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GAME EDUKASI RPG MATEMATIKA Surya Amami Pramuditya; Muhammad Subali Noto; Dede Syaefullah
Eduma : Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Tadris Matematika IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.749 KB) | DOI: 10.24235/eduma.v6i1.1701


Perkembangan game di Indonesia cukup popular. Sejak tahun 2011, pengguna game sudah mencapai 6,5 juta orang. Dari hasil observasi mahasiswa yang melakukan praktek lapangan, kecenderungan obrolan para siswa, terutama siswa laki-laki pada saat jam istirahat adalah mengenai game. Industri game yang berkembang pesat, membuat para developer game untuk membuat game yang memiliki daya candu besar. Game edukasi adalah game yang didalamnya terdapat unsur-unsur edukasi dan pembelajaran. Game edukasi matematika disisipkan konten pembelajaran matematika berupa soal dan materi. Jenis game dalam penelitian ini adalah game RPG (Role Playing Game), salah satu jenis game yang menitikberatkan pada peran dan jalan cerita yang memiliki tujuan. Player (pemain) diharuskan untuk berbicara dengan pemain lainnya untuk dapat mencapai tujuan akhir dari game. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat game sederhana edukasi jenis RPG serta mencari respon game. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan tahap analisis serta mendesain game. Hasil penelitian ini berupa produk game edukasi matematika serta respon pengguna mengenai game tersebut.Kata Kunci: Game Edukasi, RPG, Matematika
Exploration of Learning Obstacle Based on Mathematical Understanding of Algebra in Junior High School Muchamad Subali Noto; Surya Amami Pramuditya; Via Dwi Handayani
Eduma : Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Tadris Matematika IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/eduma.v9i1.5946


The difficulty of students related to algebra arises from the lack of students' mathematical understanding and Learning Obstacle (LO). One of the LO’s experienced by students is the epistemological obstacle in the form of the limited knowledge possessed by students in mathematical concepts related to algebraic form. The purpose of this study is to explore LO related to algebra material. This research method is qualitative with the consisted of 15 students of 7th grade. The results showed that the common students could not interpret concepts and clarify the elements of algebraic forms related to variables, coefficients and constants and students could not operate and simply algebraic forms. The teacher can make pedagogical and didactic anticipations to overcome the LO.
Guru di Era Digital: Pelatihan Implementasi Schoology sebagai Learning Management System bagi Guru SMP Veteran Kota Cirebon Surya Amami Pramuditya; Cita Dwi Rosita; Siska Firmasari; Sri Asnawati
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202054.457


TEACHERS IN THE DIGITAL ERA: TRAINING ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOLOGY AS A LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR TEACHERS OF SMP VETERAN CIREBON CITY. Distance education is a natural learning system that involves two-way communication through the media between educators and students when there is a distance that separates them. To integrate the two-way communication process requires a learning management system (Learning Management System). One of the LMS platforms is Schoology. Schoology allows users to create, manage, and interact with each other and share academic content. Schoology provides solutions for teachers to improve their professionalism in the digital age, especially in the use of technology for learning. The resource person trains participants with the lecture method, which explains how to use the menus and tools contained in LMS Schoology, as well as simulations of how to implement them in learning. The training stage consists of the preparation phase and the implementation phase of the training. The target of the training is the teachers of all subjects in Cirebon Veterans Junior High School. Indicators of training implementation with evaluation during the training process and post-training evaluation. From the results of the community service activities, during the face-to-face events, the teachers looked enthusiastic, only when the exercises were online (non-face-to-face), only one teacher actively participated out of a total of 9 teachers who became training participants. Based on observations, few teachers took part in online activities because of their busy operations in classroom teaching, which had to pursue productive weeks of learning.
Journal Of Educational Experts (JEE) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Educational Experts (JEE)
Publisher : Kopertis Region IV Jabar and Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30740/jee.v1i1p1-10


