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Perbandingan Pemberian Tablet Fe dan Mengkonsumsi Sayuran Kalakai (Stenochlaena palustris) Pada Ibu Hamil Terhadap Kenaikan Kadar Hb Di Puskesmas Gambut Akhmad Mahyuni; Sugeng Riyanto; Muhhalimah Muhhalimah
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 6 No 1 (2015): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Iron Deficiency Anemia (ABD) remains a public health problem with respect to the high prevalence and its impact on the health of mothers and their babies. How to prevent iron deficiency in pregnant women by administering daily 1 tablet Fe 90 days of pregnancy. Eat foods that contain lots of iron from animal foods According Dessy et al that the iron content of 291,32 mg per 100 mg of material, allowing for the prevention of anemia. This study aims to determine the ratio between the provision of iron tablet and consuming vegetables kalakai (Stenochlaena palustris) in pregnant women to rise in Hb levels in Public Health Centers Gambut 2015. This study uses Quasy experimental design with pretest-posttest design. In this study, samples were measured in this study is the second trimester pregnant women were anemic (<10,5gr%) as many as 24 people were divided into 2 groups: group A were given a tablet Fe and group B were given kalakai vegetable for 22 days. Data were analyzed using T- test, Test Dependent and Independent T-test. The statistical results showed that there is a significant increase in the average hemoglobin levels before and after treatment in both groups (p = 0,000), but the increase in hemoglobin levels were not different both treatment groups (p = 0,262). After giving the Fe tablet and kalakai vegetables no elevated levels of hemoglobin but the increase was not significantly different between treatment groups. Giving Fe needs to be continued and necessary extension of knowledge about nutrition in kalakai vegetables and health and food intake.
Pengaruh Status Gizi Ibu Hamil Primigravida Trimester III Dengan Kejadian Perdarahan Ante Partum (Hap) Di Blud Rs Dr.H.Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin Tahun 2014 Sugeng Riyanto; Ermas Estiyana; Lia Septiliana; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 2 (2015): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Antepartum hemorrhage is bleeding in women after pregnancy at 28 weeks. Bleeding in the future have a higher risk of severe and dangerous than the bleeding before 28 weeks gestation. Pregnancy changes the mother's physical and mental in nature. Mom must have good health and have adequate nutrition before and after pregnancy. Maternal nutrition during conception must be in good condition and during the pregnancy the mother should get extra protein, iron, calcium, vitamins, folic acid and energy. Deficiency or excess food intake during pregnancy can be bad for the mother, fetus and on time delivery. The causes factors of maternal and fetal death due to lack of awareness for antenatal mothers, not helped in childbirth, malnutrition and others. This study aims to determine the effect of nutritional status of pregnant women with incident primigravida third trimester haemorrhage antepartum (HAP) in BLUD Hospital H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin in 2014. Study using survey methods with cross sectional analytic. The study population was all pregnant women in the third trimester primigravida in delivery room BLUD H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. Based on the results of the chi square test, no effect of nutritional status of pregnant women in the third trimester primigravida incidence of haemorrhage antepartum (HAP) in the BLUD H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin in 2014.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Guntung Payung Tahun 2013 M. Noor; Sugeng Riyanto; Mutiara Kusuma Wardani; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2014): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Pneunomia is infection in lower respiratory tract and it is a health problem in the world because of its high number of death, predicted more than 2 million of children under five years death because of pneumonia compared to other diseases. Pneumonia on baby and children under five years caused by bacteria and virus andinfluenced by some factors, such as environmental factor,child individual factor and behavioral factor. Environmental factors consist of house condition covers density of the house, ventilation, humidity, lighting, and air pollution in the house. For child individual factors cover child age, birth weight, nutritional status, immunization status, and giving vitamin A. Behavioral factors cover parents’ knowledge, immediate action to disease and coverage of health services. This study aimed to know the factors which influenced pneumonia occurrence on children under five at working area of Guntung Payung Health Center of Banjarbaru in 2013. This study used analytic survey method with cross-sectional approach. Population in this study was all children under five in working area of Guntung Payung Health Center of Banjarbaru in 2013 with 92 respondents. Based on the result of chi-square test showed there was no correlation among, age, birth weight and giving vitamin A with pneumonia occurrence on children under five age. Whereas, there was correlation between immunization status of children under five and pneumonia occurrence at Guntung Payung Health Center of Banjarbaru in 2013.
