi perpustakaan pusat dan daerah agar data perpustakaan pusat dan daerah dapat tersaji dengan cepat dan akurat. Pengujian dilakukan dengan simulasi sistem di delapan balai Kominfo. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi administrator pusat dan administrator daerah mengenai efektivitas sistem. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi perpustakaan pusat dan daerah memiliki kualitas yang baik. Kata Kunci: perpustakaan daerah, perpustakaan pusat, prototipe, sistem informasi
JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 8, No 1, Januari 2010
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (729.687 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v8i1.a72


This paper presents a desktop application prototype that uses smart cards for payment mode without cash transaction at a canteen. Smart cards, used for authentication, are also designed to have information of cash balance and some personal data of card holders. Application developed is still a prototype that has not connected into the banking system to refill the balance into the smart card. This prototype is a desktop application. Features that have been successfully developed and run well in these applications include food settings, user settings, and reports sales per period.
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Sumberdaya Sekolah Kota Ternate Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Rapid Application Development Safi, Mudar; Santosa, Paulus Insap; Ferdiana, Ridi
POSITIF : Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 1 No 2 (2016): POSITIF - Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

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Secara geografis Maluku Utara terdiri dari berbagai macam pulau yang terpisah dari pusat kota, hal tersebut menyebabkan proses pengambilan data disetiap sekolah mem-butuhkan waktu yang lama. Proses penyaluran data terkadang juga melewati atau menyeberangi lautan. Karena alasan tersebut, maka diperlukan sistem untuk mengelola  data sebaran sumberdaya sekolah berbasis teknologi internet. Penelitian ini mengembangkan aplikasi sistem informasi untuk mengelola data sebaran sumber daya sekolah berbasis web. Sistem dikembangkan dengan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD). Metode tersebut digunkan dengan alasan untuk mempersingkat waktu pengembangan. Sistem yang dikembangkan diuji nilai kebergunaannya (usability) untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan dari pengguna. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang dikembangkan mudah digunakan oleh pengguna yang dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata kebergunaan sebesar 3.94
ARgot: Text-Based Detection Systems In Real Time Using Augmented Reality For Media Translator Aceh-Indonesia With Android-Based Smartphones Ardian, Zalfie; Santoso, P. Insap; Hantono, Bimo Sunarfri
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Language is a media of communication which aims to understand each ethnic and certain nation. The understanding of language allows the increase of awareness and closeness value among certain individuals. Nevertheless, considerable number of Languages appears to be the causes of difficulty and missunderstanding on the meaning of a certain word. This research suggests one of the solutions in solving such problem. Hence it eases  the process of understanding the meaning of the words of a language. Especially “bahasa Aceh”. This aplication called ARgot. ARgot is an aplication of translation of Aceh – Indonesia’s Language.  This aplication is able to work as real time application without having a need of an input media such as a text which has to type through using a good quality of camera and having characteristic of autofocus in camera. This research emphasizes on the process of detection and tracer text which available  withing the society. This research is also intended to see how the technology Augmented Reality is able to be applied in markerless text and have different font of variety.  The result  of the research is a software for a android smartphone, as media translator in a real time, Hence it is able to be used almost in every kind of smartphone. Based on the trial and result of respondent, this aplication is able to attract the interest of user and it is also able to be aplied in a real life.Keywords: Augmented Reality, Translator, Text, Markerless
Perancangan Ontologi Rekam Medis di Indonesia berdasarkan Landasan Hukum yang Berlaku Saf, Maksum Ro’is Adin; Santosa, Paulus Insap; Kusumawardani, Sri Suning
Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI) Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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Saat ini pemanfaatan  teknologi dibidang kesehatan  sudah mencakup berbagai aspek, diantaranya dalam proses pengarsipan data rekam medis secara elektronis atau digital. Dalam penerapannya proses pengarsipan data rekam medis ini bersifat lokal atau hanya dimanfaatkan oleh lembaga pelaksana layanan kesehatan yang bersangkutan. Pada sisi lain, tidak tertutup kemungkinan seorang pasien akan meminta tindakan medis di beberapa tempat yang berbeda, dimana seharusnya setiap tindakan medis terdahulu akan menjadi salah satu acuan dalam sebuah tindakan medis terhadap seorang pasien. Dengan menggunakan metode Methontology untuk menyusun sebuah rancangan ontologi data rekam medis digital berdasarkan kepada aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia, diharapkan akan mampu menyediakan format standar data berbasis ontology yang mampu di implementasikan dan mendukung integrasi sistem secara menyeluruh.
Model Konseptual Pemanfaatan Teori Flow Dalam eLearning Santosa, Paulus Insap
Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI) Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membawa pengaruh pada cara penyampaian materi kuliah. Kuliah yang secara tradisional disampaikan secara tatap muka, saat ini banyak yang disampaikan lewat bantuan situs Web yang dikenal dengan sebutan eLearning. Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa ketika “menyerap” pengetahuan yang disampaikan secara tatap muka berbeda dengan ketika mahasiswa “menyerap” pengetahuan yang sama eLearning. Kemampuan Makalah ini menyajikan model konseptual pemanfaatan teori flow dalam eLearning untuk memperoleh tingkat kinerja mahasiswa yang tinggi. Dalam makalah ini disampaikan sejumlah proposisi yang menunjukkan relasi antar konstruk dalam model konseptual.
Jurnal Ipteks Terapan Vol 10, No 4 (2016): JIT
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (104.805 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jit.2016.v10i4.534


