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Journal : Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Bimbingan Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Terpadu pada Petani Kubis di Kampung Sota Anwar Anwar; Mani Yusuf; Maya Sari Rupang; Wa Ode Asryanti Wida Malesi
Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Volume 2 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v2i2.1864


Sota Village is one of the villages located in Sota District, Merauke Regency with an area of 698.13 km2 of the four other villages in Sota District, Sota Village is the largest area which reaches 26.85% of the Sota District area. Most of the agricultural area in Sota District is located around residential areas is the wet and dry soil. One of the dry soil in Sota Village is dominated by horticultural plants such as Brassica oleraceae L. plants. Brassica oleraceae L. is a horticultural plants that is favored by consumers in the city of Merauke. However, the problem that greatly affects the production of Brassica oleraceae L. plants is the attack of pests and diseases. The approach method to solve these problems is by way of guidance and assistance to farmers through a persuasive approach by applying the concept of Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM). This activity is expected to provide an understanding to Brassica oleraceae L. farmers regarding the proper and correct use of pesticides according to regulations so that plant pests do not become resistant, and in the end can increase the growth and production of Brassica oleraceae L. plants. The evaluation results show that farmers have carried out pest and disease control by following the applicable regulations or the standard operating procedure.
Kampung Muram Sari sebagai Basis Pengembangan Ternak Kambing di Kabupaten Merauke Abdul Rizal; David Laiyan; Yosehi Mekiuw; Adrianus Adrianus; Mani Yusuf; Anwar Anwar
Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Volume 2 Nomor 4 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v2i4.2126


Muram Sari Village is one of the villages in the Semangga District, Merauke Regency with the largest population in the Semangga District. This village is dominated by transmigration communities who in fact have a livelihood as farmers and ranchers. One of the livestock developed is goat which is considered to be able to help boost the economy of farmers from generation to generation. Goat farming is currently being cultivated by breeders, although its implementation has not been fully maximized. This is due to the lack of understanding of breeders on the development of goats, the maintenance system is still traditional and the maintenance management and group management are not optimal. Therefore, with the Community Partnership Service (PKM) activity, the implementing team will provide full participation in solving problems faced by the group, especially cultivation management, housing systems, group management, and processing of sewage waste as organic fertilizer. It is hoped that in the future, Muram Sari Village will become the basis for developing goats in Merauke Regency.
Pemberdayaan Petani melalui Pengolahan Jerami Padi menjadi Sentra Pupuk Organik di Kampung Kuper Distrik Semangga Merauke Erwin Nugraha Purnama; Apri Irianto; Mani Yusuf; Anwar Anwar; Abdul Rizal
Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Volume 2 Nomor 4 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v2i4.2128


Kampung Kuper is a village in the Semangga District, Merauke Regency with a population of 1,298 people. This village is dominated by transmigration communities whose livelihoods are farmers. Kampung Kuper is a rice production center in Merauke Regency. The rice plants in this village are quite extensive so they have a lot of rice waste in the form of straw and husks that are not used and are left as waste and burned for further planting. Kampung Kuper also has chickens and cows whose dung can be used for organic fertilizer. Rice plant waste (straw, husk) and livestock manure (chicken, cow) are very important to be developed as organic fertilizers because they are rich in nutrients that plants need for growth and development. Based on the potential utilization of rice plant waste and livestock manure, this service activity is carried out to provide participation to farmer groups, especially motivating farmers in managing rice and livestock waste as organic fertilizer and making Kuper village a center for organic fertilizer production in Merauke Regency. The implementation of activities includes counseling and technical guidance as a medium for transferring knowledge and technology to partners, which will be carried out en masse, through groups and individuals. The solutions offered in the implementation of the Partner Village Development program are through non-physical and physical activities expected; 1) Provide counseling and technical guidance on the benefits of managing agricultural and livestock waste as organic fertilizer so that people care about environmental health and the food products they consume and 2) Assisting in the processing of rice straw and livestock manure as organic fertilizer. The community, especially farmer groups in Kuper Village, are very enthusiastic in participating in counseling activities as well as carrying out manufacturing practices
Bimbingan Teknis Pengembangan Tanaman Pisang Berbasis Pupuk Organik di Kampung Kweel Distrik Elikobel Papua Selatan Diana Sri Susanti; Yosehi Mekiuw; Mani Yusuf; Wa Ode Asryanti Wida Malesi; Anwar Anwar; Maya Sari Rupang
Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Volume 2 Nomor 4 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v2i4.2176


Banana is a horticultural commodity that is widely consumed by people in Indonesia, especially in Merauke Regency. Increased production of banana plants is strongly influenced by the quality of seeds and preparation of planting media in the field. This service aims to provide an understanding to the community about the development of banana plants using organic fertilizers and utilizing the potential of unused land in Kweel Village. The implementation of activities includes counseling with a participatory system and demonstration of banana plant development plots. The solutions offered in this activity are; 1) Providing counseling about the benefits of managing livestock waste as organic fertilizer, 2) Providing assistance in processing livestock manure as organic fertilizer and 3) conducting technical guidance and demonstration of banana plant development plots. The targeted outputs of this Partner Village Development program include guidelines for the use of organic fertilizers for banana cultivation, publication of articles in nationally accredited journals, and publication of print/online media.
PKM Budidaya Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) dan Pengolahannya untuk Meningkatkan Imun Tubuh di Masa Pandemi Tresjia C Rakian; Waode Nuraida; Rian Arini; Andi Awaluddin; Muhidin Muhidin; Gusti Ayu Kade Sutariati; Sitti Leomo; Mani Yusuf
Prima Abdika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Volume 2 Nomor 4 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v2i4.2193


Cultivation of medicinal plants in the garden system can meet the needs of increasing the immune system for the people of Jati Bali Village. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge to the community about the cultivation of medicinal plants and spices in the garden system as well as the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer from household waste as an alternative to meeting the needs of increasing the immune system during a pandemic. Activities that have been carried out to achieve the objectives of the Internal Community Partnership Program (PKMI) are through mass and group outreach to partners, training, and plot demonstrations. Through this activity, partners in Jati Bali Village have been able to cultivate medicinal plants and spices in the dasa wisma garden system. Partners who are actively involved in the activity have been able to produce liquid organic fertilizer from household waste.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Peningkatan Budidaya Kacang Tanah di Kampung Jagebob Raya Adrianus Adrianus; Abdul Rizal; Anwar Anwar; Mani Yusuf; Suwarjono Suwarjono
Prima Abdika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Flores Ende

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i2.2716


Kampung Jagebob Raya is one of the villages that has Natural Resources (SDA) and Human Resources (HR) which have the potential to be developed. This can be seen from the carrying capacity and availability of land for peanut cultivation. In addition, the majority of people have livelihoods as farmers. Commodities cultivated by the people in this village include corn, chili, long beans and peanuts. Peanut is a palawija crop that has a fairly high selling value. Apart from being a source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, it is also used as a cooking spice, boiled peanuts, fried peanuts, crunchy peanuts, and other snacks. This potential can encourage people to be more active in increasing the production and productivity of peanuts. Empowering the community through cultivating peanuts is one of the efforts to improve business skills in terms of innovation, promotion, processing and marketing. The method of implementing peanut cultivation activities in Kampung Jagebob Raya was carried out in two stages, namely socialization and demonstration plots. Socialization with the local government is to agree on the implementation of community service activities while the demonstration plot is to assist farmers in cultivating land, planting, pest control to post-harvest. Community empowerment activities have a positive value for farmers in Kampung Jagebon Raya. In addition to increasing knowledge, farmers can be empowered and help improve the community's economy.