Pengaruh Pemberian Kompres Hangat Terhadap Status Dismenore Primer Pada Mahasiswi Tingkat III Prodi DIV Bidan Pendidik STIKES Husada Borneo Tahun 2013 Rusman Efendi; Sugeng Riyanto; Siti Ulfi; STIKES Husada Borneo; Puskesmas Gambut; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2014): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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In Indonesia, the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea occurred around 54.89%. Primary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that occurs since menarche and there are no abnormalities in the womb tool. The use of warm compresses on the lower abdomen during menstrual pain is expected to reduce the intensity of pain due to the widening of blood vessels resulting in increased blood circulation as well as an increase in capillary pressure. Warm compresses a method of providing a sense of warmth to the client by using the tools that lead to fluid or warm on the body requires. This study aims to determine whether there is the effect of a warm compress to the status of primary dysmenorrhea. This study used survey method using cross sectional analytic ie where variables including risk factors and variables which include the effect on the observation well at the same time. Total sampling Sampling method. The population in this study are all Level III student Prodi DIV Stikes Husada Midwife Educators in Borneo. The variables of this study is the provision of a warm compress and primary dysmenorrhea. Data analysis using chi-square test. Most respondents were female students who do warm compresses when experiencing primary dysmenorrhea which there are 59 (52.2%) respondents. Most of the respondents who do warm compresses when experiencing primary dysmenorrhea have mild dysmenorrhea status ie no 50 (44.2%) respondents. Effect of Warm Compress presence Status Of Primary Dysmenorrhea. The conclusion of this study Effect of Warm Compress Against Primary Dysmenorrhea Status. Suggestions addressed to the agency's research, science, respondents and for the community.
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Infeksi Kecacingan dengan Status Gizi Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gambut Kabupaten Banjar Tahun 2015 Rahmi Noerdiana Hidayati; Sugeng Riyanto; Alfia Rahma; STIKES Husada Borneo; Puskesmas Gambut; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 6 No 1 (2015): November
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Nutrition is one determinant of the quality of human resources. The food is given daily nutrition should contain as needed, so that support optimal growth and can prevent deficiency diseases, prevent poisoning, and also help prevent diseases that can interfere with the survival of children. The main factor cause of malnutrition is unbalanced food intake and infectious diseases. Both of these factors are closely related to lack of food availability at household level, poor parenting and inadequate health care. This study aims to determine the relationship mother Knowledge About Helminthiases Against Infection Toddler Nutritional Status in Puskesmas Gambut Regency Banjar in 2015. This study used analytic survey with cross sectional study with sampling techniques performed Accidental Sampling. This study was conducted on 47 respondents mothers and children aged ≥ 2 years - ≤ 5 years. Results of statistical analysis using SPSS spaerman test on a computer p value = 0,000, this value is smaller than α = 0,05. Which is interpreted H0 is rejected, it means that there is a correlation mother knowledge about worm infection with nutritional status of children.
Karakteristik Dukun Bersalin Tentang Kemitraan dengan Bidan di Wilayah Puskesmas Mataraman Kabupaten Banjar Akhmad Mahyuni; Sugeng Riyanto; Novita Hendrawati; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2014): Maret
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Traditional birth attendant is a woman who has the ability to perform the help of labor obtained with traditional methods. Partnership, cooperation based on mutual agreements between the parties concerned. The specific aims of this research are: to determine the characteristics of a traditional birth attendant in work of Puskesmas Mataraman, to determine a traditional birth attendant about partnership with midwives in area of Puskesmas Mataraman, and to determine the characteristics of a traditional birth attendant about partnership with midwives in area of Puskesmas Mataraman. This study used a descriptive method is a method of research conducted with the main objective to description of a situation objectively. This study used cross sectional approach and the sampling technique used in the total population that is sample in this research all a traditional birth attendant are located in area of Puskesmas Mataraman amounted to 22 people. Data collection techniques are obtained from direct interviews with questionnaires to the respondents. From the results of this research obtained the majority of education by the respondent only basic level or elementary level (90.91%), the largest age group of respondents is the age group 50-54 years (27.28%) and the highest level of respondents' knowledge obtained is lack of knowledge level (63.64%). Based on the research that has been done it is recommended to health institutions to provide refreshment to the health workers, especially midwives toward mother and child health for handling cases of births attended by a traditional birth attendant.
