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Prototipe Power Supply Gate driver untuk Multilevel Inverter dengan Menggunakan Flyback Converter Multi Output Novie Ayub Windarko; Akhmad Puryanto; Rachma Prilian Eviningsih; Moh. Zaenal Efendi; Eka Prasetyono; Bambang Sumantri
Techné : Jurnal Ilmiah Elektroteknika Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Elektronika dan Komputer Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1110.657 KB) | DOI: 10.31358/techne.v19i01.219


Dengan perkembangan konverter elektronika daya, kebutuhan untuk memperkecil ukuran dan keandalan semakin meningkat. Dengan meningkatnya frekuensi switching pada konverter, maka dv/dt yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam turn-on ataupun turn-off switching devices. Masalah-masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan tegangan bias negatif untuk melakukan turn-off switching devices. Makalah ini mengusulkan prototipe power supply gate driver yang dikhususkan untuk Multi Level Inverter (MLI). Sebuah prototipe power supply gate driver yang menggunakan satu unit konverter flyback dengan multi output untuk tegangan bias positif dan negatif, serta terisolasi galvanis sebanyak switching devices MLI. Dengan menggunakan topologi dasar flyback maka konverter ini memiliki isolasi galvanis melalui trafo frekuensi tinggi. Dari hasil eksperimen proses switching bisa berubah dari kondisi dari on menuju off dan dari off menuju on bisa berjalan secara sempurna.
Simulator Panel Surya Ekonomis untuk Pengujian MPPT pada Kondisi Berbayang Sebagian Novie Ayub Windarko; Muhammad Nizar Habibi; Mochamad Ari Bagus Nugroho; Eka Prasetyono
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 9 No 1: Februari 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1579.568 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jnteti.v9i1.117


This paper describes a low-cost solar panel simulator for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) method testing, especially under partially shading conditions. The simulator consists of a DC power supply and a solar panel. The simulator works to emulate the characteristics of solar panels without depending on artificial illumination or sunlight. The simulator can represent the needed irradiation through the settings on the DC power supply. The experimental setup is developed to emulate the characteristics of solar panels at Standard Test Conditions (STC) irradiation conditions as well as varying irradiation conditions. Testing is done to emulate irradiation varies from 200-1,000 W/m2. To emulate the characteristics of solar panels in partial shading conditions, two DC power supply units and two solar panels are used. Each solar panel is simulated to receive different solar irradiations. The test results show that the simulator can emulate the characteristics of solar panels under partial shading conditions which has several maximum power points. Furthermore, partial shading conditions are simulated under varying irradiation conditions which resulted varying maximum power point values.
Hybrid photovoltaic maximum power point tracking of Seagull optimizer and modified perturb and observe for complex partial shading Novie Ayub Windarko; Evi Nafiatus Sholikhah; Muhammad Nizar Habibi; Eka Prasetyono; Bambang Sumantri; Moh. Zaenal Efendi; Hazlie Mokhlis
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 5: October 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i5.pp4571-4585


Due to natural randomness, partial shading conditions (PSCs) to photovoltaic (PV) power generation significantly drop the power generation. Metaheuristic based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) can handle PSCs by searching PV panels’ global maximum power point (GMPP). However, trapped at local maxima, sluggishness, continuous power oscillations around GMPP and inaccuracy are the main disadvantages of metaheuristic algorithm. Therefore, the development of algorithm under complex PSCs has been continuously attracting many researchers to yield more satisfying results. In this paper, several algorithms including conventional and metaheuristic are selected for candidate, such as perturb and observe (P&O), firefly (FF), differential evolution (DE), grey wolf optimizer (GWO) and Seagull optimizer (SO). From the preliminary study, SO has shown best performance among other candidates. Then, SO is improved for rapid global optimizer. Modified variable step sizes perturb and observe (MVSPO) is applied to enhance the accuracy tracking of SO. To evaluate the performances, high complexity multipeak partial shading is used to test the algorithms. Statistical results are also provided to analyze the trend of performances. The proposed method performances are shown better fast-tracking time and settling time, high accuracy, higher energy harvesting and low steady-state oscillations than other candidates.
Tunicate swarm algorithm based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system under non-uniform irradiation Evi Nafiatus Sholikhah; Novie Ayub Windarko; Bambang Sumantri
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 5: October 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i5.pp4559-4570


