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Kajian Biodegradasi Filem Plastik Campuran Polistiren dengan Poli(3hidroksibutirat-ko-3-hidroksivalerat) dalam Tanah Secara In-vitro Permatadewi, Asiska; Zaini, Erizal; Rustini, Rustini; Djamaan, Akmal
Jurnal Farmasi Andalas Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Andalas

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The in vitro biodegradation testing of plastic of the mixture of polystyrene (PS) and poly (3-hydroxybutirate-co-3-hydroxyvalerat) [P(3HB-ko-3HV)] in soil has been carried out. Plastic film was produced by using blending technique and followed by solved casting at various composition. The biodegradation testing was conduted by using soil burial method. Rseult showed that the increasing of component [P(3HB-ko-3HV)] in the mixture of plastic film was also increase the biodegradation rate of plastic film in the soil. At the composition 100:0, 95:5, 90:10 and 85:15 of plastic film in 5 weeks burial was found weigh remaining of plastic were of 99.67; 95.71; 95.03; 94.13% w/w respectively. It is also observed that the amount of bacteria in the soil were of 2.57 x 106 colonies/g.
Kajian Biodegradasi Filem Plastik Campuran Polistiren Dengan Poli (3-Hidroksibutirat) Dalam Tanah Octaviani, Melzi; Zaini, Erizal; Djamaan, Akmal
Jurnal Farmasi Andalas Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Andalas

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The degradation of a plastic film containing polymer synthetic polystyrene (PS) and biopolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] in soil has been carried out based on soil burial test. Result showed that the amount of P(3HB) in plastic film containing PS and P(3HB) influence the degradation rate of plastic film. Rate degradation measured use linear regression equality and parameter is indicated by the slope (k), degradation time 50% (t 50%), and degradation time 95% (t 95%). Degradation plastic film which occurred in soil with ratio PS/P(3HB) 85:15 was k = 0.90 %/week, t 50% = 55.13 weeks and t 95% = 105.29 weeks, followed by PS/P(3HB) 90:10 and PS/P(3HB) 95:15. In contrast, plastic film which made from pure PS (100:0) occurred slow with slope value (k) = 0.14 %/week, t 50% = 345.07 weeks, and t 95% = 655.63 weeks. Result of SEM test showed that damage occurred and erosion at surface of plastic film as long as observation time in various environment condition. 
Penggunaan Eudragit L 100 Dalam Formulasi Mikrokapsul Natrium Diklofenak Dengan Teknik Emulsifikasi-Penguapan Pelarut Rahmadevi, Rahmadevi; Zaini, Erizal; Halim, Auzal
Jurnal Farmasi Andalas Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Andalas

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It has been research about formulation diclofenac sodium that used Eudragit L100. To prepare, using emulsification-solvent evaporation technique, diclofenac sodium-Eudragit L100 microparticles with modified drug sustained release properties and span 80 is emulgator. Methode research is microcapsules were prepared by solvent evaporation method with ratio diclofenac sodium-Eudragit L100 (1:1,125;1:1,25;1:1,5;1:1,75) and characterized by micromeritics, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), dissolution test using USP apparatus 1 and drug Embadment Efficiency. The result is the microparticle were whitish, irregular, aggregated, and in the size range of 100 – 160 µm size. Drug embedment efficiency was 53,7% - 66,3 %. Characterisation studies indicate that there was no chemical interaction between the drug and the polymer in the microparticles. In Dissolution profile ratio diclofenac sodium and Eudragit L100 can slowly drug release were after 450 minute released diclofenac sodium > 50%. Conclusion: Emulsification-solvent evaporation technique is a suitable method for preparing diclofenac sodium-Eudragit L100 multi-unit controlled release drug delivery system.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi Vol 17, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

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An assay of biodegradation of plastic film combination of polystyrene (PS) and poli (3-hydroxy butyrate-ko-3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HB-ko-3HV)] has been conducted. The assay was done by using soil burial test method. The plastic film was made by blending technique of various composition of PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) in to the mud. The remaining weight of plastic film was determined gravimentically time intervals 1,2,3,4 and 5 weeks of burial. Result showed that the P(3HB-ko-3HV) had an influence on the degradation rate of plastic film. The biodegradation rate increased with an increase in P(3HB-ko-3HV) content in the mixture. The rate was derived from linear regression equation and parameters such as biodegradation rate constant (k), t 50 % and t 95% were obtained. It was found that for combination of  PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 95:5 k= 1,26% b/b per week , t 50 % = 39,07 weeks and t 95 % = 74,783 week for the mixture of PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 90:10  k = 1,604 % b/b per week, t 50 % = 30,57 week and t 95 % = 58,62 week. For the mixture of PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV), 85:15 k = 2,663 % b/b per week, t 50 % = 17,95 week and t 95 % = 34,85 week. While those of pure PS plastic film k = 0,24 % b/b per week, t 50 % = 201,85 week and t 95 % = 354,55 week which indicated a very slow biodegradation. Analysis by SEM showed that the surface of plastic film was eroded and damaged during the burial. The amount of bacterial colony per 1 gram of mud was 2,31x107.
Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol 4, No 1 (2010): September
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jrk.v4i1.63


