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Kloning Gen Melanoma Antigen 1 (Mage-1) dari Jaringan Testis untuk mendapatkan Plasmid Rekombinan Mage-1 Mastutik, Gondo; I’tishom, Reny; Hardjowijoto, Sunaryo; Putra, Suhartono Taat
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 47, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.367 KB)


Gen Melanoma antigen-1 (Mage-1) diekspresikan oleh sel spermatogonia jaringan testis normal dan diekspresikan 60−80% oleh liver penderita karsinoma hepatoseluler (KH). Ekspresi Mage-1 merupakan penanda untuk diagnosis KH serta prediktor kanker lambung dan kolorektal. Isolasi messenger ribonucleid acid (mRNA) Mage-1 dari jaringan liver penderita KH sulit dilakukan sehingga dilakukan isolasi mRNA Mage-1 dari jaringan yang mengekspresikan Mage-1, yaitu jaringan testis normal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratif yang dilakukan di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga, Agustus 2006–Agustus 2008. Tujuan untuk mengkloning seluruh area koding gen Mage-1 dari jaringan testis pada vektor dan mendapatkan plamid rekombinan Mage-1. Isolasi seluruh area koding gen Mage-1 dilakukan dengan teknik semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seluruh area koding gen Mage-1 diisolasi, kemudian dikloningkan ke plasmid pET101/D-TOPO dan ditransformasikan ke Escherichia coli (E. coli) Top10 untuk mendapatkan plasmid rekombinan Mage-1. Panjang pET101/D-TOPO adalah 5.753pb dan area koding gen penyandi Mage-1 927 bp sehingga total panjang plasmid rekombinan 6.680 bp (5.753+927). Hasil analisis restriksi dengan EcoRV menunjukkan pita 4.230 dan 2.450 (4.230+2.450 = 6.680). Analisis sekuens gen Mage-1 dari testis mempunyai homologi 100% dengan sekuens M77481 serta NM_004988, dan 99% dengan BC01755. Simpulan, berdasarkan hasil analisis restriksi dan sekuens maka diperoleh plasmid rekombinan pETGM/MAGE1-Testis yang mengandung seluruh area koding gen Mage-1 dan dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan kit diagnostik karsinoma.  [MKB. 2015;47(4):199–206]Kata kunci:  Jaringan testis, karsinoma hepatoseluler, kloning, melanoma antigen-1, pET101/D-TOPOCloning of Melanoma Antigen 1 (Mage-1) Gene from Testicular Tissue to Obtain the Recombinant Plasmid Mage-1Melanoma antigen-1 (Mage-1) is expressed by spermatogonia cells of normal testicular tissue and 60−80% is expressed by the liver of hepatocellular carcinoma (HC) patients. Mage-1 expression is a marker for diagnosing HC and predicting gastric and colorectal cancers. Isolation of messenger ribonucleid acid (mRNA) Mage-1 from the liver tissue of HC patients is difficult; therefore, Mage-1 mRNA isolates can be obtained from tissues that express Mage-1 such as normal testicular tissues . This is an explorative research that was conducted at the Institute of Tropical Diseases of Airlangga University during August 2006–August 2008. The aim was to clone the coding sequence of Mage-1 gene from testicular tissues into a vector and to get recombinant plasmid Mage-1. Isolation of the full-length Mage-1 was performed using semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which was then cloned into plasmid pET101/D-TOPO and transformed into Escherichia coli (E. coli) Top10 to get recombinant plasmid Mage-1. The length of pET101/D-TOPO was 5,753 bp and Mage-1 was 927 bp. The length of recombinant plasmid was 6,680 bp (5,753+927). Restriction analysis using EcoRV showed 4,230 and 2,450 bp bands (4,230+2,450=6,680). Sequence analyses showed that Mage-1 was 100% homologous with M77481 and NM_004988, 99% homologous with BC01755. In conclusion, according to the results of the restriction and sequences analysis, the recombinant plasmid pETGM/MAGE1-Testis contains the full length coding region of Mage-1 and is useful for developing the hepatocellular carcinoma diagnostic kits. [MKB. 2015;47(4):199–206] DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v47n4.621
CORRELATION BETWEEN BLOOD SERUM PSA LEVEL AND MMP-2 IN PROSTATE ADENOCARCINOMA Rahaju, Anny Setijo; Meidi, Aniek; Mastutik, Gondo; Mustokoweni, Sjahjenny; Mustika, Arifa
Indonesian Journal of Urology Vol 23 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Urological Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32421/juri.v23i2.220