A new maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique based on the bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for photovoltaic system (PV system) is proposed, namely tunicate swarm algorithm-based MPPT (TSA-MPPT). The proposed algorithm is implemented on the PV system with five PV modules arranged in series and integrated with DC-DC buck converter. Then, the PV system is tested in a simulation using PowerSim (PSIM) software. TSA-MPPT is tested under varying irradiation conditions both uniform irradiation and non-uniform irradiation. Furthermore, to evaluate the performance, TSA-MPPT is compared with perturb & observe-based MPPT (P&O-MPPT) and particle swarm optimization-based MPPT (PSO-MPPT). The TSA-MPPT has an accuracy of 99% and has a reasonably practical capability compared to the MPPT technique, which already existed before.
Minimization of total harmonic distortion in neutral point clamped multilevel inverter using grey wolf optimizer Fahmi Ahyar Izzaqi; Novie Ayub Windarko; Ony Asrarul Qudsi
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 13, No 3: September 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v13.i3.pp1486-1497


The inverter has been attracting researchers for their application in renewable energy. So far, multilevel inverter is considered as low distortion class, which produces multilevel output voltage imitating a pure sine waveform. However, the needs for free distortion of output voltage have been motivating to improve multilevel pulse width modulation PWM generation method. In this paper, the modified PWM technique is proposed to reduce the voltage total harmonics distortion (THD) of multilevel inverter. This modulation technique is then applied to control a single-phase threelevel neutral point clamped multilevel inverter (NPC-MLI). Grey wolf optimizer (GWO) algorithm is utilized to generate optimal amplitude and phase shift of modified reference signal. The GWO algorithm is then compared with other optimization algorithms such as differential evolution (DE), human psychology optimization (HPO), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to evaluate their performance in harmonic minimization. The performance of the proposed work is validated through simulation and experimentation on a prototype. The results show that the modified PWM technique optimized with GWO can reduce THD on NPC-MLI output voltage.
State of charge estimation of ultracapacitor based on equivalent circuit model using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system Rizal Nurdiansyah; Novie Ayub Windarko; Renny Rakhmawati; Muhammad Abdul Haq
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power and Vehicular Technology Vol 13, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : National Research and Innovation Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/j.mev.2022.v13.60-71


Ultracapacitors have been attracting interest to apply as energy storage devices with advantages of fast charging capability, high power density, and long lifecycle. As a storage device, accurate monitoring is required to ensure and operate safely during the charge/discharge process. Therefore, high accuracy estimation of the state of charge (SOC) is needed to keep the Ultracapacitor working properly. This paper proposed SOC estimation using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The ANFIS is tested by comparing it to true SOC based on an equivalent circuit model. To find the best method, the ANFIS is modified and tested with various membership functions of triangular, trapezoidal, and gaussian. The results show that triangular membership is the best method due to its high accuracy. An experimental test is also conducted to verify simulation results. As an overall result, the triangular membership shows the best estimation. Simulation results show SOC estimation mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is 0.70 % for charging and 0.83 % for discharging. Furthermore, experimental results show that MAPE of SOC estimation is 0.76 % for random current. The results of simulations and experimental tests show that ANFIS with a triangular membership function has the most reliable ability with a minimum error value in estimating the state of charge on the Ultracapacitor even under conditions of indeterminate random current.
Sistem Baterai Cell Balancing Pasif Menggunakan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Tipe Mamdani untuk Baterai Pack Lithium Moh Rifqi Faqih; Novie Ayub Windarko; Endro Wahjono
J-Innovation Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.215 KB) | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v10i2.111


