Wiwid Noor Rakhmad
Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP UNDIP

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Journal : Interaksi Online

Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 3: Juli 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Brand image is an important aspect in a company, especially in an airline company that is currently in the Post-Crisis period. Post-crisis situation in a company can affect the company's brand image. Garuda Indonesia Airways is an airline company that has experienced a financial crisis from 2019 to 2021. After going through the crisis, Garuda Indonesia Airways is in a post-crisis state which is assumed to affect risk perceptions and people's perceptions of quality towards Garuda Indonesia Airways. That is caused by information about the financial crisis has spread among the public. Efforts made by Garuda Indonesia Airways are to convey positive information consistently regarding services and corporate image through social media. The research findings were analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment correlation to 50 respondents showing the Perception of Risk with the Brand Image of Garuda Indonesia Airways has a significance value of -0.311 which means the relationship is not unidirectional and weak. In other words, the more negative the perception of risk felt by the respondents, the more positive the Post-Crisis Garuda Indonesia Airways Brand Image will be. Perceived Quality with Garuda Indonesia Airways Brand Image has a significance value of 0.369 which means a unidirectional and weak relationship. In other words, the more positive the quality perception felt by consumers, the more positive the Post-Crisis Brand Image of Garuda Indonesia Airways will be. From the research findings, it is suggested that reducing a Perceived Risk must fix things related to Safety and Timeliness Risks and Perceived quality can be improved by increasing the quality of good service to improve the image of airlines damaged by the crisis.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 4: Oktober 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Kebijakan subsidi tepat sasaran MyPertamina menuai kontra dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Media memiliki peran penting dalam menyusun agenda publik terkait kebijakan pemerintah. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, media seringkali mengabaikan kewajibannya untuk menyampaikan informasi secara faktual dan berimbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sikap media khususnya Detik.com terhadap kebijakan subsidi tepat sasaran MyPertamina menggunakan teori agenda setting beserta teori pendukung lainnya dengan metode analisis isi kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pemberitaan Detik.com didominasi topik kritik kebijakan dan nada negati, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap Detik.com dalam memberitakan kebijakan subsidi tepat sasaran MyPertamina cenderung bersifat negatif atau tidak pro terhadap kebijakan. Berdasarkan teknik penulisan, hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa Detik.com cenderung menyajikan berita kebijakan MyPertamina dengan format straight news, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa Detik.com menganggap kebijakan tepat sasaran MyPertamina merupakan isu penting dan harus segera diketahui oleh masyarakat. Dari segi objektivitas pemberitaan kebijakan subsidi tepat sasaran MyPertamina di Detik.com sudah cukup baik. Detik.com cenderung menyajikan berita tanpa pencampuran fakta dan opini, judul dan isi berita cenderung sesuai dan tidak memuat unsur dramatisasi. Namun, keberimbangan Detik.com dalam menampilkan cover both side masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka saran yang dapat peneliti berikan kepada Pertamina sebagai pembuat kebijakan harus responsif terhadap masukan maupun kritikan terkait kebijakan subsidi tepat sasaran MyPertamina. Detik.com sebagai media yang menjalankan fungsi informasi dan pengawasan diharapkan untuk dapat terus mempertahankan objektivitas pemberitaanya dan meningkatkan kualitas informasi beritanya terutama pada sisi cover both side.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 4: Oktober 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The radio industry is currently experiencing a downward trend, causing the number of radio listeners to decrease and spending on radio advertising to decrease. However, KIS Radio a Catholic-based radio in Semarang manages to get around ten advertisers a month. That's quite a lot in the midst of a sluggish radio industry. This research aims to describe how persuasive communication is used by KIS Radio in business negotiations to get advertisers, using a qualitative descriptive research method with a case study approach. In this research, the data collection technique used was interviewed, with the Miles and Huberman Model data analysis technique. The theories used in this research are the Motivated Sequence theory and Lawrence Kincaid's negotiation communication model. The research results show that the Radio KIS marketing team carries out persuasive communication to potential advertisers using the Motivated Sequence theory by focusing on satisfaction, where in this step the marketing team tries to provide satisfactory solutions, fulfill the needs and solve the problems of potential advertisers. The application of this Motivated Sequence makes KIS Radio's persuasive marketing messages more argumentative and more convincing for potential advertisers to advertise on KIS Radio. Likewise, in negotiations, the Radio KIS marketing team uses Lawrence Kincaid's communication model, where Radio KIS marketing attempts to persuade potential advertisers and also tries to understand the desires and needs of potential advertisers, and also provides various alternative solutions that are tailored to the needs and business situations experienced by the candidate. advertisers, so that both parties can reach a mutual agreement which is the goal of business negotiations, so that the interests of both parties can be fulfilled.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 4: Oktober 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Communication is an important thing that must work well and be as effective as possible in organizations, including the Ikatan Mahasiswa Berprestasi (IMAPRES) Wonogiri. This research was motivated by the participation of IMAPRES members who were not optimal, where most members had to be evaluated because of the lack of innovation that occurred. This study aims to determine communication barriers that occur in the IMAPRES organization and to find out the steps taken by the IMAPRES organization in solving communication barriers, using a qualitative descriptive study type method. This study uses a positivistic paradigm with the data collection technique used is in-depth interviews. The theory used in this study is organizational information theory and neoclassical or human relations theory. The results of this study indicate that the IMAPRES Wonogiri has various kinds of communication barriers due to the distance factor, starting from physical distance, social distance, and psychological distance that occurs among members of the Wonogiri IMAPRES. Communication barriers that occur such as ineffectiveness of members in utilizing existing communication media, separation of members based on campus area, existence of friendship circles based on place of education and views of administrators, jealousy over positions, differences in work pressure, unequal perceptions of high idealism, and personal problems brought into the organization. This study also found that the level of participation of IMAPRES members tends to be maximal in the form of time and material contributions, while contributions in the form of energy and thoughts are still minimal. Then there have been efforts made by IMAPRES Wonogiri in resolving communication barriers that occurred including by personally confirming, creating a Google form link, requiring oncam in online forums, holding reshuffles, holding evaluation forums, and providing mediators.