Objective: This study aims to prove the correlation between Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood level and Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma. Material & method: Prostate cancer patients’ data from January 2009 to May 2012 were collected at the Department of Pathology, Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Data collected included patient medical documents, PSA blood examination, and histopathological examination. Histopathology slides and paraffin blocks of needle biopsies, Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) and radical prostatectomy of prostate cancer patients werere-read, then the samples that met the inclusion criteria were stained by immunohistochemistry using antibodies MMP-2. Results: Data collection was done to obtain data samples of prostate cancer patients in 2009 to 2012 comprising as many as 22 patients between the ages of 52-91 years. Prostate adenocarcinoma in age of 70-79 was found in 8 patients, with a mean age of 68 years. PSA values obtained from medical documents were between 8.6-594.41 ng/ml. Spearman's test performed in this study showed a positive correlation (one-tailed) (correlation coefficient (r) 0431, p < 0.05) between blood PSA level and MMP-2 expression in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: Blood PSA level correlates positively with MMP-2 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma.
Hubungan Ekspresi CD133 dan EGFR Terhadap Derajat Keganasan pada Karsinoma Ovarium Agung Dwi Suprayitno; Dyah Fauziah; Gondo Mastutik
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 30 No 1 (2021): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (646.149 KB) | DOI: 10.55816/mpi.v30i1.462


BackgroundOvarian carcinoma account for 90% of all malignant ovarian tumors. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), also known asErbB1/HER1, has an important role in tumor cell proliferation. CD133 is a marker for hematopoietic stem cell and it is involved in tumorcell proliferation, self renewal and cell differentiation. The objective to analyze the expression of CD 133 and EGFR in high grade andlow grade ovarian carcinoma, and to determine the correlation between the expression of CD133 and EGFR expression in ovariancarcinoma.MethodsThe study was conducted with observational and cross sectional method on paraffin blocks of patients diagnosed as ovariancarcinoma from 1 January until 31 December 2017 in Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Ovarian carcinoma was divided into 2 grade, low gradeand high grade. Immunohistochemistry for EGFR and CD133 was performed. Immuno-reactive Score (IRS) was applied to evaluatethe expression of EGFR and CD133. The difference expression of CD133 and EGFR in low grade and high grade ovarian carcinomawas analyzed with Mann-Whitney test. Correlation between CD133 with EGFR was analyzed with Spearman test.ResultsThere were significant difference in expression of CD133 (p=0.0001) and EGFR (p=0.0005) in high grade and low grade OvarianCarcinoma. There was significant positive correlation between CD133 and EGFR expression in Ovarian Carcinoma (p=0.035; r=0.37)ConclusionExpression of CD133 and EGFR were higher in high grade ovarian carcinoma. The higher expression of CD133 will increaseexpression of EGFR in ovarian carcinoma. Both markers may be used as prognostic factor.
Ekspresi Protein HPV16 E6/18 E6 dan Protein P53 pada Adenokarsinoma Serviks Rahmi Alia; Gondo Mastutik; Faroek Hoesin
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 25 No 1 (2016): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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Latar belakang Kejadian kanker serviks di Indonesia masih tinggi, 90% kanker serviks jenis sel skuamosa disebabkan Human Papillomavirus (HPV), dan selain itu infeksi HPV juga menimbulkan adenokarsinoma serviks. Protein Early 6 (E6) HPV memicu karsinogenesis. E6 mengikat protein 53 (p53) wild type dan mendegradasinya. Inaktivasi p53 menyebabkan gangguan mekanisme pengaturan apoptosis. E6 juga merusak DNA menimbulkan p53 mutan. Di sisi lain adenokarsinoma serviks dapat berkembang menjadi tumor berdiferensiasi baik, diferensiasi sedang, dan diferensiasi buruk. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan antara ekspresi E6 dan p53 pada adenokarsinoma serviks berdiferensiasi baik, diferensiasi sedang, dan diferensiasi buruk, serta menganalisa korelasi antara ekspresi E6 dan p53pada adenokarsinoma leher rahim. Metode Rancangan penelitian menggunakan cross sectional. Sampel dibagi adenokarsinoma serviks diferensiasi baik, sedang, dan buruk, yang telah didiagnosis di Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya periode Januari-Desember 2013. Sampel dilakukan pulasan immunohistokimia dengan antibody monoklonal HPV E6 dan p53. Perbedaan ekspresi HPV E6 dan p53 pada adenokarsinoma serviks dianalisa menggunakan Kruskall-Wallis. Hubungan antara ekspresi HPV E6 dan p53 pada adenokarsinoma serviks dianalisa menggunakan Spearman. Hasil Tidak didapatkan perbedaan ekspresi HPV E6 maupun ekpresi p53 pada derajat adenokarsinoma serviks (p=0,626). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara HPV E6 dan p53 pada adenokarsinoma serviks (rs=0,429, p=0,018). Kesimpulan Terdapat hubungan antara ekspresi HPV E6 dengan p53 pada adenokarsinoma serviks. Peningkatan ekspresi HPV E6 seiring dengan peningkatan ekspresi p53. Tidak terdapat perbedaan ekspresi HPV E6 dan p53 pada derajat adenokarsinoma serviks. Kata kunci: adenokarsinoma serviks, E6, HPV16, p53.
Analisis Ekspresi BRAF dan TERT pada Kasus Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Berdasarkan Stratifikasi Risiko ATA Cempaka Harsa Sekarputri,; Etty Hary Kusumastuti,; Gondo Mastutik
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 29 No 3 (2020): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.269 KB) | DOI: 10.55816/mpi.v29i3.444


BackgroundPapillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common malignancy in thyroid, accounting for more than 80% of all thyroid cancer.Rrecurrences of the disease reach 30% cases. It has been widely observed that BRAF and TERT is associated with aggressivenessbehaviors in human cancer. Both are involved in the pathogenesis of PTC that may be used as targets for new therapies. AmericanThyroid Association (ATA) risk stratification can define the risk of recurrence in PTC. No marker has been found to determine therisk of PTC recurrence. The purpose of this study is to analyzed BRAF and TERT expression in ATA risk stratification system inPTC classic variant samples.MethodsThe methods of this study is an analytical observational study with cross sectional approach, conducted on 56 samples of PTCclassic variant selected from Department of Anatomical Pathology Dr. Soetomo General Hospital between January 2015-December2017 by determined criteria in ATA risk stratification groups of low risk, intermediate risk and high risk. The expression BRAF andTERT observed using immunohistochemical staining of Santa Cruz monoclonal antibody.ResultsThe result for each group based on ATA risk stratification groups of low risk were 13 samples (23.20%), intermediate risk were 25samples (44.62%) and high risk were 18 samples (32.12%).The correlation was assessed with Spearman’s rho correlation test. There is significant correlation BRAF (p=0.004) with a value ofr=0.374 and TERT(p=0.032) with a value of r=0.287 for ATA risk stratification.ConclusionBRAF and TERT expression showed significant correlation to ATA risk stratification in classic variant PTC.
Hypoglycemic Effects of Rosa damascena Mill. Ethanolic Extract on Blood Glucose Levels and Diameter of Langerhans Pancreatic Islets Bilqis Inayatillah; Tamam Jauhar; Gondo Mastutik; Alphania Rahniayu
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i2.14679


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder caused by elevated levels of high blood glucose(hyperglycemia). This chronic hyperglycemia causes ROS to accumulate and oxidative stress to increase.Rosa damascena is a plant that contains high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, but this is not widelyknown to the public. Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand the hypoglycemic effects from Rosadamascena on blood glucose levels and diameter of Langerhans pancreatic islets. Method: Thirty Wistaralbino rats (200-225gr) were divided into 6 groups. Group 1 was a normal control (KN), group 2 washyperglycemic (KD), group 3 was metformin 250 mg/kg BW (KM), group 4 was treatment extract 250 mg/kg BW (P1), group 5 was treatment extract 500 mg/kg BW (P2) group 6 was treatment extract 1000 mg/kg BW (P3). All animals in the group were injected with STZ 50 mg/kg BW, except for group 1. Result:Data were analyzed statistically using SPSS- 22 software with the Kruskall-Wallis test (p<0.05). The resultshowed that ethanolic extract of Rosa damascena has decreased blood glucose levels in days-14 (382±21,97) with 250 mg/kg BW (P1) compare with another treatment group. In histological observed there areno significant different between group (p>0.05). This is showing that ethanolic extract of Rosa damascenahas inability to repaired the diameter of Langerhans pancreatic islets. Conclusion: Ethanolic extract of Rosadamascena decreased blood glucose levels but did not repaired the diameter of Langerhans pancreatic islets.
The Correlation of EMMPRIN and EGFR Overexpression toward Muscle Invasiveness in Urothelial Carcinoma of Bladder Leonita Agustin Hambalie; Anny Setijo Rahaju; Gondo Mastutik
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i2.14782