AbstractThis research is motivated by students' learning difficulties exponent material, and lack of media in the learning process. One solution to overcome this problem is by developing a valid media and practical learning. The purpose of this research is to develop the Android application as a mathematics computer-assisted instruction Role- Playing Game (RPG) on practical and valid exponent material. The research is the R & D (Research and Development) and a method used in developing the media is a simplified method becomes ADD from ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development). Data used in this research is quantitative. The instruments used interview guides and questionnaires. Data collection technique was an interview, validation sheets, and sheets practicalities. Research results obtained instructional media on the exponent material. Based on the results of the validation performed by five expert validation, obtained by 96.83% with very valid criteria. While the results of the practicalities by nine students obtained 84.32% with very practical criteria. This shows that the media instruction as a learning medium can be used in the learning process exponent material.Keywords: Media Instruction, Android Apps, ADDIE, Exponent.
Procediamath Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (665.977 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui:(1) aktivitas siswa selama menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching; (2) pengaruh aktivitas siswa dalam model reciprocal teaching terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis; (3) pengaruh aktivitas siswa dalam model reciprocal teaching terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis; (4) perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman matematis antara siswa yang mendapat model pembelajaran menggunakan reciprocal teaching dengan pembelajaran konvensional; dan (5) perbedaan kemampuan komunikasi matematis antara siswa yang mendapat model pembelajaran menggunakan reciprocal teaching dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kadugede. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: (1) aktivitas siswa selama menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching terdapat peningkatan dari pertemuan pertama sampai pertemuan terakhir;(2) aktivitas siswa dalam model reciprocal teaching berpengaruh sebesar 66,2% terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa; (3) aktivitas siswa dalam model reciprocal teaching berpengaruh sebesar 57,3% terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa; (4) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching dengan siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran konvensional;dan (5) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching dengan siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran konvensional. Kata Kunci : Reciprocal Teaching, pemahaman matematis, komunikasi matematis
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Melalui Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Google Site bagi Guru MGMP Matematika SMP Kabupaten Cirebon Neneng Aminah; Surya Amami; Ika Wahyuni; Cita Dwi Rosita
Bima Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Bima Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Edisi Januari - Juni 2021
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Bima Berilmu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53299/bajpm.v1i1.35


Komputer sebagai media pembelajaran memiliki keunggulan-keunggulan dalam presentasi grafik dengan tampilan yang menarik, yang dapat dimanipulasi secara leluasa dalam bentuk representasi visual model matematika. Salah satu jenis media yang tepat dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu Aplikasi Google Site. Perangkat lunak dinamis merupakan media yang dapat memberikan kesempatan pada guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengajar matematika. Tujuan kegiatan PKM ini adalah memberikan pelatihan penggunaan pemanfaatan google site untuk pengajaran maupun administrasi para guru di sekolah, Metode pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah dengan cara mengadakan pelatihan, dan pendampingan, terkait mendesain bahan ajar berbasis literasi matematis. Target khusus dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah bertambahnya pengetahuan guru matematika SMP Kabupaten Cirebon dalam pemanfaatan google site yang selama ini dirasakan jarang ada yang menggunakan karena ketidaktahuan fungsinya. Hasil kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan semua guru mampu mengoperasikan dan memanfaatkan google site, kegiatan menghasilkan pengetahuan bagi guru.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.38 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v11i2.4770


Slow learner students cannot be seen physically, because there is no difference between slow learner students and normal students. Slow learner students must get special attention, especially if the student is a prospective teacher. Slow learner students have difficulties in the process, but the learning difficulties are not in accordance with the facts. This article aims to determine the learning difficulties of slow learners in terms of students' reflective abstractions. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with phenomenological methods. The study involved 8 slow learner students who were given a test to measure their reflective abstraction ability. Followed by interviews based on the results of the written test. The results of the research conducted were analyzed qualitatively. The results of tests and interviews, it is known that students' learning difficulties based on reflective abstraction measurements, are difficulties in remembering mathematical concepts, difficulties in mathematical reasoning, difficulties in providing mathematical explanations, difficulties based on mathematical problem solving strategies, time management difficulties, mathematical technical difficulties, and difficulties in understanding mathematical problems.Siswa slow learner tidak dapat dilihat secara fisik, karena tidak ada perbedaan siswa slow learner degan siswa yang normal. Siswa slow learner tentunya harus mendapatkan perhatian yang khusus, terutama jika siswa tersebut merupakan calon guru. Siswa slow learner memiliki keuslitan-kesulitan dalam proses pembelajaran matematis, namun kesulitan tersebut belum teridentifikasi sesuai dengan fakta di lapangan. Artikel bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesulitan belajar siswa slow learner ditinjau dari abstraksi reflektif siswa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode fenomenology. Penelitian melibatkan 8 orang siswa slow learner yang diberikan tes untuk mengukur kemampuan abstraksi reflektif mereka. Dilanjutkan dengan wawancara berdasarkan hasil tes tertulis tersebut. Hasil penelitian dilakukan analisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil tes dan wawancara, diketahui kesulitan belajar siswa ditinjau dari pengukuran abstraksi reflektif, adalah kesulitan mengingat konsep matematis, kesulitan bernalar matematis, kesulitan memberikan penjelasan matematis, kesulitan mengatur strategi penyelesaian masalah matematis, kesulitan manajemen waktu, kesulitan teknis matematis, dan kesulitan memahami masalah matematis.
Implementation of augmented reality-assisted learning media on three-dimensional shapes Surya Amami Pramuditya; Sri Pitriayana; Toto Subroto; Risnina Wafiqoh
Jurnal Elemen Vol 8, No 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/jel.v8i2.5238


