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Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi has three activities namely: (1) Educational field aims to intellectual life of the nation, and culturaltransmission, (2) Research which is to carry out of the new discoveries in science and culture, and (3) the field of dedication tocommunity which is to carry out the service to the community in speeding the process of improving the welfare and progress of thesociety. The objective of this paper is to discuss the implementation the Tri Dharma perguruan Tinggi in order to give input andthought to the government, educational institutions and other stakeholders, as their consideration to take strategic policies for betterand perfect development. The method used is survey through observation at several private universities in Jakarta, interviews to somecollege personnel equipped with several related references. The data was collected from December 2010 until February 2011. It canbe concluded that several obstacles factors in the implementation of the Tri Dharma College are: (1) the lack of higher school facilitiesand infrastructures; (2) the performance of educator and educational which has not been optimum (3) the improper higher schoolmanagement system; and (4) the quality of higher school graduate has not been optimum.
Panda Sansevieria (Pengharum Ruangan Anti Debu dan Asap Rokok Dengan Sistem Penetralisir Sirkulasi Udara) Robi’atul Adawiyah, Ayun; Dhesti Arindita, Nia; Selviastuti, Raisha; Yuliawati, Sri
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

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Kebiasaan merokok sudah membudaya di Indonesia. Dampak buruk merokok terhadap tubuh jelas sering sekali dibicarakan, namun penelusuran efek ketergantungan merokok tetap sulit dihentikan. Pencemaran udara oleh asap rokok semacam itu  bukan suatu hal baru bagi masyarakat, terutama yang tinggal di perkotaan. Menghadapi realita seperti itu, membuat kita berusaha menawarkan solusi  menghadapi  permasalahan  tersebut  yaitu  salah  satunya  adalah menggunakan ekstrak tanaman lidah mertua (Sansevieria). Dari hasil berbagai penelitian menunjukan bahwa lidah mertua menyimpan banyak manfaat bagi kehidupan. Sansevieria   merupakan   salah   satu   tanaman   istimewa   yang   mempunyai kemampuan sebagai penyerap racun di udara, diantaranya karbon monoksida, nikotin, benzena, formaldehid, trikhloroetilen dan dioksin. Tanaman ini dapat dirancang menjadi suatu bahan pengharum ruangan dengan menyintesa ekstrak dari tanaman Sansevieria. Peneliti menganalisa bahwa lidah mertua mengandung bahan aktif pregnan glikosid, yang berfungsi mengurai polutan menjadi asam organik, gula, dan asam amino. Selain itu, diketahui bahwa lidah mertua mampu menyerap radiasi dari berbagai peralatan elektronik yang ada di dalam ruangan. Dengan desain pengharum yang efektif menyerap  zat berbahaya asap  rokok, pengharum Sansevieria ini sebaiknya di tempatkan di setiap sudut tempat agar memberi nilai lebih dan daya tarik masyarakat supaya lebih peduli untuk kawasan bebas rokok dan mewujudkan lingkungan yang sehat.
Pengolahan Sayur Wortel Menjadi Cemilan Sehat Chocotel (Chocolate Wortel) Kaya Gizi Non-Kolesterol Anisa Putri, Keke; Citra Permata A., Fila Mulia; Firdausi, Fatikha; Marista Safitri, Adelia; Robi’atul Adawiyah, Ayun; Yuliawati, Sri
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

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Saat ini sering ditemui permasalahan tentang kesehatan yang menyerang orang-orang berusia muda. Penyakit kolesterol, hipertensi, gagal ginjal yang banyak ditemui memiliki banyak penyebab, salah satunya adalah kurangnya konsumsi sayur dan buah. Tidak sedikit orang yang tidak suka sayur bahkan mereka enggan memakan sayur. Tentunya kesehatan akan terganggu, tidak optimal, dan rentan terserang penyakit. Wortel dan cokelat sangat baik untuk tubuh. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan adalah mencampurkan wortel tersebut ke dalam cokelat. Dengan adanya pencampuran tersebut maka akan terbentuk sebuah cokelat baru yang memiliki kandungan gizi dan rasa yang lebih bervariasi. Produk cokelat wortel akan mempunyai kelebihan dibanding cokelat biasa yang sudah beredar dipasaran terutama dalam hal kandungan nutrisi maupun rasa. Peluang usaha cokelat wortel sangat besar mengingat bahan utamanya yaitu cokelat dan wortel yang mudah diperoleh dan dibuat. Pembuatan cokelat wortel merupakan salah satu cara bagi mahasiswa untuk menggali keterampilan, semangat dan jiwa kewirausahaan. Proses pembuatan cokelat wortel relatif mudah sehingga usaha ini sangat mungkin dilakukan dan dikembangkan mahasiswa serta masyarakat.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kesehatan: Wawasan Kesehatan Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Vol 4, No 1 (Juli 2017)
Publisher : STIKes Kapuas Raya