Urothelial carcinomas represent 90% of all primary bladder cancers. Muscle invasion is a critical prognosticdeterminant in urothelial carcinoma. The overexpression of EMMPRIN and EGFR was found in urothelialcarcinoma. The association between the two markers has not been reported in urothelial carcinoma,therefore we aimed to analyze the expression of EMMPRIN and EGFR and investigate their association withurothelial carcinoma invasiveness. Paraffin-embedded tissues were obtained from 54 urothelial carcinomapatients which then underwent immunohistochemistry staining for EMMPRIN and EGFR antibody. Thecomparison of EMMPRIN and EGFR expression was tested using the Mann Whitney U test. The correlationwas analyzed using the Spearman test. Results showed a significant difference of EMMPRIN expressionbetween non-muscle-invasive and muscle-invasive bladder cancer (p = 0.000), and EMMPRIN expressionwas significantly correlated with the muscle invasion (rs = 0.481, p = 0.000). A significant difference ofEGFR expression between the non-muscle-invasive and muscle-invasive bladder cancer was also found(p = 0.020), and EGFR expression was significantly correlated with the muscle invasion (rs = 0.319, p =0.019). The expression of EMMPRIN was positively correlated with EGFR in urothelial carcinoma (rs =0.322, p = 0.018). The expression of EMMPRIN and EGFR are two potential biomarkers for urothelialcarcinoma invasiveness which may be helpful to differentiate between muscle-invasive and non-muscleinvasive bladder cancer.
Skrining Kanker Serviks dengan Pemeriksaan Pap Smear di Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding Surabaya dan Rumah Sakit Mawadah Mojokerto Gondo Mastutik; Rahmi Alia; Alphania Rahniayu; Nila Kurniasari; Anny Setijo Rahaju; Sjahjenny Mustokoweni
Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Vol. 23 No. 2 (2015): Mei - Agustus 2015
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.563 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mog.V23I22015.54-60


Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi lesi prekanker serviks dengan cara melakukan skrining kanker serviks menggunakan pemeriksaan Pap smear.Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan pada 140 wanita, terdiri dari 90 orang dari Puskes-mas Tanah Kali Kedinding Surabaya, dan 50 orang dari Rumah Sakit Mawadah Mojokerto, dengan usia 20-70 tahun. Pemeriksaan spesimen sitologi serviks dengan pengecatan Papaniculaou dan klasifikasi hasil pemeriksaaan sitologi berdasar-kan klasifikasi Papaniculaou dan sistim Bethesda. Pemeriksaan inspeksi visual asam asetat (IVA) adalah metode lain untuk skrining kanker serviks dilakukan dengan mengoleskan asam asetat 5% pada area serviks dan melakukan pengamatan satu menit kemudian.Hasil: Hasil pemeriksaaan Pap smear menunjukkan Papaniculaou kelas I (sama dengan normal pada klasifikasi sistim Bethesda) yaitu 12.1%, kelas II (sama dengan NILM pada klasifikasi sistim Bethesda) yaitu 86, 4%, dan kelas III (sama dengan LSIL pada klasifikasi sistim Bethesda) yaitu 1,4%. Hasil pemeriksaan IVA menunjukkan 6,43% positif dan 93,57% negatif. Hasil pemeriksa-an IVA positif terdapat pada 9/140 orang yang merupakan proses keradangan dan infeksi, bukan merupakan lesi prekanker.Simpulan: Prevalensi lesi prekanker yaitu 1,4%. Pemeriksaan IVA menunjukkan hasil positif semu yang disebabkan oleh proses radang atau infeksi pada serviks. 
Genotype of human papilloma virus in invasive cervical carcinoma at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Markus Kore; Gondo Mastutik; Sjahjenny Mustokoweni
Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Vol. 25 No. 2 (2017): August
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.674 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mog.V25I22017.33-40


