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Penerapan Budaya Kaizen Dan 5R Terhadap Perbaikan Kinerja Karyawan PT NT Piston Ring Indonesia Adetya Herman Pelani; Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2023): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v4i5.3092


Kaizen merupakan konsep yang sederhana, yang berarti “perbaikan”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan  budaya kaizen terhadap kinerja karyawan dan manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan serta penjelasan mengenai pengaruh budaya kaizen terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis sumber data primer dan data primer digunakan untuk memperoleh data mengenai penerapan budaya kaizen dari divisi Quality Control dimana divisi tersebut berkaitan langsung dengan penggunaan budaya kaizen di lokasi kerja. Data primer diperoleh dari Assisten Manajer,leader dan karyawan .Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan mengenai penerapan budaya kaizen pada perusahaan yang diteliti maka dapat disimpulkan adalah Kaizzen merpakan usaha perbaikan terhadap standar kerja selangkah demi selangkah dan terus menerus terhadap proses yang melibatkan semua pihak baik pimpinan maupun karyawan. kegaitan kaizen dan 5R dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan,dengan adanya kaizen dapat mempermudah karyawan dalam proses produksi karena tempat yang rapih dan bersih adanya kegiatan 5R.
Efektivitas Program Pelatihan Tenaga Kerja Dalam Upaya Mengurangi Jumlah Pengangguran Pada Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Kabupaten Bekasi Imam Wahyudi; Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2023): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v4i5.3099


Pengangguran adalah masalah utama suatu negara dan selalu mucul setiap tahun ke tahun di berbagai daerah terutama di daerah padat penduduk seperti di daerah Kabupaten Bekasi. Dampak dari masalah pengangguran ini adalah kemiskinan dan angka kriminalitas yang semakin meningkat. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan angka pengangguran meningkat adanya pandemi Covid-19 dan kurang meratanya antara jumlah tenaga kerja dengan lapangan kerja yang tersedia dan ditambah masalah kurangnya keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh para pencari kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa program pelatihan tenaga kerja di Kabupaten Bekasi dalam upaya mengurangi jumlah pengangguran dengan membuat jenis-jenis program pelatihan tenaga kerja. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik triangulasi dengan survey, wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa program pelatihan tenaga kerja di Disnaker sudah efektif dalam pengurangi jumlah pengangguran dengan menurunya persentasi tingkat pengangguran terbuka dari tahun 2017 sampai 2019 tetapi di tahun 2020 mengalami kenaikan disebatkan oleh pandemi Covid-19. Terdapat 6 jenis program pelatihan kerja dengan jumlah keseluruhan 100 peserta. Faktor penghambat program pelatihan kerja tersebut salah satunya adalah infrastruktur fasilitas-fasilitas pada Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Kabupaten Bekasi. Faktor penghambat tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan cara mengoptimalkan sumber daya manusia yang tersedia.
Penerapan Budaya 5R dalam Upaya Membina Karakter Karyawan Bagian Painting PT Indonesia Thai Summit Plastech Mia Destia Mia Destia; Enjang Suherman Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela Flora Patricia Anggela
Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v6i4.794


Every company has its own organizational culture and is different. PT INDONESIA THAI SUMMIT PLASTECH is one of the companies that implements the 5R culture. The 5R culture itself is an organizational culture originating from Japan that is made to make improvements in the work environment. The purpose of this study is that the author wants to know more about the analysis of the causes and strategies of implementing the 5R culture in an effort to foster the character of employees of the painting section of PT Indonesia Thai Summit Plastech. Data in this study was obtained from observations, interviews, and documents of PT Indonesia Thai Summit Plastech related to the application of 5R culture. Employees of PT Indonesia Thai Summit Plastech has not fully implemented the 5R culture even though the company has made rules for implementing the 5R culture. This happens because of several obstacles, one of which is the lack of employee awareness about the importance of implementing 5R culture and its influence in the work environment. Strategies that can be carried out in implementing 5R culture in an effort to build character are conducting socialization about 5R culture policies, affirming sanctions for employees who do not implement 5R culture, forming a special 5R culture team and supervising employees, and rewarding employees so as to increase work motivation.
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Kud Mina Fajar Sidik Blanakan Subang Agit Riyadi; Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING) Vol 7 No 2 (2024): COSTING : Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/costing.v7i2.7457