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Dysmenorrhea is the most common of gynecologic complaints. Adolescence is transisional period, requiring information about why and how dysmenorrhea occurs. Lack information leads to misconception, which will aggravate pain and improvement of dysmenorrhea. The results of preliminary survey, November-October 2013 Tembalang, Semarang 81.8% women experience dysmenorrhea. The aim of this study is correlation between the perception with degree of dysmenorrhea. This study uses quantitative method and extract information qualitative, observational analytic cross sectional, conducted on 150 senior high school from class XI (15-17 years) in District Banyumanik Semarang. Instruments consist of four sections, they are characteristics of respondents, knowledge, perception, are using questionnaire and the degree of dysmenorrhea using visual analogue scale (VAS). Sampling carried out consecutively. Chi-square test were conducted to determine the association among variables. The mean age menarche and age in adolescent 13 and 16 years. Adolescent knowledge about dysmenorrhea less (73.3%), the average education of adolescent mothers finish senior high school (37,3%). Approximately 66% used reliever, and 6,7% school absenteeism. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea 94,7%, approximately 16,7% have severe dysmenorrhea. While 50% respondents have negative perception. Statistical test (α = 5%) shows the relationship between perceptions with degree of dysmenorrhea (pOR=3,068: CI=1,20-7,86; p-value=0,016). Dysmenorrhea pain is often lost after taking drugs. This needs to be done to reduce the impact of dysmenorrhea with psychotherapy
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 5, No 4 (2017): JULI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (96.8 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v5i4.18673


Gado-gado is one of traditional foods from Indonesia which sold in Tembalang District. Gado-gado is made from various vegetables mixed with peanut sauce, served at temperature 5-60oC which is the "temperature danger zone" for any food. This situation makes gado-gado such a watery yet not-so-hot food when its served, so has a potency to be contaminated by microbes and fungis. The purpose of this research is to understand correlation between hygiene sanitation and microbiological quality of gado-gado in Tembalang District, Semarang City. This research is observational research using cross sectional design and consists of three variables, namely sellers health condition, sellers hygienic practice, and places sanitation. The samples of this research are 36 gado-gado and respondents of this research are 36 gado-gado sellers which is observed their hygienic sanitation while processing gado-gado. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chi square. The results showed that sellers health condition categorized as good condition (88,9%); sellers hygienic practice categorized as good condition (33,3%); and places sanitation categorized as good condition (22,2%). There was statistically significant correlation between sellers hygienic practice (p=0,008) and places sanitation (p=0,028) with gado-gado microbiological quality. While there is no corrrelation between sellers health condition (p>0,999) with gado-gado microbiological quality.Gado-gado sellers should pay attention to their personal hygiene and the places sanitation when processing gado-gado, to improve gado-gado microbiological quality.
Uji Efikasi Ekstrak Batang Tembakau (Nicotiana spp.) untuk Pengendalian Rayap Tanah (Coptotermes spp.) Arbaiatusholeha, Rizki; Yuliawati, Sri; Saraswati, Lintang Dian
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 4, No 1 (2016): JANUARI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

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Coptotermes spp. is one of the most harmful termites, because it can damage the wood and building. One of the controlling efforts is by using a tobacco stalk extract, due to the nicotine and other bioactive compounds and are toxic to the termite. This study aims to know the effectiveness of the tobacco stalk extract for termite control. This research is experimental study. The study is conducting for 21 days. Sample for each treatment is 150 termites, where each treatment is 0% (control), 1.3%; 2%; 3.4%; 6.8%; 9.7% with 5 repetitions. It is obtaining from pre-test. Termite mortality data, weight modification of feed paper, and termite consumption are analyzing with ANOVA and followed by Tukey test at 1% significant results. Lethal Concentration (LC) 50 and 90 are analyzing with Probit regression. The results show that the value of termites mortality on test Tukey is p<0,01. And the values of weight modification of paper and termite consumption on test Tukey are p<0,01. So there is significant difference on termite mortality. For weight modification of paper and termite consumption, there are significant differences. Unless the concentration of 1%; 2%; 3.4%; 6.8% and 9.7% are not significant. The values of Lethal Concentration (LC) 50 and 90 are 1,715% and 6.945%. The hope is the community can do termite control easily by utilizing the tobacco stalk.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 5, No 4 (2017): JULI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (93.945 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v5i4.18375