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2007)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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ABSTRACTZeorin or 6,22-Dihydroxyhopane is a compound isolated from Aegle marmelos Correacollected in Yogyakarta Indonesia. The molecular structure was confirmed in Universiti PutraMalaysia. This compound was obtained from petroleum ether extract of the leaves of Aeglemarmelos Correa. In present study, we investigated the effects of zeorin on the -hexoaminidaseenzyme release from mast cell culture. The experiment was performed by using rat basophilicleukemia (RBL-2H3) cell line, a tumor analog of mast cells. DNP24-BSA and thapsigargin were usedas immunologic and non-immunologic inducers for -hexoaminidase enzyme release from mastcells, respectively. The release of -hexoaminidase enzyme was determined by using colorimetricmethods with an enzyme substrate, p-nitrofenil-2-Acetamido-2-deoksi--D-gluko-piranosida, and amicroplate reader at 405 nm. In this study, treatment of 20 ng/mL DNP24-BSA and 0.5 Mthapsigargin could stimulate the release of -hexoaminidase enzyme from RBL-2H3 cells by25.421.62 % and 33.163.72 %, respectively. Zeorin showed potent inhibitory effects on the -hexoaminidase enzyme release, when the release induced by DNP24-BSA. In contrast, zeorin showweak inhibitory effects, when the -hexoaminidase enzyme release from RBL-2H3 cells induced bya Ca2+stimulant, thapsigargin. The IC50 values of zeorin&rsquo;s effects on DNP24-BSA and thapsigarginexperiments were 33,71 M and >100 M, respectively. Based on the results, the inhibitory effect ofzeorin on the -hexoaminidase enzyme release from RBL-2H3 cells involving mechanisms relatedto the interaction of IgE on the mast cell surface or intracellular signal transductions involved inmast cell degranulation.Key words : Aegle marmelos Correa, zeorin, sel mast, -hexoaminidase enzyme
VITALITAS BAHASA SUNDA DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG Wagiati Wagiati; Wahya Wahya; Sugeng Riyanto
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v16i2.14357


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan vitalitas (daya hidup, tingkat kesehatan) bahasa Sunda menghadapi bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian itu berancangan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan dua variabel bebas, yakni penggunaan bahasa Sunda yang dihadapkan dengan bahasa Indonesia dan kelompok pengguna bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa pertama, yakni keluarga asli Sunda yang bermukim di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Variabel terikatnya adalah pilihan bahasa, yakni bahasa Sunda atau bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa vitalitas bahasa Sunda kuat pada ranah kekeluargaan, transaksional, dan kekariban; tetapi lemah pada ranah kedinasan dan orang tidak dikenal. Dari segi kesepakatan, ranah keluarga, transaksional, dan kekariban juga menduduki tempat yang tinggi dibandingkan ranah kedinasan dan orang tidak dikenal. Penggunaan terbanyak bahasa Sunda ada pada ranah kekeluargaan, terutama pada saat informan berbicara dengan kakek/nenek dan ayah/ibu. Bahasa Sunda berkurang vitalitasnya pada ranah kedinasan dan ranah orang tidak dikenal.Kata kunci: vitalitas bahasa, bahasa pertama, bahasa Sunda THE VITALITY OF THE SUNDANESE LANGUAGE IN BANDUNG REGENCYAbstractThis study aims to prove the vitality of the Sundanese language to face the Indonesian language. This was a quantitative study involving two independent variables, namely the use of the Sundanese language to confront the Indonesian language and groups of users of the Sundanese language as the first language, namely the native Sundanese families living in Bandung Regency, West Java. The dependent variable was the choice of language, i.e. the Sundanese or Indonesian language. The results prove that the vitality of the Sundanese language is strong in the family, transaction, and closeness domains; but it is weak in the official domain and that related to strangers. In terms of agreement, the family, transaction, and closeness domains also occupy a high position compared to the official domain and that related to strangers. The use of the Sundanese language with the highest frequency is in the family domain, especially when the informants talk with grandparents and fathers/mothers. The vitality of the Sundanese language lessens in the official domain and that related to strangers.Keywords: language vitality, first language, Sundanese language
