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INFOTECH : Jurnal Informatika & Teknologi Vol 1 No 2 (2020): INFOTECH: Jurnal Informatika & Teknologi
Publisher : Teknik Informatika - Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Muhammadiyah Cileungsi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (936.604 KB) | DOI: 10.37373/infotech.v1i2.61


Studi ini melaporkan tahapan proses pengembangan aplikasi seluler untuk sistem manajemen informasi data real-time untuk pemantauan dan evaluasi pendidikan dan pertumbuhan anak usia dini, aplikasi ini juga dapat melacak dan membantu guru atau petugas lapangan lainnya dalam memantau dan mengevaluasi tentang layanan anak usia dini. Metode pengumpulan data melalui pemetaan, wawancara mendalam dengan pemangku kepentingan, tinjauan dokumen, pengembangan aplikasi, mengentri data langsung di lapangan menggunakan aplikasi seluler, pengujian dan analisis aplikasi yang dilakukan pada 145 anak di Kecamatan Pringgarata, Lombok Tengah. Gambaran lengkap tentang pendidikan dan perkembangan anak usia dini ini dipetakan dan dihubungkan dalam satu aplikasi berbasis android yang secara sistematis menampilkan data individu maupun kelompok (misalnya profil sekolah) di berbagai aspek kehidupan pendidikan anak usia dini. Data dapat dengan mudah diakses kapan saja oleh pihak yang berwenang menggunakan tablet PC atau ponsel, pada wilayah yang koneksi internetnya belum tersedia karena infrastruktur jaringan belum memadai, sistem ini juga memungkinkan penyimpanan keamanan secara offline yang dapat secara otomatis terhubung ke server ketika koneksi jaringan tersedia. Pengentrian data secara langsung menggunakan tablet PC/ponsel akan terprogram dan terhubung pada dashboard laporan yang dapat diakses oleh pemangku kepentingan terkait di setiap tingkatan. Untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan data, akses tersebut akan dibatasi dengan sistem login yang aman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, aplikasi ini mudah digunakan untuk pemantauan dan evaluasi secara real time tentang pendidikan dan perkembangan anak usia dini.
INFOTECH : Jurnal Informatika & Teknologi Vol 2 No 1 (2021): INFOTECH: Jurnal Informatika & Teknologi
Publisher : Teknik Informatika - Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Muhammadiyah Cileungsi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.303 KB) | DOI: 10.37373/infotech.v2i1.110


Di Nusa Tenggara Barat, data tersebar di berbagai sektor namun belum ada pengelolaan data secara real-time. Kami membuat tahapan proses dalam merancang sistem manajemen data tepat waktu untuk mendukung pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan pendidikan anak. Studi formatif dilakukan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat dan Kabupaten Lombok Timur secara random sampling untuk mengumpulkan informasi pada 1059 orang tua anak atau pengasuh melalui pemetaan data, wawancara mendalam, pemeriksaan dokumen, dan entri data secara langsung menggunakan Open-source Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP). Untuk memperoleh gambaran lengkap tentang pendidikan dan tumbuh kembang anak dihubungkan dalam satu platform. Penelitian ini menggunakan Open-source Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP) untuk manajemen data pendidikan menggunakan tablet PC atau smartphone. Data dapat dengan mudah dimasukkan kapan saja secara tepat waktu menggunakan Enketo form. Jika infrastruktur jaringan internet belum tersedia, platform ini juga memungkinkan untuk memasukkan data secara offline dan dapat secara otomatis tersimpan pada server database ketika koneksi jaringan tersedia. Segera setelah entri data selesai platform ini menyediakan dashboard yang berisi laporan data secara real time yang dapat diakses oleh pemangku kepentingan di setiap tingkatan. Untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan data, akses tersebut juga akan dibatasi dengan sistem login yang aman. Berdasarkan studi formatif ini, OpenSRP dapat diterapkan untuk manajemen data pendidikan secara tepat waktu sesuai dengan indikator nilai rata-rata pengiriman data tepat waktu sebesar 93,39%, kualitas dan kelengkapan data sebesar 83,94%
Pengaruh Diabetes Melitus Terhadap Tajam Penglihatan Sudirman Sudirman
Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.41 KB) | DOI: 10.37824/jkqh.v8i1.2020.178