A result of data of health profile of the city of Semarang, case of diarrhea has increased from 2014 until 2015. In 2015 total cases in the age group> 5 years are 28,986 cases and lowest among age group <1 year 3,152 cases. This study was conducted with the aim of this study is to determine the factors associated with the number of germs and the presence of Escherichia coli on eating utensils in foster homes kyai ageng majapahit. This research uses quantitative with analytic observational type and cross sectional research design. The sample of this research was 44 each for spoon and plate as food swab test and 44 respondent of the food handler, then analyzed by chi-square test. Results of the microbiological examination showed 60.2% there are eating utensils containing E.coli and as much as 58% non-standard eating utensil is> 100koloni / cm2. The result of statistical test shows that there is no correlation between all variables with E.coli presence and also total number of germs in tableware at Kyai Ageng Majapahit Social Institution namely Pegetahuan (P-value 0,884; p-value 0,117), Health Condition (p-value (P-value 0,796; p-value 0,314), Drying Technique (p-value 0,543; p-value 0,732), purity value (p-value 0,702; p-value 0,702) Storage technique (p-value 0.719; p-value 0.719). The suggestion of research result of the member of a foster social institution to improve hygiene sanitation behavior either individually or jointly. Suggestions for the board of the orphanage is the need to do health checks on the 6th of the monthly children. In addition, increased knowledge of food handlers as well as infrastructure for sanitation hygiene by providing appropriate facilities.
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (e-Journal) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): JANUARI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

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Angka kesakitan DBD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mranggen I terus meningkat setiap tahunnya dan angka nya selalu >51/100.000 penduduk bahkan semakin tahun kasus nya semakin tinggi diatas target Nasional.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan praktik pencegahan dengan kejadian demam berdarah dengue (DBD) pada anak usia 5-14 tahun di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mranggen I Kabupaten Demak. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan case control. Populasi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah anak usia 5-14 tahun yang terdata menjadi penderita DBD di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mranggen I dari April 2016-Agustus 2017 dengan sampel kasus sebanyak 42 kasus. sampel kontrol adalah 42 anak  usia 5-14 tahun yang sama sekali belum pernah menderita DBD. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan Chi Square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan menggantung pakaian, dan penggunaan kelambu tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD pada anak usia 5-14 tahun. Sedangkan penggunaan repellent (p value= 0,004;OR=4; 95% CI OR=1,614-9,910), danpenggunaan obat anti nyamuk (p value=0,001;OR=12; 95% CI OR=4,090-35,208), berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD pada anak usia 5-14 tahun di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mranggen I Kabupaten Demak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu penggunaan repellent dan penggunaan obat anti nyamuk berhubungan dengan kejadian DBD pada anak usia 5-14 tahun. Para orang tua disarankan untuk memberikan upaya perlindungan diri pada anak terhadap penularan DBD dengan menggunakan repellent saat ke sekolah atau keluar rumah. 
PENGUJIAN DAUN JERUK PURUT (Citrus hystrix) SEBAGAI ZAT PENOLAK ALAMI BAGI KECOA JERMAN (Blatella germanica) DEWASA DI LABORATORIUM Amin, Ika Dina; Hestiningsih, Retno; Yuliawati, Sri
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip) Vol 4, No 1 (2016): JANUARI
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.437 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v4i1.11665