E-learning is an IT tool that facilitates learning process. In order to optimize its function, e-learning need to be evaluated. There are many indicators on evaluating e-learning such as voluntariness of use. This study aims to evaluate factors that impact the usage of an e-learning system by considering voluntariness of use as moderating factor on e-learning usage. This study uses the UTAUT model that consists of four independent variables (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating condition), two dependent variables (behavioral intention, use behavior), and one moderating variable (voluntariness). Voluntariness is hypothesized to affect the interaction of social influence and behavioral intention. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the concepts and theories about e-learning usage’s factors at Universitas Sahid Surakarta and Moderated Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) to validate the moderation effect of voluntariness to the interaction of social influence and behavioral intention. From SEM analysis, we can conclude that performance expectancy and effort expectancy positively influence the behavioral intention of e-learning. Meanwhile, from MSEM analysis we can conclude that voluntariness can’t moderate the usage of e-learning.Keywords: e-learning; SEM; UTAUT; voluntariness.
Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2018): Masyarakat Telematika Dan Informasi : Jurnal Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan
Publisher : Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika R.I.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (575.072 KB) | DOI: 10.17933/mti.v9i2.120


Abstract The presence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be a solution to environment issues, one of the concepts about environment-friendly of ICTs is a Green ICT. Digital Signature in Indonesia regulated in Government Regulation No.82/2012 About System Implementation and Electronic Transaction, thats works to authentification tools and verification. By implementing of Green ICT, it’s expected that the use of media such as excess paper in office will be minimized. This study looking for Green ICT solution using the Digital Signature. With the existing theory, it is expected that the implementation of Digital Signature can reduce the use of paper in the office and maximize the concept of e-Government. However, implementation of e-Government with the technology increasing the use of paper and the use of digital signature technology with high-tech encryption is felt to burden the organization, it is not same way with objective of e-Government, a budget efficiency. Therefore Digital Signature with PKCS#12 method which are issued officially by the government expected to increase paper reduction. PKCS#12 method in addition to not requiring its own infrastructure, the use of the method also does not require a lot of money to funding the Digital Signature system.Abstrak Kehadiran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) menjadi sebuah solusi mengenai isu ramah lingkungan, salah satu konsep tentang TIK yang ramah lingkungan adalah Green Information and Communication Technology (Green ICT). Tanda Tangan Digital di Indonesia diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No.82 Tahun 2012 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik, yang berfungsi sebagai alat autentifikasi dan verifikasi. Dengan menerapkan Green ICT, diharapkan penggunaan media seperti kertas berlebih di lingkungan perkantoran akan semakin diminimalisir. Penelitian ini ditulis sebagai kajian dari sebuah sistem pendukung Green ICT, yaitu Tanda Tangan Digital (TTD). Dengan teori yang sudah ada diharapkan penerapan TTD dapat mengurangi penggunaan kertas di lingkungan perkantoran atau lebih memaksimalkan konsep e-Government. Penggunaan TTD dengan metode PKCS#12 diharapkan dapat meningkatkan lagi pengurangan kertas, selain tidak memerlukan infrastruktur tersendiri, penggunaan dengan metode tersebut juga tidak membutuhkan biaya yang banyak
Co-Authors Abdul Kadir Abraham, Firda Zulivia Afrialdi Syahputra Ahmad Ashari Andi Sudiarso Sudiarso Andre Firmansyah Anik Budiati Anna Maria Sri Asih Arif Budi Setiawan Azty Acbarrifha Nour Baptista Sousa Pinto, Carlos Alberta Bimo Sunarfri Hantono Carlos Alberta Baptista Sousa Pinto Carlos Sousa Pinto Dadang Iskandar Dadang Iskandar, Dadang Dania Eridani Dania Eridani Daniel Kasse Desi Windi Sari Dhyan Kurnia Prasetyanti Diana Aristiawan Setyo Wibowo Dinan Yulianto Dinan Yulianto Dirko G. S. Ruindungan Eko Nugroho Eko Nugroho El Vionna Laellyn Nurul Fatich Faiqunisa Faiqunisa Fathahillah Fathahillah Fitria, Elfa Fransisca Julia Kusuma Deviyanti Giovanni Yoko Kristianto Hanung Adi Nugroho Hera Susanti Ika Aprilia H.N Indriana Hidayah Irma Yuliana Jayadianti, Herlina Juni Nurma Sari Juwairiah Juwairiah Kharis Kharis Lukito Edi Nugroho M. Nur Budiyanto M. Nur Budiyanto Mahendra, Yhony Agus Setya Maksum Ro’is Adin Saf Monica Agustami Kristy Mudar Safi Muhamad Risqi Utama Saputra Noor Akhmad Setiawan Nova Suparmanto Nugroho, Wirawan Arief Prajna Deshanta Ibnugraha Puguh Prasetya Utomo Rianto Rianto Ridi Ferdiana Rina Yulius Riyanto Riyanto Roman Andrianto Pangondian Rudy Hartanto Saf, Maksum Ro’is Adin Safi, Mudar Sanny Hikmawati Silmi Fauziati Sri Suning Kusumawardani Sujoko Sumaryono Sulistyohati, Aprilia Teguh Baharto Aji Vieka Aprilya Intanny Vieka Aprilya Intanny, Vieka Aprilya Wahyu Widayat Wahyu Widayat Wahyu Widayat Wahyu Widayat Widayat, Wahyu Widyadarma, Arif Widyawan Wing Wahyu W Wing Wahyu Winarno Wing Wahyu Winarno Yas Ahmad Adha Yhony Agus Setya Mahendra