 Solid dispersions of the antiinflamation drug ibuprofen and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) were prepared by the melting method in order to increase the dissolution rates of this poorly water-soluble compound. The temperature/composition phase diagram of binary system was analyzed by termal analysis hot-stage microscopy, showing an eutectic formation. Polarized light hot stage microscopy and X-ray-powder diffraction confirmed, that solid dispersion technique decrease the crystalliny of ibuprofen after melting and solidifying of a 4/6 (w/w) mixture of ibuprofen and polyethylene glycol 6000 respectively, which the results enhanced dissolution rates compared to the physical mixtures and ibuprofen intact. However, no such chemical interactions in the solid state were confirmed by FTIR spectra which showed the presence of ibuprofen crystalline in solid dispersion.   
Uji Dissolusi Terbanding Tablet Metilprednisolon Generik Bermerek dan Generik Berlogo Dibandingkan Dengan Tablet Metilprednisolon Paten Nasif, Hansen; Zaini, Erizal; S, Agnes
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi Vol 19 No Supl1 (2017): Vol 19 Supplement 1, December 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

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Obat generik adalah obat yang telah habis masa patennya dan kemudian dapat diproduksi oleh industri yang berbeda dari perusahaan inovatornya. Kontroversi tentang penggunaan obat Paten/ obat original dan obat generik/ obat copyan telah berlangsung lama di masyarakat, termasuk pada praktisi kesehatan walaupun penelitian pada fase biofarmasetik dan farmakokinetik telah banyak dilakukan. Pada studi biofarmasetik, perbedaan formulasi dan proses produksi obat dapat mempengaruhi ketersediaan obat dalam darah yang pada tahap selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi efek obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari disolusi metilprednisolon 4 mg tablet generik bermerek dari produsen obat PT.B , generik berlogo dari PT.I dan obat paten dari PT.P. Kadar terdisolusi diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 200-400nm. Profil disolusi menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan bermakna untuk jenis obat paten/ inovator, generik bermerek dan generik berlogo diatas dengan similarity factor (F2 ) produk paten dengan generik bermerek adalah 86,9 dan produk paten dengan generik berlogo adalah 81,2,sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa profil disolusi ketiga jenis obat ini adalah sama.
Kajian Biodegradasi Filem Plastik Campuran Polimer Sintetik dengan Biopolimer dalam Larutan Air Octaviani, Melzi; Dewi, Asiska Permata; Boestari, Agusri; Zaini, Erizal; Djamaan, Akmal
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi Vol 17 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

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A study on degradation of plastic film of the mixture of polystyrene sintetic polymers (PS) with poli(3-hidroxyibutirat) [P(3HB)] dan poli(3-hidroksibutirat-ko-3-hidroxyvalerat) [P(3HB-ko-3HV)] biopolymers in-vitro and in-vivo has been done. The assay was done by immersion test method in aquadest, river water at various pH of 4,6,8, and 10 respectively. Degradation rate was determined by linear regression with parameters including : t 50%, t 95% and rate constant (k). Degradation rate of plastic film of 1 PS/P(3HB) 95:5 at pH 6 was the fastest with k = 0,79 % week, t 50 % = 63,06 week and t 95 % = 119,84 week, followed by PS/P(3HB) 90 : 10 with k = 1,22 % / week, t 50 % = 41,25 week and t 95 % = 78,21 week and PS/P(3HB) 80 : 20 with k = 3,16 % week, t 50 % = 15,81 week and t 95 % = 30,05 week while pure PS plastic film (100 : 0 ) did not degraded at all. The degradation rate of a mixture of plastic film in river water, PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 95:5 showed k= 0,64 % week, t 50 % = 82,63 week and t 95 % = 157,17 week, PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 90:10 with k = 0,69 % week, t 50 % = 72,16 week and t 95 % = 137,4 week ; PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 85:15 with k = 0,74 %/week, t 50% = 66,79 week and t 95% = 127,32 week, while the pure PS plastic film (100:0) did not degrade.
Uji Biodegradasi Filem Plastik Campuran Polistiren dengan Poli(3 Hidroksibutirat-Ko-3-Hidroksivalerat) dalam Lumpur Dewi, Asiska Permata; Octaviani, Melzi; Rustini, Rustini; Zaini, Erizal; Djamaan, Akmal
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi Vol 17 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