Characteristics of surface roughness and microhardness of nitrided pure iron Jan Setiawan; Sugeng Riyanto; Sri Galuh Banawa
FLYWHEEL : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Untirta Volume 7, Issue 1, April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/fwl.v0i0.10198


The nitriding process on metal is commonly made to improve hardness, tribological properties, machinery components, and parts durability. This nitriding process shall affect surface roughness.  The surface roughness determined the quality of components at the time of its use.  The surface hardness changes through the surface chemistry, and to increase the surface roughness are important things to observe the surface modification in nitriding component. The nitriding process of pure iron has been carried out to achieved high surface hardness. The nitriding process was done at the temperature of 1000 °C for 1 hour in the nitrogen atmosphere. This work will discuss the roughness and microhardness characteristic of untreated and treated by nitriding of the pure iron surface to show the correlation of surface roughness to its microhardness. Surface roughness testing is done by mapping the sample area in an array. The surface hardness test is carried out on the Vickers scale. The surface roughness results showed two critical values: surface roughness (Ra) and the mean surface roughness depth (Rz).  The surface roughness value of pure iron increased, the lowest value before treated is 0.0465 μm and the highest value after treated is 0.1089 μm.  The changes of Rz value before treated is 0.2333 μm and the highest value after treated is 1.160 μm.  The surface microhardness after nitriding increased significantly. The average increase that occurred was from 122.8 HV become 533.8 HV.
Jurnal Media Pertanian Vol 2, No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.56 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jagro.v2i1.21


AbstractThis research aimed to know the main pest type and production of “liberika tungkal komposit (libtukom)” coffea plant (coffea sp.) in Betara District, West “Tanjung Jabung. “ Regency. This research was conducted in August to September 2016 at three villages e.g. Parit Tomo, Serdang Jaya, and Parit Panglong and two districts e.g. Mekar Jaya, and  Betara.  Survey method was used in this research by observing the farmer that managed their ” libtukom” coffee farming.   The data collected were primary and secondary data. This experiment result showed that   the main pests type of “libtukom” coffee plant   is  “hypothenemus hampei” insect pest.  Average intensity of attacks in the three research areas is 10.33% or it’s around 9.11% to 10.80%. While “libtukom” coffee production and its productivity in the three research areas is  0,66 ton ha-1 year-1 to 0,67 ton ha-1 year-1.Keywords : main pest, intensity of attacks, liberika tungkal coffea.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis hama utama dan produksi tanaman kopi  liberika tungkal komposit (libtukom) (coffea sp.) di kecamatan Betara kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai September 2016  di Desa Parit Tomo,  Serdang Jaya dan Parit Panglong, Kelurahan Mekar Jaya, Betara.  Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Survei dilakukan pada petani sampel yang melakukan usaha tanaman kopi “libtukom”. Data yang dikumpulkan  adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa jenis hama utama yang menyerang tanaman kopi “libtukom” di daerah penelitian adalah hama jenis serangga hypothenemus hampei. Rata-rata intensitas serangan di tiga daerah penelitian sebesar 10,33% atau berkisar antara 9,11% - 10,80%. Sedangkan produksi dan produktivitas kopi “libtukom” di tiga daerah penelitian masing-masing berkisar antara 0,66 ton ha-1 tahun-1 sampai 0,67 ton ha-1 tahun-1.Kata kunci : hama utama, tingkat serangan, kopi liberika tungkal