This research is motivated by the low understanding of students in studying the object of geometry study. The media that had previously been used in the form of a spatial framework made of bamboo or iron turned out to take up quite a lot of space and was not practical to carry in large quantities. Therefore, efficient and practical media are needed to help visualize concrete objects in learning. This research aims to implement Augmented Reality (AR)-assisted learning media on the material of three-dimensional shapes. This study uses an explanatory qualitative method. The participant in this study was one student from one of the junior high schools in the Cirebon Regency. Data collection techniques used are through interviews and documentation. The analysis technique consists of three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the AR application could make it easier for the student to understand the material and solve the problem of three-dimensional shapes. However, the student still has a little difficulty using the application and is a little confused when identifying the parts of the cube because the image of the shape raised by the application is still not clear. This research implies that AR applications can make students' spatial abilities better.
PROSES ABSTRAKSI REFLEKTIF MATEMATIS SISWA BERDASARKAN PIAGET Nia Sutrisna; Surya Amami Pramuditya; Jajo Firman Raharjo; Setiyani Setiyani
Jurnal Silogisme : Kajian Ilmu Matematika dan Pembelajarannya Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/silogisme.v6i2.3152


Kemampuan abstraksi reflektif siswa merupakan suatu kemampuan yang menjelaskan alur berfikir siswa dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Selain itu, abstraksi reflektif sangat penting untuk mengembangkan kognitif seseorang saat mempelajari suatu konsep. Berdasarkan Piaget dalam mempelajari matematika yang bersifat abstrak, siswa melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap konkret, semi konkret, dan abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses abstraksi siswa dalam menyelesaikan materi bangun ruang pada sub materi jarak titik ke titik, titik ke garis, dan titik ke bidang. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu dengan kualitatif dan subjek dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengambil satu orang siswa kelas X MIPA tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu dengan memberikan soal tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa melewati tahapan proses abstraksi yang dinyatakan oleh Piaget
Pelatihan Pembuatan Game Edukasi Berbasis Android Berbantuan RPG Maker bagi Siswa SMA Islam Al-Azhar 5 Cirebon Muchammad Subali Noto; Surya Amami Pramuditya; Setiyani Setiyani
PERDIKAN (Journal of Community Engagement) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/pjce.v2i2.3840


Almost everyone has a smartphone, including students. The potential for open application development on Android and the increasing number of people using smartphones allow them to use technology to support activities in the world of education, one of which is mobile learning. Educational games are a part of mobile learning. The purpose of the Community Service (PKM) activity is to improve students' abilities in utilizing technology through training in Android-based educational games assisted by RPG Maker. Through the making of this educational game, students can develop an interest in IT and learn mathematics. Participants in the PKM activities were students of Al-Azhar 5 Islamic High School Cirebon City who became the KIR community members. This service method consisted of three stages, namely preparation, implementation of training, and evaluation. The indicators of this activity's achievement include students being able to make maps, prologues, bring up avatars, create questions, create dialogues, battle, move one character from one map to another, and deploy games successfully controlled by participants. During the training, the participants were very enthusiastic in listening to the material and were active in making educational games.(Hampir setiap orang memiliki smartphone termasuk pelajar. Potensi pengembangan aplikasi yang terbuka pada Android dan semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang menggunakan smartphone, membuka peluang teknologi ini dapat digunakan untuk mendukung aktivitas dalam dunia pendidikan salah satunya adalah mobile learning. Game edukasi merupakan salah satu bagian dari mobile learning. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarat (PKM) adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memanfaatkan teknologi melalui pelatihan game edukasi berbasis Android berbantuan RPG Maker. Melalui pembuatan game edukasi ini, siswa dapat mengembangkan minat di bidang IT sekaligus belajar matematika. Peserta dalam kegiatan PKM adalah siswa SMA Islam Al-Azhar 5 Kota Cirebon yang tergabung dalam komunitas KIR. Metode dalam pengabdian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Indikator ketercapaian kegiatan ini diantaranya siswa mampu membuat map, prolog, memunculkan avatar, membuat soal, membuat dialog, battle, memindahkan satu tokoh dari map satu ke map yang lain, serta mendeploy game berhasil dikuasai oleh peserta. Selama pelatihan berlangsung, peserta sangat antusias dalam menyimak materi dan aktif dalam pembuatan game edukasi).