Lithium-ion batteries have been widely used in energy storage for electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle applications. After several cycles of charging and discharging, there is one cell whose performance and capacity decreases, causing the performance and capacity of the battery pack to decrease so that it cannot work optimally. So it is necessary to design a cell voltage balancing system to minimize cell voltage imbalance in the charging process. Passive balancing is widely implemented because of its simplicity, reliability, and relatively low cost. The balancing process must be carried out as quickly as possible as the battery is charging, so a PWM ignition technique using mamdani fuzzy is needed to discharge an unbalanced battery cell. The result are compared with no balancing system, fixed balancing 50% duty cycle system, and sugeno fuzzy logic balancing system. From the simulation result, using mamdani fuzzy the final delta voltage value is 0.0344 volt, energy charged is 58.18 Wh and the final State of Charge is 74%. When compared with other balancing method, it shows that using mamdani fuzzy logic method is more optimal because the final of delta voltage value is very small and the battery capacity charged is larger than other method.
J-Innovation Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal J-Innovation
Publisher : Politeknik Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.296 KB) | DOI: 10.55600/jipa.v10i2.112


The potential of solar energy in Indonesia can be utilized as renewable energy and become one of the main alternative energy sources for power generation. The characteristics of solar panels will change depending on radiation levels and temperatures causing the power output of solar panels to fluctuate and become unstable. To reduce oscillations in output power, a study is needed to maximize the output power on solar panels, namely by using the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) method by using DC - DC circuits in the form of Cuk Converters using fuzzy type 2 controls to get optimal power values on the output. Test results using MATLAB / SIMULINK showed that in model 1 when irradian conditions 1000W / m2 with a temperature of 25 oC using Fuzzy Type 1 the accuracy obtained is 97.5% and using Fuzzy Type 2 the accuracy obtained is 100.2%. In model 2 when irradian conditions 1000 W / m2 with a temperature condition of 40oC using Fuzzy Type 1 the accuracy obtained is 94.3% and using Fuzzy Type 2 the accuracy obtained is 93.1%.
Perbandingan Metode MPPT Incremental Conductance Incremental Resistance dan Hill Climbing dengan PSIM Dimas Nur Prakoso; Achmad Afandi; Miftahul Arrijal; Rizqy Abdurrahman; Novie Ayub Windarko
Jetri : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Jetri, Volume 17, Nomor 2, Februari 2020
Publisher : Website

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (834.963 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jetri.v17i2.6076


Increasing energy requirements require us to create renewable energy that is environmentally friendly such as utilizing sunlight. By using tracking techniques such as Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) will produce maximum power so that the solar cell works efficiently. The MPPT method which is simulated in this PSIM software is Incremental Conductance, Incremental Resistance and Hill Climbing. By implanting the MPPT Incremental Conductane Method in the solar cell, a maximum power of 91,47 Watt will be generated with a time of 0.018 seconds, whereas if implanting the MPPT Incremental Resistance method in a solar cell will get a maximum power of 90.35 watt, a faster time than the previous method, and if implanting the MPPT Hill Climbing method to make the solar cell efficient it is necessary to add the KMPP value equal to 5 to get the maximum MPP value and not oscillate. So the Incremental Conductance method by adding a variable step size should be use to search the maximum power from all three methods . Kebutuhan energi yang semakin tinggi mengharuskan kita untuk menciptakan energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan seperti memanfaatkan cahaya matahari. Dengan menggunakan Teknik tracking seperti Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT (MPPT) akan menghasilkan daya yang maksimal sehingga solar cell bekerja secara efesien.  Metode MPPT yang disimulasikan di software PSIM ini adalah Incremental Conductance, Incremental Resistance dan Hill Climbing. Dengan menanamkan Metode MPPT Incremental Conductane pada solar cell maka akan dihasilkan daya maksimum sebesar 91,47 Watt dengan waktu 0,018 detik, sedangkan jika menanamkan metode MPPT Incremental Resistance pada solar cell akan di dapatkan daya maksimum sebesar 90,35 watt dengan waktu yang lebih cepat dari metode sebelumnya, dan jika menanamkan metode MPPT Hill Climbing untuk mengefisienkan solar cell diharuskan menambahkan nilai KMPP sama dengan 5 untuk  mendapatkan nilai MPP yang maksimal dan tidak berosilasi. Jadi jika untuk mencari daya yang sangat maksimal dari ketiga metode sebaiknya menggunakan metode Incremental Conductance dengan menambahkan variable step size.
Maximum power point tracking based on improved spotted hyena optimizer for solar photovoltaic Muhammad Farizky Alvianandy; Novie Ayub Windarko; Bambang Sumantri
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 6: December 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i6.pp5775-5788


The conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method such as perturb and observe (P&O) under partial shading conditions with non-uniform irradiation, can get trapped on local maximum power point (LMPP) and cannot reach global maximum power point (GMPP). This study proposes a bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm spotted hyena optimizer (SHO) and improved SHO as a new MPPT technique. The proposed SHO-MPPT and improved SHO-MPPT are used to extract GMPP from solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays operated under uniform irradiation and non-uniform irradiation. Simulation with Powersim (PSIM) and experimental with the emulated PV source were presented. Furthermore, to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, SHO-MPPT is compared with P&O-MPPT and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-MPPT. The SHO-MPPT has an accuracy of 99% and has the good capability, but there are power fluctuations before reaching MPP. Therefore, improved SHO-MPPT was developed to get better results. The improved SHO-MPPT proved high accuracy of 99% and faster than SHO-MPPT and PSO-MPPT in tracking the maximum power point (MPP). Furthermore, there are minor power fluctuations.
Co-Authors - Sutedjo Abdul Rizal Abdul Rizal, Abdul ACHMAD AFANDI Agus Indra Gunawan Ahmad Firyal Adila Akhmad Puryanto Aldi Erzanuari Aldi Erzanuari, Aldi Alvin Noer Ramadhan Alwi Daffa` Rosydi Anang Tjahjono, Anang Ardhia Wishnuprakasa Arief Rahmadani Ashary, Wima Audya Elisa Rheinanda Bambang Sumantri Bambang Sumantri Bambang Sumantri Bima Dwi Priya Setiawan Diah Septi Yanaratri Dicky Satria Nanda Lestyanto Dimas Nur Prakoso Dimas Okky Anggriawan Eka Prasetyono, Eka Endro Wahjono Epyk Sunarno Era Purwanto Evi Nafiatus Sholikhah Fahmi Ahyar Izzaqi Faizulddin Ebrahimi Ferdiansyah, Indra Firmansyah Nur Budiman, Firmansyah Nur Fuad, Muchamad Chaninul Gede Patrianaya Margayasa Wirsuyana GIGIH HERNAIN NANDA ALDIANTAMA Habibi Mushthofa Husnu Zain Habibi, Muhammad Nizar HANIF HASYIER FAKHRUDDIN Hasnira Hasnira Hazlie Mokhlis Irianto Irianto Jati, Mentari Putri Kadek Reda Setiawan Suda Kuswadi, Son Loegimin, Maruto Swatara Lucky Pradigta Setiya Raharja Lucky Pradigta Setiya Raharja Luluk Badriyah Mas Sulung Wisnu Jati Miftahul Arrijal Mochamad Ari Bagus Nugroho Mochamad Ari Bagus Nugroho MOCHAMAD ARI BAGUS NUGROHO Mochammad Ari Bagus Nugroho Moh Rifqi Faqih Moh. Faisal Amir Moh. Faisal Amir Moh. Zaenal Efendi Mohammad Imron Dwi Prasetyo Mohammad Imron Dwi Prasetyo Mohammad Zaenal Efendi Muchamad Chaninul Fuad Muhammad Abdul Haq Muhammad Farizky Alvianandy Muhammad Khanif Khafidli Muhammad Prihadi Eko Wahyudi Muhammad Wildan Alim Muhdalifah Muhtar Naafilah Widya Mulya NUGROHO, MOCHAMAD ARI BAGUS Ony Armanto Ony Asrarul Q. Puspita Ningrum Q., Ony Asrarul Qoriatul Fitriyah Qudsi, Ony Asrarul Rachma Prilian Eviningsih Ragil Wigas Wicaksana Renny Rakhmawati, Safira Nur Hanifah, Renny Rakhmawati, Rizal Nurdiansyah Rizqy Abdurrahman Rizqy Abdurrahman S Aisyah Setiawardhana Suhariningsih Suhariningsih Suryono . Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono sutedjo Sutedjo Syechu Dwitya Nugraha Wicaksana, Ragil Wigas Wima Ashary Wirsuyana, Gede Patrianaya Margayasa Wishnuprakasa, Ardhia Zainal Arief Zainal Arief