The use of synthetic insecticides already caused resistance, pest resurgence and ecosystem disruption. Alternative way is using Kaffir lime leaves (Citrus hystrix), it can be used as a natural insecticides as it’s contain repellent that useful to repel cockroach. Blatella germanica is a cockroach spesies we usually see in our neighbourhood, so that we have to control this cockroach. The purpose of this research is to measure the ability of young kaffir lime leaves with the old one. This research use the experimental research method in laboratory with complete random research design. Sample of this research are 280 mature Blatella germanica age 1,5-4 months old which has complete body structure. This research use 3 typhes of stages and 9 times repetitions. We could say that kaffir lime leaves is effective as repellent if it has protection power level more than 80%. According to the research there is a result of an effective dosage of kaffir lime leaves as a repellent is 5 grams of old or young leaves with 81,8%, the protection ability of old kaffir lime leaves bigger than the young leaves bigger and the ability to repel Blatella germanica for three days so that kaffir lime leaves can be used as a natural repellent to repel Blatella germanica. The use of kaffir lime leaves can be socialized by related instution and the community can grow kaffir lime around their neighbourhood as a cockroach repellent.
Review: Distribusi Bakteri Patogen oleh Lalat Sinantropik di Daerah Permukiman Pranajaya, Condro Sukmo; Ginandjar, Praba; Hestiningsing, Retno; Yuliawati, Sri
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 10, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

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Flies as mechanical vectors send pathogenic bacteria to food through contaminated body parts. Pathogenic bacteria can spread widely through contaminated body parts of synanthropic flies as well as flight ability. This study aims to describe the distribution of pathogenic bacteria by synanthropic flies in residential areas. This research is a literature review research with a simplified approach. Articles are collected through Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Sciencedirect, Springer Link, Researhgate, and PubMed. Selected articles discuss the distribution of pathogenic bacteria by synanthropic flies in residential areas. Synanthropic fly species identified from the settlement are, Musca domestica, Chrysomya megacephala and Calliphora. Pathogenic bacteria identified from synanthropic flies in settlements are Salmonella typhi, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, Bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. Genetically, there are similarities in bacterial isolates from flies and humans. Profiles of antibiotic resistant bacteria in flies in settlements match those from sewage treatment facilities. The presence of animals increases the risk of the spread of pathogenic bacteria by flies. There was no difference in E. coli bacteria in the fly at home and cage.. Genetic analysis of house fly populations and antibiotic resistant bacterial profiles showed the spread of flies between urban and rural areas. Synanthropic flies are able to spread pathogenic bacteria in settlements up to a radius of 2 km from the breeding site.
Co-Authors Abdul Rahman A. Ghani Adelia Marista Safitri, Adelia Anda Putri Adisasmita andri wijaya Anisah Nur Aini Annisa Savitri Aqmarina, Natasha Ari Udijono Ari Udiyono Ari Udiyono Asmau Saadah Ayun Sriatmi Barkah Haryo Wasisto Budi Kusumaningrum Ciptono, Fachri Anantyo Deviana, Dika Didik Setiawan Eka Indri Astuti Elin Driana Elsa Panji Sukma Erliana Jingga Lucitaningsih Ermina Sari Evi Nurmalasari Fatikha Firdausi, Fatikha Fila Mulia Citra Permata A., Fila Mulia Hasyanah, Uswatun Henry Setyawan Henry Setyawan Susanto Henry Setyawan Susanto Hestiningsing, Retno Ika Dina Amin, Ika Dina Indarti Diah Palupi Irneta Bela Novita Kartika, Juli Arminta Sari Keke Anisa Putri, Keke Laeli Kartika Cahyani Lintang Dian Saraswati Lirin Novitasari Luluk Safura Priyandina M. Arie Wuryanto Martini - Martini Martini Martini Martini Mateus Sakundarno Adi, Mateus Sakundarno Mega Nur Cahyaningsih Merry Putri Wijayanti Michelia Rambu Lawu Miranti Puspasari Mochammad Hadi Mualifah, Zuyyinatul Mubarokah, Esti Nia Dhesti Arindita, Nia Nissa Kusariana Praba Ginandjar Praba Ginandjar Prajna Paramita Pranajaya, Condro Sukmo Puspaningdyah Ekawati Raisha Selviastuti, Raisha Retno Hestinigsih Retno Hestiningsih Reza Ayu Rizqi Meilani Rizki Arbaiatusholeha, Rizki Robi’atul Adawiyah, Ayun Rully Rahadian Selestin Nisfu Choiriyah Sudjut Haryanto Susiana Purwantisari Susiana Purwantisari Sutopo Patria Jati Thyar Deby Yuhara Tuti Yuniatun, Tuti Vianus, Ade Margus Vrio Andris Wagiran Wagiran Winda Apriani Wiwid Royanialita Wiwin Rahma Dhiana Wulandari, Diana Wurjanto, Moh Arie Yusnik Adi Putra