Co-Authors Adelya Putri Ayu Felita Adham Helian Wicaksana Adi Nugroho Adi Nugroho Aditya Putra, Mochammad Afifah Azzahra Agus Naryoso S.Sos, M.Si, Agus Naryoso Al Afifka Ma’rifatul Qomari Zaman Alifati Hanifah Amida Yusriana Anggita Pratita Sandya Annisya Winarni Putri Anugrah Beta Familio Anzilna Mubaroka Aprilla Agung Yunarto Ayu Saraswati Ayu Sri Purnama, Ayu Sri Bening Shabilla Utami Bhaswarani Oktadianisty Chrisintya Mauli Sitorus Chykla Azalika DANIEL EDI KURNIAWAN Destika Fajarsylva Anggraini Devi Yuhanita Qorina, Devi Yuhanita Devy Widya Cahyani Dika Okta Fianto, Ferdian Diyan Krissetyoningrum Djoko Setyabudi Djoko Setyabudi Dody Pradana Eryanto DR Sunarto Dr. Sunarto Dwi Purba ningrum Dwi Ratna Setyorini Elsa Septiana Pertiwi Endang Retnowati Erisa Dwi Syafira Eva Wijiyanti Hidayat Fani Adhiti Farrah Alfarani Nur Hidayat Fatraya, Denisa Fikri Onasis Fitri Nur Hidayat Fitriana Nur Indah S Gusti Restu Kinanti Hapsari Dwiningtyas Hapsari Dwiningtyas Sulistyani Hesti Ratnasari, Hesti Hizarani Lailan Saadah Sihombing Ignatia Endra Kristianti Ika Putri Hanafi Ilham Futaki Ilvani Fylandita Vristiandaniva Imam Dwi Nugroho Indra Prayoga Intan Mashitasari Intan Maylani S.D. Iswara Pramusita, Regina Joyo NS Gono Joyo NS Gono Kholita Putri Arifiana M Bayu Widagdo M Yulianto Mabchut Nahdi, Faris Maerel Dhalia Arumnisa Mar'atul Hanifah Marwah Gayatri Purnado MERCYANA MAJESTY YULION Mila Candra Novianti Mira Adinia Much. Yulianto Muhammad Bayu Widagdo Muhammad Rofiuddin Naura Kamila Prasetyanti Neazar Astina Prabawani Nico Ariowibowo Niki Hapsari Fatimah Nugroho Adhi Santoso, Ixnatius Nur Mustika, Ratu Nurist Surayya Ulfa Nurriyatul Lailiyah M.I.Kom Nurul Hasfi Nurul Istiqomah Olivia Anjani Paskah M Pakpahan Pingki Setiyo Anggraeni Primada Qurrota Ayun Pua Ayu Wardhani Putri Ramadhini Putty Elvia Nusdalita R. Sigit Pandhu Kusumawardana Raden Mas Muhammad Ridha Prasetya Ramadhani Zahra Rizki Kurnia Yuniasti Rosada Fitrianum, Febia Roseana, Brilianti Roy Bagus Royyani Rwanda Zwazdianza Azwar S. Rouli Manalu Selo Pangestu Imawan Setyo Eka Rofi Shintaloka Pradita Sicca, Shintaloka Pradita Silvia Kartika C Dewi Sri Budi Lestari Sri Budi Lestari Sri Widowati Sri Widowati Herieningsih Sri Widowati Herieningsih Sunarto Sunarto Tandiyo Pradekso Taufik Suprihartini Taufik Suprihatini Teguh Kurniawan, Petrus Teresia Kinta Wuryandini Tita Adi Tiyawati Triyono Lukmantoro Triyono Lukmantoro Turnomo Rahardjo Turnomo Rahardjo Uci Andriani Ulya Saida Usaid Abdullah Dzikri Velina Prismayanti Susanto Venansius DavyGian A Vicho Whisnurangga Vincentius Raditya Kristiawan Vinna Dewi Haryanti Wening Jiwandaru Pradanari Yanuar Luqman Yuanita Putri Melati Zefa Alinda Fitria