Work discipline can determine low or high performance, when employees do not obey rules such as time delays when working that are not inaccordance with applicable rules, it will hinder them from completing work on time before the specified deadline. This shows that there are still employee behaviors that are not in line with company expectations, such as employees who often arrive late and employees who are often absent without clear explanations. This study aims to identify, describe, analyze, and explain the relationship between work discipline and employee performance. This research was conducted using a descriptive verification method. The total population of the study was 70 respondents. The samples obtained by the saturated sampling method amounted to 70 respondents covering the entire population. Data analysis techniques using simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient test, partial t test, and r test of the coefficient of determination. Based on the results of the descriptive test, work discipline and employee performance are in good criteria. Based on the results of the verification test, work discipline has a positive and significant impact on employee performance with a strong correlation level and an influence contribution of 46.3%. Keywords : Work Discipline, and Employee Perfomance
Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan PT. Chang Shin Indonesia Rohayat Rohayat; Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING) Vol 7 No 2 (2024): COSTING : Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/costing.v7i2.7476


The purpose of this research is to examine how the influence of discipline and work motivation on work productivity. This study uses a quantitative methodology which includes descriptive and verification analysis. The analytical method used is multiple regression. The population of this research is the employees of Pt. Chang Shin Indonesia from lean production with a workforce of 450 people. By collecting 60 respondents, the sample for this study was randomly selected. data collected through a questionnaire. To draw conclusions and test the hypothesis used descriptive analysis, verification and multiple regression. The t, R and F tests were used. The results of this study found that (1) the labor productivity of PT. Chang Shin Indonesia is partly influenced by work motivation. (2) Labor productivity of employees of PT. Chang Shin Indonesia is partly influenced by labor discipline. (3) Discipline and work motivation affect the work productivity of employees of PT. Chang-Shin Indonesia at the same time. Keyword : Work Motivation, Work Discipline, Work Produktivity
Pengaruh Kemampuan Inovasi Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing pada Warung Makan di Desa Cengkong Galuh Permadi; Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela
Al-Kharaj: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah Vol. 6 No. 5 (2024): Al-Kharaj: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/alkharaj.v6i5.2215


Over time, food stalls in the Cengkong Village area reflect the importance of the food sector in the local economy, as well as changes in consumer trends that influence the way food stalls operate and compete. The aim of this research is to find out, analyze and explain how innovation ability influences competitive advantage in food stalls in Cengkong Village. The research design used in this research is descriptive and verification with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were micro, small and medium enterprises in Cengkong Village, Karawang Regency, totaling 120 respondents. Researchers can use samples obtained from a population of 92 respondents. This research analysis uses simple linear regression analysis using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 tool. Sample calculations are carried out using the Slovin formula. Based on research results, innovation ability (X) has a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage (Y). With the results of a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05 and a tcount value of (7.558 > 1.986), the Ha hypothesis is accepted and Ho is rejected.
Mediasi Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Pengaruh Kinerja Pegawai Terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat Pada Kecamatan Telukjambe Timur Silviana Nur Yuniawati; Enjang Suherman; Flora Patricia Anggela
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v4i4.2261