Objectives: To identify the variants of genotype HPV that most often found in ICC at Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya.Materials and Methods: This was an explorative study with cross sectional approach. Specimens used were 30 formalin fix parrafin embedded from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), adenocarcinoma (AD) dan adenosquamous carcinoma (AS) cervival cancer parients at Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya around Januari-Desember 2013, then used for DNA virus extraction and continued for PCR and HPV genotyping.Result : The result of HPV genotyping showed 10 positives from SCC, 6 positives and 4 negatives from AD, and 9 positives and 1 negative from AS. HPV infections in SCC were single infection by HPV 16, 18, 45, 56, and multiple infection by HPV 16+45, in AD were single infection by HPV 16,18, anad multiple infection by HPVhr+hr 68b+72 and HPVlr+hr  6+18+45, and in AS were single infection by HPVhr 16, 18, 45 and mutiple infection by HPV lr+hr 6+59.Conclusion : Infections HPV in ICC were single infection by HPV16, 18, 45, 56 and mutiple infection by HPV16+45, 68b+72, 6+18+45, 6+59. HPV 18 has highest prevalence in ICC patient from Dr Soetomo Hospital, followed by HPV16, 6, 45, 56, 59.
Human pappilomavirus genotype in cervical tissue of patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) 1, CIN 2, and CIN 3 Gondo Mastutik; Rahmi Alia; Alphania Rahniayu; Anny Setijo Rahaju; Renny I’tishom; Suhartono Taat Putra
Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Vol. 24 No. 3 (2016): September - December
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.113 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mog.V24I32016.74-78


Objectives: to determine the genotype of HPV in patients with precancerous lesions of cervical tissue.Materials and Methods: An observational study with cross sectional study of patients paraffin block CIN1, CIN2, CIN3 was conducted in Dr Soetomo Hospital. HPV DNA was extracted from paraffin blocks, then performed PCR and genotyping of HPV. The sample consisted of 28 patients with cervical tissue paraffin blocks CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3. Patients aged between 26-74 years (standard deviation 10,12).Results: HPV genotypes that infect patients with CIN1 were HPV16 and 18, CIN2 were HPV16 and 52 and CIN3 were HPV16, 67, and combined infection HPV16/67 and HPV52/67. HPV genotypes in a single infection were 26/28 (HPV16, HPV18, HPV52 and HPV67), and multiple infections were 2/28 (HPV16/67 and HPV52/67).Conclusion: The most dominant HPV genotypes infect patients with precancerous lesions of the cervix were HPV16, HPV67, HPV52, and HPV18.
Co-Authors Afria Arista Afria Arista Afria Arista Afria Arista, Afria Agung Dwi Suprayitno Agus Santosa Ali Rohman Alphania Rahniayu Alphania Rahniayu Alphania Rahniayu Aniek Meidi, Aniek Anny Setijo Rahaju Anny Setijo Rahaju Anny Setijo Rahaju, Anny Setijo Arifa Mustika Aryati Aryati Aryati Aryati Bagus Setyoboedi Benediktus Yohan Benediktus Yohan Bilqis Inayatillah Budi Harjanto Cempaka Harsa Sekarputri Danti Nur Indiastuti Danti Nur Indiastuti Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni Dewi Sartika A. W. Dini Indah Berlianti Dwi Murtiastutik Dyah Fauziah Dyah Fauziah DYAH FAUZIAH, DYAH Erni J. Nelwan Erni Juwita Nelwan Etty Hary Kusumastuti Etty Hary Kusumastuti Faisal Amir Faroek Hoesin Fira Soraya I Ketut Sudiana I'tishom, Reny Jennifer Susanto Juniastuti Juniastuti Khafidhotul Ilmiah Khafidhotul Ilmiah Kuntaman Kuntaman Kuntaman Kuntaman KUSUMASTUTI, ETTY HARY Lasmauli Situmorang Leonita Agustin Hambalie M Hasinuddin Markus Kore Mochamad Amin Muchlis AU Sofro Muchlis AU. Sofro Muhammad Iqhrammullah Nabiha Missaoui Nila Kurniasari Nila Kurniasari Nila Kurniasari Nila Kurniasari Nila Kurniasari Nurma Yuliyanasari, Nurma Poernomo Boedi Setiawan R. Tedjo Sasmono R. Tedjo Sasmono Rahmi Alia Rahmi Alia Rahmi Alia Rahmi Alia Rahmi Alia, Rahmi Renny I’tishom Rizki Eko Prasetyo Shaohong Lai Sjahjenny Mustokoweni, Sjahjenny Sjamsul Arief Sri Masyeni Suhartono Taat Putra Suhartono Taat Putra Suhartono Taat Putra Suhartono Taat Putra Sunaryo Hardjowijoto Sutrisno Sutrisno Tamam Jauhar Trisniartami Setyaningrum Usman Hadi Usman Hadi Windu Purnomo Wira Santoso Ongko Yugi Hari Chandra Purnama