Low vision affected by cataracts is also caused by retina disease. Diabetes is a disease that affects the retina. The population in the Kopang Health Center area has a low socioeconomic and education. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of diabetes mellitus on visual acuity. This study is non-experimental with a cross-sectional method and was carried out involving 73 respondents as sample aged 40 years, who were taken by simple random sampling in Kopang Primary Health Care, Central Lombok. Statistical analysis shows this study revealed that diabetes mellitus was significantly (P <0.05) influenced to visual acuity was equal to 42.5%, it mean that diabetes mellitus was found in 42.5% of those with low vision.
Pengaruh Hipertensi Terhadap Tajam Penglihatan sudirman sudirman
Jurnal Kesehatan Qamarul Huda Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Qamarul Huda Badaruddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.785 KB) | DOI: 10.37824/jkqh.v9i1.2021.219


The aim of this  study was to evaluate the influence of hypertension to visual acuity. This study is non experimental with cross-sectional method and was carried out involving 73 respondents as sample from a population of 244 people aged 40 years, who were taken by simple random sampling in Kopang Primary Health Care, Central Lombok. Statistical analysis shows, this study revealed that the hypertension was significantly (P kurang dari 0.05) influenced to visual acuity was equal to 47.9%, it mean that hypertension was found in 47.9% of those with low vision.
Online System on Monitoring and Feedback for Education Sudirman Sudirman
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v4i1.900


This study reported the staging of process on developing a mobile application for real-time data management information system on monitoring and feedback in early childhood education, it can help tracking child care and education and assist teacher in monitoring and feedback on child services. A study was carried out to gather necessary information through data mapping, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, document reviews, application development, direct entry in the field using mobile development, application testing and analysis that was conducted on for 253 respondents. To obtain a full picture on early childhood education, data on child growth and education shall be mapped and linked in one application. We introduce a mobile app to systematically compile the individual as well as group data across different aspects of child life, ranging from child education. Using a tablet PC or mobile phone, data could be easily entered at any time by the person. Due to still poor infrastructure at the grass root level, the system also allows a safety store offline that could automatically link to server when network connection is available. The immediate data entry will provide real-time data report that could be accessed by any relevant stakeholders at any levels to response accordingly. However, to avoid misuse of data, the access will also be restricted with a secured login system. Based on the study, this application is easily applicable for real-time monitoring and evaluation on early child education.
Filsafat Pendidikan Dalam Pengembangan Sains Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Asrorul Azizi; Rindu Rahmatiah; Muhammad Sarjan; Hamidi Hamidi; Mulia Rasyidi; Muh. Zaini Hasanul Muttaqin; Agus Muliadi; Yusran Khery; Iswari Fauzi; Muhammad Yamin; Bakhtiar Ardiansyah; Sudirman Sudirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1073.532 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/jhpis.v1i3.543


Humans have the ability to think and always try to improve their knowledge. Human nature is naturally full of curiosity so humans are always looking for answers to their curiosity. Humans seek answers to their curiosity through knowledge, and through knowledge will lead to its own satisfaction according to the demands of the times. The knowledge gained is not only knowledge, but is emphasized on knowledge and truth. Learning everything by studying the right scientific foundation is one of the efforts made by humans to obtain the truth. This study aims to determine the nature of the philosophy of education in the development of science based on local wisdom. The surrounding nature gives birth to local wisdom that is unique and is a potential in the development of science. Science or science which includes physics, chemistry, biology using scientific steps, scientific thinking, and using scientific frameworks. This is the beginning of the philosophy of science used to study, uncover, and solve scientific problems for human life. This study discusses the importance of a person in developing science based on local wisdom as a means of maintaining natural resources, culture, customs that exist in people's lives.
Pemahaman Nature of Science (Hakekat IPA) Bagi Guru IPA: Solusi Membelajarkan IPA Multidimensi Muh. Zaini Hasanul Muttaqin; Muhammad Sarjan; Joni Rokhmat; Agus Muliadi; Asrorul Azizi; Bachtiar Ardiansyah; Hamidi Hamidi; Iswari Pauzi; Muhammad Yamin; Mulia Rasyidi; Rindu Rahmatiah; Sudirman Sudirman; Yusran Khery
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 21 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.864 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7272704