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kinerja pegawai terhadap kepuasan masyarakat melalui kualitas pelayanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 96 responden yang melakukan pelayanan administrasi Di Kantor Kecamatan Telukjambe Timur dengan teknik accidental sampling. Dalam penelitian ini angket diukur melalui skala likert. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah analisis jalur, uji t dan uji sobel dengan menggunakan SPSS25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Hasil pengaruh langsung kinerja pegawai terhadap kepuasan masyarakat sebesar 0,047, hasil pengaruh langsung kinerja pegawai terhadap kualitas pelayanan sebesar 0,833, hasil pengaruh langsung kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan masyarakat sebesar 0,464 dan hasil pengaruh tidak langsung kinerja pegawai terhadap kepuasan masyarakat dengan kualitas pelayanan sebagai variabel mediasi sebesar 0,386 dengan pengaruh total sebesar 0,433.
Peran Kepercayaan Pelanggan Dalam Memediasi Pengaruh E-WoM Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Electronic Di Shopee Septiana Wadiyastuti; Enjang Suherman; Laras Ratu Khalida
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v5i2.5061


This study aims to examine the influence of e-wom (electronic word of mouth) and customer trust on the purchase decision of electronic goods products on Shopee, as well as to find out whether customer trust mediates the relationship between E-wom and purchase decisions. This study also aims to provide a better understanding of the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions, especially in the context of purchasing electronic goods at Shopee among students. This study used a verifiative descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The sample used was 96 people who used a random sampling technique that used a direct random selection technique for Shopee users. This analysis uses the path analysis method. The results showed that (electronic word of mouth) E-wom had a positive and significant effect on customer trust, but did not have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Customer trust also has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The E-wom variable has an indirect influence on purchasing decisions through customer trust as a mediation variable. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the role of customer trust in influencing purchasing decisions, especially in the context of technology transactions.
Pengaruh Persepsi Manfaat Dan Persepsi Kemudahan Terhdap Keputusan Penggunaan BNI Tapcash Di Penggemar NCTZEN Pada Grup Facebook Riri Sugiarti; Enjang Suherman; Laras Ratu Khalida
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v5i2.5065


The payment system has undergone transformation due to technological advances in the financial industry, especially with the introduction of e-money or electronic money. PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, the entity responsible for issuing banknotes in Indonesia, promotes its products under the BNI TapCash brand. The main purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the perception of benefits and perceptions of convenience in the decision to use BNI TapCash. This study uses a verifiative descriptive methodology with a quantitative approach. The methodology used is multiple linear regression techniques. The population sample of this study consisted of 102,706 BNI TapCash registered users in Indonesia who are members of the Nctzen Indonesia Facebook page. A sample of 104 people was selected using a random sampling approach known as direct random selection. The participants were BNI TapCash users who were given questionnaires to collect primary data. Data and related discussions display the perception of benefits and perceptions of convenience from BNI TapCash have a considerable influence on its utilization decisions. This can mean that users tend to use BNI TapCash when they have a positive perception of the convenience and benefits provided by the system.
Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Karawang Ike Fauziah Umaroh; Enjang Suherman
PENG: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): JULI 2024
Publisher : Teewan Journal Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62710/ze3v9a67


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pengembangan karir dan motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei, melibatkan 50 orang karyawan yang dipilih secara acak dari berbagai divisi di BKPSDM Karawang. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner yang terdiri dari dua variabel utama: pengembangan karir dan motivasi, serta variabel kinerja karyawan. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif dan inferensial, termasuk uji regresi linier untuk menguji pengaruh variabel-variabel tersebut secara parsial dan simultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan nilai signifikan (sig) sebesar 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari α (0,05) dan nilai thitung sebesar 12.048 yang lebih besar dari ttabel sebesar 0.679. Selain itu, variabel motivasi juga berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan nilai signifikan (sig) sebesar 0,004 yang lebih kecil dari α (0,05) dan nilai thitung sebesar 1.764 yang lebih besar dari ttabel sebesar 0.679. Secara simultan, variabel pengembangan karir dan motivasi berpengaruh sangat signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan nilai signifikan (sig) sebesar 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari α (0,05) dan nilai Fhitung sebesar 433.764 yang lebih besar dari Ftabel sebesar 3.18