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An assay of biodegradation of plastic film combination of polystyrene (PS) and poli (3-hydroxy butyrate-ko-3-hydroxyvalerate) [P(3HB-ko-3HV)] has been conducted. The assay was done by using soil burial test method. The plastic film was made by blending technique of various composition of PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) in to the mud. The remaining weight of plastic film was determined gravimentically time intervals 1,2,3,4 and 5 weeks of burial. Result showed that the P(3HB-ko-3HV) had an influence on the degradation rate of plastic film. The biodegradation rate increased with an increase in P(3HB-ko-3HV) content in the mixture. The rate was derived from linear regression equation and parameters such as biodegradation rate constant (k), t 50 % and t 95% were obtained. It was found that for combination of  PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 95:5 k= 1,26% b/b per week , t 50 % = 39,07 weeks and t 95 % = 74,783 week for the mixture of PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV) 90:10  k = 1,604 % b/b per week, t 50 % = 30,57 week and t 95 % = 58,62 week. For the mixture of PS/P(3HB-ko-3HV), 85:15 k = 2,663 % b/b per week, t 50 % = 17,95 week and t 95 % = 34,85 week. While those of pure PS plastic film k = 0,24 % b/b per week, t 50 % = 201,85 week and t 95 % = 354,55 week which indicated a very slow biodegradation. Analysis by SEM showed that the surface of plastic film was eroded and damaged during the burial. The amount of bacterial colony per 1 gram of mud was 2,31x107.
Identification of physical interaction between trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole by contact method kofler and crystallization reaction Zaini, Erizal
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1024.512 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp31-37


Identification of solid state interaction between TMP and SMZ by hot contact method Kofler and crystallization reaction had been carried out. The results of hot contact method Kofler shown formation a new crystalline habit as long and thin needle shaped on contact zone (mixing zone) between Solid TMP and SMZ. It had a different melting point in compared to its single component. Crystallization reaction between two of supersaturated solution of component TMP and SMZ in methanol solvent also indicated the growth of crystal habit as similar as  hot contact method Kofler. Solid state interaction between TMP and SMZ was confirmed by microscopic SEM, powder X-ray diffraction, and thermal DSC. Microscopic analysis by SEM showed significantly the change of habit and morphology of  crystal as long and thin needle shaped. New powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) interferences peaks were observed in addition to PXRD interference peaks of each component that proved formation of cocrystalline phase. Thermogram DSC indicated a new  endothermic peak corresponding to melting point of a new cocrystalline phase at temperature 178,82 °C.Key words : trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, physical interaction, cocrystalline phase
Pembentukan Kokristal Katekin dengan Nikotinamida Bakhtiar, Amri; Gaesari, Sherly Rahmah; Zaini, Erizal
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Terapan Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Terapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1366.084 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jfst.v2i2.720


Telah dilakukan pembuatan kokristal katekin-nikotinamida dan evaluasi kelarutannya dalam pelarut air. Kokristal dibuat dengan dua metode, yaitu rekristalisasi dengan penguapan pelarut etanol 96% menggunakan rotary evaporator (metode I) dan penguapan pelarut pada suhu ruang (metode II). Karakterisasi kokristal katekin-nikotinamida dilakukan dengan difraksi sinar-X, analisis termal DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis), FT IR (Fourier Transform Infra Red), dan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), serta uji kelarutan dalam pelarut air menggunakan orbital shaker selama 24 jam. Penetapan kadar katekin dilakukan dengan metode KCKT (Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi) menggunakan fase gerak air-asetonitril-metanol-etil asetat-asam asetat glasial (89:6:1:3:1). Hasil difraktogram sinar-X pada kokristal metode I menunjukkan terbentuknya padatan amorf, sedangkan pada metode II menunjukkan terbentuknya fase kristalin baru (kokristal). Pada analisis termal menggunakan DTA terjadi perubahan titik lebur pada kokristal metode I maupun metode II yang berbeda dengan titik lebur katekin dan nikotinamida yang menunjukkan terbentuknya campuran eutektik. Pada analisis FT IR, baik kokristal metode I maupun metode II terjadi pergeseran bilangan gelombang dari spektrum katekin dan nikotinamida yang menunjukkan terbentuknya ikatan hidrogen antara gugus hidroksi fenol dari katekin dengan gugus amida dari nikotinamida. Dari hasil SEM, terlihat habit kristal dari kokristal metode I maupun metode II berbeda dibandingkan dengan habit kristal katekin maupun nikotinamida yang menunjukkan terbentuknya kokristal. Namun kelarutan kokristal katekin-nikotinamida metode I (132,17 mg/100 mL) maupun metode II (131,09 mg/100 mL) tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelarutan katekin (124,58 mg/100 mL). Kata kunci: kokristal, katekin, nikotinamida, kelarutan, KCKT.