This article aims to examine the importance of understanding the nature of science for science teachers as a solution in teaching multidimensional science. Science is a knowledge (scientific product), a series of investigation processes (scientific process), and scientific attitude which is reflected in the nature of Science (Nature of Science). NOS describes the real science, how it works, and its interaction with society in the perspectives of philosophy, history, sociology, and psychology of science. Understanding NOS is an important aspect of scientific literacy. The results of research in recent times show that teachers and students do not understand the concept of NOS optimally. This study uses literature analysis. The results show that NOS is divided into three main aspects, namely the nature of scientific knowledge, the nature of scientific investigation and the nature of scientific endeavor. understanding the concept of NOS must be an important part to be instilled in science teachers. Learning science is not just knowing natural objects, but science has a wider study dimension than that, which needs to be studied from the ontological, epistemological and axiological side. Teachers must master how to teach science, how the impact or influence of science learning and what influences science learning. Thus, understanding the NOS concept of science teachers will have an impact on students' mastery of understanding the NOS concept.
Pembelajaran IPA Dalam Meningkatkan Preferensi Makanan Tradisional Asrorul Azizi; Mulia Rasyidi; Muhammad Sarjan; Agus Muliadi; Hamidi Hamidi; Iswari Fauzi; Muhammad Yamin; Muh. Zaini Hasanul Muttaqin; Bakhtiar Ardiansyah; Rindu Rahmatiah; Sudirman Sudirman; Yusran Khery
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 21 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.854 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7272724


This study is one of the efforts to examine the literature because there is still limited reconstruction of the original science that developed in society into scientific science. This study can then be developed and applied by students as a source of independent learning. The study of local potential in science learning is very important to do, considering that not many have comprehensively analyzed this topic. The local potential that exists in each region can be a wealth of references in learning. Local potential in the form of natural resources, language, customs, arts and can be a wealth of food. Since ancient times, the role of food has been studied as an ingredient to fulfill nutritional needs. Without realizing it, food, especially traditional food, has become the identity of a nation. Traditional food can be a reflection of the geographical, social and cultural conditions that are unique to a nation. This research is important to do so that the potential for research can be known and can be used as a consideration in developing further learning designs. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the concept of science learning to increase local food preferences into scientific science, as well as to explain science material related to the reconstruction of original science in the process of making traditional food.
Peningkatan Kesadaran Global Siswa IPA Sebagai Dasar Pendidikan Masa Depan Mulia Rasyidi; Muhammad Sarjan; Agus Muliadi; Asrorul Azizi; Hamidi Hamidi; Iswari Fauzi; Muhammad Yamin; Muh. Zaini Hasanul Muttaqin; Bakhtiar Ardiansyah; Rindu Rahmatiah; Sudirman Sudirman; Yusran Khery
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 21 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.273 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7272733


The skills of students in the global era or the twenty-first century become a very important topic in learning. The lack of students' understanding of 21st century skills is caused by a lack of global awareness and the importance of global skills which are the basis for developing students' self as citizens of the world. Globalization shows that the world is getting smaller, the dependence between nations is getting bigger. Globalization is a globalizing process, meaning that all activities are calculated for the benefit of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to study in-depth literature on increasing global awareness as the basis for future education. The method used is literature review. The source of the literature review used is in the form of articles that are in accordance with this article. students need academic and applied knowledge, can connect knowledge and skills, be creative and adaptive, and be able to transform all these aspects into valuable skills. Students must have skills that include: (1) Critical Thinking Skills; (2) Problem Solving Ability; (3) Communication and Collaboration; (4) Creativity and Innovation; (5) Information, Communication, and Technology Media Literacy
Multidimensional Science Education on Performance Assessment Comprehensively with Collaborative Project Learning Based Model: Philosophy Perspective Sudirman Sudirman; Muhammad Sarjan; Joni Rokhmat; Hamidi Hamidi; Iswari Fauzi
Journal of Science and Science Education Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Pascasarjana, Mataram University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.126 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jossed.v3i2.2278


Competency-based learning requires an assessment instrument capable of comprehensively measuring learning objectives in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. Therefore, an alternative assessment model based on performance is needed. The purpose of writing this article was to find out whether it is possible to comprehensively assess performance based on collaborative project learning in multidimensional science education from a philosophical perspective through literature study. Performance appraisal is a continuous assessment process through the process of collecting various activity-based information as an object of assessment in various ways and tools. Based on the results and discussion of the literature review, performance assessment is a continuous assessment process using various strategies and methods (multi-methods) where in this article the author combined collaborative project-based learning methods. Project based learning provides opportunities for students to explore content and learning experiences using various ways that are meaningful to themselves and to conduct experiments collaboratively by combining various interrelated subjects. Exploration of authentic and complex problems based on tasks that have been designed to produce joint work for reporting project results. Collaborative project learning between subjects is essentially a learning system that allows students to actively seek, explore, and discover concepts and principles authentically by involving various groups as assessors through self-assessment and Peer Assessment. The comprehensive performance appraisal process is a multidimensional process and information is obtained from the assessment process on aspects of cognitive skills, attitudes, critical thinking, process skills and products as an integral part of the learning process by empowering students and educators.